PLN198300007-2983 (2)MAE:jt 2/13/84 PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 679 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF THE EDMONDS PLANNING BOARD ON PROPOSED ZONING REGULATION DESIGNATED BY EDMONDS FILE NO. R-7-83. After notice had been duly posted and published pursuant to Section 20.40.030 of the Edmonds Community Development Code the Edmonds Planning Board held a public hearing on January 11, 1984 to consider Planning Division File No. R-7-83, proposed zoning regulations for an area located in Snohomish County adjacent to the Edmonds City limits which is generally south of 222nd Street S.W., east of 80th Avenue West and 78th Avenue West, and west of 76th Avenue West. The proposed zoning regulation would be to adopt single-family residential zone RS-8 upon annexation of such area. The City staff made a presentation and submitted documents for the Planning Board review. Members of the public were given an opportunity to speak and after all members who desired to speak had done so the public portion of the meeting was closed. Following the discussion by the Planning Board, Board member Larson moved that the Planning Board recommend a modified approval of R-7-83 and that the staff report to the Planning Board on this matter be adopted as a portion of the Board's findings and conclusions with the exception of those regarding minimum lot size. This motion was duly seconded by Board member Hogin and was passed unanimously by the board, now, therefore, THE EDMONDS PLANNING BOARD HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Planning Board finds that the subject property as described in Exhibit "A" is currently located in a multiple family residential area with lot sizes varying from 6,000 square feet to 7,200 square feet, with the exception of the Esperance Elementary School, and conclude that an RS-6 zone classification with the exception of the Esperance school property would be consistent with the existing surrounding development to the west of the Esperance Elementary School. Additionally, the Planning Board finds that an RS-6 zone classification will create the least number of non -conforming lots upon any future annexation of the area. 2. That the Planning Board finds that the Esperance School property as described in Exhibit "A" currently consists of the Esperance school situated on a large open field, and concludes that an RS-8 zone classification would be consistent with the surrounding area should there be any single family development on that land. 3. That the Planning Board adopt by reference the following portions of the Staff Report to the Planning Board for R-7-83: Part III A, B, and C, 1 through 5, a copy of which is set forth as Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein as if set forth in full. - 2 - 4. That it be recommended to the City Council that a proposed zoning classification of RS-6 and RS-8 as outlined in Exhibit "A" be adopted for the subject property to become effective upon future annexation of property within the subject area. J DATED this day - 3 - CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775-2525 CITY ATTORNEY March 29, 1984 Teresa Quigley Planning Department Edmonds Civic Center Edmonds, WA 98020 LARRY S. NAUGHTEN MAYOR Re: Planning Board Resolution: R-7-83 Dear Teresa: Enclosed please find the original of the Planning Board resolution regarding R-7-83 with the corrections you requested. Very truly yours, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Jane Tabaka Mark Eames secretary CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 775-2525 CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Duane Bowman Assistant City Planner Edmonds Civic Center Edmonds, WA 98020 Dear Duane: LARRY S. NAUGHTEN MAYOR February 13, 1984 q B 17 Re: Planning Board Resolution for File R-7-83 Enclosed is the Planning Board resolution for the simultaneous zoning of the Esparence Elementary School property. There are two exhibits for this resolution, the first of which, Exhibit "A", is a map of the proposed annexation showing the portion which will be zoned RS-6 and the portion which will be zoned RS-8. This Exhibit "A" needs to be prepared by your office. Also, Exhibit "B" is a portion of your Staff Report which was adopted by the Planning Board. That is also enclosed with this letter. Please see that all the necessary exhibits are attached to the resolution and that Ken Mattson reviews this resolution for his signature at his earliest convenience. After this resolution is signed it will be ready for submittal to the City Council after a 75% annexation petition has been received. On another matter, I have researched the question of the extent to which school property is counted when determining the sufficiency of a 75% petition. The statute, RCW 35A.14.120 states that a petition "must be signed by the owners, as defined by RCW 35A.01.040(9)(a) through (d), of not less than 75% in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is petitioned." Thus all property that has an assessed valuation is included. I contacted the Snohomish County Assessor's office and learned that the school property does, indeed, have an assessed valuation for the land and the buildings, therefore its value must be included in calculating the sufficiency of the 75% petition. Duane Bowman February 13, 1984 Page 2 Please contact me if you have any further questions regarding this matter. Very truly yours, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Mark A. Eames MAE:jt Enclosure cc: Irene Varney Moran THESE MINUTES SUBJECT TO JANU 25 APPROVAL c` PLANNING BOARD January 11, 1984 The regular meeting of the Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ken Mattson in the Plaza Meeting Room of the Edmonds Library. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Ken Mattson Ann Derleth, Alt. Duane Bowman, Asst. City Planner Dave Larson Richard Kirschner Mark Eames, City Attorney John Hodgin Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Bob Boye Mr. Kirschner's absence was excused because he was out of town on business. APPROVAL OF MINUTES CHAIRMAN MATTSON MOVED, SECONDED BY MR. HODGIN, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24, 1983. MOTION CARRIED. MR. BOYE MOVED, SECONDED BY CHAIRMAN MATTSON, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 9, 1983. MOTION CARRIED. Approval of the minutes of December 14, 1983 was deferred until the next meeting because they were distributed this evening. STAFF AND PLANNING BOARD COMMENTS Mr. Bowman reminded the Board of its meeting with the City Council on January 24 and he suggested that they prepare written policy statements to present to the Council. He thought they may also want to discuss with the Council the policies regarding annexation, as brought up at the last meeting by Mr. Larson. Mr. Bowman advised that Ms. Derleth probably will be resigning from the Board because her family is moving to eastern Washington. Chairman Mattson inquired about funds for the Planning Board, and Mr. Bowman said there is some money set aside in the Council Contingency Fund for long-range planning for the Planning Board. Mr. Larson expressed appreciation for the new microphones. AGENDA R-7-W CITY OF EDMONDS - Consideration of simultaneous zoning on an area located in Snohomish County adjacent to the City of Edmonds. The area under con- sideration is generally located south of 222nd St. S.W., east of 80th Ave. W.and 78th Ave. W., and west of 76th Ave. W. Under the request the area would, upon annexation, be zoned from RR-8400 in Snohomish County to RS-8 in the City of Edmonds. The proposed annexation area is comprised of 27.14 acres and has 50 residences within it. Also included is the old Esperance Elementary School which currently is leased to Women's Aglow Fellowship International, a religious organization. Surrounding development to the north and west is single- family residential, to the east is a mixture of multi -family and commercial, and to the south is commercial. Mr. Bowman addressed the rezone criteria. As to whether the zoning change conforms with the Comprehensive Plan, he said the Comprehensive Plan Map designates the subject property as a mixture of single-family/high-density residential. Development in the area is single-family residential. As to consistency with the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance, he said the area is completely developed into single- family development, except for the old elementary school, and the existing RR-8400 zoning is generally consistent with the City's RS-8 zoning. As to the relationship of the proposed zoning change to existing land uses and zoning of surrounding or nearby property, he said the proposed RS-8 zoning is consistent with the single-family development that has occurred in the area. As to whether there has been sufficient change in the character of the immediate or surrounding area or in City policy to justify the rezone, he said the City is required to establish the zoning classification for the area upon annexation and the proposed RS-8 zone is the proper classifica- tion. As to whether the property is suitable both economically and physically for the uses allowed under the existing zoning and under the proposed zoning, he said the area is fully developed, with the exception of the old Esperance Elementary School, and any development other than single-family residential will be limited to those conditional uses listed in Section 16.20.010(C)(1) and he read those aloud. As to relative gain to the public health, safety, and welfare, compared to the potential increase or decrease in value to the property owners, he said this proposal will zone the subject area to a classification which is comparable to the RR-8400 County zoning. Mr. Bowman said there will be no significant adverse environmental impacts associated with this proposal, and a declaration of nonsignificance has been issued. He recommended approval of the proposal. Mr. Larson asked what the pattern is of the multiple zoning along 76th, and Mr. Bowman responded that there is a strip just north of this area from 222nd to 220th, and from that point it is single-family. Also, on the east side of 76th it is multi -family and adjacent to Highway 99 is general commercial. Mr. Hodgin did not understand how Edmonds could bring school district property into the City and zone it single-family. Mr. Bowman said if they decide to come into the City, the City is charged with establishing a zone classification, and the school district can participate in the process and seek a specific zoning. He said the school district was aware of this evening's hearing. Chairman Mattson observed that the school district property is currently zoned RR-8400 so it is single-family now, and he noted that schools and churches are typically in residential zones. Mr. Bowman noted that the particular use of the Women's Aglow association would be considered nonconforming in the City, so they would have to bring that into compliance within 15 years of the date they became nonconforming if that use continues, unless a Code amendment were to allow such uses with a Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Eames added that the Code provides for an extension