Moreinfo#2_20150128.pdf`Ile. lg9V
January 28, 2015
121 5"' Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 - Fax: /1-25.771.0221 - Web: www.c(finotids i, v
www - _ ----------- --- -
Craig Pierce
Select Homes
19711 88'h Avenue NE
Bothell, WA 98011
Subject: Request of Additional Information
Seabrook Estates Seven -Lot Plat Application # PLN20140061
Mr. Pierce,
On behalf of the City of Edmonds Planning Division, I have reviewed January 16, 2015
resubmittal for the 7 -lot Plat at 960 Caspers Street. Additional information and clarifications are
needed for continued review of the application. Format of the completeness has been retained
and new comments are provided in red. Please respond to the following so review of this
application can proceed:
1. SEPA Checklist: '1 hu fl,, yo[6'�' "admuiflirq,',la V'cviscd 1b "PA dic
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2. Legals for proposed lots:
3. Provide easements listed in Title Report: I,,Io[ Addn,,,sscd, The title report mentions a
number of easements and deeds for the subject property (Items 3 —7). 1 was able to
locate some of these easements from the Snohomish County website and City records,
but was not able to locate all the easements. Please provide the easements identified in
Items 3 and 4 of the Title Report. W[61(�.,: the k':Ilclr' 01
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4. Jog in property boundary: �1,1kfl. The Title Reports notes the property is
subject to the terms and conditions of survey recorded April 1, 1999 under recording
number 9904015009. This survey shows a little jog in the property boundary in the
southwest corner of the site. The site plan submitted at the preapplication meeting also
showed this jog and the easements and deeds I have located for this property also
identifies this jog in the legal description. The survey recorded under 990/1015009
provides a note which states:
The jog along the property boundary, at the southwest corner of Parcel F, is based
on the legal description which contains a distance and call to an existing fence.
Because this fence no longer exists, fizrther legal or title action (such as a
boundary line agreement) may be needed to eliminate the jog and any future
I was not able to locate a boundary line agreement or other action the eliminated the jog
identified in the survey recorded under 9904015009. Please provide information on how
this jog was eliminated. WhHe ,,t oi�(,n7v reporl was provi(b,'gyp, a(;',"'6 i Ike
ua.) the uIot :d "'O'� vc" infonnaliolt u°cj", nlinf', hov" Or�nea�o g
vva"'m chrr6f[vfled'
5. Native Vegetation Plan: [),,..�'tiaHy ECDC requires maintaining or
establishing 30% native vegetation area with subdivisions in the RS --12 and RS -20 zones
the specific code language is provided below.
Retention of'Vegetation on Subdividable, Undeveloped Parcels. As a provision of this
title, the director shall require retention of a minimum of 30 percent of'native
vegetation on undeveloped (or redeveloped), Subdividable lands zoned as RS -12 or
RS -20 per Chapter 16.10 ECDC. This stctr7dcrrd for developiyrent shall apply to all
undeveloped (or redeveloped), subdividable lands zoned RS --12 or ZZS-20 regardless
of the potential for designation as a fish and wildlife habitat conservation area or
other critical area The goal of 30 percent native vegetation can be met through
maintaining existing native vegetation, establishing native vegetation, or a
combination of both. A vegetation management plan, subject to the approval of the
director, is required for approval of the proposed development. This provision for
native vegetation retention will provide increased protection offish and wildlife
habitat throughout the Edmonds jurisdiction.
The 30% native vegetation area does not have to be established through a native growth
protection easement. The native vegetation area may still be used by property owners.
The 30% requirement may be spread throughout the proposed development or provided.
in one area. Please show what parts of the plat will provide the native growth area on the
preliminary plat maps. Details of the native growth vegetation management plan will be
required during civil review. Yo i. — r pu � r�°ar6u ,�, 0.16; ""Irc'a poi n"vIirr(. vcg,ehflron
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6. Traffic Report: The SEPA checklist referred to a detailed traffic report that was prepared
by Gibson Traffic Consultants. Please provide a copy of this traffic report. k
Ff'oln Cprw,
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7. Rockery i,JoR,,,d.
8. Engineering Comments:
According to ECDC, the above requested information must be submitted within 90
days (or by April 28, 2015) or the application will expire.
If you have any questions of me, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at
BSE'ter°`toicr�(cr)s��ats�x:_�r�v�7o �.v.
I ernen Lien
Senior Planner