pln20070065 Hanbury Square 8806 236th-ADB.pdfDate: To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM September 20, 2007 Gina Coccia, Planner Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager PLN20070065 (ADB) — Hanbury Square — 8806 236" St SW, 7-Unit Townhouse Engineering has reviewed the subject application and provides the following comments. Please provide a preliminary storm drainage plan. A storm detention system will be required with the redevelopment of this property. You may refer to public handout #E72 Storm Water Management for more information. An onsite turnaround will be required and parking spaces at the south end of the property will need to be reconfigured slightly to allow for full use of the parking spaces. Parking configuration will further be reviewed during the building permit process. Thank you. City of Edmonds