PLN-2011-0025 Staff Report with attachments.pdfC= OF EDI�I1 ONDS PLANNING DIVISION 121 - 5TH AVENUE NORTH, EDMONDS, WA 98020 Project: Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Permit File Dumber: PLN-2011-0025 Date of Report: Au ust 2, 2011 From: Mike Clugston, AICP Associate Planner Applicant: Pamela Axelson A. INTRODUCTION The applicant has proposed to establish an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) within an existing residential garage at 560 Hemlock Way. Approval of an ADU requires compliance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapters 16.20 and 20.21. According to ECDC 20.01, an ADU is a Type H permit requiring public notice. B. COMPLIANCE WITH ECDC CHAPTER 16.20 HOMELAND 0�1 Q H LO PS-6 W Q Z F- CD HEML WAY HE - Site (J) W Fraivi ON T IN -- - - - The purposes of the RS — Single - Family Residential zones are to In reserve and regulate areas primarily for family living in single-family W dwellings and to provide for additional non-residential uses > which complement and are compatible City of Edmonds Zoning Map, December 2009 with single-family dwelling use. Per ECDC 16.20.010, an ADU is an allowed secondary use with a conditional use permit. The proposal is required to comply with the purposes of the single-family residential zone and the criteria in ECDC 20.21. Based on the review of the specific ADU criteria (as described in Section C of this report), staff feels that, with conditions, the proposal is in compliance with the purposes of the single- family zone. Axelson ADU File No. PLN-2011-0025 Page 2 of 4 C. COMPLIANCE WITH ECDC CHAPTER 20.21 Section 20.21.030 of the Edmonds Community Development Code provides the criteria describing how an accessory dwelling unit is to be reviewed. In order for the permit to be approved, all of the criteria must be met. The criteria for approval are: (1) Land Use Permit; (2) Number of Units; (3) Size; (4) Location and Appearance; (5) Parking; (6) Occupancy; and (7) Safety, Light, Ventilation, Floor Area, and Similar Factors. The ADU criteria were established to ensure that accessory dwelling units would comply with Chapter 16.20. 1. Land Use Permit Required Per ECDC 20.21.030.A, a land use permit is required for approval of an accessory dwelling unit. An application for an administrative conditional use permit was submitted to the City on May 27, 2011 (Attachment 1). The application was determined to be complete, but additional clarification was requestec on June 15, 2011 (Attachment 8). Tl requested information was received c August 1, 2011 (Attachment 5). 2. Number of Units The proposal will result in only one (1) ADU. This is in compliance with the number of units allowed per ECDC 20.21.030.B. 3. Size According to ECDC 20.21.030.C: "Size. In no case shall an accessory dwelling unit be (1) larger than 40 percent of the livable floor area of the principal dwelling, (2) nor more than 800 square feet, (3) nor have more than two bedrooms; provided, if the accessory dwelling unit is completely located on a single floor, the planning manager may allow increased size up to 50 percent of the floor area of the principal dwelling in order to efficiently use all floor area, so long as all other standards set forth in this chapter are met." The applicant has indicated that the ADU will be located within a portion of the existing garage and will total 457 square feet (Attachment 2). The Snohomish County Assessor identifies the existing residence as being 1,434 square feet. Consequently, the proposed ADU would comprise 31.9% of the total livable floor area of the primary dwelling. Because the proposed unit satisfies the area requirement and only one bedroom will be created (Attachment 3), the ADU satisfies the size requirement. 4. Location and Appearance According to Chapter of the Edmonds Community Development Code: The single-family appearance and character of the residence shall be maintained when viewed from the surrounding neighborhood. The design of the accessory dwelling unit Axelson ADU File No. PLN-2011-0025 Page 3 of 4 shall be incorporated into the design of the principal dwelling unit and shall be designed to maintain the architectural design, style, appearance, and character of the main building as a single-family residence using matching materials, colors, window style, and roof design. The primary entrance to the accessory dwelling unit shall be located in such a manner as to be unobtrusive when viewed from the street. Whenever possible, new entrances should be placed at the side or rear of the building. Only one electric and one water meter shall be allowed for the entire building, serving both the primary residence and the accessory dwelling unit. Accessory dwelling units must be located within or attached to single-family dwelling units. The existing house and garage sit on a residentially -landscaped parcel. Because the ADU will be established within a portion of the existing garage, only minor exterior changes are proposed to the east fagade of the garage including the addition of an entry door and a small window (Attachments 2 — 5). The entrance to the ADU will be accessed via a new walkway from the driveway. The ADU must share the electric and water meters of the existing house. 