City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: January 11, 2008
TO: George Ostrow
FAX: 206-529-0259
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check # 2007-1181
Project: PCC Market Shell Core
Project Address: 9803 Edmonds Way
During re-review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following
information, clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and
where changes can be found on the plans. Please resubmit to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator.
1.Previous item 5: The 5 accessible parking stalls required for PCC Market must meet current
code under this permit (IBC/WAC 3409.7). Where the accessible route from the parking stall
access aisles to the building entrance crosses or is within a drive aisle, a painted crosswalk is
required (WAC 51-50-1106.6). Provide accessible parking stall details, and cross reference
where they apply on the site plan.
2.Previous item 6: The dimensions and notes on the accessible curb ramp detail referenced for the
accessible ramps to the building entrances are not legible. Please resubmit 2 copies of the sheet.
3.Previous item 7: An accessible path of travel is required from the public sidewalk to the
building entrance (IBC/WAC 3409.7). Provide a painted cross walk where it crosses or is
within drive aisles.
4.Previous item 14: Add listed and tested 1-hour wall assembly reference number and fastener
requirements on detail 1/A5.0 so the assembly is constructed and inspected properly in the field.
5.We did not receive any revised structural plans nor a response letter regarding the structural
comments which were part of the December 18
comments. Please provide.