Oct 8 follow up letter.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS • 121 5"' AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 - FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
October 8, 2009
Gregory and Gayle Szalay
1022 Carol Way
Edmonds, WA 98020
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Szalay,
Based on observations of your address by City staff on October 5, 2009, the City issued a Notice to
Correet/Stop Work for landscaping and gravel placement occurring at the address. The enclosed
photograph taken during a subsequent visit on October 9"' clearly indicates work having been done at the
site that includes the installation of a gravel area and the stockpiling of soil. The area where the work is
occurring is immediately adjacent to an upstream reach of Hindley Creek. To resolve the issue, additional
information is required and several questions must be resolved:
Gravel Area: What is the intended use of the gravel area? Erosion and sediment control is
required during any construction according to the Edmonds Community Development Code
(ECDC) Chapter 18.30, and as mentioned in the Notice to Correct, the soil stockpile must be
covered immediately to prevent sediment from being blown or washed into the city stormwater
system and nearby Hindley Creek. Sediment in the storm system or stream is considered an
illicit discharge under City Code Chapter 7.200.
2. Critical Areas: Because the work is occurring next to a creek, a critical area checklist must be
submitted. With respect to the changes to the landscaping, the City encourages alteration of
turf grass areas to native vegetation which does not require the use of fertilizers and chemical
treatments. King County has developed a useful online tool that has lists of different native
species as well as how-to information and sample native landscaping plans
The critical areas code (ECDC 23.40 and 2390) requires that buffers are maintained for work
adjacent to streams within the City. A stream buffer mitigation and enhancement plan prepared
by a biologist will be required if the gravel area is intended for use as parking.
In our phone conversation on October 7, 2009, Mrs. Szalay mentioned that her parents also reside at the
home. If this is the case, this use would require an accessory dwelling unit permit according to ECDC
20.21. Please see the enclosed handout for additional information.
Please respond to this letter before October 16, 2009, by submitting a Critical Areas Checklist and an
explanation of the intended use of the gravel area. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425)
Mike Clugston, AICP
Cc: Code Enforcement