PLN20070061 Michel 548 Paradise.doc
August 3, 2007
Mr. Scott Schlumberger
Mr. Dwight McGrew
Michel Construction
7907 212 St SW #102
Edmonds, WA 98026
Ref: PLN20070061 548 Paradise Lane
Dear Mr. Schlumberger & Mr.McGrew:
Fire Department reviews planning permits to provide opportunity for
corrections/adjustments for fire apparatus access roads and fire flow that may impact
your landscaping and other site use criteria which ADB or Planning Boards may have
concerns with.
The Landscape Plan shows what appears to be a turnaround meeting COE detail E2.5
for CUL-DE-SAC AND TURN-AROUND DETAILS. I could not scale the turnaround
exactly as the plan is split between sheets with no match line. I’ll ask that when you
provide site plan for architectural submittal later you affirm that the turnaround meets
the requirements as shown on details. Your on-site landscaping may be affected if this
detail is deficient.
Please contact me at (425) 771-0213 if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your assistance.
John J. Westfall
Fire Marshal
Cc: Mr Schlumberger and Mr. McGrew, Michel Construction,
Engineering Technician Jeanie McConnell
Planner Gina Coccia