City of Edmonds
Plan Review Corrections
Plan Check #: Date:
06-095 April 14, 2006
Project Name/Address: Jon McCormick / 635 Paradise Lane
Contact Person/Address: Warren LaFon / Fax: (425) 774-0580; e-mail: warrenlafon@earthlink.net
Reviewer Department
: Meg Gruwell: Planning
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. Before I can sign off on
it I need the following:
1.Landscape Plan: No Landscape Plan was submitted with the building permit. Two copies of a
Landscape Plan are required to be submitted. A Landscape Plan was submitted with the
Architectural Design Board (ADB) application. Please note that that Landscape Plan needs to be
revised to comply with the conditions of the Architectural Design Board, which are:
a.The 15-foot setback required adjacent to the residentially-zoned property must be landscaped, as
required by ECDC 16.53.020.C. Three trees at two-inch caliper will need to be added to the
Landscape Plan, at a height of 6 to 7 feet, to help break up the bulk of the building as viewed from
the north; and
b.At least ten feet of landscaping must be provided between the street property line and the parking
and recycling/trash area to meet the requirements of ECDC 20.12.025. The revised plan shall be
submitted for staff review.
2.Recycling/Trash Enclosure: Please show how you meet the following ADB requirements:
a.The trash/recycling enclosure will be screened by a solid wood or masonry fence, coordinated with
the building and site design.
b.The enclosure should be further screened with vegetation because of its prominent location.
Please note that no sign has been included with this permit, and a sign permit is required for any new
If you have any questions, please call me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1330.
Please make all submittals to the Development Services Permit Coordinator, and provide two copies of
any revised plans or elevations and three copies of any site plans. Your existing plans and elevations may
also be red-lined.
Thank you.
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