5. Parking ECDC 20.21.030.E states that an accessory dwelling unit requires one (1) off-street parking space in addition to the parking spaces normally required for the principal dwelling. As a result, a total of three parking spaces are required for this proposal. According to the site plan submitted (Attachments 4 & 5), there is sufficient space on the site to park at least one vehicle in addition to the two -car garage associated with the existing residence. 6. Occupancy ECDC 20.21.030.F states the homeowner must provide an affidavit attesting to his/her occupancy of one of the units for a minimum of six months of each calendar year as a condition of approval. The applicant submitted the affidavit (Attachment 6). The applicant must also file the required Covenant with the County Auditor. 7. Safety, Light, Ventilation, Floor Area, and Similar Factors ECDC 20.21.030.G states that as a condition of approval, the applicant is required to apply for a Compliance Permit and inspection by a City Building Inspector to ensure that the accessory dwelling unit meets the requirements of all life -safety codes and standards. D. TECHNICAL REVIEW The Engineering and Building Divisions, the Departments of Public Works and Parks and Recreation, and Fire District #1 have reviewed the application. The Building Division (Attachment 7) noted that a building permit is required for the conversion. Fire indicated that smoke detectors are required for the sleeping area of the unit which must be interconnected and have battery back-up. IMaOu"_1 CIMi Based on statements of Fact, Conclusions, and Attachments in this report, the application for a Conditional Use Permit for an accessory dwelling unit at 560 Hemlock Way is GRANTED, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Accessory Dwelling Unit Covenant must be filed with the Snohomish County Auditor prior to occupancy of the accessory dwelling unit. A copy of the auditor -endorsed document must be submitted to the Edmonds Planning Division. Axelson ADU File No. PLN-2011-0025 Page 4 of 4 2. A building permit for the conversion must be obtained from the Building Division, final inspection completed, and occupancy approval granted by the Building Official prior to use of the accessory dwelling unit. Specific comments from the Building Division as well as the Fire District must be addressed during review of the building permit. 3. This permit shall expire automatically if any of the following issues arise: a. The ADU is substantially altered and is thus no longer in conformance with the plans and drawings reviewed and approved by the Planning Division and Building Official. b. The subject site ceases to maintain the required number of parking spaces. c. The property owner ceases to reside in either the primary residence or the ADU, the owner - occupied unit is rented, or the current (or future) owner fails to file the affidavit required under ECDC 20.21.025.A.1. 4. The Accessory Dwelling Unit permit shall not be transferable to any site other than the subject site described in the application. The permit is transferable to new owners of the subject property unless there is a violation of any conditions of approval listed above; however, the new owners must file a new notarized Accessory Dwelling Unit Affidavit with the City of Edmonds Planning Division. F. ATTACHMENTS 1. Land Use Application 2. Site Photos 3. Proposed Floor Plan 4. Proposed Site Plan 5. Updated Site Plan and Elevation 6. Accessory Dwelling Unit Affidavit 7. Departmental Technical Comments 8. Public Notification Documentation G. PARTIES OF RECORD Pamela Axelson Planning Division 560 Hemlock Way Building Division Edmonds, WA 98020 H. APPEALS A party of record may submit a written appeal of a Type Il decision within 14 days of the date of issuance of the decision. The appeal will be heard at an open record public hearing before the Hearing Examiner according to the requirements of ECDC Chapter 20.06 and Section 20.07.004. City of Edmonds Land Use Application 11 ❑ ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW • ' • • ❑ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ❑ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FILE #PL-N,�C U.C(?_,).