NFPA701 PG2.pdfTo Whom It May Concern: I am writing in response to your recent question concerning NFPA-701 Large Scale. As of May, 1999, we began to routinely test and certify Our Tent Products, Our trade name WeatherSpan), to meet or exceed the NFPA-701 Large Scale. It was first tested by an independent tab, the Govniuk Orgaliization in Bellmore, New York (Test Report 4,84423 A r.) Following the Govinark Testing, we continued the testing here in. our lab. Our lab is listed as a Qualified lab, #17410. for testing fabrics. Often at issue is how does California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) compare- to NFPA-701 Large Scale. As you will see, by the following comparisons, CSFM Is not much different than N -FPA -701 Large Sc2le. The differences between the Two are in the test results, not the procedures (enclosed are copies of each testing Procedures.) NFP ,.-701 Large CSFM Small Char length 10" max 6" max After fl arn e 2.0 sec 2.0 sec As you can see, the CSFM Small Scale char lengtb is stricter than NFPA-701 Large Scale and the after flames are identical. Another question that, fire marshals ask concerns how the fabric is actually flame retardant- Our fabrics are formulated flame retardant fi-om the begin ling of the manufacturing process. (Flame retardant cheinicals are in the vinyl and adhesives.) The fabrics are neither sprayed not coated after manufacturing, The flame retardant properties camiot be diminished by washing, usage, or aging of the fabric.14 I hopt-, this information helps you and the fire inarstial. Regards, Snyder Mfg. Inc. Customer Sol -vice *PVC is inherently flame retardant on available chlorine and further enhanced by antin.ony-oxide. Snyder Mantifacttjrcng, Inc. s 3001 Progress Streat / P.O. Box 188 - Dover, OH 44622 Telephone (330) 343-4456 o FAX (330) 943-7396 E-mail: Sates@Snydei-[-nan.com o Website: vAymSnyderMan.com FLAM F - -r TZ"M LF _,RFS1S1,AN X S,VND FILN15 701-4 -L41FPA70J Standard LNIetilo-ds of fire Tests for Flame-Resistaxit Textiles and Films 1996 Edition NOTICE. An asterisk (*) following the nualb- Or letter ,graph indicates cy.Oa-nat0r"' material OL' dt 11 1p". Appendix A. k>und in ref I ME i -;-hp -!' ".", erenced publications can be r Chapter 15 and Appendix E. Chapter 1 introduction 1-1 Purpose of Test, 1 and Test 2. 1-1.1 It is the purpose of these test methods to assess Z ­he propagation of flame beyond the area exposed to the igni- tion source. a,c indicate whether the 1..1..2- These test Methods do material tested resists t11, propagation of flame under more severe exposure conditions or where used in a rn'mi- ner that differs 5ubsEandaUY-fr0M the Lest conditions. I differentiates fabrics that do not spread 1.1.3 Test I that do burn rapidly' and flame extensively from those extensively. 1-1.4T Test I provides a procedure for assessing the response of fabrics both Individually and- in multilayer composites used as curtains. draperies, or other window treatments when exposed to a Modcratc flange while sus- pended in a vertical configuration. 1-1.5, TeSE 2 provides -a CQMIPRTison among materials using a moderate size ignition flame. l" lame -resistant requirements shall not be depen- dent on the type of treament: however., where durat3iliry-etial to cleaning or� weathering is claimed. the fabric or mat shall be tested for flame resistance as produced and after being subjected to the -applicable cleaning or exposure pro- cedures_ (See Chaper a 0 1-1.7 Where-Mamnais are to be applied to surtIces ces 0 buildings or backing materials zIs as interior finishes for use M buildings. the test shall be conducted and the material clas- sified in accordance with *,MA 256, Standard Method of -rest of Surface Burning Charadermlics Of Building Matericis. used. they also shall include. bite shall not be limited mthe following ILeMs", 1.2 Scopes. 1-2.1 Test NlelhOcl I- fatties (,except for i4J.1 Thais test method shall apply to fab vinyl coated fabric blackout linings) or other materials used window Ueatme"' in curt -ams. draperies, or or to single -layer Fabrics 1-2.1.2 This test method shall appiv 5 drapery assemblies (except four muldiaYer cur -tam aw t linings) in which the lowers Vers are vinyl -coated fabric blackout or other M4e73ns ror holding S 'ened together law sewingfaT portions of the assembly in intimate contact. 14.1-3 For the purposes of this test method, where the terms curtains, draperies, or other window treatments are 199$SO— (a) iV-tndow curtains; (b) Stage or cheater Curtains', (c) vertical folding shades; A Roll -type window shades; (e) Hospiml Priv;acv curtains; Window draperies; (g) Fabric Vertical shades or blinds; (h) morizontal folding shades, (i) Swags;. 6) Fabric hoirzo,ol shades or blinds. 