Oly View Montessori-TIA.pdfC,1TYOFf-1,DMONDS TRAITIC" IMPACr ANALYSIS ........... . WORK SHEET 2G Omper/Ap-lAicant. Applicant Coutact:Person: ti Name Name, St-ect/Mailing Ad('Ivoss Street/Mailing Addves,,., city State ZiP city State Zip Traffic, Engfileer Who Prepared the Traffic Impac-t Analysis: Firm Name Contact Name Telephone kazi I. PROJEcr DESCRIPTION a. Street axldress (ij'knotm): (Anach a vyWhieV inap and sheplem.) c. Specify, oxistingland use: (L Specify proposed lie and size of development: ------ ....... .... A c. Wheii will the project. begin construchort and when will it be completed',__1 f. Dcfine proposed access locations: C g, Dermeproposed sight distance at site egress locations' - Page I N, If) a. Existing Site Trip Generation Table; ..7 PVI Peale -Hour 'Trips Land Use Daily (ADT) IN OUT C s. Ge 2- b, b. Proposed Project Trip Generation Table: PM Pear -Hour Trips Land Use Daily (A -DT) IN OUT f' 4j:i.'� r.. Net New Project Tzip Generation Table: PM Peals -Hour Trips Land Use Daily (ADT) IN OUT d. State assumptions and methodology for internal, link -diverted or passby trips: Page 2 3. TRIP DISTRIBUTION Prepare and attach a graphic showing project trip distribution percentages and assignments. 4. SITE ACCESS ROADWAY/) RIVEWA S AND SAFETY a. Have sight distance :requirements at egress location been met per AASHTO requirements? b. Intersection Level of Service .Analysis:, * Existing Conditions LOS '... Delays r _ t"�_. Year of Opening LOS (-' / 't relays ` ® Five Years Beyond Change of Land Use LOS r „d''" T_ , Delays (Intersections to he evalualed shall be delerniined by the 00, of Edmonds Traffic Engineer.) c. Describe channelization warrants: (Attacli striping plan.) d. Vehicle Storage/Queuing Analysis (calculate 50% and 95 % queuing lengths): 50% 95% Existing Conditions Year of Opening e Five Years Beyond Change of Land Use e, If appropriate, state stop sign and signal warrants: f. Stunmarize local accident history: 'i/PA— Page 3 S. TRAFFIC VOLUME,S a. Describe existing ADT and peak -hour counts, including turning movements, on street adjacent to and directly impacted by the project. b. Describe the estimated ADT and pealAour counts, including turning movements, the year the project is fully open (with and without project traffic) - c. Describe the estimated ADT and peak. -hour counts, including turning movements, five years after the project has been fiilly open (with and without project traffic). d. State annual background traffic growth factor and source: A 6. LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS Summarize Level of Service .Analysis below and attach supporting LOS analysis documentation. Provide the following documentation for each arterial street or arterial intersection impacted by ten or more peak - hour trips. Other City -planned developments must also be factored into the LOS calculations. Existix�� LOS . Existing Condition: Year of Oiieniwa LOS: With Project: Without Project: Page 4 >ii °ve Years After, _QMning)l OS: With Project: wit])out Project: Note any assumptions/variations to standard analysis default values and justifications: 7. MITIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS State recommended measures and fees required to mitigate project specific traffic impacts. Traffic irapact fee shall be calculated from the Edmonds Road impact Fee Rate ,Study Table 4 (attacbed) and as identified in ECDC 18.82.124, except as otherwise provided for independent fee calculations in ECDC 18.82.130, idoW) Hlqh Iwo C>, '%�. 1 4 ,cm� A�'` 1fs-l-=.y� �'V �L :�yf� q��l\h �-V C.1e;l }c"_l.}��` 1'} 3r �:. �_ i - I' o 8:IENS'r3?1Dmv0%CityPrnjen MA Gaideline.gNTraG pAnalyWoA9.04.doo Dago, 5 "'tr a J I TG: 10059,00 June 4, 2010 Bertrand Idauss City of Edmonds 121 5th Ave. N. Edmonds Wa. 98020 Subject: Olympic View Montessori —Trip Generation/l rn pact Fee Estimate This letter provides the trip generation and impact -fee estimates associated with the relocation of the Olympic View Montessori from its Current location (7526 Olympic View Drive, Suite 0) to its new location at 18530 76th Avenue West in Edmonds, Washington. Olympic View Montessori has been a Montessori Preschool and Kindergarten serving the Perrinville Area of Edmonds for the past five and half years. Olympic View Montessori is proposing a move directly across the street from their current location in un -incorporated Snohomish: County. Currently, Olympic View Montessori is licensed under the Deparbnent of Childcare and Early Learning, which has anode requirement of 20 students maximum in a preschool/daycare classroom. Olympic View Montessori has a total of 30 students, 10 students attend full time preschool and 20 attend half —day class either in the morning or afternoon. Olympic View Montessori maintains the 20 student requirement by having 10 students in each of the half-time morning, and afternoon programs. Olympic View Montessori currently has 22 students enrolled for the 2010/2011 school year and plans on enrolling 8 more students by September to meet its goal of 30 students, In the 2011/2012 school year, Olympic View Montessori plans on expanding to two classrooms and 40 students. One classroom will have a maximum occupation of 20 students and operate 3 days a week offering full day and half-day schedules, with the second classroom having a maximum occupation of 10 students, operating 5 days a week and also offering full day and half-day classes. The drop-off and pick-up schedule for the full and half day programs include drop-offs between 8:45 and 9:00 with half day pick-ups/drop-offs from 11:45-12:00, Full-day and afternoon pick-ups occur between 3:15-3-30. Penalties are assessed for late pick-ups. These schedules would not change with the increase in student enrollment noted above. Staff is limited to the owner and one to two teachers depending on the time of day. Typically, all staff leaves within 30 minutes of the last child being picked up, thus the school is typically dark by 4:00 in the afternoon. No activity typically occurs during the PM peak hour. If however there was some later trips from the teachers or assistants, these trips would be less than what would be generated by this use during the weekday PM peak hour under a general office use as previously noted. "The new location includes up to 1,485 sf of classroom space with an external warehouse building of which the program will use, 1,040 for physical activities. The external building is currently used as warehouse for other uses in the building. The Current use of the 1,485 includes general office space. Based on ITE (8th Edition) trip rates, the weekday PM peak hour trip generation for the existing use is estimated to be 2 trips, The existing ADT associated with the office space and associate warehouse space totals 20 trips. 04 o Bertrand Hauss June 2, 2010 Page 2 Based on our previous discussions, the City of Edmonds assesses road impact flees based on the standard uses noted in Table 4, page 18, of the Edmonds Load Impact Fee Rate Study. This table identifies a number of "typical" uses for which fees have been calculated. The fees are set based on ITE Trip Generation rates for the weekday PM peak hour period of the adjacent streets. Based on Table 4, the current use of the space assuming general office and warehouse uses would be assessed a fee of approximately $3,011.65. As noted in the previous text, based on the school and staff schedules, no activity is anticipated during the PM peak hour. Since the Montessori program does not generate trips during the weekday PM peak hour (4 — 6 pm), no road impact fees should be assessed for this project. As a comparison, as outlined in the Traffic Impact Analysis worksheet, if a High School use was assumed for the project, no fees would be due as well, Sincerely, Transpo Group Michael Swenson, PE, PTOE Associate Principal