� ZONE PS'—,"G ❑ HOME OCCUPATION DATE REC'D BY ❑ FORMAL SUBDIVISION S 1Qn % i. ❑ SHORT SUBDIVISION FEED'S RECEIPT# ❑ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT HEARING DATE &(/A ❑ PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ❑ OFFICIAL STREET MAP AMENDMENT ❑ HE IV STAFF ❑ PB ❑ ADB ❑ CC ❑ STREET VACATION ❑ REZONE ❑ SHORELINE PERMIT ❑ VARIANCE / REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION OTHER: y/Y� Wv�a PROPERTY ADDRESS OR LOCATION PROJECT NAME (IF APPLICABLE) a PROPERTY OWNER pa j II _ICE I p1 �P 1Jci V� PHONE # ADDRESS cln0 (-+C .t� CZk( a0Qtl9 Yl Ct E-MAIL FAx # TAxACCOUNT# /D mot[ nG� 1 D O c� SEC. TWP. RNG. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR PROPOSED USE (ATTACH COVER LETTER AS NECESSARY) GS_S l O -1 DESCRIBE HOW THE PROJECT MEETS APPLICABLE CODES (ATTACH COVER LETTER AS NECESSARY) tS Eec (( S—LL f dY 1 e� I n kuz, t i. k d 4 k,4 p�/cgM 6e. 1)c C/i age-S �vt:.& A-C ` L, eA,-,6, (4- `t Le- I'la6e X7, e W' a- t thtL r7S tdci l -i her -L t d. l� /G J-Icyw•e_ -T eEOI -ts ctr.ple_ pr, C(S Sk"t (a 'I OLkd T C41II CoAtkE e. IZ^)j ke APPLICANT C C> i�P C S r uL) PHONE # Ct� it i +� Cc+r �riruc(2 [cl�Z c% ADDRESS E-MAIL FAx # CONTACT PERSON/AGENT Sc", C'S C, 1,00`e PHONE # ADDRESS E-MAIL FAx # The undersigned applicant, and his/her/its heirs, and assigns, in consideration on the processing of the application agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any and all damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from any action or infraction based in whole or part upon false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete information furnished by the applicant, his/her/its agents or employees. By my signature, I certify that the informationEU�4a__ ith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am authorized to file this applica'o s listed below. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/AGENT _ DATE / 2 7 /'9 l l Proper Owner's Authorization I, hoe IG A�{�� certify under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the following is a true and —correct statement: I have authorized the above Applicant/Agent to apply for the subject land use application, n g ant my permission for the public officials and the staff of the City of Edmonds to enter the subject property for the purp sees o inspectio n g attendant to this application. SIGNATURE OF OWNER / DATE Attachment 1 PLN-2011-0025 This application form was revised on 9/14/10. Questions? Call (425) 7714 Revised on 9114110 B- Land Use Application �/lprll o/ /l�dS� 1 RECEIVEED T PLANNING DEP1, Attachment 2 PLN-2011-0025 m nE C E lk VEE D MAY 27 201"1 -PT PLANNING' DE 11 SCj\,L("rC. ` -CC A- 11 I-V-01f 11 1., 1/411=11-011 AIDU I (E) GARAGE !, =-,RVR-,Ln- AY 2 T -2 M M0011 PL A Attachment 3 PLN-2011-0025 51TE PLAN rD Z= fV m _O ZT ,3 (D O :3 O — N .A cn DaAwrv: MAIN FLOOR NOTES TUB AND SHOWER NOTES: x vi„w m.e.o ee sa DATE: d[.Ii.11 0.EVIStONS: QCY r� } �l 1-�., p a ILL tll N Q N 2: MAIN FLOOR PLAN yZ F �I a 0 N FIN. 6RAOE TO FLOOR AST ELEVATION HEMLOCK WAY IIO.a PROPERTY LINE 1 1 EX6TUG DRVB AY I I � I—�-034165' 11 L I EXISTING 2 GAR 6ARABE I I I EXIST. RE6IDENGE 1 i RET•'0� TO IIO.O' FROPERN LINE SITE PLAN SCALE I":20'•0" N MAIN FLOOR NOTE5 • ALL U T WM TO BE 4x10 DF.I WA •RP. E. TO BE &'- -TTP. • WLD M—NG O VR ALL SAFWRI& • RRE E1GrK5'G AT ALL KL 345 PB.'ETRAi1Gh5. • TOP LRDO1 TO BE AT &-6' AFF. UNO. • ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2 X & • 16" OC- UDx • SYCKE DETECTORS TO BE NOT CIREO d BATTERY BACY R' I DISCCNECT 60TCN (F C% IT F ECTCN OLLY) S 4%E DETECTORS TO BE =0LE IN ALL SEDR4LT'6. • AlL CLOSET)STC E $PACE LL ER STAIRS $V O BE COVEFFD UV 5.' TYPE X GWB. IF STRNGER EPAC4 15 tIORE THEN K' — n✓`Jl TIID LAYERS OF 5M' TYPE X' ARE RE— ON LID, • HANDRAILS TO BE 34'-3&' AE50VE TREAD N05NG AND GUARDRAILS TO BE 36• ABOVE FINIS4IED FLOOR UAN. • NANORAILS TO BE GREATER THAN 1 V4' NOR LARGER THAN 2- N CRT55 5ECTI L DM61Cx REB HANDRAILS TO W 1-5 OR NEUELL POST RECEIVED DUMPMENT SERVICES COMER — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — -- — — -- -j • ALL NTE3bOR RTG EEAWALL TO BE 2 X A STI DS • h ELZ—! 51' FOR RFR105TAT. • VENT ALL FANS AND DRYERS TO THE OUTSIDE AS REDV. • USE (2) 2 X 6 NF I COLU'N5 AT ALL HEADER5 AND USE (2) 2 X 6 HF � COLUMN5 AT ALL BEAN$, U.ON. • TBPERED SAFETY GLASS TO BE LSED N ALL UG W16 AS FCLLO GLAZED FRENCH DOOR$, 11110015 AT TOES OR $HOMERS, WCM6 U NN 5' 6 STAIR LAN03G5 3 LESS D 6O' ABO E STAIRS, AND WINDOWS UTNN 24. OF ODORS. I S4 ETY GLASS MIST C T WT IBC. 2006. I • ALL V ATM DIIOT5 N U✓CO.DInOAED AREAS SHALL BE K5LLATED TO A MNMN TO A MUMl'I OF R.& ALL DLDTUORK SEAR J NTS ARE TOM TAF " SEALED ND FASTEED UTN A MM G FASTSEQ4 . IYN.tdLFLLLATW WT—MDC1TUT P LOCATED N Ui0OID0 NAa I I SNN.L M N'A.