Not an adu statement.pdf;1-775 ,, �,- 5 µ,Vi N II"E 1,L[Ni _' [i N IT'S 1.21 5`11 Avenue N'. I dinon&, WA 98020 Pli€3ne =125.771.(}220 k, Fax 425.771.022.1 Property Address (Street, City, State, Ilam 828 Carr- Road. F',di-i€ ods, WA 98020 Parcel It, 27032400214200 ��I`IECEIVEED f ..._` t O 44 20H� 6 i:'.'t L. V i. (,I'M� ,I I;i "I l ull i IVUS CitkP1141F have read the re°tltiii°enients Iter Accessory DwOling I.'nits contained in Chapter 20.21 o the Edmonds C OnIMUnity Development Code (I: (.,`D(`) and understand that an Accessory Dwelling t."P (ADU) as defined iii is CDC Section 21.05.0 15 is prohibited Until the MCIuire;d .- D permit(s) are approved and any re€:luRed inspections are tinalized. I also tinderstand that in ADU 1wririit cannot be approved tinless all the criteria in Chapter 20.21 eine. Met. and all die necessary items are sub) -pitted, including an affidavit o1`()cc[jpancy and a covenant to tie filed with the Snohomish (.-,minty regarding the reF ukithns imposed on AILAK I ann Uyg requesting U) establish an Aceemory Dwelling Unit on ill)- property as part oFthe su ject Iitiildinwg pen -nit application €Fisc: No. BI:I: 0161 27 L and I W ol ain all aplAicable AD(f permits if I choose to es6bli5li an the I'uttire prior (o establishing.. Such ADI.. I understand aicit the city's review of the su ss€:pct bUildin() permit application does not imply any fimire approval of an � DU, dt cxlare under penaltjy qfjwejuty I= that the above itrlbrtnation is sum ( ranwa and rom leter, and that I am the owtier ii °tlse above a e,wTiber Sro,i erl),. Print Name. I- lirabeth Bird r "Ally t i r�.Signa urc wbe,°v h 1i .x�"A' iN.wmF4 ii^ t Jw,r�l+wl L�...� S J _ / , .