Plan review comments for QFC - Kroger January 31, 2017.doc
City of Edmonds Wastewater Pretreatment Program
200 2 Ave S., Edmonds, WA 98020
Office: (425) 672-5755 Mobile: (206) 595-3117
Plan Review Comments
Plan Check #: Date:
BLD20161694 January 31, 2017
Project Name/ Address:
QFC / Kroger / 22828 100 AVE W, Edmonds
Contact Person / Email:
Kevin Mohr /
Reviewer: Division:
Les KrestelWastewater Treatment Plant / Pretreatment
The subject application has been reviewed but cannot be completed until the following
items have been addressed/completed.
1. Is the meat department being remodeled in any way?
2. I have inspected the hydromechanical grease interceptor (HGI) that currently serves the
bakery and have noted on inspection reports that it is in bad shape. Additionally, I have
had a conversation with a HGI pump out technician in which he said the vessel leaks.
3. The current under-ground vessel is constructed of metal, has rusted out, and is in need of
a replacement.
4. After reviewing the submitted plans, the second deli HGI has been missed and not
included in the plans. The second deli HGI is below kitchen equipment that has to be
rolled way to allow HGI access.
5. If the new kitchen equipment being installed on the east deli wall cannot be easily moved
or rolled way or hinders full access or regular maintenance to the HGI, then this HGI has
to be eliminated and drains redirected to the HGI under the 3-comp sink.
6. The size of the deli HGI under the 3-comp sink may have to be increased to
accommodate the heavier loading.
7. Please confirm the location of the second deli HGI..
8. Fixtures to be drained through a HGI;
3 comp sink (excluding the sanitize compartment)
Prewash sink serving the dishwasher
Floor drains in the scullery/food prep area
9. Fixtures not to drain into a HGI;
Hand wash sinks
Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor that was not included in the plan submittal. Located on the
east wall under what seems to be a fridge on wheels.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Les Krestel
City of Edmonds Pretreatment Technician
206-595-3117 cell