(ATEO TO R-3 Hh'fltt • N NDRAiLS TO ES GREATER THAN I V4' NOR LARGER THAN I I 2- IN NCR 5EECTKNAL DCkTGYAL RE11bA' NNORAU.S TO MLS rOST I I -------------- ----------J (E) LIVING (E) DINING (E) KITCHEN i I I I I I I I I I L------------� In- (E) BEDROOM ® (E) BED ROOM \ (E) BATH (E) BATH 110 Go L------------------------ MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/4":I'-O" N (E) FAMILY 2'-b' DOOR n/- DEAD-BOLT LOCK (E) BED ROOM NEW 2x6 s Ib'o<. WALL rJ R-21 INSI.I. � Q I I I il MINT cam VENT FAN � N.TD) BAT1920pM N 50 cim FAN N.TA) D NEW 3'-O'z6•-9• ENTRY DOOR (PRO`/IDFD W • EXISTING WINDOW OPENING) PLUMBING/ IOAL POR NF)9 I'OR WASHER/ DRYER n '-O' PONY LI CL05ET CI.Of ET O$D WALL [E5.1. n (E5)O53)0 SLIDER SLIDER I I I VEND EXIST. WALL PROVIDE MIN. 4.12 DF?1 HDR. TO EXIST. FOUNDATION EiL END. I I I DRAWN: K IC8. DATE: 4ia.ii— 129.11 REVISIONS: O N V + M v ' O 0 I U-J u � V Q J U -w OcC + G w O = ^� O L i Lo SHFFT- TlSE{ DRAW1N59 AFE DOPYRl:MiED AND ARE TO BE USED 90LII.Y FOR ra GONSnLGrlpll Or ra SUE SSr FTaO.ffGr. ib oiilER LSE OP nlis pf4NKS SHALL 3E FEWMrrED 5'un Nf iNE Wi1LTEN COHSE OF ICON APGlaTEON:PL DESMx YetITTEN OII-GG�59 SHALL. TPKE PREGEDENGE OVHt PO SLPLID ALL DD4TYatON& OOl.DInONS. ETG PE I—SIO TO THE WORK DIVE Ypt6. L01lfRAGTOR SNPLL NOT BD'oRE PR°`£EDiNS. kXFN MIS' EE NDTffIm CF "" VAR'ATIOFS FROM ra °'1-£N5'OH$ coNrnnoNs sHaWN oN TSgse vRnwu ss. urc �N vvuATroN sHAL1. eE REwl.vEn eY TNIs orr-PlcE PRIOR rD PRccEEOlnu wn+ rr� WORK oR caNTRAcrOR Sww. AccEPr FLLL R ror6®+ux TbR cos Attachment 5 ro REcnFY � ". P LN-2011-0025 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT AFFIDAVIT On my oath, I certify that I reside at �4,6, /� Edmonds, Washington, in the primary or accessory dwelling unit for more than six mont f every year. Assessor's Parcel Number: - s STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH) f ii Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5 day of 11 A- 1 1 f. Y Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at adAi oocQ W T Notary Public State of Washington MATTHEW CHRISTIAN WHITMAN My Appointment Expires Sep 21, 2013 ADUAFFIDAVIT.DOC Attachment 6 PLN-2011-0025 CIT1 OF EDMONDS—'PLANNING DIVISlvN REQUEST FOR COMMENT FORM P-Engineering Fire XPW - Maintenance 0 Parks & Rec. Building Treatment Plant Economic Dev. Project Number: PLN20110025 Applicant's Name: PAMELA AXELSON Property Location: 560 HEMLOCK ST. Date of Application: 5/27/11 Date Form Routed: 5/31 /11 Zoning: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS-6) Project Description: ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: MIKE CLUGSTON AICP Ext. 1330 Name of Individual Submitting Comments:_ Title: I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD NOT AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have no comments. My department may also review this project during the building permit process (if applicable) and reserves the right to provide additional comments at that time. ® I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have provided comments or conditions below or attached. Comments (please attach memo if additional space is needed): The following conditions should be attached to this permit to ensure compliance with the requirements of this department (please attach memo if additional space is needed): i Date: Signature: t Phone/E-mail: Attachment 7 PLN-2011-0025 INT Project Number: PLN20110025 Applicant's Name: PAMELA AXELSON Property Location: 560 HEMLOCK ST. Date of Application: 5/27/11 Date Form Routed: 5/31 /11 Zoning: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS-6) Project Description: ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: MIKE CLUGSTON AICP Ext. 1330 Name of Individual Submitting Comments: T. Title: I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD NOT AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT — so I have no comments. My department may also review this project during the building permit process (if applicable) and reserves the right to provide additional comments at that time. Comments (please attach memo if additional space is needed): I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have provided comments or conditions below or attached. 