PLN20120021 Final Review Comments 1.pdf th C ITY OF E DMONDS•1215A VENUE N ORTH •E DMONDS,WA98020 P HONE: 425.771.0220 • F AX: 425.771.0221 • W EB: www.edmondswa.gov EVELOPMENT S ERVICES D EPARTMENT:P LANNING •B UILDING D P UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT:ENGINEERING DATE:July 13, 2018 TO:Matt Bolin, Vector One Email: mbolin@usacmtg.com FROM:Jen Machuga, Associate Planner –Development Services Department Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager–Public Works Department st RE:1Draft Final Review Documents Comments PLN20120021 -Ritter 3-lot Short Plat-8364 Olympic View Drive Dear Mr. Bolin: The Planning and Engineering Divisionshave reviewed the above draft recording documents,and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressedbefore review can continue: 1.All pages of the final recording documents must comply with the Snohomish County Auditor’s recording requirements, which are available for your reference via the following link: . It is the applicant’s http://www1.co.snohomish.wa.us/Departments/Auditor/Divisions/Recording/ responsibility to ensure compliance with the Auditor’srecording requirements in order to avoid issues at the time of recording. 2.Survey lot closures are required and must show tolerance. 3.On Sheet 1, add the parcel number of the existing parcel. It is preferred by the County if this is located above or below the original legal description. 4.On Sheet 1, within the Declaration, add a comma within the sentence as follows “…approved by the City of Edmonds, on this…” so that it is clear this date is the date Vector One is signing the final documents, not the date of City approval. 5.On Sheet 1, within the Treasurer’s Certificate, the word “the” is misspelled at the end of the first line. 6.Please add a provision within the recording documents that states all required civil construction improvements for the short plat have been deferred to the construction of the single-family residence on Lot A. Construction of a single-family residence on Lot B must be completed concurrently or after Lot A construction. 7.Please add a “Stormwater Provisions” section that states: “A stormwater management facility is to be constructed on Lot Afor the benefit of Lots A and B, as approved by the City of Edmonds. The approved plans are on file with the City of Edmonds under file number PLN20120021. Consistent with this approval, Lot Ahas been allotted XXXsf of new impervious surface area for the shared access drive and future site improvements and Lot Bhas been allotted XXXsf of new impervious surface area for future site improvements.” 8.Add a Stormwater Vesting section that states the following: “The storm water management system on Lot Awas designed in accordance with City of Edmonds Storm Water Management Codes and Regulations in effect at the time of application for the subdivision. Construction of the subdivision shall start prior to January 1, 2022.If construction does not begin prior to this date, the stormwater system for the subdivision shall be redesigned to comply with current codes.” 9.All existing and proposed easements must be indicated on therecording documents. As such, add notes describing any and all easements that are referenced in the title report. In particular, it appears that the existing ingress, egress and utility easement recorded under AFN 1619753 was not indicated on the final documents. 10.Revise the Easement Provisions and Maintenance section to clarify that the shared access road shall have shared maintenance responsibility. 11.Within #3 of the Easement Provisions and Maintenance section, the word “or” is misspelled in “and/or” at the end of the fourth line. 12.An easement to the City of Edmonds for inspection of the stormwater management system shall be provided and shown on the recording documents. The easement language should read: “A permanent access easement is hereby granted tothe City of Edmonds for accessand inspection of any and all areas within Lots A andBof this short plat that may now, or in the future, contain any stormwater management facilities and/or system(s), including all appurtenances therefore and thereto. Said access easement shall be for inspection purposes to ensure that stormwater facilities and/or system(s) are properly operated and maintained in accordance with City of Edmonds Code.” 13.The boundaries of the Native Vegetation Area as shown on the final documents are inconsistent with the approved Native Vegetation Plan. Please correct to be consistent with the approved Plan. Additionally, the boundariesof this area are difficult to see on the final documents since they overlap with some of the easement and property lines. Once the location of the Native Vegetation Area has been corrected, please ensure that the boundaries are clearly indicated on the final documents. Possibly the use of shading would help. 14.The first part of the bearing on the eastern line of Lot A is missing a number. Based on the legal descriptions, the first number of this bearing should be “00.” 15.Note that all signatures on the final documents must be made in black ink.It is suggested, however, that you submit the revised recording documents to staff for a second review prior to obtaining all required signatures. 16.Due to the presence of a Landslide Hazard Area as defined by ECDC Chapter 23.80 on the subject site, the critical areas code requires that a notice on title be recorded against the subject parcel. The form must be signed before a notary and must be recorded at the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office. This notice is attachedfor your review. If everything looks correct, please sign it before a notary, record it with Snohomish County, and provide a copy to the City. If you would rather have the City record the covenant on your behalf, a $100 surcharge in addition to the County’s recording fee will apply. 17.As you are aware, a maintenance bond is required for the work that was conducted under the Native Vegetation Plan. Based on the total cost you provided of $7,153.07, the bond amount will be $1,072.96. The bond will need to be in place for the entire three year monitoring period. Please let us know whether you would prefer to do a frozen fund bond or bond through a bonding company, and we will provide you with the appropriate paperwork. Please make the above changes and submit your updated recording documents to a Planner, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday between 8:00 am 4:30 pm or Wednesday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Feel free to contact Kernen Lien, Environmental Program Manager,or Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager,at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at jen.machuga@edmondswa.govor Jeanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.gov if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. Cc:File No. PLN20120021