More info 092408.pdfSeptember 24, 2008 CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmondsma.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Leah White 4727A Evergreen Way Everett, WA 98203 RE: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AT 8629 & 8705 238" St SW, EDMONDS (LL -2008-54) Dear Ms. White: GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR Your application for a lot line adjustment at 8629 & 8705 2380' St SW in Edmonds is under review; however, more information is needed to continue processing your application. Please provide the followiniz additional information so review can continue: 1. Existing Driveway: Show the location of all existing driveways on the subject parcels as required by ECDC 20.75.050.D.1.e. 2. Gross and Net area: Please provide the gross and net area of the parcels before and after proposed the lot line adjustment. Gross lot area does not include any lot area devoted to vehicular ingresslegress easements per ECDC 3. Access and Utility easement: For the ingress/egress and utility easement being provided to Parcel A, please provide easement provisions stating location of easements, ownership and beneficiary information, and easement maintenance provisions specifying maintenance responsibilities, I am the Planner assigned to your project. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 425.771.0220, extension 1223. Thank you for your interest in development in the City of Edmonds — I look forward to working with you on this project. S' ely, d ernen Lien ssociate Planner CC: File LL -2008-54 Nate: 1f slaffftnas !lair additional information is needed, we will rmtify you in writing Mal additional information is needed While this infornralion-request is pending, the 120 -day clackfor processing the application will stop running. Wherr the additional information i.ssvbmflted, slaff will review it to insure that it responds fully to the information request. VAen the request far additional information has been satixf1ed, the 120 -day clock will starl running again. Page I of I • Incorporated August 11, I890 • Sister City - Hekinan, Japan