P-63-01 (2).pdft ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ss. cl..xs- Thrs /.s ,oF__�Ly22_ to c¢/fi "fy 'fhod ora this,( day La2rbr¢ rn¢, i/Az und¢rrign¢o; a /✓ofary Pub/a, p¢rsbr>o%/y 000¢ar¢ri NORTHSTREj D3//LL//JM O CFJRPENTEF o d GLO<4/A G-.9+PPE/✓TE.4, his wifi , to m2 Irr�own A-60 fh¢ ;.�c>%riduo/s who ex¢cuAoo/ th¢ w,iifi.:> d¢dico{,cn SECTION 13 T. 2 7 N. urdacrnoyv/¢dq¢d fn m¢ fho�.fh¢y r�.�¢dordr¢o/¢d��z st7ir�z 7 �+ Os' fh¢rr yo/urs foi-y ocy or>d d¢¢d /or th¢ us"¢s O�douroosazs ffie�i> E D M O N D S � WAJ m¢,�a fiorr¢a�r, /(//T/✓ESS my d o{' io/ s'¢o/ tfi¢ doy and y¢or NOTgRYPVBL/C/NAA/ .FO.Q Ty S' ATE SCALE I" _ N '72° 15'40" W -------" - i 135.81' 110.00' 103.12' 103.11' 8 wap 5. J r � r N G5°Sg•$7,.w, 12f. � = �� e'/ � � � -�... / r / 10°40'33"E n, y 2 2 N rr aG.9G' 6550111" 41'49° ay Or Q 77.2 D< 60.00' L= 3a• \ S 9 /w 1320 e•• / �.G°41'13" L°100.00' / AL=100.00• M A(; 4: _ 831. SI' q"30°Od' S2" NGs'a8'ag.. 4 ,i R / r, NOT Rao 140.71,o 5a, h`'���"` NORTHSTR 23'15" A=G°2014" L=89.24' AM L 4=& �r 1 U L- 12.0U� r NGG w ti" 11 12 p 13 '� 14 �g o� --------- I G 0.00' 90.10' 90.10' 90.10' - / / NORTH UNE OF -TRACT DE-EDED- TO N '11° 51' OS" W N ti0-74, 45 PHILOM GUESSNAR ,A$ PER DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME '/9 OF DEEDS, DEDICATION ON PAIGE 99 .ClNOW QLL MEA/ BY THESE- P,PESEA/TS , fha-f we, the ur�dersior�d , D E S C R I P T I O N owners in fee simP/e o{ the /ard This A/af' embraces• that po,-f•ion of G, he,-aby P/atfed, hE•.--cby dec/a,-c fh,"s P� arz�` dedicar�e f the rsc /3, T. 27 N.,.P.3E. W.M., deser-;(ted ,o// o{' the ,oub/c fore>'er•, a// streets and eas�,r�r>is or wha-f•c ver Ba innirx.^' sf /'he of -t/-� ,oubhc ProPer'fj/ there s showr�,aro'>°f� use ,2f�r-eof' for any arda// (o 4, Scefiorl�/3, T. 27A/,,P 3E., W. M. and 4,t, - Avenue ( 00-41'8. 01) as shown on t P/af cuts or- %/s drd insta// nscessar-y dra/i-ia ucon AAI fr"ac>'s o{ ur,-,e 2 0{ P/ads, pale 75, records aF Sroho) /-A- or-id:na/ ,-calor>ab/e �lr- n� of a// I/es� / o{ rods �fx?�.vr� he) -eon, F 504. 815 {eef fv the 7,PVZ- P01,V7- OF 6EG/NNI1V --/t7 " W, 8An, f4 f'-•orn f% uar-ter- corr,ar c / 9 --"2- ------ L -',<-'Ai` /�s`.--�//-� �'-'r�---- Secf:on/5.74 /3�� {f�nee N72°/5'40•' W,85Z4) H. A.•OENT vnd V/OL ETTEM,OENT hrs wi f¢ o{' f/� Graaf A/orf%,-n.Pei/way rid/77Z of //''''East /inc idh-f of way S 36-29'02,�'W, 342, D A// /NY 5TA''lENT US AL. irn 't'¢d POrt/J¢rSh/%J fha{ cer fairy Tact d�dcd f Pf//GOM GG ed in Your 79 0{' G�eds , Pa- 99, record`s < E - E- Toni f/>erK•e a/ons said A/o. --21? /r,a 67/'5'7 A.P/✓E G. G E Ge»¢•ro/ fuer- Easf /ix of said 6ouern r�nf Loi 4 Al. -- A/ O^/2.00"W, 347 /4 fee•f to -Al, True Poir YJ LV4ZLL MOPFORL] ¢os¢rn¢n is or7d r¢s¢rvofior of r¢corc � Sifua�e in Snohomish County, Washii-nd>Aon. STROE FRS SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE GL0.4/A CARPNTE,4 EOF 1aG45ff/NGTO.VI, LEI2OY r M/DOL ETON, .Pcolsferao' Gari h'ES/IJ//✓G AT,j='1 S 5T +_ �°. 