Nomination form.pdff,1% Edmonds Edmonds Register of Historic Historic Places Preservation Commission Domination Form Type or print all entries — Please complete all applicable sections. Historic Name if applicable): Common (or Current) Name (if applicable): Site Address / Location .mm Street Address or Location Description: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Received:w Received by:,,',` File #: ew„m ” ,.(,.,, 4',. w .,- Survey/Site #: i - . � ��`��Cit /ZIPCode Tax / Parcel Number m i, Name: Street Address: City/ State/ ZIP Code 16CUi Phone #: Name (say "Owner" if same as owner listed above): Contact Address: Street: Contact Phone #: Date Form Completed: City / ZIP: 4/ I / WE the undersigned certify that we are the owners of the property identified on this form and hereby give our consent to having the property listed on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places. Name (Please Print) Signature Name (Please Print) Signature Date Date Edmonds Register of Historic Places Nomination Porro Page l V Site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (If checked, skip to Section F) Site is listed on the State Register of Historic Places (If checked, skip to Section F) Historical Significance — Please check all that apply: 1. Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of national, state or local history. 2. � �&nbodies the distinctive architectural characteristics of a type, period, style or method of design or construction, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction. 3. Is an outstanding work of a designer, builder or architect who has made a substantial contribution to the art. 4. , ZL Exemplifies or reflects special elements of the city's cultural, special, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering or architectural history. 5. Is associated with the lives of persons significant in national, state or local history. 6. ___Has yielded or may be likely to yield important archaeological information related to history or prehistory. 7. Is a building or structure removed from its original location but which is significant primarily for architectural value, or which is the only surviving structure significantly associated with a historic person or event. 8. Is a birthplace or grave of a historical figure of outstanding importance and is the only surviving structure or site associated with that person, 9. Is a cemetery which derives its primary significance from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historic events or cultural patterns. 10. Is a reconstructed building that has been executed in a historically accurate manner on the original site. 11. Is a creative and unique example of folk architecture and design created by persons not formally trained in the architectural or design professions, and which does not fit into formal architectural or historical categories; the designation shall include description of the boundaries. Historical Description In the space below, describe the history and significance of the site to Edmonds' heritage. You may elect to describe the site's significance in your own words, attach copies of other documents or photographs, and/or make reference to other materials (noting where those materials are available to be reviewed). For example, you may simply note that the site is on an historical survey, noting the survey name and site number. (Please feel free to attach any additional continuation sheets if you need more space.) Edmonds Register of Historic Places Nomination Form Page 2 �Ph, stca���Descwipton 7 nis section Must 07 completea ij Me site is 7157 on 7717 . , 7,75715557 .,. Please Provide as much inf6rination as you cam Year Built: 6 Architect: Builder or Engineer (specify): Architectural Style(s)*: `t ;, mf,� i`.d Building Form*: Roof Type*: f : "�,A41A, t , F ij, t Cladding*: * Note: See later reference sheets for list of choices for these items. Overall Changes from ------------- -- Condition: Original• Excellent Plan: Cladding: Windows: Other: Site: Good ' Intact Intact Intact Intact V/ _ Original Site Fair Slight Slight Slight Slight Moved Deteriorated Moderate Moderate V Moderate Moderate Date Moved: Ruins Extensive Extensive Extensive Extensive Unexposed Unknown Unknown Unknown V Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan Type: Structural System: Foundation: Roof Material: — -------------- Apsidal Pavilion Balloon/Platform _Brick Asphalt Comp Metal — Tile Center Space/ _ Polygonal _ Braced Frame _Concrete block A. Comp - built up _ None Courtyard Rectangle Brick _Concrete poured A. Comp - shingle Other Gross/Cruciform Round _Clay Tile _Log A. Comp— rolled Slate E -Shape Semi -circular _Concrete block _None Tile ,Unknown Hexagonal Square _Concrete poured Other Tile - clay _,/ Wood H -Shape Triangular Log _Parged Tile - concrete Wood plank Irregular T -Shape Mixed _Post & Pier Metal Wood shake L -Shape Unknown _None Stone Metal - corrugated Wood shingle _ None T Octagonal Other r„p f m• Number of Stories U -Shape Other Y -Shape Plank Post & Beam Steel Stone - cut Stone - uncut _ Unknown "Unknown Metal - standing seam Edmonds Register of Historic Places Nomination Form Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance: (Use continuation sheets if necessary, and.lbr any photographs or copies you are providing) (Please list and reference any sources vvhich help document the historical value of'the site.) CJ k ti RVW aj,,,ci Location Detail Parcel # UTM Reference: Township Category District Building(s) Structure Site Object Within a District? Yes No Zone Easting Northing Range Section 'A Section 1/4 1/4 Section Ownership Resource Status Usage Public Survey/Inventory Current: ITPrivate National Register o Both National Landmark State Register Historic: Determined Eligible Other: Contributing? Local District: Yes National or State Register / District: No _L -Unknown Edmonds Register of Historic Places Nomination Foriii Page 4