Pagan Orthodontist.doc October 17, 2012 Ms. Lisa Chun lisa@0-plus.com SUBJECT: Plan Review – Dr. Pagan Orthodontist Dear Ms. Chun: th I have reviewed the plan submitted for the tenant improvement work for Dr. Pagan’s office at 21810 76 Ave. There are some particular items in the submittal that need to have additional clarification and/or detail in order for me to complete the review and permit approval.  The plans include a layout on sheet S21 for some structural reconstruction of the foundation and other components including posts and roof beams. However there is not enough detail to understand the extend of this work. The architectural drawings should show detail of the reconstruction work including the full scope of the areas affected and how, or if, it will impact the first floor and roof area.  The plan set indicates that the stairs will be reconstructed and an elevator added. If this is to be a part of the project the basic design information should be include for review, even if the work is to be done under a separate permit.  The floor plan indicates that there will be new windows located on the entrance wall. However, the size and type of glazing is not shown. Please clarify and indicate the location of any safety glazing in accordance with IBC 2406.  The new accessible rest room does not meet all of the requirements in ANSI A117. Note that a vertical grab bar is also required. Also, please show all dimensions for fixtures to ensure that they are properly installed.  Include the hardware schedule showing accessibility compliance for door levers and other hardware.  The interior lighting budget calculation sheet was not completed, so determination of compliance with that portion of the energy code cannot be confirmed. Please provide the proposed installed wattage numbers.  Are there any changes proposed for the HVAC equipment or will this be simply duct relocation? If new equipment is to be installed please provide specifications. I will review your submittal documents as soon as possible after receipt in order to facilitate permitting. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, Leonard Yarberry Building Official