31 s A C K N 0 W L E D G E M E N T S ;{y that fh,5 •o,�t ,5• based u,�n an acY t -I of S c>cion27N., B.3E., lN.AP, and the' This is to c¢rti fy thatset /of cor-r�i-s sfa.Ved on ff� ¢your tzar¢ me , th¢ und¢rsrgn¢� , q Notory Pub/ic, r�uno//y oPp¢or ¢d f�in/a0Am'k. DvieEdN7eoT/s-,ptvhdh¢oy ¢sXi¢gqGnu¢tdeadntdh¢S,¢woi//¢hdiw.-, /tfdh¢ee, %pf dsficooommfieoe r>o,r-sar�nofwdhr¢o� icfr"iov�oob/wu¢/n¢dfdo y r //ST E' ,-?0 4nL/D<� SPTY OP OG>F ondL'YY¢¢p' tor' -the Us¢s grid,OUr�Oos¢S fh¢rzz/i7 rn¢nfjon¢d Le F2oy /: Mib'd/efor,,Cerf. A/o. 456/ RE/O, MIDOLCION F- QSSOC64TES, /NC. vl/iT/✓�-5.5 rrvy hogd ar>d of�'icio/ s¢o/ )`h¢ doy and y¢or first obove 5'7-47 OF /yAS/liNiTO/✓ S Al _J,L--�/�'- NOTARY f-oUBL/C f/.„N A/✓O Fc9.P Tsf� S7-ATEO�''!^/AS'f//NcjTON This is �`O C¢rfify thof O� i<hlsL55_"-}__Q +PES/LJ//✓C� 4r SJ�e<_Y c� L -v - - - - - _ _ - _ _b¢for¢ rr>¢ , 7"0Unde�siyr�¢d, o /✓o%o y ST,4TEOFWAsy/N T Ss - - --- --- pp¢or¢d COU/✓Ty OFX042 o I%E.v .� c YN 1�/- �E7 tf A— -!� A v 7hrs /5 fo cer'/'-ify thotor> fhis_�¢_do of_ /L%d /gam AD be{nr¢ r¢.s eed-iu¢/ of V x -' co atio > Bu R WFF L d )g o R F. to rhes the uOd¢,-s y��d,o /Yo fury Puts/c.,,o¢rsor>o//y o�j.�¢o•r¢d ARNE �. rn¢ .f�nown to G¢ th¢ G GOEDE CKE,a pardn¢r ofG0liAN /NdE"sTMENT TRusT, o/i aed� ,�.-,ers.5�o.;d >�h¢ vYio'hri> d¢dreo tior>, v��o' pc.rnow/eo 1`0 me tWowr� fo 62 Elie ii�dvduo/ wfo ¢x¢Cu�`¢d1he svithir dzaicotc 5igi7¢d prd s¢o/¢d fh¢ >some �s >hzi arorpet'now/¢Cly ed tome ffior+h¢ si9nedo�dseo/¢d,%re st7rra¢as' for•fh¢ purrpos¢s f-h¢r2ri-� merifion¢o his eo/ur�tary ocf oradd¢¢d forth¢ Us¢s o�dpurroos¢s fh¢r¢rn .. thot th¢y ty¢r¢ OU�horiZ¢d7°o ¢xeCUfrL m2ra fior�� uix-/'ora 4na7h 1-71 •74&41 fhofh¢ wos oc.fho iz¢d fo >`hof f.5c leo/ offlxed /s �`h¢ Corroor•<it¢ ¢xo'CUf"¢ solo' .ra..s�r f, W/TNES'S my hor.,d o..ads¢o/ the doy pnd = W/T>t/E3'S rr>y ho d qnd offi crb/ .5'¢o/ th¢ c y¢or firsd obo✓�wrrflzn�l�,'L .�,�• �, _ •- wr: f-,°eri. aVOTA.0 y.,aLlBGi A/,� FOR TN.E STATE OF �,f/q,5/t//✓GTO.V /✓OT'.4iPy PUBG/C / ANO �T TE ,PES/O//✓6 ATGO... ondS - a��,.,,.,� ..-.-. s_._-. _ " 'REAM LANE 131 T27N., RZE, W.M. IS WASHINGTON ,ALE: 1" 60' 103.12' 50.00' 139.14' 102.22' ISO. IG, 09,L 05" W N +0-14,45' LEGEND += Existing Monuments AO_ 74/;- of 6a ­->-/7>-r�r, + = Set Conc. Monuments q"//owv ; ecfion of /-A-- N,,1A M,_- I&P COVLOT 4 3 2 I/-- (10Y11,4V_4-, I/v) �//VT OF 5,'a//VA//N6, ('w17jCh P.oin74 is AlOW'00- I-Ile 5_-14/7 h o{ said W, 86-7. a/ 1c 4 /wayr'dhi of ?/o,3pf said 'Of" .96 -,69,04"w, Baz c 3 TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE eol -10 ON/ G41C961,14 P, ---5- pa� 49, records of Sra�fvrn>sh County, Wash>�- /-�reby certify that a// o{ faxes o» <he r-v<fhi� disc>-iC�`1 RECEIVED r3l, APR 141964 �\ a57.4 1' --,.,v 2L0� o\ \ Z \ \ 1 9 ` \ v 06 '00. 4 5G. 14' ISTREAM 341 L=94•l I. '` 1949' 4z80 d=35`30' T=99.41, µl �" Zp.GO, \, �\ 3 ,,04" L 600 12'4. 109. 