Plan review comments for Providence Health Services - Swedish.doc
City of Edmonds Wastewater Pretreatment Program
200 2 Ave S., Edmonds, WA 98020
Office: (425) 672-5755 Mobile: (206) 595-3117
Plan Review Comments
Plan Check #: Date:
BLD20131354 December 27, 2013
Project Name/ Address:
Providence Health Services - Swedish, 7324 216 ST SW, Edmonds
Contact Person/Fax or Email:
Reviewer: Division:
Les KrestelWastewater Treatment Plant / Pretreatment
The subject application has been reviewed but cannot be completed until the following
items have been addressed/completed. Please submit 3 sets of revised drawings to a
Development Services Permit Coordinator, if required, or a written response to the review
comments to the Development Services Permit Coordinator and the Pretreatment
1. Please email to me the oil/water separator sizing calculations that determined the 25-SA
utility vault was the appropriate size for this parking garage.
2. All oil/water separators shall be properly installed, maintained and operated by the
owner/discharger. Oil/water separators shall be maintained in a manner that prevents oil,
greases and debris from being carried into the sewer system. Annual maintenance/pump
outs are required unless it is determined that it is not adequately protecting the sewer
system, if this is the case, more frequent pump outs will be required.
3. Locate oil/water separator within 20’ of drive for access by service vehicles.
Please call me Monday-Friday for questions and assistance.
Les Krestel
City of Edmonds Pretreatment Technician
206-595-3117 cell