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PLN20140075 prelim staff decision and attachments.pdf
CITY OF EDMONDS Development Services — Planning Division 121- 5TH AVENUE NORTH, EDMONDS, WA 98020 Applicant: Chris and Merin Mione From:�'����.. Mike Clugston, AICP Associate Planner Date: May 14, 2015 File: PLN20140075 I. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION The proposal is for a two -lot short subdivision of an approximately 1.23 acre (53,412 square foot) parcel into two lots each with a minimum lot area of 12,000 square feet. An existing single family residence and appurtenances are to be retained. The proposed preliminary short subdivision is approved subject to conditions. II. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Applicant: Chris and Merin Mione B. Site Location: 19011 Olympic View Drive (Tax ID 00434600007800) C. Request: Preliminary short subdivision approval D. Applicable Codes 1. Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 16.20, single-family residential 2. ECDC Title 18, public works requirements 3. ECDC Chapter 20.01, types of development project permits 4. ECDC Chapter 20.0.2, development project permit applications 5. ECDC Chapter 20.03, public notice requirements 6. ECDC Chapter 20.06, notice of final decision (and open record public hearing, if decision is appealed) 7. ECDC Chapter 20.15A, environmental review 8. ECDC Chapter 20.75, subdivisions Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 2 of 11 9. ECDC Chapter 23.10, shoreline master program 10. ECDC Chapter 23.40, environmentally critical areas E. Review Process: Preliminary short subdivisions are Type 11 permits. Following a public comment period, the Director (or designee) makes an administrative decision. After preliminary approval is granted, the City must review and approve civil improvement plans and then final short subdivision plans prior to issuing any building permit for the new lot. F. Attachments 1. Land use application, received December 31, 2014 2. Site aerial photo 3. Preliminary short plat map, received December 31, 2014 4. Preliminary development plan, received April 25, 2015 5. Engineering requirements, dated May 12, 2015 6. Complete letter and public notice documentation 7. Departmental comment forms and applicant correspondence 8. Title report, dated December 4, 2014 9. Drainage report, dated April 2015 10. Preliminary vegetation management plan, received April 24, 2015 G. Public Notice and Comments The application was submitted on December 31, 2014 and determined to be procedurally complete on January 28, 2015. On February 4, 2015, a notice of development application and public comment period was published in the Everett Herald newspaper and posted at the subject site, as well as the other required locations (the Public Safety Building, City Hall, and the Edmonds Library). The notice was also mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the site (Attachment 6). No public comments were received about this proposal. The City has complied with the noticing provisions in ECDC 20.03. I11. FACTS AND ANALYSIS A. Subdivision Review Criteria 1. Environmental Where environmental resources exist, such as trees, streams, ravines or wildlife habitats, the proposal shall be designed to minimize significant adverse impacts to the resources. Permanent restrictions may be imposed on the proposal to avoid impact. [ECDC 20.75.085.A.1] Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 3 of 11 Shoreline Master Program. The project is not located within the shoreline jurisdiction therefore compliance with the Shoreline Master Program (ECDC 23.10) is not required. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). According to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a), this application is categorically exempt and therefore a SEPA determination is not required pursuant to ECDC 20.15A. Critical Areas. A critical areas checklist was completed for the site in 2014 (CRA20140120). Steep slopes were identified on or adjacent to the parcel including erosion hazards and possible landslide hazards. A geotechnical report will be required during the review of civil plans prepared in accordance with ECDC 23.80. The critical areas code in ECDC requires all subdividable properties in the RS-12 and RS-20 zones to retain or create an area of native vegetation equal to at least 30% of the total area of the lot. This requirement can be met through maintaining existing native vegetation, establishing native vegetation, or a combination of both. The goal is to provide additional protection for fish and wildlife habitat throughout Edmonds; however, the intent is not to set aside areas that cannot be used and enjoyed by the owner. The applicant submitted a preliminary vegetation management plan showing areas to be retained/improved in excess of the 30% minimum requirement (Attachment 10). The areas appear to contain some large evergreen trees but it is unknown what types of understory species and ground covers are present. Lawn grass and similar species are not native and would have to be replaced as part of the short plat process or at the time of building permit for a house on the newly created lot. Retained trees must be protected during development in accordance with ECDC 18.45.050. The vegetation management plan must be updated during civil plan review to identify the specific native trees and vegetation being retained and what native species are to be installed, as applicable. Monitoring and maintenance provisions must be provided. The proposal shall be designed to minimize grading by using shored driveways and by relating street, house site and lot placement to the existing topography. [ECDC 20.75.085.A.21 The site slopes gradually downward from east to west. The area where a future house could be located near Olympic View Drive on proposed Lot B is on a more level portion of the site. Approximately 250 cubic yards of cut and fill is anticipated (Attachment 4). A shared driveway is impractical in this case due to slope constraints and the fact that access for the existing house to be retained on proposed Lot A is from 190th Place SW. Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 4 of 11 Where conditions exist which could be hazardous to the future residents of the land to be divided, or to nearby residents or property, such as flood plains, steep slopes or unstable soil or geologic conditions, a subdivision of the hazardous land shall be denied unless the condition can be permanently corrected, consistent with paragraphs A(1) and (2) of this section. [ECDC 20.75.085.A.3] With the exception of the slope on the site and the presence of more erosive soils, there are no other known hazards impacting the site. Future development must comply with the critical area requirements in Title 23 ECDC. The proposal shall be designed to minimize off -site impacts on drainage, views and so forth. [ECDC 20.75.085.A.41 Preliminary development plans were submitted showing proposed management of stormwater, the location of all utilities, access and the like (Attachments 4 & 9). All proposed development on the parcels must be designed to meet current stormwater code and minimize off -site impacts. Review and approval of civil improvement plans will be included as a condition of this report. Views of Puget Sound are available at this site. The proposed lot sits lower topographically than the existing houses in the area and so would not seem to negatively impact existing views other than that of the applicant. Any future dwelling unit on the new lot would need to meet the zoning requirements for height, which is verified at building permit. 2. Lot and Street Layout Lots shall be designed to contain a usable building area. If the building area would be difficult to develop, the lot shall be redesigned or eliminated, unless special conditions can be imposed on the approval which will ensure that the lot is developed properly. [ECDC 20.75.085.B.1] As shown on the preliminary development plan (Attachment 4), only one additional lot is proposed — Lot B. A potential building pad is shown along with a driveway approach, drainage options, and areas of soils which would be compost -amended after development. Review and approval of civil construction plans as well as a building permit for an eventual house will ensure the lot is developed in accordance with all applicable regulations. Lots shall not front on highways, arterials or collector streets unless there is no other feasible access. Special access provisions, such as shared driveways, turnarounds or frontage streets may be required to minimize traffic hazards. [ECDC 20.75.085.B.2] Proposed Lot B fronts on Olympic View Drive, which is a collector street. In this case, however, there is no other feasible access due to the slope of the lot to the southeast and presence of trees on the southern portion of the Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 5 of 11 proposed lot. The proposed driveway must meet the requirements found in ECDC 18.80. Compliance with engineering requirements is further described in Attachment 5. Each lot shall meet the applicable dimensional requirements of the zoning ordinance. [ECDC 20.75.085.B.3] Lot area. The subject site totals 53,412 square feet (Attachment 3). The following table summarizes the minimum required lot area for newly created parcels in the RS-12 zone — a minimum of 12,000 net square feet is required. 'Proposed Net' is less any area for roads or access easements — in this case, no roads or access easements are proposed: Required Lot Area Proposed Gross Proposed Net Lot A 12,000 38,412 38,412 Lot B 12,000 15,000 15,000 Lot width. The following table summarizes the minimum required lot width for parcels in the RS-12 zone (distances in feet): Required Lot Width Proposed Lot Width Lot A 80 130+ Lot B 80 100+ Setbacks. Setbacks from property lines are ultimately confirmed at building permit. The existing lot is considered to be an irregular lot since it has a shape that is not close to rectangular and is not a corner or a flag lot. Based on the development standards for the RS-12 zone, setbacks for the lots should be as follows (distances in feet): Lot Type West property line North property line South property line East property line Lot A Interior 10 25 25 10 Lot B Interior 25 10 10 25 Structural lot coverage. All existing structures are proposed to remain on Lot A while Lot B would be vacant. Any future buildings or structures will be allowed to cover no more than 35% of either lot (Lot A will have approximately 12.5% structural coverage after the short plat). According to ECDC 21.15.110, "coverage means the total ground coverage of all buildings or structures on a site measured from the outside of external walls or supporting members or from a point 2.5 feet in from the outside edge of a cantilevered roof, whichever covers the greatest area." Structural lot coverage calculations will be verified with future building permit reviews. Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 6 of 11 Pedestrian walks or bicycle paths shall be provided to serve schools, parks, public facilities, shorelines and streams where street access is not adequate. [ECDC 20.75.085.B.4] Safe walk provisions. The subject site is primarily served by three area public schools: Edmonds Elementary School, Meadowdale Middle School, and Meadowdale High School. According to information available on the Edmonds School District website: http://www.edmonds.wednet.edu/site/Default.aspx (accessed May 10, 2015), Edmonds Elementary is a little over % mile to the south and therefore within walking distance of the site. Sidewalks are located on the west side of Olympic View Drive across from the proposed lot that run down to a crosswalk at Puget Drive and on to the elementary school. Buses serve Meadowdale Middle and High School with stops nearly across the street from the site at the intersection of Olympic View Drive and Cherry Street. 3. Dedications The city council may require dedication of land in the proposed subdivision for public use. [ECDC 20.75.085.C.1] No dedications were proposed nor are required as part of this short subdivision (Attachment 5). Only the city council may approve a dedication of park land to satisfy the requirements of ECDC 20.75.090. The council may request a review and written recommendation from the planning advisory board. [ECDC 20.75.085.C.2] No park land is proposed to be dedicated. The City currently does not collect in -lieu park fees as described in ECDC 20.75.090.E. Any approval of a subdivision shall be conditioned on appropriate dedication of land for streets, including those on the official street map and the preliminary plat. [ECDC 20.75.085.C.3] As noted above, no dedications were offered nor required. The Olympic View Drive right-of-way width adjacent to the site is 60 feet, which is the minimum width for collector streets as identified in the City's Comprehensive Transportation Plan. 4. Improvements Improvements which may be required, but are not limited to, streets, curbs, pedestrian walks and bicycle paths, sidewalks, street landscaping, water lines, sewage systems, drainage systems and underground utilities. [ECDC 20.75.085.D.1] Fire District #1 and the Engineering Division reviewed this project. The Fire District did not have any specific comments on the short plat itself. The Engineering Division did and asked for corrections and additional Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 7 of 11 information on January 27, 2015, to supplement the record (Attachment 7). A revised storm drainage report and preliminary development plans were submitted on April 24, 2015 (Attachments 4 & 9). Using this information, the Engineering Division determined that the project was feasible, with conditions (Attachment 5). Civil improvement plans must be submitted, reviewed and approved prior to the construction of any subdivision improvements. The person or body approving a subdivision shall determine the improvements necessary to meet the purposes and requirements of this chapter, and the requirements of: a. ECDC Title 18, Public Works Requirements; b. Chapter 19.75, Fire Code, as to fire hydrants, water supply and access. This determination shall be based on the recommendations of the community development director, the public works director, and the fire chief. [ECDC 20.75.085.D.2] The Engineering Division reviewed the project against the applicable codes in Title 18 ECDC. Preliminary approval of the feasibility of the proposed improvements was granted as noted in Attachment 5. Fire District #1 had no comments; there is an existing fire hydrant at Olympic View Drive, immediately north of the subject site. The use of septic systems may be approved if all of the following conditions are met: a. It is more than 200 feet, multiplied by the number of lots in the proposed subdivision, from the nearest public sewer main to the nearest boundary of the land to be divided. b. The land to be divided is zoned RS-20. c. The public works director and city health officer determine that soil, drainage and slope conditions are satisfactory for septic use and that all requirements of WAC248-96-090 are met. [ECDC 20.75.085.D.3] No septic systems are proposed. Both lots will be served by City of Edmonds water and sewer (Attachment 5). IV. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS According to ECDC 20.75.080, a short subdivision may be approved only if all of the following general findings can be made for the proposal, as approved or as conditionally approved: 20.75.080.A. Subdivision Ordinance. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of this chapter (as listed in ECDC 20.75.020) and meets all requirements of this chapter. The purposes of the subdivision ordinance include: Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 8 of 11 A. To regulate the subdivision of land and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare in accordance with state standards to prevent overcrowding of land, B. To lessen congestion in the streets and highways; C. To facilitate adequate provisions for water, utilities, sewerage, storm drainage, parks and recreation areas, sites for schools and playgrounds, and other public requirements; D. To provide for proper ingress and egress; E. To require uniform monumenting of subdivisions and accurate legal descriptions of subdivided lots. As described in Section III of this report, and as conditioned, the project satisfies each of the purposes of the ordinance. The proposed lots will meet the requirements of the zoning code to prevent overcrowding while complying with the Growth Management Act for lot sizes within urban areas. The lots will have adequate access and utilities as identified in the associated Engineering Requirements (Attachment 5). The lots will also have accurate legal descriptions and permanent control monuments in accordance with RCW 58.17. 20.75.080.B. Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan, or other adopted city policy, and is in the public interest. The Comprehensive Plan contains the following goals and policies for Residential Development which apply to redevelopment of the subject Single Family Resource - designated site: Residential Development B. Goal. High quality residential development which is appropriate to the diverse lifestyle of Edmonds residents should be maintained and promoted. The options available to the City to influence the quality of housing for all citizens should be approached realistically in balancing economic and aesthetic consideration, in accordance with the following policies: B.1. Encourage those building custom homes to design and construct homes with architectural lines which enable them to harmonize with the surroundings, adding to the community identity and desirability. B.3. Minimize encroachment on view of existing homes by new construction or additions to existing structures. B.4. Support retention and rehabilitation of older housing within Edmonds whenever it is economically feasible. B.5. Protect residential areas from incompatible land uses through the careful control of other types of development and expansion based upon the following principles: B.5.a. Residential privacy is a fundamental protection to be upheld by local government. B.5.b. Traffic not directly accessing residences in a neighborhood must be discouraged. Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 9 of 11 B.5.c. Stable property values must not be threatened by view, traffic or land use encroachments. B.5.d. Private property must be protected from adverse environmental impacts of development including noise, drainage, traffic, slides, etc. B.6. Require that new residential development be compatible with the natural constraints of slopes, soils, geology, vegetation and drainage. The newly created parcel (Lot B) will be able to support the construction of an additional new single family home thereby increasing the amount of available housing within the City. The natural environment presents few constraints to the further development of this site with the exception of the need to remove some trees within the development footprint. Erosion, stormwater and similar development impacts will be managed in accordance with existing development regulations. The creation of a new building lot and the construction of a new single family home is consistent with the comprehensive plan designation for the site and is in the public interest. 20.75.080.C. Zoning Ordinance. The proposal meets all requirements of the zoning ordinance, or a modification has been approved as provided for in this chapter. As described in Section III of this report, the proposal meets the dimensional requirements of the zoning ordinance for lot area and width. Compliance with the remaining development standards of ECDC 16.20 such as setbacks, structural lot coverage and the like will be verified at building permit. No modifications were requested or granted. 20.75.080.D. Flood Plain Management. The proposal meets all requirements of the Edmonds Community Development Code relating to flood plain management. The site is not located within a designated flood plain. Based upon the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Attachments submitted with the application and during the comment period, the following is the decision of the City of Edmonds Planning Division: This preliminary short subdivision is APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. This application is subject to all applicable requirements contained in the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC). It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure compliance with all applicable requirements. 2. Trees shall be retained to the maximum extent feasible. All trees on the site must be shown on the civil improvement plans, including those trees on adjacent sites with driplines that overlap the subject parcel. Retained trees must be protected during development in accordance with ECDC 18.45.050. Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 10 of 11 3. The applicant must apply for review and approval of civil subdivision improvement plans. In preparing these plans, the applicant must address the Engineering Division conditions listed "Required as a Condition of Subdivision" in Attachment 5. The required documents and applicable fee must be submitted to the Engineering Division together with: a) A geotechnical report describing how the proposed civil improvements comply with ECDC 23.40 and 23.80. b) An updated vegetation management identifying the specific native trees and vegetation being retained and what native species are to be installed, as appropriate. Monitoring and maintenance provisions must be provided along with a cost estimate for any vegetation to be installed and labor per ECDC 23.40.290. 