pln20070048-KoDalzell-Engineering Decision-Final_Plat.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS
Date: May 21, 2015
To: Jen Machuga, Associate Planner
From: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
Subject: PLN20130071, Ko-Dalzell - Final Plat
22405 — 96tb Ave W — 2 lot Short Plat
The Engineering Division has found that the subject 2-lot short plat meets the requirements
established for civil subdivision improvements in accordance with Edmonds Community
Development Code (ECDC) 20.75.
Preliminary plat approval was issued by the Planning Division on April 30, 2014 and included
engineering conditions of approval in Attachment 14 of the staff report.
Civil construction plans were submitted to the Engineering Division on August 4, 2014
consistent with the conditions of approval and ECDC 20.75.120. The plans were approved
for construction on November 17, 2014. The improvements shown on the approved plans
have not yet been constructed. Consistent with ECDC 20.75.130, a performance bond has
been posted as surety that these improvements will be completed within 12 months following
recording of the plat. A performance bond was submitted by the developer and accepted by
the City on February 24, 2015 reflecting the total cost to construct all required improvements
in the amount of $60,669.48.
Consistent with ECDC 18.30.090, a permanent access easement has been granted to the City
of Edmonds for access to the private stormwater facility located on Lot 2. Access is for
inspection purposes to ensure that stormwater facilities are properly operated and maintained
in accordance with City of Edmonds Code.
The subject development did not include street dedications to the City.
City of Edmonds