PLN20130004_Sycks_ENG1.pdfof EDo CITY OF EDMONDS
BSc 1g90 (425) 771-0220
City Website:
DATE: July 26, 2013
TO: Matthew Merritt — LDC Inc.
Mmerrittkldc corp. com
FROM: Jennifer Lambert, Engineering Technician
RE: Subdivision File #: PLN20130004
Project: Pineview Place — 3-Lot Short Plat
Project Address: 1020 2nd Ave S
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised
plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to an Engineering Technician.
City of Edmonds handouts and standard details can be referenced on the City website under Permit
1. Please provide an itemized engineers cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on -
site and off -site (right-of-way) improvements, including all utilities and traffic control. Please
use the King County Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet and utilize the "write-in"
sections where appropriate.
• A bond is required to be placed for all erosion control measures, right-of-way and
stormwater management improvements. Posting a bond for stormwater systems applies to
short plats that involve 7,000 square feet or more of land disturbing activity and as well as
on projects in a critical area or buffer including ESLHA. The amount of the bond will be
based on 120% of the City approved estimate. The City will inform you of the appropriate
bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Please obtain the appropriate short plat
improvement bond forms from the City.
• If you intend to post a bond in order to record the short plat, the bond amount will be based
on the entire scope of the project.
• Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 2.2% of the 120% City approved
estimate for all improvements.
2. Please submit a traffic control and haul route plan for review and approval.
3. Please add a general note to the plans that states: "Approval of these plans does not constitute
approval of the single family residences and associated setbacks. A separate building permit is
required for review and approval of the single family residences.
4. Please add a demolition note to the plans that states "Separate demolition permits are required
for the demolition of structures".
5. Please add a note to plans stating "A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for
all work within the city right-of-way. A ROW permit application with contractor's signature
shall be provided to the city.
6. Add reference to City short plat file number (PLN20130004).
7. Please add a City of Edmonds approval block consistent with the one found on the City's
forms/en in�g-standards.html.
8. On all plan sheets where easements are shown, please label the easements as private.
Sheet 1 of 9 — Cover Sheet
1. Please add the Utility Purveyor information.
SHEET 2 OF 9 — Existing Conditions
Please revise the sheet to state "Existing Conditions and Demo Plan".
SHEET 3 OF 9 — TESC Plan
2. Please add the following note, "The existing tree to be retained shall be protected in accordance
with ECDC 18.45.050.H."
3. Please add the following note, "Install and maintain all TESC measures according to approved
plans, City of Edmonds standard details E 1. 1, E 1.2, E 1.3 and all other measures that may be
required during construction. Interceptor swale to be installed prior to site grading/clearing."
4. Please revise the northwest corner of the silt fence to be located along the property line such that
it does not direct flows towards the structure located on the north adjacent parcel.
5. Show stockpile location and indicate requirements to keep it covered.
6. Please add notes regarding protection of infiltration areas and other protection as needed for
pervious pavement areas.
Sheet 4 of 9 — TESC Notes and Details
1. Revise the Construction Sequence Notes to include protection of pervious pavement areas.
Sheet 5 of 9 — Horizontal Control Plan
No Comments
Sheet 6 of 9 — GradinE Plan
Please add a the following note, "Install and maintain all TESC measures according to approved
plans, City of Edmonds standard details E1.1, E1.2, E1.3 and all other measures that may be
required during construction. Interceptor swale to be installed prior to site grading/clearing."
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2. Tree protection measures are to be shown on this plan. Where trees are to be maintained barrier
fencing shall be placed at the drip line of the tree in order to protect the root system.
Sheet 7 of 9 — Roadway and Utilities
1. Please add a note to the `Notes' section that all disturbed soils that will be landscape areas must
be compost amended per handout E72C.
2. Impervious Areas chart: Provide a breakdown showing the square footage of the road and each
single family residence (showing house and driveway separate). This information will also need
to be shown on the face of the recording documents.
3. The portion of the new driveway from the proposed curb/gutter to the property line shall be
included in the impervious surface calculations and sizing of the onsite management system
shall reflect the additional area. Please revise the impervious surfaces calculations and drainage
report accordingly.
4. The project proposes to use permeable pavement for some of the driveways. Per Engineering
Handout E72, this area must be counted as impervious initially for site classification purposes.