4. Prior to final short plat recording, the following requirements must be completed: a) Install the approved subdivision civil improvements or provide a bond for their completion. b) Make the following revisions to the plat: (1) Add to the face of the plat: "Conditions of approval must be met and can be found in the final approval for the short subdivision located in File No. PLN20140075 in the City of Edmonds Planning Division." (2) Include on the plat all required information, including owner's certification, hold harmless agreement, approval blocks, a declaration of short plat, and dedications and maintenance provisions, as appropriate. (3) If setbacks are to be included on the plat, add the following statement to the face of the plat: "Setbacks shown are for reference only and vest no right." (4) Include the street addresses assigned by the City for each of the lots. c) Make sure all documents to be recorded meet the Snohomish County Auditor's requirements for recording. d) Submit two copies of the short plat documents to be recorded for City approval along with an updated copy of the title report and the final short subdivision review fee. 5. After the short plat is recorded, the applicant must complete the following: a) Complete the Engineering Division conditions listed "Required as a Condition of Building Permit" on Attachment 5. 91HOW2 ' M A party of record may submit a written appeal of a Type II decision within 14 days of the date of issuance of the decision. The appeal will be heard at an open record public Mione Preliminary Short Subdivision File No. PLN20140075 Page 11 of 11 hearing before the Hearing Examiner according to the requirements of ECDC Chapter 20.06 and Section 20.07.004. According to ECDC Section, preliminary short subdivision approval is valid for five years from the date of issuance of the decision. Within that time, the associated civil plans must be reviewed and approved and the improvements installed, inspected or bonded for. The final short plat must also be reviewed, approved and filed at the County prior to the expiration of the five years. No time extensions are available. The property owner may, as a result of the decision rendered by the staff, request a change in the valuation of the property by the Snohomish County Assessor's Office. Chris and Merin Mione Planning Division 19011 Olympic View Drive Edmonds, WA 98020 Engineering Division SaO City of Edmonds Land Use Application ❑ ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW ®' ❑ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FILE# `Nl 4Uy��ONE ❑ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ❑ HOME OCCUPATION DATErr G ❑ FORMAL SUBDIVISION X SHORT SUBDIVISION FEA -71 (- J C' RECEIPT # ❑ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT HEARING DATE /d /A ❑ PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT —T ❑ OFFICIAL STREET MAP AMENDMENT ❑ HE K STAFF ❑ PB ❑ ADB ❑ CC ❑ STREET VACATION ❑ REZONE ❑ SHORELINE PERMIT ❑ VARIANCE / REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION ❑ OTHER: ® PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN THE APPLICATION ISA PUBLIC RECORD PROPERTY ADDRESS OR LOCATION -Igo H 0 611! L l 115 1.) ! 1 r l (J A — PROJECT NAME (IF APPLICABLE) PROPERTY OWNER fO( 5 4 t �� /J1A) Y 1 t %3rV r� PHONE p (%— V l r ADDRESS( II/, E-MAIL 11yo-�1�'-C/� fi %i l 'G�00i FAX# TAX ACCOUNT # C !� DU / �'0 SEC. TWP._R(NG, DESCWPTION OF PROJECTfORP OPOSED # E (ATTACH OVER LETTER AS NECESS RY) !�"U j S I CJ DESCRIBE UOW THE PROJECT MEETP APPLICABLE CODES ;�ATTACH COVER LETTER AS NECESSARY) � R/ S/� c 1 D aD -S�;6 APPLICANT pp�� I °i' p/ ✓. Imle } PHONE#_ ADDRESS 1 D (l/ D t; Jr 1 " d- i lf/ E-MAIL e- C! 61 f 'h/-, ,« 6f�,y ® A -I, FAX # CONTACT PERSON/AGENT (19ly, PHONE# ADDRESS 19oll© G _ do. 6 1 (Jl= E-MAIL A- & tA1 �l / �`r Z3t l C U l�ln FAX # The undersigned applicant, and his/her/its heirs, and assigns, in consideration on the processing of the application agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds harmless from any and all damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from any action or infraction based in whole or part upon false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete information furnished by the applicant, his/her/its agents or employees. By my signature, I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am authorized to file this application on the b6bal€of the o7n r as listed below. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/AGENT �! ,f i' DATE Proper {wne 's fA�utho 'z t4on I, I( /V �l certify under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the following is a"true and correct statement: I have authorized the above Applicant/Agent to apply for the subject land use application, and grakiny permission for th a lic officials and the staff of the City of Edmonds to enter the subject property for the purposes of in sec ion an posti g att d t this application. SIGNATURE OF OWNER DATE ✓iJ Questions? Call (425) 771-0220. ATT NCHMENT 1 Revised on 8122112 B - Land Use Application PLN20140075 9 Z F O 0 0] D Cn a d Lu W� Jd z�4 _ �OLLO 0 jmw�� �a�So s=N4oN���z H iozoi � O O pN _N Qw m�Z- zzFa- m_�wwz o ¢zoaamz �N m�- zs=ate } o }�wFz o ¢ 3mpz. 1. wz n o��auzi< d ¢o wz zy Z m-z: z< Om E O O zzwmNm� N o4. oJW d ��°=- a�w O az-zo �zzF LYE ww� t- F_z y p - K�aq�J s �W wzw=Wo"'�qozw w O z�w�vzio�o z Z zom 4 KU-¢ ?I¢ UOppU mqa¢� -~WU ww QU�S _N Ur Q h zw, I w� -F�Y w 30U w w -z ¢ 2N N� OpT _ wo� Z U _ Odz- o Ep - _ O Z Z = Q zo 0060 p� ZOXq €a - _ FWQ W �OWp p q_Ia q V _Q 2 a OJa4� J o � m� .mNoo� o � z w .=o»»o��w�� �� amo O zo bo w 000z0000�ozwzo zz_ w Z p �W N �Or i`~^zzzz3z zF-zz- Q D SF w3}- O z¢owz cJa3 pq ez-g�cYi zF iF w F Fz a tF€w In U ONYr� o z a N ol o o O (J O U O ^ p m - W O m 0 G � w O S 2 z O O p o i O o _ m w O al w _ w € a w w � o�w Of 0 a o w U o po Of Q o wN - w PZ , ¢- p zaFw w q¢��p¢zrw}o a w� oz w p�z zaOF i'`y Qoyott oW�3 NwNgQ �'N�'w vN,z'oW000r�v¢i o� �zaowgozwo w FOS¢�FS�Nw�Z pzUOw�p O~FO o w w z N� �w >zz-<wN z � qq o ,Q NFQwoQzom�3z z� zz w a�moJomwpo�=z Jwoogzm000 �"'� o w o Q zoUaaz w wo y z z�aowiUF� � a 040 q aawa�}¢o O �w0 _ 3iwz dq Z ¢3 - U O. <U�6 2 ztt o o s wwz€o of wE ?a wz m�nM rooZ-`" _ m wZ. 0 V Z F �o _ _ 6 F 42F0 n ¢¢ ¢ wwwwMwl W y`5tt is��o���� cr 0 o d coo ozwzwz z ww_wUw�-oq Qywawwwwzzaizzz z� J c�O LF SF TF LF SFp€FZO�FS FS FF� Q w < �oa J a w z agU, n = z 0 m e 7 ! w / \ � m.: _ — ) �a ( . _ § ; \ § \ \\\§\\\\\( \ \! f \ �\ / \ \ \Iz \ \\ Z. 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" ' 8S61VId '65Z'SZ41 gZt ii VV WW �� VV 44 VV VV ''VV �� L9C 16Z86 tlM'll3M3�3 ��,d i�JOHS -3Atl 3NOW13M LOLZ UG'110S 10-1 Z 3NOM I k 8 gg � I m� 5 5 I I o us ,n 7r ea w m 0 0 my - ya \ It o fi zo k" U w w 24® IU131A OIdVJA"@® I� v 1- Date: To: From: Subject: May 12, 2015 Mike Clugston, Associate Planner JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Program Manager PLN20140075, Mione 2-lot Short Plat 19011 Olympic View Drive Engineering has reviewed the preliminary short plat application for the Mione property at 19011 Olympic View Drive. The information provided indicates general engineering feasibility; project -specific design, including final utility system design and location, as well as Title 18 Edmonds Community Development Code compliance, will be reviewed during the civil construction phase of this project. Preliminary approval shall not be interpreted to mean approval of the improvements as shown on the preliminary plans. Please find attached the Engineering Requirements for the subject development. The applicant will be required to satisfy these requirements as a condition of short plat approval. Once the Planning Division has approved the preliminary short plat, the applicant will be required to submit revised civil engineering plans addressing all short plat conditions. Plans are to be submitted to the Engineering Division. A civil plan review fee is to be paid at the time of submittal. At this time, the review fee is $2570. Thank you. City of Edmonds ATTACHMENT 5 PLN20140075 CITY OF EDMONDS 121 - 5TH AVENUE NORTH, EDMONDS, WA 98020 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT PLATS To: Planning Division File Number: PLN20140075 From: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician Engineering Division Date: May 12, 2015 Project: Mione 2-Lot Short Plat Address: 19011 Olympic View Drive N/A a) Provide all easements as required - storm, utility, etc. I X I. N/A I X I I I a) Public hydrant spacing shall meet requirements of ECDC 19.25. X b) Provide water service stub to Lot B. X c) Connect to public water system. X d) Install storz adapter on existing fire hydrant, as required. X a) Provide side sewer stub to Lot B. Sewer line shared with Lot A shall be X 6". Individual sewer lines shall be a minimum of 4". b) Connect to public sewer system X ENGR RQMNTS - Mione 2-Lot.xlsx 1 of 2 form revised 02.04.2015 printed 5/12/2015 Required as a Required as a Condition of Condition of Subdivision Building Permit Requirement Already Satisfied a) Provide a Stormwater Management Report and Plan that shows compliance with ECDC 18.30, Stormwater Supplement and 2005 X Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. b) Manage stormwater on site where feasible. X X c) Construct privately owned and maintained stormwater management system sized to provide adequate capacity for proposed future single family dwellings, and associated impervious areas in accordance with X ECDC 18.30. I. Stormwater management system to be located on private property. X ii. Construction of stormwater management system for proposed single- X X family home(s) can be deferred to the time of building permit. d) Connect all new impervious surfaces to storm system as required. X X e) Provide storm sewer stub to Lot B as needed. X a) Required for all new services. ( X I X a) Submit a grading plan as part of engineered site plan. X I X b) Submit grading plan for foundations with building permit. X a) Provide fire and aid address signage. I X N/A a) Provide an as -built drawing of all street and utility improvements both in ( X I X I ' electronic format as well as a hard copy. a) Plat showing lots, easements, legals, survey information X X b) Legal documents for each lot X c) Field stake lot corners (by professional surveyor) X d) Field stake utility stubs at property lines X e) Mailbox location per Postmaster X 0 Maintenance agreements X g) Traffic Impact Fee Analysis X a) Storm system development charge ( Lot B) $799.00 * X b) Sewer connection fee (Lot B) $4,417.00 * X c) Water connection fee (Lot B) 3/4" $5,050.00 * X d) Water meter fee 3/4" (Lot B) $2,920.00 * X e) Traffic mitigation fee (Lot B) $1,196.33 * X f) Park Impact Fee (Lot B) TBD * X g) Short Plat civil plan review fee $2,570.00 * X h) Right -of -Way Construction Permit TBD X i) Inspection fees TBD X *** Fees provided are an estimate only and reflect rates effective January 1st, 2014. Actual fees to be paid will be reflective of those in effect at time of nermit issuance. ENGR RQMNTS - Mione 2-Lot.xlsx 2 of 2 form revised 02.04.2015 printed 5/12/2015 Response 4/10/2015: Attached is the preliminary vegetation mgmt. plan according to ECDC 20.13.010. We are planning to retain our existing native vegetation except for 3 trees that are called out on the survey that will be evaluated by an ISA-certified Tree Risk Assessor and associated form completed if necessary. We are not proposing to remove them yet. Our surveyor ran an initial polyline around some of our native vegetation area totalling 17,845 ft which meets the requirement you identified. The native vegetation that is onsite includes: ® Douglas Fir - Pseudotsuge menziesii ® Western Red Cedar - Thuja plicata • Douglas Maple - Acer glabrum ® Madrona - Arbutus menziesii ® Sword Fern - Polystichum munitum ® Salal - Gaultheria shallon ® Paper Birch - Betula papyrifera ® Pacific Dogwood - Comus nuttalln ® Tall Oregon Grape - Mahonia aquifolium ® Low Oregon Grape - Polystichum munitum ® Big Leaf Maple - Acer macrophyllum ® Evergreen Huckleberry-Vaccinium ovatum ® Trillium - Trillium ovatum ® Bald Hip Rose - Rosa gymnocarpa ® Nootka Rose - Rosa nutkana. Merin Mione Zo��t oc��� �}"a3 1 9. 