of the 15-year period by application to the Hearing Examiner and presentation of facts that would justify it, and they would have one year to make the request. Chairman Mattson objected to the last rezone criterion regarding relative gain to the public health, safety, and welfare, saying that is never answered satisfactorily. The hearing then was opened. The audience was advised that the annexation issue was not being heard this evening, only the zoning if the area should annex. Shirley Homanick, 22322 76th W. said there are about 50 residences involved and only 8 are over 8,400 sq. ft. Hers is the smallest with 6,000 sq. ft. Mr. Bowman described the parcels, noting two which are approximately 8,100 sq. ft., parcels within a PRO which are 6,000 sq. ft., those along 224th and along 76th which are 6,000 - 7,200 sq. ft., and those to the north which are over 8,000 sq. ft. He said those which do not meet the minimum lot requirements would be considered nonconforming, but they are also nonconforming in Snohomish County under the RR-8400 zoning. Mr. Eames noted that there are different kinds of nonconformity and if two adjoining lots are in common ownership they would be considered as one large lot and could be resubdivided to try to make conforming lots. He noted that a house on a nonconforming lot is not necessarily a nonconforming house. Mr. Larson asked if RS-6 had been considered for this, and Mr. Bowman said it had, as well as some multi -family zoning, but it has been the City's policy, upon annexation, to give people the same or comparable zoning which they had in the County. John Richmond, representing the Edmonds School District, said they are concerned about the implications of the new zoning on the school and its potential uses in the future. He said the district has a number of schools which are excessive to its current needs, and this is an unanticipated situation but a national phenomenon. He believed a solution could be worked out which will meet the needs of both the school district and the City. He was asked if he had a suggestion for the school district property, other than RS, and he said perhaps the Conditional Use Permit process would allow assurance for the City and still allow the school district to get income from the property. He said they see the possibility of dividing the property, and the school building is separate from the rest of the grounds, so the grounds would be zoned with the surrounding property. He said they want to be reasonable and appreciate the fact that the City is sympathetic to their situation. Carol Ostby, 7726 224th S.W., said she had lived there for 30 years and the annexation issue is an emotional one. She asked for those who have small PLANNING BOARD Page 2 - January 11, 1984 businesses in their homes, if they should be forced into Edmonds, what it would do to them. Mr. Bowman explained the home occupation provisions of the Edmonds Code. Marillen Bouck, 7720 224th S.W., asked what the steps on annexations are that would be presented to her as a taxpayer. Mr. Eames explained the annexation process. Willard Rawlins, 22419 78th W., asked if the annexation would be dropped if the 75% petition was not attained. Mr. Bowman explained that if they cannot obtain the 75% within six months the petition is invalid and they would have to start the process again. Mr. Rawlins asked if they would be taxed for sewers and water if the annexation should go through, since they had already paid for them. Mr. Bowman explained that they would not pay twice, and he said the main difference they would notice was that they would pay their bill to the City of Edmonds rather than the water district. William A. Leu, 22418 77th W., asked if they would be able to vote on the annexation. Mr. Eames explained the petition method of annexation. The hearing then was closed. Mr. Larson felt the County zoning may not have been appropriate because of the commercial zone to the south, the multi -family zone to the east and northeast, the configuration of the existing single-family lots, and the current use of the former elementary school which he thought provided as good neighbors as could be found in the way of school tenants. He wondered if it would not be better to have more than one zone in the area. He thought part of it should be RS-6 and part multiple family. He noted that nobody in the audience indicated whether they would prefer multiple on 76th, and said he is always reluctant to impose multiple on single-family property because it may affect their taxes, but if they expect to convert their property within a few years this may be the time to consider it. Also, he said in a multiple -family zone there is more opportunity for Conditional Use Permits, particularly for service businesses. Mr. Bowman said in the multi -family zone there would be the possibility of professional type offices. Mr. Bowman agreed that there are some areas that appear to have the potential for multi -family, such as on 76th, but he said to place multi -family zoning on the school property would be pushing that zoning into the definite single-family area. Mr. Boye thought that to bring in multi -family at this time would confuse an already emotional issue, but he was amenable to RS-6. Chairman Mattson recognized his point, but he said multiple would be a better buffer and would make good planning sense on 76th, but he agreed it would be a problem to bring it into the issue at this time. Mr. Bowman noted that a change to RS-6 would not change the overall area. -Instead of 7 1/2' side setback it would be 5' and instead of 25' street setback it would be 