1-2.^1,4 This Lest inechod also ShZLILI aPP'v to the following textile items- (* Table skirts; (b), Table linens; (c) Display booth WPMEOrs; (d)- Textile wall h—gings- 1-2.1.5 This Leg method shad not appy M Fabrics or corn- posites greater than 700-g/M2- t21 oziyd'). 1-2-1 Test Medwd 2- 1-2.2.1 This test mediod shall be used for testing coated fabric blackout linings and lined drapexies . using a coated fabric blackout lining, This test method shall be used for testing iplastic films. with oj without reinforcement or backing, where used for decGralive or other purPOses, nside a building or as temporary or permanent enclosures fbr buildings unde-r construction. 1-2-2'ff This Lest method shailappl:Y to fabrics used in the assembly' of awnings, ECrIM. tarps, and similar architectural fabric structures and banners. 1-2.2A This test method (flat specimen cOnfigurabon) shall bye used for fabrics and films, with or wi ' thout reinforting or backing. that weigh in excess of 700 glen' (21 az(yd`�- Chapter 2 Test I 2.1 General. 2.1.1 The specimens shall be suspended from a pin bar. 2.1.2 A weighed specimen consisting of One Or more lav - r$ of Fabric shall be suspended vertically Frorn a. pin bar near the Lop rear of an gpen-face MEL cabinet. rk specified gas flame shall be applied to the center Of the lower edge of the specimen for 45 seconds and than withdrawn- The specimen shail be allowed to burn until the flame self- ishes. and chere is no Further secirncn damage, The specimen extlngu then shall be femOved from the pin bar and weighed again_ ne percent weigt lass shall be deter - and f htotzi ft-amespread mined and used as a Mcasure 0 ,specimen damage_ APRIL 30, 1976 'TESTS FC)R FLAME-PROPAGATIOAr CIF FABRICS AND FI ASS 10. Accelerated Weathering 10.1 The specimens that are to be subjected to light and water exposure are to be placed in a At Weather-ometer" and exposed to the ultraviolet - light and watcr-spray cycle OF this apparatus for a total of 360 hours. The ultraviolet light is to be obtained from two stationary enclosed carbon -an, hLmps. The arc of each lamp is to be formed between two vertical carbon electrodes, 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) in diameter, located at the center of a revolvable vertical metal cylinder, 31 inches (787 mm) in diametcr and 17-3/4 inches (451 mm) high. each arc is to be crIclosed with a No. 9200 -PX clear Pyrex -glass globe and is to be operated on 15 to 17 amperes at 120 to 140 volts alternating current. The Specimens are to be mounted vertically in holders on a 30 inch (762 men) diameter inside the revolvable cylinder, facing the lamps, and the cylinder continuously revolved around the stationary lamps at one revolution per minute. A system of nozzles is to be provided so that each specimen, in turn, is sprayed with water as the cylinder revolves. During each 20 minutes of operation, the two carbon -arc lamps are to operate the Full 20 minutes and the spray nozzles are to operate continuously for 3 minutes. The air tomperaturc within the revolving cylinder of the apparatus during operation is to be 60tVC. CONDITIONS OF ACCIE17ANCE 11. Small. Flame Test 11.1 A test specimen shall have the lollowing properties when tested as described in paragraphs 4.1-4.6: 9 A. The specimen shall not continue to flame more than 2 seconds after witlidrawal of the test flame. B. Portions or residues which break or drip from a test Specimen shall not continue to flame after falling. C. The vertical spread of flame and afterglow (sinoldering combustion) on the specimen, as indicated by the length of char, shall not exceed the values indicated in Table 11.1, 12. ge-Flame ar 12.1 A test specimen shall have the following properties when tested as described in paragraphs 5.1-5.8- A. The specimen shall nut continue to' flarnq for more than 2 seconds after withdrawal of the test flame. B. Portions or residues which break or. drip from a test specimen shall not continue to flame after falling. C. The vertical spread of flame and afterglow (smoldering cornbustion) in a single -sheet specimen, as indicated by the length of char above the tip of the test flame, shall not exceed 10 inches (254 mm). D. The surface spread of flarne in a folded specirrien shall not exceed 35 inches (689 MM) abOW the tip (if the test flame, but the aftcrglow may spread in the folds. TABLE 11.i LENGTH OF CHAn ?&nirnum Avw2p Length Waximum Length of ctw Of Chw or UntroVed of Mamyed NbWriaj Matwial for Any Mium of Fawo M Film i10 sp"irnwwl sp-i-" Ouftga Par Squato Vatd i[kVjm2 I Mom S"M Inchas MM raver 10 (0,341 3-1/2 B&B 4-1/2 114 Over a 10201 and nMexteeMnU -10(b.34) 4-112 116 6_112 140 N6t oxa"ms 6 40.201 5.1/2 140 6-1/2 lea -1