2 d tom. e�.,', 1 CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.0221 ® Web: www.edmondswa.gov DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ® PLANNING DIVISION January 28, 2015 Merin Mione 19011 Olympic View Drive heyuthere@gmail.com Subject: COMPLETE APPLICATION, CLARIFICATION REQUESTED — MIONE 2-LOT SHORT PLAT AT 19011 OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE (PLN20140075) Dear Ms. Mione: Thank you for submitting the required documentation and application fees for the above - referenced permit; your application is complete according to ECDC 20.02.003. However, while the application is technically complete, additional information or clarification is required. Please address all comments in a written response and by providing updated plans, as appropriate: 1. Vegetation Management Plan. Because this project involves short platting an RS-12 zoned parcel into two lots, 30% of the total area of Lot 1 must be shown as native vegetation area according to ECDC 23.90.040.C. The 30% requirement can be met through maintaining existing native vegetation, by establishing new native vegetation, or a combination of both. Lawn grass does not count and invasive species are encouraged to be removed in accordance with code. Based on the square footage of the Lot 1, approximately 16,323 square feet of native vegetation area must be retained or established over proposed Lots A & B. Please submit a preliminary vegetation management plan prepared in accordance with ECDC 20.13.010. Call out the native vegetation area(s) to retained/established; the area does not need to be contiguous. Identify all existing trees within proposed Lot B along with their drip lines (include those trees on adjacent parcels whose drip lines overlap proposed Lot B). Each tree proposed to be removed must be accompanied by a Basic Tree Risk Assessment Form prepared by an ISA-certified Tree Risk Assessor. In an associated cover letter, they must explain why the tree(s) need to be removed. Any trees removed must be replaced at a ratio of 2:1 with native trees as part of the vegetation management plan. Trees to be retained must be protected -4--,i-- development in accordance with ECDC 18.45.050. ATTACHMENT 6 PLN20140075 A plant schedule (for native planting) is not required at this time but will be during civil plan review. A critical area bond will be required for all trees and vegetation to be installed prior to final short plat approval in accordance with ECDC 23.40.290. Engineering comments. Please address the comments from the Engineering Division dated January 27, 2015 (attached). The City will proceed with the associated public notice requirements. However, please keep in mind that a complete response to this information request must be received within 90 days or the application will lapse for lack of information (ECDC 20.02.003.D). If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, Mike Clugston, AICP Associate Planner Notice Application znd Public Comment - NAME OF APPLICANT: Chris Et Merin Mione DATE OF APPLICATION: December 31, 2014 DATE OF COMPLETENESS: January 28, 2015 DATE OF PUBLIC NOTICE: February 11, 2015 PROJECT LOCATION: 19011 Olympic View Drive, Edmonds, WA Tax Parcel Number 00434600007800 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Short subdivision of an approximately 53,412 square foot parcel into two lots each having a minimum lot area of 12,000 square feet. The parcel is zoned Single -Family Residential (RS-12). An existing single family residence and appurtenances would be retained. REQUESTED PERMITS: Preliminary short plat (Type II decision by the Director) OTHER REQUIRED PERMITS: Civil subdivision plan and final short subdivision approval REQUIRED STUDIES: Preliminary development plan, infiltration plan, vegetation management plan EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS: Critical area checklist (CRA20140120) PUBLIC COMMENTS DUE: February 26, 2015 Any person has the right to comment on this application during the public comment period, receive no- tice and participate in any hearings, and request a copy of the decision on the application. The City may accept public comments at any time prior to the closing of the record of an open record predecision hearing, if any, or, if no open record predecision hearing is provided, prior to the decision on the project permit. Only parties of record as defined in ECDC 20.07.003 have standing to initiate an administrative appeal. Information on this development application can be viewed or obtained at the City of Edmonds Planning Division between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. only on Wednesday) or online through the city's website at www.edmondswa.gov through the Online Permits link. Search for permit PLN20140075. City of Edmonds Development Services Department' Project Planner: Mike Clugston, AICP Planning Division` michaeLclugston@edmondswa.gov 425.771.0220 121 5th Avenue North Attach this notarized declaration to the adjacent property owners list I On my oath, I certify that the names and addresses provided represent all properties located within 300 feet of the subject property. Signature of Applicant or Applicant's Representative Subscribed and sworn to before me this i I S` day of DFC-E L ��� , 2014 Notary Public in"&nO for the State:of Wa Residing at t-A a ,1, Revised on 9130111 P2 - Adjacent Property Owners List Page 2 of 2 wz.-.1y "vv- STALIN SCOTT E/KARMEN M PO BOX 25570 SEATTLE, WA 98165 REILLY BRENT/SARAN 18914 OLYMPIC VIEW DR, EDMONDS, WA 98020 CHARLSTON MARION F 19110 94TH PL W EDMONDS, WA 98020 NIELSEN PAT 9500 190TH ST SW EDMONDS, WA 98020 HAWK RICHARD L 9421 190TH PL SW EDMONDS, WA 98020 SEVERSON LORENZ E 18910 94TH AVE W EDMONDS, WA 98020 MULLET MATTHEW D/CHRISTI 18909 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS, WA 98020 GEBHARDTJEFFREY P/COLLEEN S 18921 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS, WA 98020 SIERER STUART E 9615 BLAKE PL EDMONDS, WA 98020 CARLSON MILLIE M 18922 94TH AVE W EDMONDS, WA 98020-2322 WAGNER RICHARD L JR & VIRGINIA R HARRIS ROBERT A TRUSTEE 7707 45TH PL W MUKILTEO, WA 98275 PO BOX 515 OXFORD, MD 21654 BALLARD JAMES KEITH & LAURA WILSON WILLIAM A & ANN C 9630 BLAKE PL 19120 94TH WEST EDMONDS, WA 98020 EDMONDS, WA 98020 CHARLSTON RION F WLFB INVESTMENTS LLC 19110 TH PL W 45 PINE ST UNIT 304 EDM DS, WA 98020 EDMONDS, WA 98020 ECKERT JOHN A & CAROL A KVISTAD CLARK K DR 19024 94TH AVE W 19102 94TH AVE W EDMONDS, WA 98020 EDMONDS, WA 98020 DYGERT PETER H / ENDRISS MARILYN J ALLEN BENJAMIN P/HEIDI K K 9429 190TH ST SW 9425 190TH PL SW EDMONDS, WA 98020 EDMONDS, WA 98020 CASTONGUAY BRAD & JACKIE BAKER LARRY D & LINDA L 18914 94TH AVE W 18905 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS, WA 98020 EDMONDS, WA 98020 HOPPEL OLAREE E RYAN TIMOTHY/KATHI 18927 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 18923 OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE EDMONDS, WA 98020 EDMONDS, WA 98020 DYGERT PETER H / ENDRISS MARILYN J 9429 190TH ST SW EDMONDS, WA 98020 FEDOREAN MARIA 9609 CHERRY ST EDMONDS, WA 98020 MORTON JACQUELYN R 18904 94TH AVE W EDMONDS, WA 98020-2322 LANGE SCOTT & ELIZABETH 19121 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS, WA 98020 CONNOLLY MAEVE J 9608 CHERRY STREET EDMONDS, WA 98020 HARRIS JASON 18906 94TH AVE W EDMONDS, WA 98020-2322 Ll ttiquettes faclles ) pelar A Repliez,) la hachure afin de "iii.aver?. coma Sens de li lllsaz le gabaro AadERYO 51500 ' re�reler le reberd Pop-Up*fm 1-800-GO-AVERY _ ) thar�ement ) tn�c rwcy cnl',lgw � vv - METERS MICHAEL P & ANNE M TTEES 19016 94TH AVE W EDMONDS, WA 98020-2323 GOULD ROBERT B & PATRICIA A 9510 190TH PL SW EDMONDS, WA 98020-2332 KUECKER ROBERTS & ERIKA L 9611 BLAKE PL EDMONDS; WA 98020-2335 PIEST BONNIE L LYON HEIDI TOWNER GOITTERRYJ 9610 CHERRY ST 18916 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 18901 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS, WA 98020-2336 EDMONDS, WA 98020-2353 EDMONDS, WA 98020-2353 PRATER SHANNON MANN JAMES T KEAN RODNEY & VIVIAN 18903 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 18906 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 18910 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS, WA 98020-2353 EDMONDS, WA 98020-2353 EDMONDS, WA 98020-2353 SIFFERMAN HARRIS TERESA M MIONE CHRISTOPHER A & MERIN L TONG JOHN & CHEN IRENE 18912 OLYMPIC VIEW DR MIONE 19012 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS, WA 98020-2353 19011 OLYMPIC VIEW DR MP C VIE EDMONDS, WA 98020-2354 EDMONDS,19011O 2354 r BLUME EILEEN M NEWCOM SCOTT RAPLEE CHARLES W & PATRICE C 19026 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 19117 0LYMPIC VIEW DR 19125 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS, WA 98020-2354 EDMONDS, WA 98020-2559 EDMONDS, WA 98020-2559 EDMONEiTY OF CLINGINGSMITH RUSSELL JOHNSON CHRISTIAN A & VICKI L 250 AVE N 19105 0LYMPIC VIEW DR 20821 HILLCREST PL EDMOPS, WA 98020-3146 EDMONDS, WA 98026 EDMONDS, WA 98026-6914 RANDALL DONALD DUBLIN HOLLIS TOBE HELLENE DAVID E 6139 130TH AVE NE 1909 NE NAOMI PL PO BOX 25774 KIRKLAND, WA 98033 SEATTLE, WA 98115 SEATTLE, WA 98165 A Etiquettes #eclles peler ASens de Replies la hachure a 1p de UtiBisez le abarit A�1�RY® 51��® i thargement reveler le rebord Pop-I1pTM 1-800-GO-AVERT Township:27 Range:3 Section:13 Parcels 0 Selected Parcels N Snohomish County disclaims any warranty of merchantability or Parcel(s) of Interest warranty