89'X11 v ji \-` C. � >o\oy tom' � Cq �f. ,�. \ .�9... \t1�S� 18 19 16 is 17 90.10, 106.00, 102.22' ISO. IG, 09,L 05" W N +0-14,45' LEGEND += Existing Monuments AO_ 74/;- of 6a ­->-/7>-r�r, + = Set Conc. Monuments q"//owv ; ecfion of /-A-- N,,1A M,_- I&P COVLOT 4 4"- W-4 � S- 13,T 27 KL, R. 3 1, V,/. M I/-- (10Y11,4V_4-, I/v) �//VT OF 5,'a//VA//N6, ('w17jCh P.oin74 is AlOW'00- I-Ile 5_-14/7 h o{ said W, 86-7. a/ 1c 4 /wayr'dhi of ?/o,3pf said .96 -,69,04"w, Baz c 3 TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE eol -10 ON/ G41C961,14 P, ---5- pa� 49, records of Sra�fvrn>sh County, Wash>�- /-�reby certify that a// o{ faxes o» <he r-v<fhi� disc>-iC�`1 AD. the True Point of Bei'>nnir>�..3ub,/¢cfto if 7�1. 19a.4, �o",­zc7oroy RTI FICATE APPROVALS A_;�z L4 Y0 hereby cer{- _C7 au and suboiLision 3E., W ;77" ir_J - - - - - K - - - - � OrX/ 'CYOk F P/.4A/A//A/6 COMA1166710AI No. 4f 5a 17 _C5', IAIC, M��OCiTY' E_ k;0AIDIF t on this A D, 4 7- 7-4L" sT G881 19 axccu �lzc� FILING RE CORDa _0' 7' 4�1 QP -NF _G _G OF—E2 BCXIE_ 71, __�4;1�z c/15 vo c,,� -/lo�y c/ A/l isA­5� ,oast o,clock'_ L -9-7 - -I {f/c/o/ 5¢O/ th¢ cloy ar of vzor o6ovr, ')o cz_ FOR Tf/E 57 -ATE' OF 11�14 7�V COUNTY5,9 /TOP auo pine 'sSu74gi3 Raessaoau aug ggTM 'adtcl •I.O „g So -qd OO T RTagPuTxoadds TTegsuT -4T0 9119, uoTgom P apPtu aa04 TMMOO saTgTTTVI aqg SO UU— TauO 'uosnj UsuilTounoO •saegmegO TTOunOO auq uT •X•d 00:9 qP W7T TTadV 'Rapseny uo a6gga2o9, gaam oq papTOap aaggTm O0 saTgTTTgn pus ee44 TmmO0 gaaagS eql • pa Taxeo uo Tq.OR °RgTmzoduoo oquT eousuTpao RgTo auq. 9uTxq sngq pun MsT agsgs auq ssPdmooua pTnoM goigm eouTulpao sNaomeaT3 Mau s Msap oq pa!,onxgsuT aq Rauaoggy R4TO aqq gPgq aRIS usmTToun00 Rq papuooas 'uesuaxoS usmTTounoo Rq panom SLIM gT 'aao,Tasaqj-, .MST agPgs ggTM auiT So qno Mou sT aouPuTpao Rq.To quesaad aqq aouTs 'Tvaaua0 RauaogfV aqq jo aaaoap Rq 6TgUG0aOjuaun Mou sT aousulpao sxaomelli s,RgTO aqq gVgq pagaodaa aaggTmmoO Rgajss aqj S91111D.Ir O 'IIONIl00 1OULT Stiaodd8 •peTaxeo uo-cgotu auq pus leauq usaa;g ugaoN So gUTd ITuTJ aqq gdaoo off. aSIS usmITounoO Rq papuooas 'uasuagsTauO USMITounOo Rq paAOIU SUM 41 •pagsod puoq saT tTzgn pus 'gaui uaaq psq sguawaa mbea geTd TTY •uOT10v aoj TTOunoO agq oq paguasea d SUM (RQ.aadoxd quaff PTO auq- SO gasd) ausq msaagS ggxoN SO gPTd TPuTJ aqs ,bV'Id 'IVNI •apTsgnO qOT BUT 51aed auq uo do gas ,aq oT guag P ggiM 'eAlTLTOuT tT gdnoxgq OT aunt xaquaO OTATO aqq asrt O� uoTssTmaad pagUua.9 ueeq pug TLATgsal s raV aqq gegq pagaodaa aOSPN G'q1 `IV.AIL,Sad SMY • ea*npaooad Mau sTgq SUTTUgs uoTgnTosag P RUap oq pagOnagsuT axoJeaagq SUM RauaoggV auq pins 'sptq agq, azSTPus RTagsnbepP og auiTg eaom tuarIq 9AT� pTnoM sTgg qvgq paaaSu TTOunoo aul, •s,zagmUT40 TTaunop aqq uT eq pTnoo `8uTuado agq pus 'quasasd sTPToTddo RgTO Oeaug RTgvaa,Iaad pine foMq aq pTnogs exe-gj ^peaTsep Ragg JT puagge pus sgoTj asagq TTP do aavxv eq. og OTTgnd Ts.x9u99 auq pins