You then subtract out the square footage of the pervious driveways and show that you will be
mitigating the square footage of the driveways by installing permeable surfaces. While it does
not change the site classification, it will affect the impervious area accounting. Please revise the
impervious surface calculations accordingly.
5. Please reference the pervious pavement cross section detail on Sheet 8.
6. It appears that the surface water runoff from the driveway for Lot 1 will sheet flow into the
landscape area prior to being collected to the onsite stormwater management system. The City
requires that the surface water runoff directly discharge to the stormwater management system.
Please revise the plans accordingly.
7. Please provide directional flow areas to indicate how the water will be collected from the
driveway for Lot 1.
8. Please show and address where the footing drains will discharge to, on the plans and in the
Stormwater Report.
9. Please show and address where the retaining wall drains will discharge to, on the plans and in
the Stormwater Report.
10. Please provide approval from Washington Department of Transportation that the overflows
from the infiltration systems may discharge to their drainage system on SR-104.
11. Please note that the pre -sizing tables in the City's handouts are not designed for 100%
infiltration; they are sized to meet the flow control standard of 0.7 cfs/acre-impervious, 0.25
cfs/acre-impervious, and 0.45 cfs/acre-impervious for the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year
recurrence events, respectively. The design needs to demonstrate that the overflow system of the
pipes and open channels can handle these flows without causing problems to nearby properties.
This includes the open channel at the northwest property boundary that appears to be flowing
into the neighbor's garage.
a. Please provide documentation that shows the proposed stormwater plan has addressed
the stormwater flows for both onsite and offsite.
b. Or the developer can design the infiltration trenches for 100% infiltration.
12. Provide a detail for the overflow swale to show what the swale will look like in the finished
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13. The design of the stormwater management systems need to be designed in such a way that it
clearly shows that the infiltrated runoff from this development will not impact the down
gradient property (to the north). The structure in the western portion of the north property is
substantially lower in elevation.
a. Please revise the northwest portion of the swale such that it is clear that the overflow
will not impact the north adjacent property and will flow to the existing drainage Swale.
b. Please make any necessary adjustments to insure that there will not be any negative
impacts to the down gradient properties.
14. Please show observations wells on each infiltration system.
15. No runoff from impervious areas shall flow onto the pervious pavements. Please show how this
will be prevented (i.e. trough drains, berms, additional basins, etc.)
16. The open grated lids on the infiltration system located within landscape areas shall be solid lids.
This is to prevent debris and rainwater from entering the system. Please revise the plans
17. Please provide a detail for the yard drains.
18. Type 1 CBs (not yard drains) should be installed upstream of all Infiltration trenches for solids
19. Please keep in mind that per City ordinance, homes with 3000sf or more habitable space shall
be sprinkled for fire protection. When this is required a flow through system is typically
installed and the minimum meter size will need to be 1". Please revise plans as needed.
20. Please show the existing water meter to be relocated to the property line.
21. Please label the pipe material, size of the pipe, and show tracer wire on the water service lines.
22. Please show a 10' separation between water and sewer.
23. Please show the sewer pipe material consistent with E6.9.
24. Please add detail E6.9 to the plans.
25. Please show the sewer manhole being located on private property. From the manhole to the
sewer main there should be a 6"gravity sewer line with a 6" cleanout located at the property
26. Please add the following note. "Install a 12" cast iron lamphole cover with'/2" hexbolts over the
cleanout at the property line.
27. Please add a note that City will TV sewer main prior to final acceptance.
28. It is unclear if the existing home is on septic or sewer. If the sewer is tied to the City Sewer
main, please show the existing sewer and label "to be removed or reused".
29. Please show the location of the dry utilities so that a minimum of 3'separation between the
utilities can be verified.
Sheet 8 of 9 — Notes and Details
9. Revise note 1 by replacing "2010 WSDOT/APWA Standard..." with "2012 WSDOT/APWA
Standard... ".
10. Please add the following to note #20, "disturbed areas to be compost amended".
11. Revise the detail "2nd Ave S typical section" to show the required 2'asphalt cut beyond the face
of the gutter_
12. Please remove detail E5.1.1. It does not apply.
13. Pervious pavement detail???
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Sheet 9 of 9 — Notes and Details
No Comments
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at jennifer.lambertgedmondswa. og_v if you have
specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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