of fitness of this data (or map) for any particular purpose, either express or implied. No representation or warranty is made W E Mailing Radius (300 feet) concerning the accuracy, currency, completeness or quality of data depicted. Any user of this data (or map) assumes all responsibility for use thereof, and further agrees to hold Snohomish County PLSS Grid S harmless from and against any damage, loss, or liability arising from any use of this data (or map). K5 ;. Snohomish County Application Provided by: Information Services/GIS' Produced 11/24/2014 File No.: PLN20140076 Applicant:n On the 11 th day of February, 2015, the attached Notice of Application and Comment Period was posted as prescribed by Ordinance and in any event where applicable on or near the subject property. I, Michael D. Clugston, hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct this 1 1 th day of February, 2015, at Edmonds, Washington. Signed:`_� On the 1 lth day of February, 2015, the attached Notice of Application was mailed by the City to property owners within 300 feet of the property that is the subject of the above -referenced application. The names of which were provided by the applicant. I, Diane Cunningham, hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct this I Ith day of February, 2015 at Edmonds, Washington. Signed:(, G, {BFP747887.DOC;1\00006.900000\ } Affidavit of Publication State of Washington } County of Snohomish } ss Kathleen Landis being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: that he/she is the legal representative of the Everett Daily Herald a daily newspaper. The said newspaper is a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the first publication of the Notice hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a daily newspaper in Snohomish County, Washington and is and always has been printed in whole or part in the Everett Daily Herald and is of general circulation in said County, and is a legal newspaper, in accordance with the Chapter 99 of the Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 213, Laws of 1941, and approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of Snohomish County, State of Washington, by order dated June 16, 1941, and that the annexed is a true copy of EDH614548 PLN20140075 as it was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper and not as a supplement form thereof for a period of 1 issue(s), such publication commencing on 02/11/2015 and ending on 02/11/2015 and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during ail of said period. The amount of the fee for such publication is $86.00. ' Subscribed and sworn beforp me on .this day of A Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. City of Edmords -LEGAL ADS 114101416 DIANE CUNNINGHAM DEBRA ANN GRIGG Notary Public State of Washington My Commission Expires October 31, 2017 CITY OFEDMONDS Notice of Application and Public Comment File No. PLN20140075 NAME OF APPLICANT: Chris & Merin Mione DATE OF APPLICATION: December 31, 2014 DATE OF COMPLETENESS: January 28, 2015 DATE OF PUBLIC NOTICE: February 11, 2015 PROJECT LOCATION: 19011 Olympic View Drive, Edmonds, WA Tax Parcel Number 00434600007800 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Short subdivision of an approximately 53,412 square foot parcel Into two lots each having a minimum lot area of 12,000 s uare feet. The parcel Is zoned Single -Family Residential (RS-121. An existing single family residence and RE�UEces would be retained. STED PERMITS: Preliminary short plat (Ty a 11 decision by the Director) OTHER REQUIRED PERMITS: Civil subdivision plan and final short subdivision approval REQUIRED STUDIES: Preliminary development plan, Infiltration plan, vegetation management plan Any person has the right to comment on this application during the public comment penod, receive notice and participate in any hearings, and request a copy of the decision on the application. The City may accept public comments at any time prior to the closing of the record of an open record predecisfon hearing, If any, or, if no open record predecision hearing Is provided, prior to the decision on the project permit. Only parties of record as defined in ECDC 20.0,.003 have standing to initiate an administrative appeal. Information on this development application can be viewed or obtained at the City of Edmonds Planning Division between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday Through Friday (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. only on Wednesday) or online through the city's website at www.edmondswa.gov through the Online Permits link. Search for permit PLN20140075. PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION: WA City of Edmonds Project Planner: Development Services Department Mike Clugston, AICP Planning Division michael.clugston@edmondswa,ggov 121 5th Avenue North 425.771.0220 Edmonds, WA 98020 www.edmondswa.gov This notice was mailed to owners within 300 feet of the site, posted on site, posted at the Public Safety Complex, Library, and at City Hall. It was also published in the Everett Herald. Published: February ti, 2015. EDH614548 os Date: January 27, 2015 To: Mike Clugston, Associate Planner From: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician Subject: PLN20140075, Mione 2 lot short plat 19011 Olympic View Dr. The comments provided below are based upon review of the preliminary civil plans & documents for the subject short plat. Additional information is requested from the applicant at this time in order to continue review of the application and provide preliminary approval of the short plat. Please ask the applicant to provide a written response to each of the outstanding comments below and revise and resubmit plans accordingly. Please also note, after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division, the applicant will be required to submit civil engineering plans to the City for review and approval after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division. 1. Please indicate Lot A and Lot B on plan. 2. Please provide a full infiltration test report. See Stormwater Supplement Appendix C ( for the approved methods and submittal information required, for example, the submittal for PIT testing include the soils tests, the textural triangle, and the calculations determining design infiltration rate. 3. With the infiltration rate determined, please using the simplified sizing tools found in the City Handout E72-LID to size the drywells. The sizing should be calculated using the entire impervious surface to be mitigated. The resulting sizing can be split into two separate drywells if preferred. Show the scaled drywells on the plan to confirm that there are no conflicts with other utilities/structures. 4. Driveway: a. This project can be considered a Category 1 project due to a recent stormwater policy change concerning 2-lot short plats.. As a category 1 project, treatment of the driveway impervious surface is not required. The driveway impervious surface City of Edmonds ATTACHMENT 7 P LN20140075 may be mitigated in the same manor as all other impervious surface on the site (i.e. directed to a drywell or similar facility.) b. The plan submitted does not meet the requirement of mitigating the runoff on private property. In order to use the dispersement method, the driveway must be configured in such a way to allow all of the runoff to directly disperse through the amended soil area and vegetative barrier before leaving private property. The runoff from the driveway may not sheet flow into the public right of way or catch basin without acceptable flow mitigation. 5. Show the location of existing and proposed underground dry utilities, sanitary sewer systems, water mains and water service lines adjacent and within the proposed subdivision. 6. Call out approximate invert elevations for sewer connection at house and at property line to confirm a 2% slope can be attained. 7. Please show any and all easements and utilities crossing the lots. Thank you. 12425 Meridian Ave S Everett WA 98208 districti.org John Westfa'b, CFY Deputy Chief - Fire Marshal jwestfaI1@firedistrict 1.org phone: 425-771-0213 cell: 425-231-3644 fax: 425-775-7721 www.fire Unincorporated South Snohomish County, Brier, Edmonds, Mountlake Terrace CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 3002 COLBY AVENUE EVERETT, WASHINGTON 98201 Order No.: 5610961 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Certificate for Filing Proposed Short Plat In the matter of the short plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of SNOHOMI SH County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the -title to the following described land situate in said SNOHOMI SH County, to -wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: CHRISTOPHER A. MIONE AND MERIN L. MIONE, HUSBAND AND WIFE EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $250.00 TAX: $ 23.00 Records examined to December 4, 2014 at 8 : 00 AM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By JIM CLINE Title Officer (425)259-8223 ATTACHMENT 8 PLN20140075 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 5610961 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 OF BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 201211210469, SURVEY RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 201210195001, AS CORRECTED BY AFFIDAVIT OF MINOR CORRECTION RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 201211010497, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON, BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 78 AND 79, EDMONDS SEA VIEW TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 3 OF PLATS, PAGE 75, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH, STATE OF WASHINGTON. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 5610961 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B, Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises, D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1000.00). SHPLATH/031694/sac CHIC -AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 5610961 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE E (Continued) EXCEPTIONS A 1. NO SEARCH HAS BEEN MADE AS TO PROPERTY TAXES AND.ASSESSMENTS. PROPERTY TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS WILL BE SEARCHED UPON REQUEST. c 2. AFFIDAVIT OF BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT AND THE EFFECT THEREOF: RECORDING NUMBER: 201211210469, SURVEY RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 201210195001 AND AFFIDAVIT OF MLNOR CORRECTION RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 201211010497 B 3. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: CHRISTOPHER A. MIONE AND MERIN L. MIONE, HUSBAND AND WII+E TRUSTEE: NEXTITLE BENEFICIARY: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR WESTWOOD MORTGAGE INC. AMOUNT: $ 506,000.00 DATED: DECEMBER 5, 20i2 RECORDED: DECEMBER 12, 2022 RECORDING NUMBER: 201212120741 LOAN NUMBER: 6800643543 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND, THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. x 4. