pln20020199 Scorsch - 22209 93rd Pl W.pdfCity of Edmonds
121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Civil Plan Review Corrections
Application #: pin200200199
Project Name/Address: Scorsch / 22209 93rd Pl W
Date: June 14. 2007
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: Rick Crosby - Erich Tietze / e-mail:
Reviewer: Jeanie McConnell Division: Engineering
During review of the subject submittal it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications will need to be addressed:
Please provide a revised cost estimate for all civil site improvements. A bond amount will be determined
based on this estimate. Please let me know if you need a bond form sent to you or you may pick one up at
our office.
2. Please remove notes for future City storm work as shown throughout the civil plan set. City storm project
will no longer be completed as shown.
3. I could not find record of Olympic View Water and Sewer District approval of the plans in our files. Please
provide a copy of the revised plans, signed by OVWSD, to the City.
4. Right-of-way permit fees will need be collected and a traffic control plan submitted for review and approval
prior to issuance of the ROW permit and approved civils.
C-2 — Demo and TESC
1. Extend silt fence to the north to construction entrance and to the south and east along the property line.
C-2.1— Details
1. Add detail E2.12 — Asphalt walkway
2. Add detail E8.6 — Mailbox in walkway
C-3 — Frontage and Driveway Plan
1. Typical R/W Pavement Section needs to be revised as follows:
o Call out asphalt walkway instead of concrete sidewalk.
o Revise sawcut note to read 2' min. instead of 1'. Actually, per the next comment, this will really need to
read — asphalt widening required between existing pavement edge and new curb/gutter.
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2. Shift c/g and walkway to the east to allow storm system (pipe and CB's) to be located in the gutter without
creating a conflict with the existing watermain.
3. Asphalt ramps at end of walkway need to be sloped a maximum of 1: 12 to the roadway surface. This
requirement shall be noted on the plans.
4. Add reference to detail E2.12, sheet C-2.1 at callout for new asphalt walkway.
5. Add note: Remove existing driveway cut and replace with new c/g and asphalt walkway.
6. Remove notes for future City storm work. City storm project will no longer be completed as shown.
7. Remove note: field locate ex. water main to determine conflicts with install of curb inlet. See C-4
comments for storm relocate.
C-4 — Grading and Drainage Plan
1. Show requirement for rip -rap inlet and outlet at north and south ends of storm system.
2. The City storm system shall be installed in the new gutter flow line.
o Revise the plans to show new CB's and pipe in the gutter line, daylighting back to the existing open
ditch on either end.
o The existing 12" conc. culvert crossing 93rd PI W shall be intercepted at the gutter flow line with a CB.
3. Remove notes for future City storm work. City storm project will no longer be completed as shown.
4. Clarify note: 4" Footing drain is actually TL for footing drain systems.
5. Show required rockery drains and connection point to the storm system, downstream of the detention
6. Remove note: field locate ex. water main to determine conflicts with install of curb inlet. See C-4
comments for storm relocate.
7. The small drawing inset this sheet shall be consistent with the improvements shown large scale. Revise
plans accordingly.
C-5 — Water & Sewer Plan
1. Show the location of the existing meter and water service line for Lot 1.
2. Show the location of the existing sanitary side sewer for Lot 1.
3. Cleanouts are required on the sanitary sewer line every 100'. Revise the plans accordingly.
4. The cleanout at the property line shall be 6" and shall have a 12" locking CI lamphole cover. Revise note.
5. Remove notes for future City storm work. City storm project will no longer be completed as shown.
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans to an Engineering representative at the Development
Services Counter. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at if you
have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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