saappTq eqg algsue og papnTouT •oTe falvp 'eOPTd 'amTq- aqq ggTM pagsod pus pausTTg'nd sum ao-cgou pTq auq sP 2uoT ss 'aTgvssiEaagd SPM sTgq gsuq pagegs R dsnZq Rausoq.qV 43uT1-99m TTounoo aqq ?u-rpeosad RPpssngl auq uo sduxlaed auop psegsuT pine 'SVU-Pgaam Ttqunob taOjJ pagsuT Tieaq pTnoO s .1, TT aas oq spzq So BuTuado agq RuTpas2ax MPT agq do Noor ol. Rauaotgy auq peNss TTeMxUX aoReys ";800 92'smep aageM agq; uT agPdTOTgasd 0q spuompd So RgTO auq Io gsanbaa auq paTuap RTTnjT oedsea peg RqunoO RuTX JOS RauaoggV OuTgnOasoad ag,T •Rgxadoad aqTntad Oquo 93PuTuap 92sTTTd Pao.TnV agq oq pss99x uT RauaoggV aqq Rq paATOOaa uaaq psq aaggaT V •aaartsvexy aQJ 00'0009$ Pus 'RauxoggV JOS pus NaaTO Sq -TO ggoq xoj 00'0059 agPgs RTquasead Rag; SV 'aaggTmmoO 2 Rq pemeTAax aq pTnogs aaanssax,T pus 'NaeTO figTO 'RauaQ$;V aOj spuog agq. gvgqL pagaodaa. RgdanyI RauToggv VdoclaH S c XSNUOLI,V TTOMxPN uopaOD uasueaos Rog uosaanaS 'd -V ddUEZ400 HONVDiId spTO PaISMOH uasuags TauO purTao usmalugo - a-kTS Nola daZSINK00 ONIIIQIlV -�96T `L 7zxav OKI= q 10NIl00 XJJIO ;pK le ubTtTA fl 'ATs ovlTueun patdxea upt4aW spa :qutgns se panoa c aq t aTTd 40.jbjATpgns dig aaTT W .3 eeQ -saN 3o uoTie0l;04o i Tz, €d8Iidw6gi.'dFi q papii8o s 'a40a •aW Aq pp— aeM :u, E9 -6E-5 57TT3 `aaTTTWI''3 ue([ -saw �p94vea8 uoTSTnTpgnS-KTsnOMTueun PeTaaeo uOT40H TeuTmgrls se panvadde, aq `£97;8:£-S 9TT3 `uorsTntpgns xo •auT 's ;DPTTng A TTena 9,41o3g To uoi;eoTTdde sq4 ;eq:. 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;Rq; 'paRggnH 'aW Aq papuooas 'sauTpH •aW Aq panom s;M ;I £9-017-9 aTT3 `uTTdop Tae 'Z aSpa - £9/8T/ZT 'sa;nuTH uoTssTwmoO K-CuuuTd February 194, 196 Mr. AM, c Goedecke 317 Arcs Building 2366 Eastlake Aventie East Seattle, tihshington Dear Mr.. Goedecke a I -wish to a.d'ri se yoia that the ' ,wf ds Plmu inn Go issionA. at their reqUar meeting of February 18$ 1963$.. approved the prelizinary plat, of North Stream Lane,, subject to compl4 ncc of conditi= as oft, Ilm: in the City Ezglme `l s letter dated February 14# 196... Yours ve nj truly.$ Secretary* CIVIC CENTER 5th Avenue N. and Edmonds St. PRospect 6.1107 City of -.Edmonds Snohomish County, Washington WATER DEPARTMENT February 14, 1963 Edmonds Planning Commission City Hall Edmunds, Washington RE: Plat of Northstream Lane Gentlemen: WATER SEWER DISPOSAL PLANT The subject plat has been carefully reviewed by the undersigned, field and map studies conducted, with respect thereto, and problems relating to the plat dis- cussed with members of the Planning Commission. Recommendation is respectfully made that`this preliminary plat be approved with the following stipulations: 1) Provide sewers for all lots with suitable sewer easements for lots where needed. 