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: CHRISTOPHER A MIONE, AND MERIN L MIONE, HUSBAND AND WIFE TRUSTEE: JAMES MIERSMA ROUTH, CRABTREE, OLESEN BENEFICIARY: U.S. BANK AGRICULTURE (NOT IN CURRENT USE) N.D. AMOUNT: $ 250,000.00 . DATED: DECEMBER 6, 2012 RECORDED: DECEMBER 12, 2012 RECORDING NUMBER: 201212120750 LOAN NUMBER: --------- THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.; 5610961 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE j SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. c 5. THE COMPANY'S LIABILITY FOR THIS REPORT IS LIMITED TO $1,000.00. THIS REPORT IS BASED ON THE COMPANY'S PROPERTY RECORDS, AND NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR ITEMS MISINDEXED OR NOT INDEXED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS, OR FOR MATTERS WHICH WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN INQUIRY OF THE PARTIES IN POSSESSION OR BY AN ACCURATE SURVEY OR INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES. THIS REPORT AND THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION GIVEN HEREIN ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE APPLICANT AS TO THE LOCATION AND INDENTIFICATION OF THE PREMISES IN QUESTION, AND NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR DISCREPANCIES RESULTING THEREFROM. THIS REPORT DOES NOT REPRESENT EITHER A COMMITMENT TO INSURE TITLE, AN EXAMINATION OF, OR OPINION AS TO THE SUFFICIENCY,OR EFFECT OF THE MATTERS SHOWN, OR AN OPINION AS TO THE MARKETABILITY OF TITLE TO THE SUBJECT PREMISES. F mw;1JC END OF SCHEDULE B CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SAP1-ATB3 / 12-12-90/EK M, Christopher & Merin Mione 19011 Olympic View Dr, Edmonds, WA 98020 SITE LOCATION: 19011 Olympic View Dr. Edmonds, WA 98020 Tax Parcel: 00434600007800 Prepared by: Philip D. Mann, E.I.T. Checked by: Joseph M. Smeby, P.E. Job No: 14-0608 April, 2015 RECIE-OVED 1) APR 2 4 20 15 OR ATTACHMENT 9 PLN20140075 TABLEOF CONTENTS..................................................................................................... I LISTOF FIGURES.............................................................................................................2 '1. INTRODUCTION & SITE CLASSIFICATION..............................................................3 2. STORMWATER SITE PLAN.......................................................................................4 3. SWPPP NARRATIVE..................................................................................................4 A. SITE GRADING/EROSION CONTROL RISK ASSESSMENT....................................5 B. SWPPP MINIMUM ELEMENTS.................................................................................5 4. WATER POLLUTION SOURCE CONTROL...............................................................7 5. PRESERVATION OF NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM..............................................7 6. ON -SITE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT................................................................7 7. RUN-OFF TREATMENT.............................................................................................9 8. FLOW CONTROL.......................................................................................................9 9. WETLANDS PROTECTION........................................................................................9 10. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL.........................................................10 11. OFFSITE ANALYSIS AND MITIGATION....................................................................10 12. FINANCIAL LIABILITY...............................................................................................10 APPENDIX A - STORMWATER CALLS, SOILS, PHOTOS, M&O APPENDIX B - GEOTECH REPORT Mione 2 Lot Short Plat 14-0608 April, 2015 Page 1 ITEM FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE 5 PAGE VICINITY MAP ................................................................. ..................... 1O EXISTING DRAINAGE BASIN MAP ...................................................... 11 DEVELOPED DRAINAGE BASIN MAP ................................................. 12 GNC%H[M|GHCOUNTY SOILS MAP ..................................................... 13 Mione2Lot Short Plat 14'0608 This document is intended to provide engineering information necessary to support the building permit application submittal to the City of Edmonds for the new SFR and driveway for this short plat. The current parcel is approximately 1.23 acres. The existing site consists of an asphalt driveway, house, pool, pool house and covered parking area. No existing impervious structures will be removed or replaced for this project. The western parcel will total approximately 15,000 sf and approximately 100% of the new parcel has the potential to be cleared/graded to construct the proposed improvements. Access to the site will be from the existing roadway, Olympic View Dr., to the west along the western property line. The total area of disturbance including clearing and grading does not exceed % acres and the new total impervious surfaces does not exceed 5,000 sf. Therefore, this project is classified as a Category 1 Small Site Project. This classification was completed using figure 2-1 of the 2010 Storm water Code Supplement to Edmonds Community Development Code Chapter 18.30. Due to the existing soil conditions, on -site infiltration shall be used for this project. As a result only minimum requirements 1-5, 7-9, and 11 will be required to be reviewed and addressed if applicable. This proposed project will create approximately 4,534 sf of new impervious surfaces including the proposed SFR and driveway. No impervious surfaces will be considered removed or replaced for this project. All of the new impervious surfaces, will be mitigated using on -site stormwater management BMPs including infiltration trenches and amended soils; both LID techniques. The site is located at 19011 Olympic View Dr, Edmonds, WA 98020, and in Section 13, Township 27N, Range 3E, Willamette Meridian. See Figure 1 - Vicinity Map. Mione 2 Lot Short Plat 14-0608 April, 2015 Page.3 Figure 2-1: Project Classification Does .the project involve 1-' acre or more of land disturbing• activity? Is the project part of a larger common plan of development . or sale where the total disturbed area for the entire plan will total i-acre or more of land- disturbing activity? Does the Project involve one or more of the following: 2,000 square feet or more of new impervious surface, replaced impervious surface or new plus replaced impervious surface? OR 7,000 square feet of land -disturbing activity? OR 50 cubic yards- or more of either grading, fill, or excavation as defined in Chapter 18.40.000 ECDC? Minor Site Project: Read Chapter 3 and see Chapter 6 for requirements .-Large Site Project. . Read Chapter 3 and see Chapter 4 for 'requirements Does the project create or add 5,000 square feet. of new.impervious surface, replaced impervious surface or new plus replaced impervious surface? OR Convert '/a acre or more of native vegetation to lawn or landscaped area OR Through a.combination of creating effective impervious surface and converted pervious surfaces, causes an increase of 0.1 cubic feet per second in the 100-year flow frequency from a threshold discharge area as estimated using an approved model? 61 K Category 1 Small Site Project: Read Chapter 3 and see Chapter 5 for requirements y I Assumes the project in question meets applicability requirements of ECDC18.30.030. Category 2 Small Site Project: Read Chapter 3 and see Chapter_ 5 for requirements dJ/UB•U41dt�000sdinuntksromraylersupplourentA�rs!•doa 2.0 CLASSIFYING PROJECTS 6 As noted in Section 1 of this report this project is classified as a Category 1 Small Site Project. Therefore, this drainage design has been prepared to address the requirements contained in the. City of Edmonds Stormwater Supplement and applicable handouts. This document is intended to provide the supporting information to justify the BMPs used and to detail how the design of the selected BMPs meet the required standards. For this project some LID techniques were used to aid in minimizing the projects impacts to the neighboring properties and downstream system. The new NPGIS and PGISrunoff will be infiltrated on -site and the soils within the proposed areas of disturbance will be amended to landscaping conditions as per BMP T5.13 out of the 2005 DOE Manual. This is done to reduce the stormwater runoff generated by the proposed impervious surfaces. Clearing, grading, and temporary erosion and sediment control plans have been prepared as part of the drainage plan drawings. However, since a construction site is dynamic it will be necessary to reassess the erosion control BMP's during construction and install additional measures when necessary. Proposed temporary measures possible for this project will include the following BMP's: • Installation of stabilized. construction entrance. • Retention of Existing Vegetation • Straw mulch, hydroseed or other mulching and planting method to stabilized unworked areas. • Silt fencing if necessary Permanent measures to reduce or eliminate erosion or water quality degradation will include the following BMP's: • Paving all traffic areas (concrete) • Permanent landscaping in pervious areas. • Limiting cut and fill slopes to 2:1 maximum and 3:1 maximum where exposed to standing water. • Routine maintenance and inspection of the grounds and response to developing problems. The listed erosion control BMP's will be engineered for anticipated conditions in compliance with Snohomish County and DOE guidelines. With proper installation, maintenance and inspection the proposed BMP's should result in minimal impact to the surrounding environment. The County retains the authority by code to require additional measures should the existing measures prove insufficient. Mione 2 Lot Short Plat 14-0608 April, 2016 Page 4 i MA Area proposed to be cleared/worked: 15,000 sf = 0.34 acres Average slope for the site (w/in the area of disturbance): 18% Erosion Hazard of Soil Moderate Critical Areas downslope No Site is upstream of an ESA Stream No Based on the above information and the fact that the site will retain so much existing vegetation and construction site runoff will filter through the soil, and that if site conditions warrant, additional BMP's can be implemented as corrective measures the Risk Category for this site is Low Risk. - - ► ITi IIIIIJTN I-� IW14 1: Mark Clearing Limits The first step in the "Construction Sequence" included on the clearing and grading plan sheets is for the limits of clearing to be flagged and to have construction fencing placed along the limits prior to any other construction activity. 