plancomments2.pdfPlan Check #: 05-447
City of Edmonds
Plan Review Corrections
Date: November 4, 2005
Project Name/Address: James Culver 17217 Meadowdale Beach Road
Contact Pcrson/Address: Michael Painter, M.P. Construction 1 Fax: (425) 672-4323; P.O. Box 3203,
Lynnwood, WA 98046
Reviewer: Meg Grawell - Department: Plannin
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. Before I can sign off on
it I need the following:
1. Grading: I do not see a quantity of grading specified on the Grading Plan.
a. Please specify the amount of cut and fill that will be graded.
b. If over 500 cubic yards of cut or fill is proposed, a SEPA review will be required and you must
submit the following:
(i) Completed Environmental Checklist;
(ii) Adjacent Property Owner List (see City handout);
(iii)Fee of $420.00.
Please contact me if you need the checklist or handout.
2. Height Calculations: Please refer to the attached height calculation handout.
a. Show the rectangle from which the four corners are taken;
b. That rectangle must include the covered porch;
c. Make sure the four corners of the height calculation rectangle used in the calculations match the
original topography lines that they fall on (none seem to fall on 540 or 500 as given).
d. Recalculate the height calculations.
(i) Include the updated height calculations on the site plan, including the calculated average
grade, maximum allowed height of 25 feet plus the average grade, and the actual elevation of
the top of the building.
(ii) Update the left (southwest) building elevation to show the new average grade, maximum
allowed height, and actual height. Make sure that these numbers match those on the site plan.
e. Be sure the height calculations are on both the large site plans and the reduced copy.
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3. More Site Plan Chan:?es: On the site plan please show the following:
a. Covered porch;
b. Main floor balcony;
c. Exterior steps;
d. Provide a reduced copy (8.5 by 11 inch) of the site plan.
4. Setbacks: Structures must meet setbacks. Please show how the following will maintain required
a. Covered porch. If the NW side of the house is maintaining a 14 foot setback, which is what I
scaled it to be, then the supports for the covered porch (assuming the eaves are not more than 30
inches) need to meet the 35 —14 = 21 foot setback.
b. Steps over thirty inches about ground level must meet setbacks.
/ 5. Lot Area: Please confirm what the lot area is.
G. Wetlands: When the initial critical area reconnaissance was done, the planner did not discover that
there were any wetlands at this site. After noting on the geotechnical report that there were wet areas
on the site, I visited the site today to see if any of them appeared to qualify as wetlands. Since it has
been raining for five days, it was very wet on site, but I also noted some vegetation, such as a skunk
cabbage, that only grows in wetlands. Some other vegetation on the site, such as the salmonberry and
buttercup, can also grow in wetlands. Since we now have new information that wetlands are on both
this site and the site to the south, we will need a wetland report done, and the wetlands delineated.
Here is what needs to be done, as typically described in our critical areas reconnaissance reports
when we determine that a site has wetlands.
During review and inspection of the subject site, it was found that the site may contain critical areas, including
a Wetland pursuant to Chapter 23.40 of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC).
Critical Areas Reports identify, classify and delineate any areas on or adjacent to the subject property that may
qualify as critical areas. They also assess these areas and identify any potential impacts resulting from your
specific development proposal. If a specific development proposal results in an alteration to a critical area the
critical areas report will also contain a mitigation plan. You have the option of completing the portion of the
study that classifies and delineates the critical areas and waiting until you have a specific development
proposal to complete the study. You may also choose submit the entire study with your specific development
Please review the minimum report requirements for all types of Critical Areas which are listed in ECDC
23.40.090.D. There are additional report requirements for different types of critical areas (see below).
Note that it is important for the report to be prepared by a qualified professional as defined in the
ordinance. There are options on how to complete a critical areas study and an approved list of
consultants that you may choose from. You may contact the Planning Division for more information.
General Mitigation Requirements for all Critical Areas are discussed in ECDC 23.40.110 through
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The site investigation has shown that the site may contain a wetland. Wetlands are areas inundated or
saturated by ground or surface water that support, under normal circumstances, vegetation adapted for life in
saturated soil.
• Wetlands are generally rated according to their size, condition, function, and vegetation types into four
(4) different categories described in ECDC 23.50.010 and by use of the "City of Edmonds Wetland
Field Data Form" by the critical areas consultant.
Buffer widths for wetlands vary depending on the category of the wetland as listed in ECDC
23.50.040. F.
• In addition to the general requirements for Critical Areas reports referenced above, there are specific
Critical Areas report requirements for wetlands that are provided in ECDC 23.50.030.
Development proposals that encroach into wetlands or their buffers or building setbacks may be allowed
through the approval of certain processes.
• The width of a wetland buffer may be reduced through buffer enhancement if the criteria described in
ECDC 23.50.040.F.3 can be met. The maximum amount that a buffer can be reduced through buffer
enhancement is 50%.
• A buffer may also be modified through a process called buffer averaging. The criteria applied to
buffer averaging are listed in ECDC 23.50.040.F.4. The maximum amount that the buffer width can
be reduced at any single location through buffer averaging is 50%.
• Development proposals that proposed encroachments into buffers beyond what is allowed through
the above methods require a Critical Areas Variance, or a Reasonable Use Exception. If you think
that you have a proposal that may require one of these processes, please contact a Planner for more
• Any time a development proposal requires an alteration to a wetland, a mitigation plan is required as
part of the Critical Areas report. In addition to the General Mitigation requirements referenced above,
mitigation requirements specific to wetlands are provided in ECDC 23.50.050.
NOTE: There are specific performance standards for the subdivision of lands in wetlands and
wetland buffers. These are listed in ECDC 23.50.060.
Certain activities are allowed in or near critical area buffers as specified in ECDC 23.40.20. If you have any
questions about whether your proposed development qualifies as an allowed activity, please contact a Planner
for more information.
Certain development proposals may be exempt from Critical Areas Requirements (ECDC 23.40.230). If you
think that a specific development proposal may be exempt, contact a Planner for more information.
NOTE: Cited sections of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) can be found on the City of
Edmonds website at
7. Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area: Since the time that the initial critical areas
determination was done, we have revised our code and our maps. The site is shown on the new map
to be in a fish and wildlife habitat conservation area. The following requirements apply to these
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Since the site is within a mapped fish and wildlife habitat conservation area, the City would like to preserve as much of the
native vegetation as possible.
The applicant must submit a clearing/tree cutting plan with any development permit. Tree cutting and clearing of native
vegetation shall be limited to the footprint of development.
If you have any questions, please call me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1330.
Please make all submittals to the Development Services Coordinator, and provide two copies of any
revised plans or elevations. Your existing plans and elevations may also be red -lined.
Thank you.
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