pln20070071 Zanidache SP Req's.xls CITY OF EDMONDS ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT PLATS ZANIDACHE Name:File No.: PLN20070071 Reviewed by:Address: Jaime HawkinsJanuary 9, 20087808 218th ST SW Engineering DivisionDate Req'd Prior to Req'd w/Bldg Complete RecordingPermit Right-of Way Dedication for Public Streets 1. a) Provide 0 (zeri) foot street dedication to the City of Edmonds along X 218th St SW. Easements (City utilities, private access, other 2. utilities): X a) Provide all easements as needed X b) All lots shall access off private access road. X c) Private access easement shall be 20 (twenty) feet in width. 3.Public Street Improvements (ACP, curb, gutter and sidewalks): a) X Construct 18" curb & gutter along property frontage - 218th St SW. b) Construct five-foot wide concrete sidewalk to City standards along X property frontage - 218th St SW. c) 218th ST S W to be widened to provide for a minimum 12' lane from X centerline of paved roadway to the face of the curb. 4.Private Access Improvements: a)Private access road serving all lots shall be paved to 16.0' in width, plus 18" asphalt thickened edge or 6" concrete extruded curb may be X used. b)Slope of private access road and driveways shall not exceed 14% and X shall be noted as such on the civils. c)Cross slope of private access road shall not exceed 2%X 5.Street Turnaround: a)Provide on-site turnaround on private access road to City Standards. X 6.Street Lights: N/A 7.Planting Strip: N/A 8.Water System Improvements X a)Public hydrant spacing shall meet requirements of ECDC 19.25. b)Provide new water service to each lot.X X c)Connect to public water system.X pln20070071 Zanidache SP Req's.xls1 of 3 Req'd Prior to Req'd w/Bldg Complete RecordingPermit 9.Sanitary Sewer System Improvements a)Provide new 6" service lateral from City's Sanitary Sewer main to X development with 6" cleanout at property line. b)Provide new 6" main within access/utility easement and service X laterals to each lot with 6" cleanout at each property line. X d)Connect to public sewer system.X 10.Storm Sewer System Improvements: a)Provide a Stormwater Management report and plan. Compliance with ECDC 18.30 and 1992 Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual is X required. b)Construct privately owned and maintained storm detention system sized to provide adequate capacity for proposed single family dwellings X and street improvements in accordance with ECDC 18.30. Storm detention system to be located on private property. X c)Connect all new impervious surfaces to detention system.X d)Provide storm sewer service to all proposed lots.X X e)Connect to public storm system.X 11.Underground Wiring (per Ord. 1387): X a)Required for all new services.X 12.Excavation and Grading (per IBC) X a)Submit a grading plan as part of engineered site plan.X X b)Submit grading plan for foundations with building permit. 13.Signage (per City Engineer): a)Provide fire and aid address signage.X 14.Survey Monumentation (per Ord., Sect. 12.10.120): N/A 15.As-built Drawings (per City Engineer): a)Required for all street and utility improvements. Provide an AutoCAD X X electronic copy and a hard copy to City. 16.Other Requirements: X a)Plat showing lots, easements, legals, survey information X b)Legal documents for each lot X c)Field stake lot corners (by professional surveyor)X d)Field stake utility stubs at property lines X e)Clustered mailbox location per Postmaster X f)Maintenance agreements X g)Traffic Impact Analysis X 17.Engineering Fees: a)Storm development charge (access tract)TBD X pln20070071 Zanidache SP Req's.xls2 of 3 Req'd Prior to Req'd w/Bldg Complete RecordingPermit b)Storm system development charge (4 existing $0.00 X residences) X c)Sewer connection fee (existing condition) $0.00 X d)Water connection fee (existing condition)$0.00 X e)Water meter fee - 3/4" meter (2 New homes) $550.00 X Traffic mitigation fee (zero net increase)$840.72 f) X g)Short Plat review fee $860.00 h)Inspection fee (2.2% of improvement costs)TBD X Jaime HawkinsJanuary 9, 2008 Capital Projects Manager, CITY OF EDMONDS Date pln20070071 Zanidache SP Req's.xls3 of 3