12011 tA'N lam;' �:' The following conditions should be attached to this permit to ensure compliance with the requirements of this department (please attach memo if additional space is needed) : Date: 6�7//', Signature: Phone/E-mail: _10 0. ® �. Project Number: PLN20110025 Applicant's Name: PAMELA AXELSON Property Location: 560 HEMLOCK ST. Date of Application: 5/27/11 Date Form Routed: 5/31 /11 Zoning: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (IRS-6) Project Description: ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT E ECDC 20.02.005ALL _•M, E BMITTED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF DATE THIS FORM WAS ROUTED' If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: MIKE CLUGSTON AICP Ext. 1330 Name of Individual Submitting Comments: 0i v i ,,-, Title: I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD NOT AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have no comments. My department may also review this project during the building permit process (if applicable) and reserves the right to provide additional comments at that time. ® 1 have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have provided comments or conditions below or attached. Comments (please attach memo if additional space is needed): The following conditions should be attached to this permit to ensure compliance with the requirements of this department (please attach memo if additional space is needed): Date: -rye Signature: Phone/E-mail: Project Number: PLN20110025 Applicant's Name: PAMELA AXELSON Property Location: 560 HEMLOCK ST. Date of Application: 5/27/11 Date Form Routed: 5/31 /11 Zoning: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS-6) Project Description: ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT •� �� �• -MR9111'a.. W-_- V"WE � If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: MIKE CLUGSTON AICP Ext. 1330 Name of Individual Submitting Comments: Title: I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD NOT AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have no comments. My department may also review this project during the building permit process (if applicable) and reserves the right to provide additional comments at that time. I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have provided comments or conditions below or attached. Comments (please attach memo if additional space is needed): The following conditions should be attached to this permit to ensure compliance with the requirements of this department (please attach memo if additional space is needed): Signature: Phone/E-mail: CI77 OF FD ON[ REQUEST FC PW-Engineering Fire 11 PW Treatment Pla Rec. 0 Building Project Number: PLN20110025 Applicant's Name: PAMELA AXELSON Property Location: 560 HEMLOCK ST. Date of Application: 5/27/11 Date Form Routed: 5/31 /11 Zoning: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS-6) Project Description: ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT ._. ECDC 20.02.005 ALL O.. SUBMITTED WITHIN THIS FORM 4ROUTED*r If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: MIKE CLUGSTON AICP Ext. 1330 Name of Individual Submitting Comments: Title: rL El I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD NOT AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have no comments. My department may also review this project during the building permit process (if applicable) and reserves the right to provide additional comments at that time. ® I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have provided comments or conditions below or attached. Comments (please attach memo if additional space is needed): The following conditions should be attached to this permit to ensure complic requirements of this department (please attach memo if additional space is neede '7NOTHomISH CO.FIRE'DISTMeT / cv \/ John J. Westifall Fire Marshal jwestfall@firedistricti.org j I 12425 Meridian Ave. Everett WA 98208 phone: 425-551-1200 fax: 425-551-1249 www.firedistrict1.org CITY ED1V ONDS • 121 5�' AVENUE NOR`I�.-EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: 425.771.0220 ®FAX: 425.771.0221 ®WEB: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING ® BUILDING June 15, 2011 Pamela Axelson 560 Hemlock Way Edmonds, WA 98020 RE: COMPLETE APPLICATION (CLARIFICATION REQUESTED) — ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT AT 560 HEMLOCK WAY (PLN-2011-0025) Dear Ms. Axelson, On behalf of the City of Edmonds Planning Division, I have reviewed your application for an accessory dwelling unit for completeness pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002 and 20.21.025. While technically complete, I would ask that you clarify the following information: 1. Site plan. Please submit one 11" x 17" (maximum size) site plan, scaled at 1"-20', showing. the house, driveway, other structures on the site, and on -site parking spaces. All access to both the single family residence and the ADU must be shown. If a walkway will constructed to provide pedestrian access to the ADU from the driveway, please show that as well. 2. Parking spaces. As mentioned above, please include on the site plan the dimensions of driveway and the parking spots being called out for the driveway. Keep in mind that each parking space must be a minimum of 8.5' by 16.5'. For the ADU itself, only one additional space is needed over and above the two that are required for the main residence. 