2) Install all necessary storm sewers and drainage facilities as per drainage plan. Where drainage is across adjacent private proper- ties, necessary releases of damages or drainage easements must be furnished. Any drainage problems created by change of contours during plat development must be corrected prior to final plat approval or release of plat bond. Final approval of.plat (or release of plat bond) will be withheld until actual drainage as installed has been inspected and approved by City Engineer. 3) Construct Ott C.T. waterline within the plat with one (1) hydrant located on 9th Avenue North and one (1) hydrant located 600 feet west of 9th Avenue North within the plat, with necessary valves and appurtenances. 4) Pavement width on proposed street to be 36 feet wide, with curbs and gutters constructed in accordance with City of Edmonds Stand- ards. Itfully, . Moran ngineer JEM:mb cc: Mr. LeRoy Middleton, Reid Middleton & Associates F. J. KENNY, M. D. 110 FOURTH AVENUE, NORTH EDMONDS, WASHINGTON PRospect 82343. Feb. 42 1963. Secretary, Planning Commission, City Fall, Edmonds, Washington. Re: Proposed Plat, Northstream Lane, Plattor, A.G. Geodecke. Dear Madam , I am in receipt of the proposed plat of Northstream Lane, plattor Arne G. Geodecke, Seattle. The proposed plat seems to conform with the Public health requirements for this City, both city of Edmonds water and sewerage facilities to be used as per specifications. NORTH STREAM LANE PLAT Name Address Acct. No. 1953Q - 9th Ave. No. (100th W.) 19220'- " Bert .,_J. Cyr .`_ •_• . � 0 19428 - t�371 1 John Ii4sco . ' • • 0 19432 - t' 1520.- 1570 520,-1570 - tt John Beck o 0 1576 - " -- 1379 ✓ 1429 - 10th P 1 • No. . . . . . . 1206 41 1 1 - . . . 0 1205 1207 1019 - Grandview St. . 1196-1 C� 010 - t' o 0 119' zoi6 - .. 0 1196 1022 Jack O'Kinsella V .10231 - 195th P1.S.W. Donald E.'Patrick ✓ 10101 - J. C. Taylor 10113 - " Horace Proust 10115 - " a 4.4._1370-1. Donald Kasmar 10209 - " n a 1370-2 Russell Cornish 10225 - JAMES H. REID LEROY F. MIDDLETON REID, MIDDLET©N & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS 324 MAIN STREET PROSPECT 8-1171 EDMONDS, WASHINGTON %i TY aP . EbkoNDS ;PLAk i N6 * C.ONM I $S I ON GI TYQR-ED Mt?NDSi wA8F1tmsTQN C. WAYNE JONES LLOYD H. NELSON JANUARY 309-1963 JOB . No..2409 GENTLENEN:: ENCLOSED ' ARE EIGHT ( 8) COPIES OF THE PROP66ED PI AT OP: DTH-. STREAM' LiANEp "TddEtHER WITH A ItHtOK FOR $114:00 TO COVER. T1E FILING r AS SET.FORT-.H IN THE 'SUBDIVISION ORD1NAMCE*` Tki S ..PLAT I$ A REV {SIO# `.CF A PRELIMINARY. APPROVED BY THE G TY UNDER THE HANE OF fft'�CONB ApD:ITION `No* `2. W REStLYUEST EST'-, A HEARING ON THIS PLAT DURING YOUR NEXT NEET'IN6'ON FEBRUARY' 181p1963. VEINY TRULY YO.URS9 REI M.IDDLETON & ASSOC i ATES, INC . C4. F.1'(1L0 VM:MN ENCL.t S COPIES PLAT' CHECK $108400 CHECK - $6.00 D 0T`,' OF,'EQ.A(tONCS �ICLERK MUNICIPAL EN13INEERING 0 WATER SUPPLY a SEWAGE TREATMENT 0 SURVEYS & SUBDIVISIONS PLAIINING C011=3`ION APPLICATI011 REZONING .- = SUBDIVISI01q- FLAT Pi - 63 FEE S114.00 RECEIPT WO 3492 DATE Jan. 30, 1963 NAME Arne G. Goedecke L - It. `a \i P ADDRESS 317 Aires Bldg�, 2366 Eastlake Ave. E., _Seattle 't -c' —PHONIE -.