PLN200400131 Staff Report.pdfIhC.1S90 Date: CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: wwwd.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning . Building . Engineering Letter of Transmittal April 8, 2005 To: Jamie Schwartz Silver City Construction, Inc. PO Box 1417 Mukilteo, WA 98275 Subject: S-04-131 GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR Transmitting Planning Division Findings, Conclusions, and Decision For Your Information: X As you requested: For your file: Comment: Note attachments: X Sincerely, Diane Cunningham, Administrative Assistant Incorporated August 11, 1890 CITY OF EDMONDS To: File S-04-131 From: -'-g ___..-_"'-__ Senior Planner ]mnoie Schwartz, Silver City Construction Inc. Section Page l. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 2 A. Application ....................................................................................................................................... 2 B. Decision ............................................................................................................................................ 2 D. FINDINGS (lFFACT AND CONCLUSIONS .-.---.--.-.-.------.------3 A. Compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance .................................................................................... 3 B. Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan ........................................................................................ 4 C. Analysis ofRequested Modification ................................................................................................. 5 D. Compliance with the Zoning Code .................................................................................................... 7 B. Compliance with the Flood Plain Management Provisions ............................................................... 7 F. Environmental Assessment: .............................................................................................................. 7 G. Critical Areas Review: ...................................................................................................................... 7 H. Comments: ........................................................................................................................................ 7 UD. RECONSIDERATIONS AND APPEALS .......................................................................... 7 A. Request for Reconsideration ------------------------------------.7 B. Appeals ............................................................................................................................................. 7 C. Time Limits for Reconsideration and Appeals .................................................................................. X l\7 LAPSE OF APPROVAL ----.----.-.-.------------.--------'-.8 V. NOTICE T(lCOUNTY ASSESSOR .................................................................................. 8 \/L ATTACHMENTS............................................................................................................... 8 Silver City Construction Inc. File No. S-04-131 Page 2 of 8 A. Application 1. Applicant: Jamie Schwartz, Silver City Construction Inc. (see Attachment 2) 2. Site Location: 7119 — 157t' Street SW (see Attachment 1) 3. Request: To divide one lot with a total area of approximately 25,627 square feet into two lots (see Attachments 2 and 3.) The applicant has also requested a modification (see Attachment 5) to reduce the minimum rear setback of 25 feet to 15 feet for lot A.. 4. Review Process: Following the Comment Period, Planning Staff makes an administrative decision. 5. Major Issues: a. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Section 16.20.030, site development standards for the RS-12 zone. b. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Title 18, public works requirements. c. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Section 20.85, criteria for approval of a variance. d. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Section 20.75, subdivision requirements. e. Compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Section 20.95, staff review requirements. Note: All code sections referenced in this report can be viewed via the City's website www.ci.edmonds.wa.us. Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, Attachments and Exhibits submitted with the application and during the comment period, the following is the decision of the City of Edmonds Planning Division: The proposed rear setback modification from 25 feet to 15 feet is APPROVED. The subdivision as proposed with the lot area modification is also APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. Prior to recording the applicant must complete the following requirements: a) Civil plans must be approved prior to recording. In completing the civil plans you must address the following: (1) Complete the Engineering Division conditions listed "Required prior to Recording" on Attachment 4. b) If setbacks are to be included in the plat, add to the face of the Plat "Setbacks shown are for reference only and vest no right, except for the 15-foot rear (east) setback on parcel A which has been approved by a modification." Setbacks, if shown, should be as stated in II.A.2.c. below. c) Remove the deck on parcel B so that it meets setbacks. d) Move the shed on parcel B so that it meets all required setbacks. e) The three madronas and the 18-inch cedar within the setbacks of parcel A shall be preserved unless an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist determines that a tree is unhealthy or too near the end of its life and would prove a hazard, or if the ISA certified arborist determines that proposed grading for a house would damage the trees roots so that they would become a hazard. The trees shall be protected with fences or bales of hay around their drip line or as approved by S-04-131.doc / April 7, 2005 / Staff Report Silver City Construction Inc. File No. S-04-131 Page 3 of 8 Planning staff. The earth around these trees should not be compacted by storing equipment or materials within the drip line of the trees. f) Add to the face of the Plat "Conditions of approval must be met and can be found in the final approval for the short subdivision and attachments thereto located in File S- 2004-131 in the City of Edmonds Planning Division." g) Include on the plat all required information, including owner's certification, hold harmless agreement, and staff's approval block. h) Make sure all documents to be recorded meet the Snohomish County Auditor's requirements for recording. i) Submit copies of the documents to be recorded for the Planning Division and Engineering Division's approval. Once approved, the applicant must record the documents with Snohomish County Auditor's office. j) Submit an updated copy of the title report (short plat certificate) with the documents proposed to be recorded. 2. After recording the plat, the applicant must complete the following: a) Provide the City Planning Division with two copies of the recorded plat, with the recording number written on them. The City will not consider the subdivision to have been completed until this is done. b) Complete the Engineering Division conditions listed "Required with Building Permit" on Attachment 4. a. This site contains a number of substantial trees which are environmental resources. The 30- inch cedar and 36-inch cedar in the yard of the existing house on proposed parcel B are worth saving. The double 18-inch evergreens seem to have had a tough time competing with each other and are not in the best of shape. The 36-inch cedar in proposed parcel A appears to have a split trunk and is also located in building pad area, so it won't be saved. The 18- inch hemlock has sap dripping on it, which may indicate poor health. The trees on proposed parcel A that should be preserved include all three madronas and the 18 inch cedar, which are all in the setbacks. Special care should be taken to protect their roots during construction. The site is also landscaped with non-native trees, shrubs and grass, and has an area of blackberries. b. This site is on a fairly steep slope. No grading is needed on proposed parcel B since the house is already existing. Parcel A will need grading in order to provide access from 72°d Avenue W., and also to provide for a building pad for the proposed house. The applicant is requesting a modification to setback in part so that he can stay further away from the slope to the north, and reduce his need for grading and retaining structures. Given the slope, the proposal is reasonable in the amount of grading proposed and the placement of the houses and lots relate to the topography. This site has an overall slope through proposed parcel A (the undeveloped parcel) of 31 percent. Soils in the area are shown on the Soil Conservation Service maps as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam with 8 to 15 percent slopes and Alderwood Everett gravelly sandy loams with 25 to 70 percent slopes. The Alderwood Everett soil on a slope of 15 percent or greater is considered to be an Erosion Hazard Area. This should be addressed in the geotechnical report for the site, and at the minimum will require an erosion and sediment control plan (ECDC 23.80.050.F.4). This site is outside the mapped Meadowdale Landslide Hazard area. 5-04-131.doc / April 7, 2005 / Staff Report Silver City Construction Inc. File No. S-04-131 Page 4 of 8 With the safeguards provided in the Critical Areas Regulations, Title 23 of the Edmonds Community Development Code, the hazardous conditions can be permanently corrected. d. In general, views and drainage are to the west for this site. The proposal includes a drainage plan and is designed to minimize off -site impacts on drainage. The house most impacted by potential construction on proposed parcel A is the house on proposed parcel B. The existing house has a view to the southwest of the