3. Building elevations. Since a new window and door are proposed for the east side of the structure for ADU access behind the garage, please submit building elevation drawings for the eastern fagade of the house and garage. Show existing and proposed at a %"-1' scale. Because your application is complete, however, we can move forward with the public notification process. The City will issue a Notice of Application and Public Comment pursuant to ECDC 20.03.002 and request comments from those on the Adjacent Property Owner (APO) list you provided with your application. The Notice will also be published in the Everett Herald and posted at the Edmonds Public Library and Public Safety Building. I will make a site visit and install a small blue project notification sign at your site as well. Comments will be accepted for fourteen days from the date the Notice is published (notice will likely be given next week). Once the comment period closes, I should be able to issue a decision fairly soon thereafter unless something unanticipated arises or if I have not received your response to this request for information. After I issue the decision and assuming the appeal period expires without appeal, I would ask that you then please return the blue sign here to our office of the second floor of City Hall. Please keep in mind that a complete response to this information request must be received within 90 days or the application will lapse for lack of information (ECDC 20.02.003.D). The Comprehensive Plan as well as the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) ai development documents are available at: http://www.ci.edmonds.wa.us/plan div. Attachment 8 PLN-2011-0025 If I need additional information, I will contact you as soon as possible. If you have any questions of me, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at.michael.clugston2ci.edmonds.wa.us. Sincerely, Mike Clugston, AICP Associate Planner The Comprehensive Plan as well as the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) and related development documents are available at: http://www.ci.edmonds.wa.us/plan div.stm. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH I S.S. The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she is Principal Clerk of THE HERALD, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of Everett, County of Snohomish, and State of Washington; that said newspaper is a newspaper of general circulation in said County and State; that said newspaper has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of Snohomish County and that the notice Notice of Application Pamela Axelson PLN-2011-0025 a printed copy of which is hereunto attached, was published in said newspaper proper and not in supplement form, in the regular and entire edition of said paper on the following days and times, namely: June 23,2011 and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. Principal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of June, 2011 "I/ V//�L Public in an o State of Wdshirfg—ton, Fe-M-ing a`tEverett, Snohomish County. Account Name: City of Edmonds Account Number: 101416 Order Number: 0001741444 • �� On the 23rd day of June, 2011, the attached Notice of Application and Public Comment Period was posted as prescribed by Ordinance and in any event where applicable on or near the subject property. I, Michael D. Clugston, hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct this 23rd day of June, 2011, at Edmonds, Washington. Signed: J FILE NO.: PLN20110025 Applicant: AXELSON On the 23rd day of June, 2011, the attached Notice of Public Hearing was mailed by the City to property owners within 300 feet of the property that is the subject of the above -referenced application. The names of which were provided by the applicant. I, Diane Cunningham, hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct this 23rd day of June, 2011 at Edmonds, Washington. Signed: +U 1 6'c {BFP747887.DOC;1\00006.900000\ } Notice of Development Application and Public Comment Periol-l' Date of • File • PLN20110025 Name of Applicant... Pamela Axelson Date of Application... May 27, 2011 Date Application June 15, 2011 Complete... Project Location... �D 560 Hemlock Way Project Description... :D Accessory Dwelling Unit conversion in an existing single family residence. The parcel is zoned single family residential (RS-6). Public H1 Requested Permits and Approvals... Other Required Permits not yet applied for (if known)... Required Studies related to the project... Related Environmental Documents... City Contact... Comments Due By.. Time: NIA I Place: 1 n �D Accessory Dwelling Unit :) Building Compliance Permit Z None Mike Clugston, AICP clugstonOci.edmonds.wa. us 425-771-0220 July 8, 