-EA. 3-6600 - -- ----------------------------------- .4 3 REQUEST Preliminary Plat By-xu ....... PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Attached SKETCH: (Sketch of property to be rezoned or -ubdivid.ed sho�;ing streets., property lines, etc.) Attached A N CITY OF EDMONDS. CITY CLEW AFFIDAVIT OF POSTER STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) JOHN E. MORAN, being first duly sworn, on oath, deposes and says: That on the day of 19631 he posted a Notice of Hearing Petition for Proposed Plat of the following described property situated in Snohomish County,. Washington: All that portion of Government Lot 4, Section 13, Township 27 N., R. 3 E., W.M., described as follows; Beginning at the S.E. corner of said Government Lot 4; thence N. 0047'50" W., 468.60 feet to the point of beginning- thence N. 72'43157" W., 1130.19 feet; thence N. 36627133" E., 347.45 feet, thence S. 72051130" E., 855.67 feet; thence S. 0017'50" E., 347.14 feet to the point of beginning DATED THIS day of _ , 1963. SUBKRI AND SWOR TO before me this of 1963. Not y Public in and for t tate of Washington, residing at AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICA'T'ION STATE OF WASHINGTON COUN'T'Y OF SNOHOMISH ss EARL CLARK, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of the EDMONDS. TRIBUNE -REVIEW, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and has been designated .as such by Court Order No. 38282, and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publications hereinafter referred to, published in the English Ianguage continually as a weekly newspaper in Snohomish County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, and that it was of general circulation in said Snohomish County-------•---•-------•---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- --- That the annexed is a true copy of a ___ qt CE3___Of_-Hea-r-i'3�;__:Pets3, _on for.. Proposed--Plat--_of__ Nor hstream-_Land---------------------------- as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of said news- paper once each week for a period of ----- Qii.e___--------------------- 0=0EX%XweeA, commencing on the ---- 7th --------- •--- day of -----February--------------- 196__x___, and ending on the -------------------------- day of • --- ------ •-----------------------, 196 ------- both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all 'of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $___ 4'3-2_____________ which amount has been paid in full, at the rate of $2.40 a hundred words for the first insertion and $1..80 a hundred words for each subse e insertion Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7tih -------- day of ----- Feb .......... 196___ 3 _ •- . --•-----G ---------- -----•---- ------------------• - ------------------ Notary Public in and for the Stateof Washington, residing at E monds, Wash.