2: Establish Construction Access The SWPPP calls for the proposed construction entrance to be installed as the second step after the staking of clearing limits. A detail is provided on the plans. 3: Control Flow Rates This project is below the thresholds requiring flow control for the project. 4: Install Sediment Controls This site and SWPPP proposes to construct/maintain a construction entrance, retained vegetation and silt fencing. These features are intended to minimize the opportunity for sediment to leave the site via stormwater or on vehicles. The construction of these features is one of the first items required in the "Construction Sequence". Mulch will also be used on the exposed soil as necessary to limit erosion. 5: Stabilize Soils The "Construction Sequence" calls for the stabilization of soils that remain unworked for certain lengths of time based on the time of year. Stabilization techniques may include but not limited to mulching, plastic sheeting or hydroseeding, notes have been added to the plan regarding protection for the stock pile area if necessary. A stockpile area has been identified on the SWPPP and is setback a minimum of 100-feet from any down slope property line. 6: Protect Slopes All disturbed slopes on site during construction are required to be protected with mulch or other means as specified in the construction sequence. No concentrated runoff or significant amounts of sheet flow will be directed to new cut or fill slopes during construction Mione 2 Lot Short Plat 14-0608 April, 2016 Page 5 7: Protect Drain Inlets No new or existing culverts are proposed or affected by this project. 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets No new channels or outlets are proposed for this site. 9: Control Pollutants No outside chemicals are expected to be necessary for the construction of this project. All vehicles working on and around the site would need to meet the State requirements for emissions. 10: Control DeWatering DeWatering will not be necessary for this project. However, the existing vegetation retained on site would be available to spread any water from construction for disposal. 11: Maintain BMPs The construction supervisor will be responsible for maintaining all BMPs during construction and working with the City to relocate or add BMPs as necessary as site conditions change. 12: Manage the Project It will be the responsibility of the Contractor and Developer to manage this project and coordinate with the City Inspector and Engineer. Inspection and Monitoring: Site inspections shall be done by a person who is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The person must have skills to first assess the site conditions and construction activities that could impact the quality of stormwater, and second assess the effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures used to control the quality of stormwater discharges. Whenever inspection and/or monitoring reveals that the BMPs identified in the Construction SWPPP are inadequate, due to the actual discharge of or potential to discharge a significant amount of any pollutant, appropriate BMPs or design changes shall be implemented as soon as possible. Maintaining an Updated Construction SWPPP: The construction SWPPP shall be retained on -site or within reasonable access to the site. The SWPPP shall be modified whenever there is a change in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the state. The SWPPP shall be modified if, during inspections or investigations conducted by the owner/operator, or the applicable local or state regulatory authority, it is determined that the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. The SWPPP shall be modified as necessary to include additional or modified BMPs designed to correct problems identified. Revisions to the SWPPP shall be completed within seven days following inspection. Mione 2 Lot Short Plat 14-0608 April, 2015 Page 6 The City of Edmonds Stormwater Supplement and DOE Drainage manual was reviewed to determine if the proposed land -use for this project required any site specific source control BMPs to be constructed. SFR projects are not listed as a proposed use that requires source control. Therefore, no site/development specific source control BMPs are required for this project. The runoff from the on -site basin drains to the west towards the western property line and the right-of-way of Olympic View Dr. It was determined that the runoff from the site improvements will be both infiltrated and dispersed on -site. The proposed driveway will disperse flows over amended soils first, followed by undisturbed soils. This will allow the maximum amount of runoff to be treated and naturally infiltrate into the on -site soils. By not grading or compacting the majority of the pervious surfaces to remain after construction in the area of disturbance a maximum amount of site runoff from the developed project will be absorbed and infiltrated into the existing on -site soils. The on -site soils for this project were verified by Andrew Glandon of South Fork Geosciences. The on -site soils were found to be Vashon Advance Outwash and there was no evidence of a water table in any of the test pits. The infiltration rate for this soil is 2 inches/hour, and the infiltration facilities have been sized based on this infiltration. rate. Refer- to the Geotechnical report, soil logs and locations of the soil logs within Appendix 'A'. The soils were also identified with the USDA Web Soil Survey, The Soil survey shows the on -site soils within the proposed area of disturbance to be Alderwood Gravely Sandy Loam. The soil unit is gravelly ashy sandy loam. Refer to Figure 4 to view Soils map. This project proposes to construct approximately 4,534 sf of new roof and pavement surfaces. The geotech recommends that the stormwater runoff should be infiltrated on - site. 3 foot deep infiltration trenches will infiltrate all of the runoff from the proposed impervious surfaces. The infiltration facilities have been sized by Table 5 out of the City of Edmonds handout #E72 B. The proposed roof totals approximately 1,872 sf and all of the roof surfaces will be tributary to a 3 ft deep infiltration trench. When these values are applied to Table 5, the length of trench required is 33.7 feet. In order to stay conservative with the drainage design an infiltration trench 35 feet long will be installed for the roof surfaces. The proposed driveway surfaces within the property lines total approximately 2,382 sf and the maximum extent will be infiltrated via 3 foot deep infiltration trenches. An area drain, connected to a 3 ft deep infiltration trench will be used to mitigate for the upper portion of Mione 2 Lot Short Plat 14-0608 April, 2015 Page 7 the paved surfaces. Approximately 1,343 sf of pavement will be tributary to this trench. This value results in a required trench length of 24.2 ft. In order to stay conservative with the drainage design an infiltration trench 25 feet long will be installed. The lower portion of paved surfaces will be tributary to another area drain and infiltration trench. The proposed impervious surfaces tributary to this trench totals approximately 1,039 sf. This value results in a required trench length of 18.7 ft. In order to stay conservative with the drainage design an infiltration trench 20 feet long will be installed. In the event that the placement of area drains change, thus changing the amount of impervious surfaces tributary to the proposed infiltration facilities, then the infiltration trench shall be resized using Table 5 out of the City of Edmonds handout #E72 B. All disturbed pervious surfaces will be amended as required by the City standards. Therefore, all dispersed flows will pass over the amended soils prior to being collected and discharged offsite. Mione 2 Lot Short Plat 14-0608 April, 2015 Page 8 This project proposes to construct less than 5,000 sf of new PGIS and is therefore exempt from any run-off treatment. For this project LID methods will be used to address the runoff impacts from the proposed improvements. In order to protect the downstream systems to the west it is necessary to use a LID methods designed for this site. The impervious surfaces will be infiltrated on - site via 3 infiltration trenches and the disturbed soils will be amended as per BMP T5.13 out of the 2005 DOE Manual. By maximizing the use of the LID methods and preparing a site plan that provides the space necessary on this lot, the over all drainage impacts to the downstream system and surrounding area can be reduced. Therefore, this design has been laid out to provide an opportunity for site runoff to be absorbed back into the soil layer to aid in attenuating flows and providing some groundwater recharge while protecting the existing .neighboring properties from flooding or erosive impacts. • --9 This project will not impact any wetland on -site or downstream of the project site. Mione 2 Lot Short Plat 14-0608 April, 2015 Page 9 The Property Owner will be responsible for maintaining the stormwater and landscaping facilities within this development. Included in this manual are checklists for each feature specific to this project. Copies should be made of the checklists as necessary during routine inspections and required maintenance. Specific problems can be recorded along with the appropriate action taken. These checklists are a guide for inspections and maintenance. The frequency of the inspections/maintenance is identified in the left. hand column with the following abbreviations: A = Annual (March or April preferred) M = Monthly S = After Major Storms (Use -1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline) Routine inspections and maintenance will improve the long-term performance of the stormwater facilities. If at any time you are unsure if a problem exists or how to address a specific problem contact a Professional Engineer. Refer to Appendix A for a list of each facility to be maintained and the appropriate maintenance checklist. Runoff from the proposed disturbance area of the project. parcel sheet flows to the west over moderately sloped to steep landscaping and leaves the site over the western property line. The runoff enters the right -of way of Olympic View Drive and is captured by a catch basin opposite of the adjacent parcel to the north, and is part of the City of Edmonds stormwater conveyance system. This catch basin directs runoff north to a series of catch basins and pipes. The outfall of the conveyance system could not be verified in the field, but it is expected that the receiving water body is the Puget Sound. See Figure 5 for a depiction of the project basin and downstream path. r Since this is a single-family residential project and it does not fall within a Critical Area, per the City of Edmonds Stormwater Supplement no bonds or other financial guarantees are required. Mione 2 Lot Short Plat 14-0608 April, 2015 Page 10 J aye r d € SITE M-T H Cv �P s 'm _j 6TH m ^NTH SPERS JJU � tl N n VICINITY MAP SCALE: V = 2,000' VICINITY MAP µ �► .