�St. 189
Date: May 6, 2009
To: Mike Clugston, Planner
From: Ann Bullis, Building Official
Building Division comments for Olympic View Sewer & Water District
Subject: PLN2009-0021
Site Address: 23725 Edmonds Way
The Building Division has reviewed the above noted application. Since this property was
annexed into the City after it was developed, we have no archived plans for the existing
construction. The following comments are based on the proposed site plan and narrative
provided with this application. We highly recommend that the architect schedule a meeting with
Building and Fire plan reviewers to go over occupancies, occupancy separations, fire separation
distances, change of occupancy issues, fire sprinkler requirements, building accessibility, exiting,
etc. in advance of submitting for building permits as there was not enough information for us to
comment on these issues.
1. Provide imaginary property line between the existing building and new canopy building.
Provide fire rated exterior wall and opening protection as require in IBC 602 and 704 based
on distances of the structures to the imaginary property line, including projections. For ADB
application review purposes, this may affect the building exterior walls and projections.
2. Accessibility upgrades will be required per 3409. For ADB application review purposes at
this time, one accessible parking stall is required, with accessible path of travel from the stall
to the building entrance.
3. Provide the City a copy of the original construction plans approved by Snohomish County for
the existing building to remain. Please submit with the building permit application.
City of Edmonds cQ Building Division