Puget Sound that will not be impacted by construction on proposed parcel A. 2. Lot and Street Layout a. This criteria requires staff to find that the proposed subdivision is consistent with the dimensional requirements of the zoning ordinance and also that the lots would ultimately be buildable. Based on a review of the project and the analysis in this section staff agrees that a two -lot short -plat is a reasonable use of the property. b. Lot sizes and dimensions: Required Proposed Proposed Req. Lot Meets Lot Width Lot Area Net sq. ft Gross sq. ft Width Requirement? Parcel A 12,000 12,000 12,000 80' Yes Parcel B 12,000 13,627 13,627 80' Yes C. Setbacks: Setbacks should be as follows: Parcel A Street Setback (25 Feet) From the west property line (72"d Avenue W.) Side Setbacks (10 Feet) From the north and south property lines Rear Setback (15 Feet) per From the east property lines approved modification Parcel B Side Setbacks (10 Feet) From all property lines Note: The Engineering Division requires garage doors to be set back 18 feet from an easement or street property line. d. Corner Lots: None of the lots are considered corner lots. e. Flag or Interior lot determination: Parcel B is considered a flag lot. f. Lot Coverage of Existing Buildings on Proposed Lots: 1.) 35% maximum lot coverage is allowed. 2.) Parcel B retains the existing house and shed for a lot coverage of 18 percent. Parcel A has no structures on it for a zero percent lot coverage. a. See City Engineer's Report (Attachment 4). 4. Improvements a. See City Engineer's Report (Attachment 4). a. This project is not in a FEMA designated Flood Plain. B. Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan 1. The Comprehensive Plan has the following stated goals and policies for Residential Development. S-04-131.doc / April 7, 2005 / Staff Report Silver City Construction Inc. File No. S-04-131 Page 5 of 8 B. Goal. High quality residential development which is appropriate to the diverse lifestyle of Edmonds residents should be maintained and promoted. The options available to the City to influence the quality of housing for all citizens should be approached realistically in balancing economic and aesthetic consideration, in accordance with the following policies: B.1. Encourage those building custom homes to design and construct homes with architectural lines which enable them to harmonize with the surroundings, adding to the community identity and desirability. B.3. Minimize encroachment on view of existing homes by new construction or additions to existing structures. BA Support retention and rehabilitation of older housing within Edmonds whenever it is economically feasible. B.5. Protect residential areas from incompatible land uses through the careful control of other types of development and expansion based upon the following principles: B.5.d. Private property must be protected from adverse environmental impacts of development including noise, drainage, traffic, slides, etc. B.6. Require that new residential development be compatible with the natural constraints of slopes, soils, geology, vegetation and drainage. Compliance with the Residential Development goals and policies: The proposal will retain an existing house and create a site for one additional home. The new home will not have to be as oddly shaped if the modification is approved, and can more easily harmonize with existing development. Because the existing house has a view to the southwest, and because the buildable area on parcel A is lower than the homes to the west and north, impacts on views will be minimized. Careful review of the proposal for conformance with the critical areas regulations and building and engineering codes should protect adjacent properties from adverse environmental impacts of development. The applicants are proposing a modification that they hope will enable them to move away from the existing slope to the north, by pushing the house further into the rear setback. Given the sloped nature of the land area available, the applicants are proposing to build in the least sloped portion of the site. MIMUTTA�' The applicant has requested a modification to a required setback as allowed in ECDC 20.75.075, which requires all criteria of a variance to be met if the requested modification is to be approved. The Criteria are as follows: a. Special Circumstances: That, because of special circumstances relating to the property, strict enforcement of the zoning ordinance would deprive the owner of use rights and privileges permitted to other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. Special Circumstances should not be predicated upon any factor personal to the owner such as age or disability, extra expense which may be necessary to comply with the zoning ordinance, the ability to secure a scenic view, the ability to make more profitable use of the property, nor any factor resulting from the action of the owner or any past owner of the same property. b. Special Privilege: That the approval of the variance would not be a grant of special privilege to the property in comparison with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. S-04-13 Ldoc / April 7, 2005 / Staff Report Silver City Construction Inc. File No. 5-04-131 Page 6 of 8 C. Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance: That the approval of the variance will be consistent with the intent of the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance and the zoning district in which the property is located. d. Not Detrimental: That the variance as approved or conditionally approved will not be significantly detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and the same zone. e. Minimum Variance: That the approved variance is the minimum necessary to allow the owner the rights enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity with the same zoning. 2. The Applicant has presented declarations as to the merits of their proposal (see Attachment 5). Additional Findings: a. The existing house was constructed in 1978 according the Snohomish County Assessor's records. b. The area has been under City of Edmonds jurisdiction since 1963. C. A variance for front yard setback has been approved along 72nd in this block. d. Several lots in the vicinity have been developed as flag lots, so they only require ten feet setbacks from all their property lines. 4. Conclusions: a. The applicant points out that the lots are irregularly shaped because he is trying to work with the existing house which is set at an angle. Although this is an action taken by a former owner, they sited the house in conformance with required setbacks at the time it was constructed. The applicant wishes to keep the existing house, and retention of older housing is a goal of the Comprehensive Plan. As shown on the topography map the site slopes up steeply to the north on parcel A, and also slopes down steeply to 72na Avenue W. adjacent to the southern corner of the lot. Pushing the house to the middle of the lot helps to avoid conflicts with those slopes. However, given the angle needed to avoid the existing house, this cannot be accomplished as owners of other properties in the vicinity could with out the variance. Therefore the applicant has a special circumstance in the existing placement of the house on parcel B and the slopes on or adjacent to the lot. b. Another home on this block of 72nd Avenue W. has had a variance approved, in this case a front yard setback. Also, many nearby lots are flag lots, so like proposed parcel B, they are only required to have ten feet setbacks to all their property lines. Therefore, it appears that the approval of the modification to allow a 15 foot rear yard setback would not be a grant of special privilege. C. The proposal will be consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan as noted above and the zoning ordinance. d. The proposed modification will not be detrimental. It will allow for a more normal looking house to be constructed on this site, in a more optimal location. The house that is most impacted on proposed parcel B will retain its view to the southwest and will still have a 25- foot combined setback area between it and the proposed new house. This is more than combined side setbacks, which provide a 20-foot distance between houses. Also, because of the angle of both the proposed and existing houses, the houses will only be 25 feet from each other in a very short span of their combined property lines. Therefore, the proposed modification will not be significantly detrimental. e. Alternatives to the proposal could include sliding the house further north. Even if the house was slid to the minimum 10-foot side setback, it could still not meet the 25-foot rear setback. 5-04-131.doc /April 7, 2005 / Staff Report Silver City Construction Inc. File No. S-04-131 Page 7 of 8 The applicant has already cut a corner off his standard house plan to try to fit the site better. Another option could be to require a stair -stepped house that would fit the setbacks. Given the severity of the angle and the narrowness of the southern portion, it is unlikely that a stair - stepped house to fit would meet the Comprehensive Plan goal to use architectural lines which harmonize with the surroundings. Note that a house which is 41 feet wide is not particularly unusual in Edmonds, and the applicant has reduced the width of the house to approximately 30 feet in the southeast corner to conform with the site. Given that flag lots enjoy 10-foot setbacks to all property lines, the applicant has provided an even larger setback of 15 feet to the rear property line. The proposed modification appears to be the minimum necessary to allow to accommodate the existing house and allow the type of house other owners in the vicinity would expect to be able to build. If the proposed modification is approved, the proposed change to the subdivision will comply with the provisions of the Zoning Code, see section II.A.2.b. The