20'. He said he could canvass the neighborhood and determine what the people think. Mr. Boye thought that would give the impression that the City is aggressive on this annexation when actually at this point it is only responding to the requests of the people. Mr. Larson was persuaded by Mr. Boye that it would muddy the water. THEREFORE, MR. LARSON MOVED, SECONDED BY MR. HODGIN, THAT THE PLANNING BOARD RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT IN THE EVENT OF ANNEXATION OF THIS AREA WHICH IS COVERED UNDER R-7-83 THAT THE ENTIRE AREA BE ZONED RS-6 FOR THE REASON THAT RS-6 ZONING MOST CLOSELY APPROXIMATES THE SIZE LOTS OF THE MAJORITY OF THE SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS, AND INCORPORATING ALL THE STAFF'S RECOMMENDA- TIONS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MINIMUM SIZE LOTS AND DELETING #6 OF THE FINDINGS OF FACT (PERTAINING TO RELATIVE GAIN TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE). Chairman Mattson asked if part of the school property should be RS-8- It was noted that this issue will be emotional enough without having more than one zone, but Mr. Bowman thought it would be more advisable to place RS-8 on the school property, saying the area most suitable for RS-6 is the area west of the school, north of 224th and south of 222nd. He said if the school property should develop into single-family there would be smaller lots adjacent to the RS-8 by the school. MR. LARSON AMENDED HIS MOTION, ACCEPTABLE TO THE SECOND, TO RECOMMEND THAT THE SCHOOL PROPERTY BE ZONED RS-8. THE MOTION CARRIED, AS AMENDED. Roger Hertrich, 1020 Puget Dr., commended the City on the process it was going through. He said if he were in that area he would want to know what to expect if he were going to be annexed to the City, and he hoped that before this reached the City Council that there would be a discussion regarding parks in the City and long-range planning for parks. He said if PLANNING BOARD Page 3 - January 11, 1984 the school is closed a playground would be lost and he would rather see that open space changed to OS zoning. Mr. Larson noted that the Board had made the recommendation on the last annexation and it was not accepted. Mr. Hertrich thought they should do it again. CDC-4-83 CITY OF EDMONDS - Amendments to Sections 15.38.100, 15.38.110, and 15.38.150 of the Community Development Code (Shoreline Master Program), removing the limitation for only open pile bulkheads in the urban environment, allowing breakwaters in the urban environment only in the Commercial Waterfront Zone, and allowing dredging for the purpose of creating moorage in the Commercial Waterfront Zone in the urban, conservancy, and natural environments. The reason for this proposed action was that the Port of Edmonds applied for a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit to expand moorage by an additional 116 slips. To complete the project approximately 84,000 cu. yds. of material will have to be dredged and a new harbor entrance built. Some Code changes are required to allow what they propose. Regarding Section 15.38.100 having to do with bulkheads, subsection A.5. states that "Bulkheads should be of an open pile construction wherever possible," and the proposal was to delete that. In Section 15.38.110 having to do with breakwaters, subsection A. states that "Future breakwater construction shall be of a nonpermanent, temporary nature; i.e., floating breakwaters." The proposed language change is "Breakwaters shall be permitted subject to all applicable state and federal regulations and shall be limited to those areas located in the commercial waterfront (CW) zone." Regarding Section 15.38.150 having to do with dredging, dredging is not permitted in the natural environments in the current Code, and the proposal -was to amend subsection A. to provide that dredging "shall be carried out only for the purpose of creating moorage in the commercial waterfront (CW) zone, main- taining safe navigation or natural character." Mr. Bowman said they wanted the ability to do some very limited dredging in the natural environments, but protecting the natural character. He said it is clear that the proposed marine expansion is consistent with the City's overall objectives. Herb Carpenter of Reid, Middleton & Associates reviewed the improvement of the waterfront over the past five years and said expansion of the mid - marina area is the last step in the overall Port improvement. They have only a window of approximately six weeks in which they can do the addition to the breakwater because of the limitation on when they can drive piles. In answer to questions, he said the Corps of Engineers is a critical agency for the permit and the permit will not be issued until the shorelines permit is issued. Mr. Boye saw no problems after questioning Mr. Carpenter, and he said it appeared Mr. Bowman had gone through the Code and made the proper changes. Mr. Larson spoke in favor of public viewing areas so it can be enjoyed by the nonboating public also. He mentioned the elevated walkway at Waterfront Park in Seattle, and tor. Bowman responded that public viewing areas will be addressed in the Substantial Development Permit. Mr. Carpenter said when the project is finished the public will be able to walk the entire waterfront. Dick Cole, attorney for the Port, said that at the public hearings there were requests for overnight moorage and there was support from people who have been on the moorage waiting list for years. He noted that the fishing pier offers a good opportunity for viewing the waterfront area. John Olson, of Reid, Middleton & Associates, said they are trying to protect the harbor from the severest waves which are from the northwest, and that is why the configuration was developed. He noted that there is protection somewhat from southwest weather by the breakwater, and steel was chosen because of the configuration of the bottom, but rock would be preferable. The water is too deep for a timber structure. He said the Coast Guard will review the lighting. He was questioned about "open pile construction" which is proposed to be deleted from the Code, and he said no one has a definition for that. The hearing was opened. Roger Hertrich, 1020 Puget Dr., said that at the Port's public hearing there was not a unanimous feeling in favor of this development. He said a lot of other people would favor something else for the last piece of property on the waterfront. He noted that there is no boat launch facility for small boats and he thought the Port should provide more public access to the water. He said the proposed Code changes do not specify that they are only for the Port's benefit, so anyone else could have a similar development. PLANNING BOARD Page 4 - January 11, 1984 PLEASE -P,RMK. YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK ON THIS ITEM R-7-83 CITY OF EDMONDS CONSIDERATION OF SIMULTANEOUS ZONING ON AN AREA LOCATED IN SNOHOMISH COUNTY ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS. THE AREA UNDER RECONSIDERATION IS GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 222ND ST. S.W., EAST OF 80TH AVE. W. AND 78TH AVE. W., AND WEST OF 76TH AVE. W. UNDER THE REQUEST, THE AREA WOULD, UPON ANNEXA- TION, BE ZONED FROM RR-8400 IN SNOHOMISH COUNTY TO RS-8 (SI:NGLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) IN THE CITY OF EDMONDS. / NAME v ARIA sc"� C ou, c,,-' IS) ✓ oAl T . 1P�R/� HEARING DATE; 1/11/84 ADDRESS a?a3a17- .?�')ga6 EDMON0S �i;�6- as �jt1c) 77 W S&wopL, 4' L olyo/yos rbAAnb s - 7 7c3 -z-2/,/ Z&' s Ts 54; . 0iyemlPS M n STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING BOARD FILE #R-7-83 HEARING DATE: JANUARY 11, 1984 I. REQUESTED ACTION: Consideration of simultaneous zoning on an area located in Sno- homish County adjacent to the City of Edmonds. The area under reconsideration is generally located south of 222nd St. S.W., east of 80th Ave. W. and 78th Ave. W., and west of 76th Ave. W. Under the request, the area would, upon annexation, be zoned from RR-8400 in Snohomish County to RS-8 (single-family resi- dential) in the City of Edmonds. II. PROPONENT: City of Edmonds 240 5th Ave. N. Edmonds, WA 98020 III. STAFF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: A. Description of Subject Property and Surrounding Area The proposed annexation area contains 27.14 acres. There are 50 residences located in the area. Also included is the old Esperance Elementary School, which is currently leased to Women's Aglow Fellowship International, a religious organi- zation. Surrounding development to the north and west is single-family residential. To the east is a mixture of multiple -family and commercial. The area to the south is commercial. B. Official Street Map Proposed R/W Existing R/W 222nd St. S.W. 60' 60' 224th St. S.W. 60' 60' 77th Ave. W. 60' 60' 78th Ave. W. 60' 60' 80th Ave. W. 60' 60' C. Rezone Criteria 1. Does the proposed zoning change conform with the Compre- hensive Plan? The Comprehensive Plan Map designates the subject property Staff Report to the Planning Board File #R-7-83/Hearing Date: 1/11/84 Page 2 as a mixture of single-family/high-density residential. Development in the area is single-family residential. 2. Is the proposed zoning consistent with the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance? The subject area is completely developed into single- family development, with the exception of the old ele- mentary school. The RR-8400 classification is generally consistent with the City's RS-8 zoning. 3. What is the relationship of the proposed zoning change to existing land uses and zoning of surrounding or nearby property? The proposed RS-8 zoning is consistent with the single- family development that has occurred in the area. 4. Has there been sufficient changes in the character of the immediate or surrounding area or in City policy to justify the rezone? The City is required to establish the property zoning classification for the area upon annexation. The pro- posed RS-8 zone is the proper.zone classification. 5. Is the property suitable both economically and physically for the uses allowed under the existing zoning and under the proposed zoning? The subject area is fully developed, with the exception of the old Esperance Elementary School. Any development of this property, other than single-family residential, will be limited to those conditional uses. listed in Sec- tion 16.20.010(C)(1). 6. What is the relative gain to the public health, safety, and welfare compared to the potential increase or de- crease in value to the property owners? This proposal will zone the subject area to a classifica- tion which is comparable to the RR-8400 county zoning. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL FINDING There will be no significant adverse impacts associated with this proposal, and a declaration of nonsignificance has been issued. Staff Report to the Planning Board File #R-7-83/Hearing Date: 1/11/84 Page 3 V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the staff that R-7-83 be approved. DVB/tq 1/06/84 CITY OF EDMONDS APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENTS to ZONING ORDINANCE OR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP FILE R-7-83 DATE 12/29/83 FEE_ N/A RECT N/A ENV. ASSESSMENT FEE ENV. CHECKLIST RECVD ( see AX-6-83) HEARING DATE January 11 , 1984 PROCEDURE: Applications are sent to the P anning Advisory Board for hearing. The Board will accept, reject, or revise the proposal contained in the application. This Board action will be forwarded to the City Council in the form of a Resolution. After the City Council receives the Resolution from the Planning Advisory Board, they will set a public hearing date for the final disposition of the case. The Council may confirm, reject, or modify any decision of the Planning Advisory Board. APPLICANT: City of Edmonds PHONE: 771-3202, ext. 254 ADDRESS: 250 5th Ave. N., Edmonds, WA 98020 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE. XXKXEJM9a1 DDmY91XBX]tRWX (Line out incorrect title). In the case of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, describe the "use" designations to be changed (single-family), multi- family, commercial, etc.) and the phvsical areas involved. Simultaneous zoning for annexation AX-6-83 to zone the annexation area from RR-8400 to RS-8 in the City of Edmonds. REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Provide proper zoning for the area upon its annexation into the City of Edmonds. REQUIRED SUBMITTALS (Must be submitted at time of application) 1. A drawing or map of the area involved. 2. Environmental Checklist, completed with the $40.00) fee. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The signatures of local residents supporting t is application may be attached to this form o a separa a page. FEE: $110.00 ',nature of Applicant As E A. L 0 SECTION3Q4 1 OWNS 27N.,,RANGE,4Fl?-9,W.IAe, :$0 2s, 220TH ST If 0 Ic z J & 6 J s Sw4N'S S w ,4 2 2 S D DD D 11 12 13 14 15 66 19 �O 3 3 X:x. .......... . . so 1: ..... ..... ... . ..... .. ... . 3 2 225PL. PROPOSED ANNEXATION Between 80th & 76th Area. We& South of 222nd St.,S.W., andlorth of 225th fl. S.W. RES, NO, PATE ORD. NOe DATE : 2 2 NV- 16 OF OFFICIAL. ST. MAP CITY OF EDMONDS EXHOT-B. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTER STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) FILE NO. R-7-83 APPLICANT Duane V. Bowman being first duly sworn, on oath, deposes and says: That on the 3rd day of January 19 84 the attached Notice of Public Hearing was posted as prescribed by Ordinance, and in any event, in the Frances Anderson Center and Civic Center, and where applicable on or near the subject property. Signed Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19_�. a Notary Public in foe Statof Washington. Residing at i FILE NO. R-7-83 APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) Teresa S. Quigley being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That on the 3rd day of January ,19 84 , the attached Notice of Public Hearing was mailed as required to adjacent property owners, the names of which were provided by the applicant. S Signed Subscribed and sworn to before me this le-& day of 19 0 Notary Public,/jK and for tiiel� State of Was ngt n. ! Residing at , THE PLANNING BOARD WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1984 , ON THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION: FILE NO. R-7-83 CONSIDERATION OF SIMULTANEOUS ZONING ON AN AREA LOCATED IN SNOHOMISH COUNTY ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS. THE AREA UNDER RECONSIDERATION IS GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 222ND ST, S.W., EAST OF 80TH AVE, W. AND 78TH AVE, W „ AND WEST OF 76TH AVE, W. UNDER THE REQUEST, THE AREA WOULD, �K61YXP(�I�l6i�DCRSI�(GP(�IEDDC UPON ANNEXATION, BE ZONED FROM RR-8400 IN SNOHOMISH COUNTY TO RS-8 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) IN THE CITY OF EDMONDS, THE HEARING WILL BEGIN AT 7:30 P .M., IN THE PLAZA MEETING ROOM, LIBRARY BUILDING, 650 MAIN STREET, EDMONDS, WASHINGTON. IF YOU WISH TO COMMENT ON THIS PROPOSAL, YOU MAY COME TO THE HEARING AND SPEAK. YOU MAY ALSO WRITE A LETTER STATING YOUR VIEWS WHICH WILL BE CONSIDERED AT THE HEARING. PLEASE ADDRESS THE LETTER TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND INCLUDE THE ABOVE FILE NUMBER. IF THE ITEM IS CONTINUED TO ANOTHER HEARING BECAUSE THE AGENDA IS NOT COMPLETED, OR FURTHER INFORMATION IS NEEDED, THE DATE OF THE CONTINUED HEARING WILL BE ANNOUNCED ONLY AT THE MEETING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 250 FIFTH AVENUE NORTH, EDMONDS (PHONE 771-3202, EXTENSION 252). THE REMOVAL, MUTILATION, DESTRUCTION, OR LMENT OF THIS NOTICE BEFORE THE DATE WARNING ■ OF THEAHEARING IS A MISDEMEANOR PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT. THIS NOTICE MAY BE REMOVED AFTER JANUARY 11, 1984 ,ee► p SECTION3t s TOWNSHkP 27N.,, $ �oyzs 2 2 0T H ST Ic .. rT ; i 1co a ----, 2 e I L w{ w �.. 2 p ! / 1 ) 3 1 W ® 4 1:ui.- HjWN Z aT = 11 12 13 ! 14 15 16 1 ti 7 19 .0 ' 3 22 A f Z 1— t0 ti � l •� � _ ; 1 � •off/ 1 � 225 PL.X. ' b T { PROPOSED ANNEXATION Betwoon 80tb A 76th Area. W.. South of 222nd St.,S.W., end -North of 225th PI. S.W. RES, NO. DATE ORD. N0, DATE SH NO - OF OFFICIAL ST. MAP CITY OF EDMONDS y. - Dolphin Homes K S. Venture Box 2208 Lynnwood, WA 98046 Resident 7706 223rd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 John & Elaine Bresnan 7626 223rd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Judith Lane & Gladys Barge 7618 223rd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 James & Kathleen Demiglio 7608 223rd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Pioneer 1st Federal S & L Acct #02-52002355 4111 200th St. S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 Seafirst Mortgage Corp. Laplante/Resident Acct #067330-1 7717 224th St. S.W. 4th & Blanchard Bldg 5th F Edmonds, WA 98020 Seattle, WA 98121 R. Nevills/Resident 22230 76th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Continental Inc. Acct #060177-L 8th Floor Pacific Bldg Seattle, WA 98104 Verna Brown/Resident 7629 223rd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Albert & Marie Haley 7705 223rd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Verne & Loretta Mounts 7719 223rd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Arthur P. Commo 22304 76th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Edmonds School District No. 1! 