Planning Comments 1, 1-27-06.pdfPlan Check 9: 05-564
City oi ' Edmonds
Plan Review Corrections
Date: January 27, 20006
Project Name/Address: Tung Bui / 16105 — 75th Place W.
Contact Person/Address: Neza Wevesa 1 Fax: (425) 455-4376, e-mail: negaweyesa(&
Reviewer: Meg Gruwell Department: Planning
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. Before I can sign off on
it I need the following:
1. Landscape Plan: I see that a Tree Cutting Plan has been submitted that tells us that all the trees on
the site will be removed. I do not see a Landscape Plan that would tell us what plants will be
installed. Page 14 of the LSI Adapt Inc. report dated May 23, 2005, requires the slopes to be
vegetated and a hardy vegetative groundcover to be established as soon as possible. Please provide a
landscape plan that addresses the requirements of the LSI report.
2. Datum Point: The corner of the property has been labeled as the bench mark. We require a
permanent point, such as a manhole cover or storm drain cover for the datum point. Two likely rims
have been pointed out, and their elevation is given as "plus or minus." Please choose a rim that will
not be affected by the construction as your datum point and provide the accurate elevation of that
datum point.
3. Eastern Driveway Encroachment: The driveway coming in the from the eastern side of the property
cuts across the corner ^of the property to the south of you. This is particularly easy to see in the. Tree
Cutting Plan. I checked the survey to see if the easement went across this corner, but it does not
appear to. Please keep the driveway and all needed erosion control within your property or the
easement filed under recording no. 9010120364. Alternately, you could obtain an access easement
from the property to the south of yours and provide a city with a copy of that recorded document. If
you have any further questions about access and easements, please contact Jeanie McConnell with the
Engineering Division, at (425) 771-0220, extension 1338.
4. Grading Quantities: I understand that the grading quantities will need to be reevaluated. Please
provide me with an updated quantity as soon as you have it so that I can include it in the SEPA
5. Terrace Location: On sheet 6, the edge of the terrace lines up with the media room, yet on the site
plan the edge of the terrace jogs in to be even with the supports for the terrace cover. Which is
accurate? Please make both plans consistent.
If you have any questions, please call me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1330.
Please make all submittals to the Development Services Permit Coordinator, and provide two copies of
any revised plans or elevations. Your existing plans and elevations may also be red -lined.
Thank you.
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