Planning civil comments 2.pdfY CITY OF EDMONDS • 1215 1h AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB:
To: Chris and Merin Mione
From: Mike Clugston, AICP, Associate Planner
Date: January 20, 2016
RE: Planning review #2 of civil improvement plans for short plat (PLN20140075)
The Planning Division has reviewed the updated civil improvement plans submitted on
December 17, 2015. The following corrections must be addressed or materials submitted
before review can continue:
1. Geotech report: The geotech report from South Fork Geosciences dated August 7, 2015
states that there are no critical areas on the site, which is in contrast from the critical
area determination for the parcel issued January 29, 2015 (CRA20140120). The
determination states:
Your property is located on a hillside with a western facing slope. This slope varies
between areas near level, around the house, to areas on your property where the slope
exceeds 40% according to City LiDAR data. Due to the degree of the slope on and
adjacent to the your property, it was found that the site contains slopes that are steep
enough to be considered both an Erosion Hazard Area (over 15% slope) and a Landslide
Hazard Area (over 40% slope). Your property also includes the Alderwood and
Alderwood-Everett USDA soil series types. Both of these soil series types are listed in
section 23.80.020 ECDC which identifies soil series that have characteristics leading to
possible severe to very severe erosion occurrences.
Please submit an updated report which addresses the presence of these possible
hazards on the site relative to the proposed development. Reference can be made to
the 'Limited Report Requirements for Stable Erosion Hazard Areas' in ECDC 23.80.050.G
if that is applicable in this instance; otherwise, submit a report prepared in accordance
with ECDC 23.80.050 and 23.40.090 which addressed 23.80.060, 23.80.070 and
2. Vegetation plan: Please revise the vegetation plan to show the retention line (bubbled
outline on Lots A & B) to match the clearing limits shown on the Sheet 2 (SWPPP) and
label the 'trees to be removed' as appropriate. Also, please indicate the square footage
of retained native vegetated area on each lot (either on the updated plan or on an
updated cover letter).