2011 Any person has the right to comment on this application during public comment period, which shall be not less than fourteen nor more than thirty days following the date of notice of application, receive notice and participate in any hearings, and request a copy of the decision on the application. The City may accept public comments at any time prior to the closing of the record of an open record predecision hearing, if any, or, if no open record predecision hearing is provided, prior to the decision on the project permit. Only parties of record as defined in ECDC 20.07.003 have standing to initiate an administrative appeal. Information on this development application can be viewed or obtained at the City of Edmonds Development Services Department, 121 5th Ave North, Edmonds, WA 98020 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. 425-771-0220. Warning! The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of this notice This notice may not be removed until directed by the before the removal date is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and City of Edmonds. imprisonment. pF ED,4! ` °�� Axelson Accessory ®welling Unit PLN-2011-0025 Zoning and Vicinty Map 560 Hemlock Way 1 inch = 125 feet ISCO Edmonds, WA 98020 , MAY 2011 Attach this notarized declaration to the adjacent property owners list. PL.,qN�y=;2 JG DEP On my oath, I certify that the names and addresses provided represent all properties located within 300 feet of the subject property. Signature of Applicant or. Applicant's Representative Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Y1 [ , �• Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at Notary Public State -of Washington MATTHEW CHRISDAN WHITMAN My Appointment,Expires Sep 21, 2013 Revised on 9122110 P2 —Adjacent Property Owners List Page 2 o. f 2 004773000 0901 2/l/2011 JIA YUNOI & STRICH or RESIDENT 1743 E TU UOISE AVE P H 0 E N I X A k—,8-60-20 00477300000600 2/l/2011 KETTEL RICHARD G & SAR or RESIDENT 524 HOMELAND DR EDMONDS, WA 98020 00477400000200 2/1/2011 O'NEAL GARY or RESIDENT 569 HEMLOCK WAY EDMONDS, WA 98020 00477400000600 2/l/2011' SHELDON MARGUERITE or RESIDENT 543 HEMLOCK EDMONDS, WA 98020 00829500020100 2/l/2011 SPENCER GERALD A & BEE or RESIDENT 500 SEAMONT LN #201 EDMONDS, WA 98020 00829500030100 2/l/2011 LEAF GEORGE or RESIDENT 500 SEAMONT LANE #301 EDMONDS, WA 98020 0047730000070 2/1/2011 004774000 0400 2/l/2011 KHASHEN AN TAMA or RESIDENT PFB-2, LL r RE ENT 5297E RURAL DGE CIRCLE 2177 SW M STREET ANAHEIM HI S, AqZn7-1�, PORTLA 97205 09477300001001 2/l/2011 WAINER SUSAN or RESIDENT '560 HOMELAND DR EDMONDS, WA 98020 00477400000300 2/l/2011 EARNHEART TED & LIBBYE or RESIDENT 565 HEMLOCK WAY EDMONDS„ WA 98020 00477400000700 2/1/2011 BENTON IRENE J or RESIDENT 541 HEMLOCK WAY EDMONDS, WA 98020 00829500020200 2/1/2011 GUMNICK YVONNE A or. RESIDENT 500 SEAMONT LN #202 EDMONDS, WA 98020 00829500030200 2/1/2011 GEE JAMES R & GLORIA J or RESIDENT 500 SEAMONT LANE #302 EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500209500 2/l/2011 270k%(1209600 2/l/2011 HOVEY ROBERT V or RESIDENT REED JOHN J JR & GRETC or RESIDENT 706 6TH AVE S 720 6TH AVENUE SOUTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500209800 2/l/2011 HODGIN MILDRED R or RESIDENT 590 HEMLOCK WAY EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500210100 2/l/2011 AXELSON PAMELA W or RESIDENT 560 HEMLOCK WY EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500210400 2/l/2011 CURTIS CHESTER & DOLOR or RESIDENT PO BOX 1087 EDMONDS, WA 98020 � w,.0965 @AU3AV l 27032500209900 2/l/2011 VANHOLLEBEKE R L or RESIDENT 580 HEMLOCK ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500210200 2/l/2011 OWEN GLEN R & HEATHER or RESIDENT 550 HEMLOCK ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500210700 2/l/2011 BEELER THOMAS E & NOLA or RESIDENT. 515 SEAMONT LN EDMONDS, WA 98020 Wla6p3 dD-dod asodxa jaded paa3 i o; aull 6uole pua8 G0477300001003 2/1/2011 JOHNSON KRISTOFER D or RESIDENT 550 HOMELAND DR EDMONDS, WA 98020 G0477400000500 2/1/2011 GOOD RICHARD C or RESIDENT 555 HEMLOCK WAY EDMONDS, WA 98020 00729100000400 2/1/2011 HAMILTON ROBERT B JR & or RESIDENT 651 5TH AVE S UNIT 4 EDMONDS, WA 98020 00829500020300 211 /2011 WHITLOCK EMMA GRACE or RESIDENT 500 SEAMONT LN UNIT 203 EDMONDS, WA 98020 00829500030300 2/V2011 WATSON GENEVIEVE or RESIDENT 500 SEAMONT LN UNIT 303 EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500209700 2/l/2011 WINSKIE JOHN E & ANNE or RESIDENT 726 6TH AVENUE SOUTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500210000 2/112011 MORRIS HAZEL C or RESIDENT 570 HEMLOCK WAY EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500210300 2/1/2011 FOX DANA or RESIDENT 530 HEMLOCK ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500210800 