PLN20120021 Letter to Owner.pdfci ry OF EDMONDS � 1215 � Avenue North, Edmonds VVA9OO2O Phone: 425.771.022Um Fax:42SJ71.0221 ° Web: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT * PLANNING DIVISION June |l'2Ol4 #r. William Ritter 8364Olympic View Dr. ' Bdonmda WA9O026 SUBJECT: EXTENSION TO VALIDITY OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF YOUR SHORT SUBDIVISION LOCATED AI*364OLYMPlC VIEW NIX.,FILE NO. PLN20120(2l Dear Mr. Ritter: Preliminary approval ota land use application for ushort subdivision located NX364Olympic View Drive was issued onJanuary 23,20|3under File No. PUN20120021. /\myou may 6uaware, duCbyCounoUhaaadopt d changes to the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) that extend the time frame for validity of preliminary approval for certain short plats. Pruviooely,ECDC20.75.lOOxouacdpm|imivaryoyprovo)ofnakortp|ut1ooxpireandhuvunob/rt6urvu|iditya(ihe end offive years, The code changes under Ordinance No. 3925 causes preliminary short plat approval (if issued on or before December 31, 2013) to expire and have no further validity at the end of seven wars �unless the applicant has acquired final short plat approval within the specified time period. The time period shall commence upon the issuance ofafinal, written staff decision. Based on the provisions of Ordinance No. 3925, the preliminary approval of your short subdivision has been extended to Januar . Please keep in mind that the civil review and final review processes can each take several months, and the civil improvements must be bonded for and/or completed prior to final approval. It is highly advisable that you continue working towards completion ofthe civil and final review alnAcm ofthe process allowing sufficient time tugain final approval prior tothe extended expiration date. Please note that this notice does not confer any legal rights and shall not be construed as a land use decision. It merely serves to notify you, as a courtesy, that a city ordinance that may affect you has recently changed. |fyou have any questions oothe civil review process, please contact tho8n&uucdngDivisionnt(425)77l-0220. If you have any questions on the extension to the time fi-ame for your preliminary short plat approval or on the necessary steps for obtaining final approval, please contact the Planning Division at (425) 771-0220. 8inooxuly` Development Services Department ' Planning Division JuuMaohoga Associate Planner Cu: File No. 9LJN20l20O2| Mr. William Ritter 27257Red [nmhnrkDr. Valley Center, C/\92OO2