3800 196th St. S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 Arthur H. Riebau 7609 224th St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Alan J. Sitzer 280 H Street Apt. 9 Chula Vista, CA 92010 Continental Inc. Acct #060434-H 8th Floor Pacific Building Seattle, WA 98104 Charles Lewis/Resident Continental Inc. James Bury/Resident 22212 76th Ave. W. Acct #47466-H 7618 224th St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 8th Floor Pacific Building Edmonds, WA 98020 Seattle, WA 98104 Harold D. Deitz Karl Hubensack/Resident Old Stone Mortgage 309 170th Pl. S.W. ; 7619 224th St. S.W. Acct #007590 Bothell, WA 98011 Edmonds, WA 98020 P.O. Box 1517 Walla Walla, WA 99362 Resident i William C. Ripke Don Deebach/Resident 22218 76th Ave. W. 7711 224th St. S.W. 7626 224th St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Edmonds, WA 98020 Edmonds, WA 98020 Marjie Kelley Won Jin & Bok Hee Park Eleanor A. Duncan 7018 150th Pl. S.W. 7703 224th St. S.W. 22419 77th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Edmonds, WA 98020 Edmonds, WA 98020 Resident ! Family Savings & Loan Ruth Bayless 22224 76th Ave. W. Acct #3-11991 22431 77th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 1100 Aurora Vil. Plaza N. Edmonds, WA 98020 Seattle, WA 98133 Citizens Federal S & L� Acct #5015110910 320 108th N.E. Bellevue, WAiNJI { 4� { Great Western Savings Acct #00353100035 11201 S.E. 8th St. Bellevue, WA 98009 E' C. Fletcher/Resident 22430 76th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 E D. L. Train 22424 76th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Peoples Mortgage Co. Acct #9426370 2411 4th Ave./Box 1788 Seattle, WA 98111 Harold Butcher/Resident 22406 76th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Shoreline Savings Acct #500-51001353 P.O. Box 25788 Seattle, WA 98125 Ruth Tattersall/Resident 22424 76th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Columbia Federal S & L Acct #60-28912 P.O. Box 1609 Wenatchee, WA 98801 William A. Lev 22418 77th West Edmonds, WA 98020 Betty J. Thompson 9911 226th P1. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Resident 7706 224th St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Lincoln Mutual Savings Bank Acct #2-1-11984-5 1401 5th Ave. Seattle, WA 98101 Lawrence Balke/Resident 7718 224th St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Old Stone Mortgage Acct #025960 P.O. Box 1517 Walla Walla, WA 99362 Marillen Bouck/Resident 7720 224th St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Royal S. Ostby 7726 224th St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Lomas & Nettleton Co. Acct #02-46-12333 201 Main St. Houston, TX 77001 W. Rawlinkiewicz/Resident 22419 78th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Walter Hass 22425 78th W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Old Stone Mortgage Acct #007646 P.O. Box 1517 Walla Walla, WA 99362 I Robert Mikels/Resident 22431 78th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Rainier Mortgage Co. Arthur Phillips Acct -',7-7-050392 762P 022nd St. S.W. P.O. ,-x C-34040 E.dm s, WA 98020 Seattle, WA 98124 Paul McCorchuk/Resident 7730 222nd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Savings Bank of Puget Sound Acct #223-34449-8 815 2nd Ave. Seattle, WA 98104 Terje Eriksen/Resident 7724 222nd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Washington Federal S & L Acct #50 206 32635-2 1423 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 Matthew J. Brown/Resident 7718 222nd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Rainier Mortgage Co. Acct #146-5-810549 P.O. Box C-34040 Seattle, WA 98124 Robert Gradwohl/Resident 7712 222nd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 General Electric Mtg. Corp. Acct #0515870 P.O. Box 1420 Portland, OR 97207 Horace Rounds/Resident 7706 222nd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Bankers Life Co. Acct #2150969 711 High St. Des Moines, IA 50307 Seafirst Mortgage Copp. Acct #084496-9 4th & Blanchard Bldg 5th Flr Seattle, WA 98121 Jay McElroy/Resident 22206 76th Ave. W. Edmonds, WA 98020 Rainier Mortgage Co. Acct #400-5-168014 P.O. Box C-34040 Seattle, WA 98124 L. Bartlett/Resident 7718 223rd St. S.W. Edmonds, WA 98020 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING EDMONDS PLANNING BOARD ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT WEDNESDAY , THE 11TH DAY OF JANUARY , 1984 , HAS BEEN SET AS THE DATE FOR HEARING BY THE EDMONDS PLANNING BOARD ON CONSIDERATION OF SIMULTANEOUS ZONING ON AN AREA LOCATED IN SNOHOMISH COUNTY ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS. THE AREA UNDER CONSIDERATION IS GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 222ND ST. S.W., EAST OF 80TH AVE. W. AND 78TH AVE. W., AND WEST OF 76TH AVE. W. UNDER THIS REUQEST, THE AREA WOULD, UPON ANNEXATION, BE ZONED FROM RR-8400 IN SNOHOMISH COUNTY TO RS-8 IN THE CITY OF EDMONDS. SAID HEARING WILL BE AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE PLAZA MEETING ROOM, LIBRARY BUILDING, 650 MAIN