proposed project is not in a Flood Plain. Is this site identified on the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map (Shoreline area only)? No. 2. Is an Environmental Checklist Required for this application? No. Critical Areas Review number: CA-2004-107 2. Results of Critical Areas Review: The property does not appear to contain any critical areas as defined by ECDC 20.15B. As a result, a waiver from the requirement to complete a study was issued. H. Comments: No letters of comment have been received. • �< ;� • � �; z� a :, The following is a summary of the deadlines and procedures for filing reconsiderations and appeals. Any person wishing to file or respond to a recommendation or appeal should contact the Planning Department for further procedural information. A. Request forReconsideration Section 20.100.010.G allows for City staff to reconsider their decision if a written request is filed within ten (10) working days of the posting of the notice required by this section. The reconsideration request must cite specific references to the findings and/or the criteria contained in the ordinances governing the type of application being reviewed. Section 20.105.040 and 20.105.020 describes how appeals of a staff decision shall be made. The appeal shall be made in writing, and shall include the decision being appealed along with the name of the project and the date of the decision, the name of the individual or group appealing the S-04-131.doc / April 7, 2005 / Staff Report Silver City Construction Inc. File No. S-04-131 Page 8 of 8 decision, their interest in the matter, and reasons why the appellant believes the decision to be wrong. The appeal must be filed with the Community Development Director within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date of the decision being appealed. The time limits for Reconsiderations and Appeals run concurrently. If a request for a reconsideration is filed before the time limit for filing an appeal has expired, the time "clock" for filing an appeal is stopped until a decision on the reconsideration request is completed. Once the staff has issued his/her decision on the reconsideration request, the time clock for filing an appeal continued from the point it was stopped. For example, if a request is filed on day 5 of the appeal period, an individual would have 9 more days in which to file an appeal after the staff issues their decision on the reconsideration request. i Section 20.075.100 states, "Approval of a preliminary plat or preliminary short plat shall expire and have no further validity at the end of five years, unless the applicant has acquired final plat or final short plat approval within the five-year period." The property owner may as a result of the decision rendered by the staff request a change in the valuation of the property by the Snohomish County Assessor's Office. Vicinity / Zoning Map Application Plat Map Engineering Requirements Modification Declarations and other information submitted Jamie Schwartz Planning Division Engineering Division Silver City Construction Inc. P.O. Box 1417 Mukilteo, WA 98275 S-04-131.doc / April 7, 2005 / Staff Report &J ATTACHMENT 1 File No. S-04-131 city of • • • • use application 0 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 0 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 0 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FILE #5�2Do y -) 3 ZONE- 0 HOME OCCUPATION DATE " Mb 4 REC'D BY 0 FORMAL SUBDIVISION FEE t RECEIPT# 22524?>!J SHORT SUBDIVISION 0 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT HEARING DATE 0 PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 0 HE 0 STAFF 0 PB 0 ADB 0 CC 0 OFFICIAL STREET MAP AMENDMENT 0 STREET VACATION 0 REZONE 0 SHORELINE PERMIT 0 VARIANCE / REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION 0 OTHER: PROPERTY ADDRESS OR LOCATION l ` 9 ^ sT C PROJECT NAME (IF APPLICABLE) PROPERTY (OWNER S l LW2L -COY �� � LD`� � nPHONE # �(0 SO { S4 9 0 ADDRESS Y Q) %---py- l q �: V-A L-:�-WA- E-MAIL ADDRESS FAX # �n TAX ACCOUNT # �C �� U - SEC. TWP. RNG. -T DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR PROPOSED USE 2 APPLICANT \�'`f -PHONE # � SD s `1 ADDRESS p iC , �Y�� �\i� �`�7 W`P\ 1;M 2zL7 E-MAIL ADDRESS FAX # CONTACT PERSON/AGENT �7-P$ kMk& �/� PHONE # --5Q I 0 ADDRESS E-MAIL ADDRESS FAX # The undersigned applicant, and his/her/its heirs, and assigns, in consideration on the processing of the application agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any and all damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from any action or infraction based in whole or part upon false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete information furnished by the applicant, his/her/its agents or employees. By my signature, I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am authorized to filC this applicati n t ehalf of the owner as listed below. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/AGENT DATE NJ Property Owner's Authorization By my signature, I certify that I have authorized the above Applicant/Agent to apply for the subject land use application, and grant my permission for the public officials and the staff of the City of Edmonds to enter the subject property for the purposes of ins ection and R n a dant to this application. SIGNATURE OF OWNER DATE 02C. 3� This application form was revised on 1/27/00. To ve ' y whether it is still current, call (425) 771-0220. L:\LIBRARY\PLANNING\Forms & HandoutsTublic Handouts\L.and Use Applicadon.doc ATTACHMENT 2 D D 0 r. m Z W a D I � z D �j D r D D 20' -1- 20'---- Lk I m m o m o+ SSSMH B 26? 0 o O 04 —276 N 0 O ❑ I (n D VICINITY MAP 156 St SW no scale N n t%157 T6 0 �i T u St SW a soh s s}L m 160th St SW u N M iA a o 180ih 1 SW o f "Roc o v £ 161 St SW 161 Pl SW S 89'40'00" E 183.39' t I awl / otO � ds// 30 rn 12,00\q. ft. C1Y 3 O B / \ L � � C GI 3 " CEDA 0" adrona -2 ' 18" edar i 18" hemlo 2e C28gg l r',90 2 2" ma ron oe1, DESCRIPTION PARCEL A. All that portion of Tract 24 Meadowdale Beach Supplemental Plat, according to the plat thereof, recorded in volume 5 of plats, page 42, records of Snohomish County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Tract 22; thence S01'01'01"W, along the west line of said Tract 22, 191.6 feet to the southwest corner of a tract conveyed to Grace V. Farrel by statutory warranty deed recorded September 7, 1972 under auditor's file number 2262461, the true point of beginning; Thence continuing S01'01'01"W, along the west line of said Tract 22 for 122 feet to the northwest corner of a tract conveyed to Hugh E. Gardner and Edith J. Gardner by statutory warranty deed recorded January 5, 1971 under Auditor's file number 2179355; thence N89'40'00 E, along the north line of said Gardner tract, 205 feet; thence N00'16'00"E a distance of 20 feet; thence S89'40'01"W a distance of 20 feet; thence N00'16'00"E 101.36 feet, more or less, along the west line, and the northerly projection thereof, of a tract conveyed to Clarence A. Bates, a single man, by statutory warranty i deed recorded July 5, 1973 under auditors file number 2303059, to the southerly line of that certain access road, 20 feet in width, described in deeds recorded under auditor's file numbers 1288464 through 1288468, inclusive; thence N89'40'00"W 183 feet, more or less, along the south line of said Farrel tract to the true point of beginning. Together with that portion of said Tract 22 described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said tract, which bears N89'57'W, 301.02 feet westerly of the northeast comer thereof, said point being the northeast corner of lands double 12" spruce I owned by Helen Gragg and Elizabeth Coghlan; thence S01'12'E, along the east line of the d C hl t 311 27 feet to the southeast corner thereof; thence y--.—.�. gHED y-� �12" Plum O — ` 1, l 13,627 sq. ftJ 1 30" cedOl I 36" cedarl fs 83�� Gragg an og an proper y. S89'40'W, along the south line of said Gragg—Coghlan property, 20.0 feet to the true point of beginning; thence S89'40'W 127.35 feet; thence N00'26'E 20.0 feet; thence N89'40'E 126.84 feet; thence S01'12'E 20.0 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCEL B: That portion of said Tract 22 described as follows: 28" pine Beginning at a point on the north line of said tract 301.02 feet westerly of the northeast corner thereof; thence S01'12'E 311.27 feet to the true point of beginning; thence S89'40'00"W 20 feet; thence N00'16'00"E 20 feet; thence N89'40'00'E 20 feet; thence S00'16'00'W to the true point of beginning. d O� Together with and subject to all rights easements and restrictions of record. at rn w Total area 0.59 acres f OWNER: SILVER CITY CONSTRUCTION CO. ADDRESS: PO BOX 1417 o MUKiLTEO, WA 98275 0 is I r ZONING: RS-12 O C. z GAR & LYNNE OL AN M (o / 10' 00 W 89'40'05" d 147.57' \c - �284 1 agdr a 143.65' v� v 209.44' g 2. . . --_9 82 286 28Q N 89'40'02" E 353.09' pine 28 GRAPHIC SCALE WARD R. LEWIS I 61a 278 i < 27 t IFEt 20 o to zo eo a 1 0G> FBO 274 6—`--- & KATMY /2� 2>2� JURGEN N 268 I ( W FEET ) 2g6� I Inch — 20 1t SSMH(�` e: C za, V ._,� ; 7 2005 'ERMIT COUNTER LEGEND VERTICAL DATUM: )J FIRE PLUG City of Edmonds per the invert elevation of sanitary sewer manhole #79, 304.07 feet, p City of Edmonds LID 210, file 01-82-069, D4 WATER VALVE sheet 22 of 30, dated aprii 1983. O SANITERY SEWER MANHOLE El CATCH BASIN o UTILITY POLE ® POWER VAULT ® WATER METER SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This short plat application correctly represents a survey, made by me, in conformance with the requirements of applicable statutes and regulations, In November 2004, at the request of H. James Schwartz. �g L Leonard E. Emerson, PLS "��r��7�z3—j certificate number 17665 INDEX DATA: NE 1/4, SW 1/4. 