Planning civil comments 1.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS ® 1215" AVENUE NORTH ® EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.edmondswa. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING ® BUILDING To: Chris and Merin Mione From: Mike Clugston, AICP, Associate Planner Date: July 21, 2015 RE: Planning review of civil improvement plans for short plat (PLN20140075) The Planning Division has reviewed the civil improvement plans submitted on July 16, 2015. The following comments are in reference to the listed conditions of approval from the preliminary short plat decision of May 14, 2015 and the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC): 1. Please submit plans and reports required in Conditions 2 and 3 of the preliminary short plat decision: 2. Trees shall be retained to the maximum extent feasible. All trees on the site must be shown on the civil improvement plans, including those trees on adjacent sites with driplines that overlap the subject parcel. Retained trees must be protected during development in accordance with ECDC 18.45.050. 3. The applicant must apply for review and approval of civil subdivision improvement plans. In preparing these plans, the applicant must address the Engineering Division conditions listed "Required as a Condition of Subdivision" in Attachment 5. The required documents and applicable fee must be submitted to the Engineering Division together with: a) A geotechnical report describing how the proposed civil improvements comply with ECDC 23.40 and 23.80. b) An updated vegetation management identifying the specific native trees and vegetation being retained and what native species are to be installed, as appropriate. Monitoring and maintenance provisions must be provided along with a cost estimate for any vegetation to be installed and labor per ECDC 23.40.290.