2/1/2011 ORAM RAYMOND W JR & SA or RESIDENT 525 SEAMONT LN EDMONDS, WA 98020 @091S aleldwq 0ij9AV asr slagel ®laad Rse_ use Avery— iempiaie 3 1ou— v 27032500211200 2/1/2011 DORISON LEE MATTHEW or RESIDENT 902 6TH AVE S EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500215500 2/1/2011 ROWE WARREN R or RESIDENT 812 6TH AVE S EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500217700 2/l/2011 BARER JOAN M or RESIDENT 529 PINE ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500218300 2/l/2011 CRIM JAMES A or RESIDENT 527 HEMLOCK ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500219500 2/l/2011 WISCHER WAIN L or RESIDENT 547 PINE ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500219800 2/l/2011 BRINTON RICHARD K & JO or RESIDENT 541 PINE ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 I I _ 00829500010TOOa o2LY/2oll LITTLE'SALLY ANN orRESIDENT 560 SEAMONT LN UNIT 101 EDMONDS, WA 98020-4001 27032500211400 2/1/2011 HANBERG MARK or RESIDENT 904 6TH AVE S EDMONDS, WA 98020-4010 00477300000500 2/l/2011 BAKKEN JAN 0 or RESIDENT 516 HOMELAND DR EDMONDS, WA 98020-4026 27032500212000 2/l/2011 OLSSON LARS or RESIDENT 561 PINE ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500216300 2/l/2011 JOHNSON DAVID A & MARL or RESIDENT 814 6TH AVE S EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500218000 2/l/2011 MUDGE BRUCE & KATHRYN or RESIDENT 544 SEAMONT LANE EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500218400 2/1/2011 SHAPPACHER THOMAS & ME or RESIDENT 539 HEMLOCK WAY EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500219600 2/l/2011 OLSEN DON & NANCY or RESIDENT 549 PINE ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500212500 2/1/2011 PETERSON PATRICIA M or RESIDENT 926 OLYMPIC AVE EDMONDS, WA 98020-2961 00477400000100 2/1/2011 BLEVINS TIM L or RESIDENT 728 6TH AVE S EDMONDS, WA 98020-4008 27032500211500 2/1/2011 CARROL JOSEPH M & MICH or RESIDENT 908 6TH AVE S EDMONDS, VIA 98020-4010 00477300000801 2/1/2011 BOLLEN ANTHONY K & DEB or RESIDENT 538 HOMELAND DR EDMONDS, WA 98020-4026 27032500213600 2/l/2011 WIENKER WENDY or RESIDENT 555 PINE ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500216900 2/l/2011 DOLACKY DAVID J & SUSA or RESIDENT 556 SEAMONT LANE EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500218100 2/1/2011 REES WILLIAM J or RESIDENT 550 SEAMONT LANE EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500218500 2/l/2011 HOWELL DOUGLAS J & CYN or RESIDENT 535 HEMLOCK WAY EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500219700 2/l/2011 BURNS JAMES & CHERIE or RESIDENT 545 PINE ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 27032500210600 2/l/2011 ULSKEY DARRYL or RESIDENT 631 5TH AVE S . EDMONDS, WA 98020-3455 27032500216100 2/l/2011 GRANEN RUTH Tor RESIDENT 802 6TH AVE S EDMONDS, WA 98020-4009 27032500211600 2/112011 ANDERSON ERICK or RESIDENT 916 6TH AVE S EDMONDS, WA 98020-4010 00477300000802 2/V2011 BOLLEN ANTHONY K or RESIDENT 538 HOMELAND DR EDMONDS, WA 98020-4026 27032500212100 2/1/2011, 27032500217800 2/l/2011 27032500218900. 2/112011 TINDALL THOMAS R or RESIDENT GORHAM JAY L & MALAI or RESIDENT VEHRS G DIANE or RESIDENT, 543 PINE ST 531 PINE ST 539 PINE ST EDMONDS, WA 98020-4028 EDMONDS, WA 98020-4028 EDMONDS, WA 98020-4028 Etiquettes faciles a peter i ® Repliez a la hachure afin de www.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 51600 chSens dent reveler le rebord Pop-Uprm ; 1-800-GO-AVERY use Avery- iempiate :) iou— 27032500210900 211 /2011 POPE M G or RESIDENT 540 SEAMONT LN . EDMONDS, WA 98020-4031 I 00729100000100 2/l/2011 SCHEPP SUZANNE K or RESIDENT 550 ELM WAY UNIT 301 EDMONDS, WA 98020-4627 27032500215300. 2/l/2011 COLUMBIA CITY PARTNERS or RESIDENT 2000 FAIRVIEW AVE E SEATTLE, WA 98102 I 27032500210500 2/l/2011 APPLE TWO LLC or RESIDENT 14227 EVERGREEN WAY STANWOOD, WA 98292 27032500212600 2/1/2011 27032500216800 2/l/2011 LONG ODESSA LAVONNE HU or RESIDENT DAVIS JOHN C III or RESIDENT 520 SEAMONT LN 558 SEAMONT LN EDMONDS, WA 98020-4031 EDMONDS, WA 98020-4031 27032500216400 2/l/2011 00729100000300 2/1/2011 TOD.D VALERIE or RESIDENT ALSTON GARY C or RESIDENT 21718 2ND AVE SE 21010 SUMMIT LN BOTHELL, WA 98021 EDMONDS, WA 98026-6952 27032500215200 2/l/2011 00729100000200 2/l/2011 RODRIGUES ADLER & MERC or RESIDENT ALSTON DARCI L or RESIDENT PO BOX 55752 10415 176TH AVE SE SHORELINE, WA 98155 SNOHOMISH, WA 98290-6373 00477300000400 2/l/2011 WALKER FLOYD T or RESIDENT PO BOX 1626 POULSBO, WA 98370 27032500211100 2/1/2011 PINKHAM VIRGINIA S or RESIDENT 20957 NORDBY DR NW POULSBO, WA 98370 Etiquettes faciles a paler i ® Repliez a la hachure afin de www.avery.com Utilisez le abarit AVERY® 51600 i Sens de reveler le rebord Pop -Up TM � 1-800-GO-AVERY 9 ) chargement