5-27N-4E PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT Leonard E. Emerson, PLS 425-821-019t 12507 87th Place NE Kirkland, WA 98034 ffig200409 drawn: L.E.E. I February 10, 2005 book: cn Section: , I Tship: a-r td I Range: 4 F CITY OF EDMONDS ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT PLATS Name: SILVERCCITY CONSTRUCTION File No.: S-04-131 Approved by: z//• 1 ®r Vicinity: 7119 157`h St SW Enaineerina Program Manager date Req'd Req'd w/bldg. Bond posted Complete prior to Permit recordinLy I. Rights -of -way for public streets: X 2. Easements (City utilities, private access, other utilities): Provide all easements as needed. X 3. Street improvements (ACP with curb and gutter): Access for the above lot A shall be off 72nd Ave W X Construct 18" concrete curb and gutter along the property X frontage on 72nd Ave W Widen 72nd Ave W to 16.0' X 4. Street turnaround: Provide a shared on -site turn around to City Stds. X 5. Sidewalks and/or walkways:. Construct 5' wide concrete sidewalk along property frontage on X 72' Ave W 6. Street lights: N/A x 7. Planting strip: N/A X 8. Water system improvements (pipelines, fire hydrants, etc) Provide service to lot A X Connect to public waters stem. X 9. Sanitary sewer system improvements (pipelines, pump stations etc) Provide new service to lot A X Connect to public sewers stem X 10. Storm sewer system improvements (pipelines, DOE, fisheries, etc.): Provide storm sewer service to lot A X Construct storm detention system sized to provide adequate X capacity for proposed single family dwellings and access improvements in accordance with ECDC 18.30. Connect to Public Storms stem X 11. On -site drainage (plan per Ord. 3013): Connect all new impervious surfaces to detentions stem X 12. Underground wiring (per Ord.1387): Required for all new services X 13. Excavation and grading (per UBC, Chapter 70 : Submit a grading plan as part of engineered site plan. X ATTACHMENT 4 '_\dvrw\sp104-131silver cityplatdoc Req'd prior to Req'd w/bldg. Bond Complete recording Permit posted 14. Signage (per City Engineer): All signs shall be vinyl letters and to City Stds. No silk screen X signs will be permitted Provide fire and aid address signage X 15. Survey monumentation (per Ord., Section 12.10.120): N/A X 16. As -built drawings (per City Engineer): Required for all utility construction. X X 17. Other requirements: a) Plat showing lots, easements, legals, survey information X X b) Legal documents for each lot X c) Field stake lot comers (by professional engineer) X d) Clustered mailbox location per Postmaster X e Maintenance agreements X 18. Engineering fees: a) Storm drainage connection charge for plat road ( ) X b) Storm drainage connection charge per lot ($ 428 ) X c) Sewer connection fee per SFR ($ 730) X d) Sewer connection charge/LID fees to be paid in full. X e) Water connection fee per SFR (based on meter size) X d) Plat inspection fee: 2.2% of improvement costs $ X e) Plan review fee: ($ 860.) X f) Traffic mitigation: ($ 840.72) X Wom ENGINEERING PROGRAM MANAGER, CITY OF EDMONDS DATE The Engineering requirements have been completed and the subdivision can be recorded. kuthorized for recording by: J:\dvrw\sp\04-131silver eity.platdoc Silver City Construction, Inc. P. O. Box 1417 Mukilteo, WA 98275 February 16, 2005 Meg Gruwell, Senior Planner City of Edmonds, Planning Division 121 Fifth Av. N, Edmonds, WA 98020 Subject: Set back modification request, 7119 157' St SW, S-04-131 P-ERMIT COUNTER , E FE E PERWT COUNTER Dear Meg, �5 Is I am writing to request a modification of the rear set back to be Aftet instead of 25 feet for the short plat at 7119 1574' St. SW for the following reasons ■ The main reason for the request is that the two lots being created by this short plat are highly irregular in shape due to the position of the existing house. The existing house is about 18 degrees out of square to the property lines and therefore the buildable area of the south end of the new lot is very compressed. ■ In accord with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan the existing house is to remain. • �-�(�#}�7 + «n�� �A�TP 1 n fnnt rear + 1..,...1_.. ;�+1,;0 1:.F'_,.r-:...„ ;f .�az„-"v�rl �� rr ' ■ In order to more effectively work with the existing topography of the site it would be best to slide the house footprint to the south, (which is toward the compressed corner of the new lot), and thus avoid disruption to the north neighbor's bank as much as possible. The neighbor's bank partially consists of a retaining structure that needs repair. ■ This change will not adversely affect the view of the existing house, because it sits high above the new lot and because its view is to the south west over other vacant land, which is also low. ■ As shown in the attached drawing, only the southeast corner of the new house will reach the rear setback, again because of the diagonal property line between the two lots being created by this short plat. Therefore, I think this is the minimum variance for the building foot print as shown. Respectfully, Jamie Schwartz President, Silver City Construction, Inc. ATTACHMENT 5 in I W � 5' I N �®( 86 I J� 282 84 �o 00 p 2 78 276 274 o 77 r — — 7-0 0' i