PLN20130070 Request for Additional Info.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS
121 5ch Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 ® Web:
`11C. 189v
November 27, 2013
Mr. Shawn Rafferty
PKJB Architectural Group
119 S. Main St., #410
Seattle, WA 98104
Dear Mr. Rafferty:
Your land use application for design review of a new building (Jacobsen's Marine) to be located at 345
Admiral Way has been determined to be complete. During staff s review of your application, however, it was
determined that additional information/clarification is necessary. Please provide responses to the following
items at your earliest convenience so that staff s review of the proposal can continue:
1. Please respond to the comments from Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager, provided in
the attached memorandum. If you have any questions on Ms. McConnell's comments, you may
contact her at (425) 771-0220 or
2. The cover letter submitted with the application states that the project complies with all applicable
codes and regulations; however, no detail is provided explaining how the applicable codes are met.
Please provide additional written description of how the project complies with the applicable design
guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan and Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC)
3. Inconsistencies were noted in the parking lot layout between the site plan (SD-2) and the preliminary
civil plans (C-1) and landscaping plan (L-1.0). Please correct these discrepancies and indicate the
correct locations of all proposed parking and improvements on all applicable plan sheets.
4. Provide information on where all mechanical equipment and other utility hardware for the project will
be located (whether roof -top mounted or ground -level) and indicate how it will be screened from
5. Color renderings were provided of all sides of the building except the back of the building. As such,
please provide a color rendering of the southeastern building fagade.
6. The southeastern building fagade is comprised of a blank wall and does not have any visual relief
other than the very narrow band at the top. The appearance of a long blank wall is amplified by the
solid walls located on this side of both canopies. ECDC 20.11.030.A.4 and several design guidelines
within the Comprehensive Plan require that unbroken and monotonous building fagades be avoided
through the use of windows, doors, modulation, color, materials, etc. Please modify the plans such
that visual relief is provided along the southeastern building fagade. Vegetation along this side of the
building could be used in addition to modifications to the building design to help with the visual relief.
7. Your lighting plan indicates pole -mounted lights and wall -mounted lights. Please provide specs
indicating what these lights will look like and how bright they will be. Excessive brightness must be
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avoided and all lighting must be low-rise and directed downward onto the site. Additionally, lighting
standards and patterns must be compatible with the overall design theme as required by ECDC
8. ECDC 20.13.030.E requires Type V landscaping to be provided within parking areas at a ratio of 17.5
square feet per parking stall. Please refer to ECDC 20.13.030.E for additional guidance on the Type V
landscaping requirements and revise the Jandscape plan so that Type V landscaping is provided within
the parking areas on both the northern and southern sides of the site. The site plan and preliminary
civil plans must also be revised to indicate the locations of all landscape beds.
9. The color rendering indicates that the proposed fence and gates adjacent to Admiral Way would be
lower and of a different style than the chain link fence around the remainder of the site. Please
confirm whether the fence styles are accurately depicted on the color rendering and indicate the
heights of these fences on the site plan. If styles of the fences are not accurately depicted on the color
rendering, please provide additional detail.
Please submit the above information to the Planning Division as soon as possible so that staff may continue
processing your application. Please keep in mind that a complete response to this information request must
be received within 90 days or the application will lapse for lack of information (ECDC 20.02.003.D). Thus,
your application will expire if the requested information is not received by February 25, 2014.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone at (425) 771-0220 or via email at
Jen.Machuga a,
Development Services Department - Planning Division
Jen Machuga
Associate Planner
Enclosure: Memorandum from Jeanie McConnell dated November 26, 2013
Cc: File No. PLN20130070
Mr. Greg Jacobsen
2501 Harbor Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98126
Mr. Bob McChesney
Port of Edmonds
336 Admiral Way
Edmonds, WA 98020
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Date: November 26, 2013
To: Jen Machuga, Associate Planner
From: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
Subject: PLN20130070 — ADB Design Review
Jacobsen's Marine — 345 Admiral Way
The comments provided below are based upon review of the documents submitted for ADB
Design Review for Jacobsen's Marine proposed at 345 Admiral Way. Additional information
is requested from the applicant at this time. Please ask the applicant to respond to the
1) Sheet C-1 Conceptual Storm, Grading & Paving Plan indicates the Port of Edmonds will
provide detention and/or water quality if required.
a. The stormwater system shall be shown on the plans to the extent necessary to
show the proposed project is feasible. This includes the stormwater detention
system should one be required (worst case scenario). If you'd prefer not to show a
stormwater detention system at this time, please provide a downstream analysis
that indicates direct discharge is feasible at this site.
b. Clearly indicate the quantity of impervious surface area proposed with the subject
2) Show existing and proposed utility connections, including water and sewer.
3) Please confirm sliding gates will remain open during normal business hours.
4) Thank you for providing the letter describing the estimated traffic count for subject
development. As noted, less than 25 PM peak hour trips are projected. A traffic impact
analysis (not a full study) is still required. Please refer to City Handout E82—Traffic
Impact Analysis Requirements available on the City website.
Thank you
City of Edmonds