OMT restaurants1.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: December 10, 2008
TO: Ralph Allen, Architect
Grace Architects
Sent via e-mail
FROM: Ann Bullis, Building Official
RE: Plan Check #: 20080951, 20080952, 20080953
Project: Old Milltown Restaurant Tenant Improvements
Maharaja, Old Town Steak House, Banquet Room
Project Address: 201 5 Ave S., 101, 201, 301
During review of the above noted permit applications, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please provide written responses to each comment as to
how it has been addressed (support with code sections where applicable), and where changes can be
found on the plans. Please submit revised plans/documents to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit
1)Sheet A1.0:
a)Revise occupancy group to be applicable to these permits (A2).
b)Revise existing parking to exclude condo stalls.
c)Under separate permits, add Type I Hoods and Hood Suppression Systems,
2)Provide dimensioned details showing that Restroom 109 is accessible (IBC 1109.2).
3)Clarify on the plans which tenant space(s) the banquet room is associated with.
4)Provide occupant load calc breakdown for each tenant space (dining, storage, kitchen, etc.)
based on occupant load factors in IBC Table 1004.1.1.
5)Will there be any customer counters? If so, provide details showing they are accessible.
6)Show accessible seating for both fixed and non-fixed seating. IBC 1108.2 & 1109.11
7)Provide wall construction details, including lateral bracing (ASCE-07 section
8)Provide seismic anchoring details for shelving greater than 6 feet (including the wine display if
9)On the site plan and architectural plans, outdoor seating is shown on the adjacent property.
Provide an easement for the outdoor seating area and gas line to the heaters
10)Label the rectangular space at the west wall of the banquet room. If this is a raised platform,
provide construction details and show compliance with IBC 410.4 as applicable.
11)On Sheet A5, clarify occupant load calculations for space 201 (words/numbers are jumbled).
12)On Sheet A3, clarify which walls extend to the underside of the floor sheathing, particularly at
the corridor, storage, restroom areas. Also, please provide a section detail of this area with
dimensioned distance of concealed space above ceiling.
13)In tenant space 101, move the exit sign at the rear of the dining area to the west so it is visible to
the occupants in the dining room.
14)At tenant space 101, show that door swing from kitchen will not obstruct exit path. IBC 1005.2
15)Clarify note on sheet A2 “existing 4 hour wall to be re-examined.
16)Note on Sheet A3 the fuel source for the fireplace. The plan shows the vent duct routed toward
the rear of the restaurant but does not show how it is extended to the exterior in a shaft. A 1-
hour shaft would be required to maintain the 1-hour occupancy separation. Clarify/revise plans.
17)Provide detail of the buffet serving area showing compliance for accessibility per ICC/ANSI
A117.1 section 904.5.
18)Provide review letter from Snohomish County Health District for each restaurant.
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