STREET, EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AND ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. FILE NO. PUBLISH R-7-83 12/31/83 IRENE VARNEY MORAN, CMC EDMONDS CITY .CLERK FILE R-7-83 CITY OF EDMONDS APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENTS to ZONING ORDINANCE OR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DATE 12/29/83 FEE_ N/A RECT # N/A ENV. ASSESSMENT FEE ENV. CHECKLIST RECVD (see AX-6-83) HEARING DATE January 11 , 1984 PROCEDURE: Applications are sent to the Planning Advisory Board for hearing. The Board will accept, reject, or revise the proposal contained in the application. This Board action will be forwarded to the City Council in the form of a Resolution. After the City Council receives the Resolution from the Planning Advisory Board, they will set a public hearing date for the final disposition of the case. The Council may confirm, reject, or modify any decision of the Planning Advisory Board. APPLICANT: City of Edmonds ADDRESS: 250 5th Ave. N. , Edmonds, WA 98020 PHONE: 771- 3202 , ext . 254 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE. )=XEUWKBW3IXNXRXMX (Line out incorrect title). In the case of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, describe the "use" designations to be changed (single-family), multi- family, commercial, etc.) and the physical areas involved. Simultaneous zoning for annexation AX-6-83 to zone the annexation area from RR-8400 to RS-8 in the City of Edmonds. REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Provideproper zoning for the area upon its annexation into the City of Edmonds. REQUIRED SUBMITTALS (Must be submitted at time of application) 1. A drawing or map of the area involved. 2. Environmental Checklist, completed with the $40.00) fee. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The signatures of local residents supporting t is application may be attached to this form oul a separa e age. FEE: $110.00 ;nature of Applicant NIGH SCHOOL Er�i�F :"As 6 L A Xf,: ,-SECTION3Q, I OWNSH�P 27U.9, RAN'GE,4F99 tW,*j I — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — --------- -�o 02 220TH ST c 0 Ic z Ui S W N'S V2 m 2 221 sy S.W. D C) D D 12 13 14 Is 16 19 3 X :0:*.:.• . ... so LLI Ir PROPOSED ANNEXATION Between 80th & 76th Ares. W.v South of 222nd St..S.W., andlorth of 225th PI. S.W. RES, NO, PATE ORD, NO, DATE SHEQ' N0.13OF OFFICIAL ST. MAP CITY OF EDMONDS m pa EDMONDS — The newest families in Edmonds arrived in town last Tuesday night. Their move didn't require a U. Haul trailer or a realtor's services -- just a City Council voice vote. The council voted unanimously to annex a section of unincor. porated Snohomish County located between Edmonds and the town of Woodway. The area, located bet. ween 226th Street Southwest and 231st Street Southwest, includes the Sherwood Elementary School property. Mayor Larry Naughten said the area, which has an assessed value of $9,658,050, was targeted for an. nexation when School District 15 approached the city last Year about a possible annexation of the school property. Naughten said the city decided to make an effort to annex the en. tire area. "That's why we've been putting this package together and why it took so long," he said. Ray Olson, . an area resident, noted that recent annexations had split his political precinct between the city of Edmonds and unincor. porated county. "We would like to have this opportunity to take part In our own local government, without having to drive up to Everett," he said. Olson said he has been active in previous attempts to annex the en. tire unincorporated section of the county south of the city. He said the change would improve police protection and maintain the fine fire protection his area already receives from Snohomish County Fire District 1. Mike Brancheau, another area resident, said the annexation was "very much a pocketbook issue" to him. He noted that he would save about $150 yearly on property taxes, because of higher tax rates CROSSING GUARD Jon Larsen stops traffic for a pair , of Sherwood Elementary School students. The school and its surrounding neighborhood were annexed into the city of Edmonds last week. (Staff photo by James Bush) in the unincorporated county area. Naughten noted that the city's coffers will be enriched by about $15,000 in property tax monies because of the annexation. The council voted -unanimously to approve the annexation. IN OTHER BUSINESS, the council: — approved the expansion of a previously approved 9-lot subdivi- sion at 15720 68th Avenue West to 12 lots. The modification was made because of further land ac- quisitions by the developers. City Planning Director Mary Lou Block told the council that the new plan would move the road ser. ving the development away from an environmentally sensitive, steeply -sloped area on the proper- ty. The developer had offered to deed the slope area to the city, but the council decided instead to pro. hibit development of the area by use of a covenant. — unanimously rejected an ap. peal of the city's positive en. vironmental review of an 11-lot subdivision at 657 9th Avenue North. The appellant in the matter had apparently left the council chambers before the hearing began and could not be located. Councilman Bill Kasper, who owns the construction company working on the first subdivision and formerly owned the land used for the second subdivision, step- ped down and left the council chambers during both hearings. — held a brief discussion of amending the council's committee structure and holding the council retreat at an earlier date than the scheduled weekend in May. t_. car r;_k