��---------- DATE JOB NO. SCAL / MW 7? I I I tl I \ � �--1---..�. I t !l ��� � T'--�--*� \ � �`` b• \ � � I I ! 9 `�11 .Iljl�j I (I I \ \i 1 11 i ! r! /I J (J ( •. y EX. HOUSE EX', ! POOL (I t �\ �\ \ � } I I ��._,�•- J ��jJo I I . , • � •: i J� J (S I � � 11 V ' EX. POOL HOUSE J , t COVE,ED: a . a• PMXfNO ail II Iiiillll(I� \. �53,412TSQ. FT. r_, 1.226 ACRES [ I ' IiOth�L.�W/ pGNr' � 76 �.., O } DATE ALE •: • • T, CONTRACTOR TO COPtIRACTQR i0 REAI OR �YATCH F70311NQ SSCOEp�q� CONTRACTOR TO MATCH AroDm ' 1 TO HOUSE E�OOISRLOK 2X T DIAMETER Of IX PIPE �• MATCH POTHOLE AEX ND 't I E0� _� / 0 ENHSURElTHOF E)mNQ A7 of u PROP.TO III � i\ T� 1. I , 0.�44� IT " N / I �' i� EX. HOUSE POOI I I I( ( THE Ate W C PRO . ,� TEHWE (I i `1RAF.FI, ' ( Rf�fD lb ' SI Q h1ER3 it= AR itQ Qif>R TD USE ti T';: 51�..: t�: •. ' S � � / 1 J gL°T�A � AIiR CE \ !35 ..:5 :`: 4: ; 1Y .f. •�1. • 54. / / / /� 12 'V662 AC �• EK POOL HOUSE AMOR MADE , , g.�' annul d S ;��. '° 1 ( i •v • \� �, To �FtaM' s I WZ TRAFFIC I d TIE CENT \ SDOO RA7FD 1�., V . • �. . b OVERED I I 1 PgOP./ 11 _A1Lt� PARKING t.w.7 WAY MIE;E' ` OE GN T1 OTgENS\ vv a „ ../" 180 •�q `�` \` AILIRATION Tlim SF OF �� SFE �°' qEr a\ D00141Dv 3 70 �� E wu ` /jL�t 140th p'L. Sir/ 1 � ( ) ! . & ogzL 6zs .gym aZL6ZS OEZZ a OZZzm oz6ZS ODZL6ZS mza OOTL6zg o a ac M_, a Mw=.m �9 � ADDITIONAL STUDIES, CALCS & SITE PHOTOS SOUTH FORK GEOSCIENCES PO BOX 1275 NORTH BEND, WA 98045 (425) 831-2023 AGLANDON@COMCAST.NET Chris and Merin Mione 19011 Olympic View Drive Edmonds, WA 98020 Subject: Soil Assessment for Design Infiltration Rate Mione Short Plat Parcel # 00434600007800 19011 Olympic View Drive Edmonds, Washington Mr. & Mrs. Mione: April 19, 2015 Project #14012 The purpose of this letter is to provide a design infiltration rate for the native soils on your property for use in the design of future stormwater infiltration facilities. It is our understanding that these facilities will be designed by Mr. Joseph Smeby, PE, of Omega Engineering, Inc. The City of Edmonds stormwater design requirements are set forth in the referenced stormwater code supplement (City of Edmonds, 2010). The following sections of this letter document our observations and recommendations, using the guidelines set forth in the referenced code supplement. Site Descrilstion The subject property was located at 19011 Olympic View Drive in Edmonds, Washington. The property was irregularly shaped and was approximately 300 feet in the east -west direction and ranged from approximately 150 to 200 feet in the north -south direction. Based on information from the Snohomish County Assessor website, the property was 1.23 acres in size. The property sloped gently to moderately from the east down to the west. Based on a review of the site survey, the slope on the west portion of the property was on the order of 2.5H:1V (Horizontal:Vertical) to 6H:1V..The slope immediately adjacent to Olympic View Drive was on the order of 1H:1V to 1.5H:IV, but this slope was obviously created by the road construction. Based on the surveyed elevations, there is approximately 65 feet of total relief on the property. The property was bordered on the west by Olympic View Drive, and to the north, south, and east by residential properties. The eastern portion of the property has an existing residence which is to remain on the site. The western portion of the property is where the new lot will be created. A significant part of the western portion of the property had been cleared and was covered with grass. There were some large Douglas fir trees and native forest vegetation near the in the southwest corner of the 1 SOUTH FORK GEOSCIENCES, PO Box 1275, NORTH BEND, WA 98045, (425) 831-2023 property. We did not observe any signs of accelerated soil erosion or soil movement during our site reconnaissance. Subsurface Conditions Subsurface conditions on the property were inferred from a visual reconnaissance of the property, a review of the referenced geologic map (Minard, 1983), three hand auger borings (HB-1, 2 & 3) performed for the referenced geotechnical report, and two recent hand auger borings (BB-4 & 5) performed to obtain soil samples for laboratory analysis. The hand auger borings were logged by the undersigned licensed engineering geologist. The location of the hand auger borings are shown in the attached Site and Exploration Plan and the logs are attached to this report. Our interpretation of the near surface, native sediments as Vashon advance outwash sediments is in agreement with the referenced geologic map. Due to their grain size distribution, Vashon advance outwash sediments are relatively permeable and are typically well suited for infiltration purposes. There was no groundwater seepage observed or signs of past high groundwater table such as mottling or oxidation observed in any of the hand auger borings. Though the hand auger borings were terminated at 4.25 and 4 feet due to the inability to withdraw the dry, non -cohesive soil, based on the geologic setting and the dry to damp native soils observed, the likelihood of groundwater at less than 4 feet below the ground surface is extremely low. USDA Soil Textural Classification & Design Infiltration Bate The referenced City of Edmonds Stormwater Code Supplement allows for design infiltration rates to be based on the USDA soil textural classification (Appendix 3, Table C-1 [Page 67]). During the recent hand auger explorations (HB-4 and HB-5), we obtained representative samples of the Vashon advance outwash sediments for laboratory testing and the results of these grain size analyses are attached to this report. After normalizing the percentages for the material passing the #10 sieve (fine gravel/coarse sand threshold), the samples were 94 percent and 90 percent sand, respectively. This results in USDA Soil Texture Triangle classification of "sand" for both samples. From the referenced Table C-1, the estimated design (long-term) infiltration rate for sand is 2 inches per hour. Conclusion Our findings and recommendations provided in this letter were prepared in accordance with generally accepted principles of engineering geology as practiced in the Puget Sound area at the time this report was submitted. We make no other warranty, either expressed or implied. Our observations, findings, and opinions are a means to identify and reduce the inherent risks to the owner. 2 SOUTH FORK GEOSCIENCES, PO Box 1275, NORTH BEND, WA 98045, (425) 831-2023 We have enjoyed working with you on this project and are confident that the information provided in this letter will aid in the design of your project. If there are any questions about this letter, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Andrew L. Glandon, LEG, CPESC Geologist / Owner South Fork Geosciences Attachments: Vicinity Map Site and Exploration Plan Hand Auger Boring Logs Grain Size Analyses References: "Exhibit A, Stormwater Code Supplement to Edmonds Community Development Code Chapter 18.30, Appendix C - Approved Methods for Obtaining Design Infiltration Rates" City of Edmonds, April 20, 2010 "Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report, Mione Short Plat, Parcel # 00434600007800, 19011 Olympic View Drive, Edmonds, Washington" South Fork Geosciences, Project #14012, April 1, 2014 "Geologic Map of the Edmonds East and Part of the Edmonds West Quadrangles, Washington", Minard, James P., 1983, United States Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies, Map MF-1541, Scale 1:24,000 3 SOUTH FORK GEOSCIENCES, PO BOX 1275, NORTH BEND, WA 98045, (425) 831-2023 SOUTH FORK GEOSCIENCES PO Box 1275 NORTH BEND, WA 98045 (425) 831-2023 AGLAND O N@ COMCAST. NET Vicinity Mione Short Plat, 11019 Olympic View ®rive, Edmonds, WA Project #14012 a., ICI U 0 V) Edmonds, VV Date: 3-28-2014 Depth Number: fi -1 ft a sod (0-2") Vashon Advance Outwash loose to medium dense, moist, black brown to light brown, fine to medium SAND with gravel 1 and silt (SP-SM) mes medium dense Qa 1.5ft 2 d dense, moist, tan -light brown, fine to medium SAND with gravel, trace silt (SP) 3 Total Depth = 3.Oft, Refusal due to gravels No seepage observed No caving observed 4 5 0 7 The subsurface conditions shown on this field log represent our observations at the time and location of excavation, modified by geologic Interpretation and judgment, and where noted, by engineering analysis and laboratory testing. The conditions shown may not be representative of conditions at other times, South Fork Geosclences will not be responsible for use or interpretation by others of information presented on these logs. SOUTH FORK GF-OsciENCES PO BOX 1275 NORTH BEND, WA 98045 Project # 14012 PHONE: (425) 831-2023 Edmonds, WA ®ate 3-28-2014 Depth Number: -2 0 Forest Duff/Topsoil (04") Vashon ,Advance Outwash loose to medium dense, moist, light brown to brown, fine to medium SAND with gravel and 1 silt (SP-SM) 2 1 1roots present to 2ft, medium dense @ 2ft medium dense to dense, moist, gray -light brown, fine to medium SAND with gravel, trace 3 silt (SP) Total Depth = 3.5ft, Refusal due to gravels No seepage observed 4 No caving observed 5 6 7 The subsurface conditions shown on this field log represent our observations at the time and location of excavation, mod/lied by geologic interpretation and Judgment, and where noted, by engineering analysts and laboratory testing. The conditions shown may not be representative of conditions at other times, South Fork Geosclences will not be responsible for use or Interpretation by others of information presented on these logs. Project # 14012 SOUTH FORK Gwscllmcm PO BOX 1275 NORTH BEND, WA 98045 PHONE: (425) 831-2023 Depth Number: H1 o Vashon Advance Outwash medium dense to dense, moist, gray -light brown, fine to medium SAND with gravel, trace silt (SP) 1 Total Depth = 1.Oft No seepage observed No caving observed Located in road out exposure 2 -confirmed cut into native sediments Approximately 4 to 5 feet below base of wood 3 4 5 6 7 The subsurface conditions shown on this field log represent our observations at the time and location of excavation, modified by geologic interpretation I and Judgment, and where noted, by engineering analysis and laboratory testing. The conditions shown may not be representative of conditions at other times. South Fork Geosclences will not be responsible for use or Interpretation by others of information presented on these logs. Project # 14012 SOUTH FORK SCi ENCES PO BOX 1275 NORTH BEND, WA 98045 PHONE: (425) 831-2023 • • Edmonds, Date: 4-9-2015 Depth Number: H1 -4 ft 0 Sod (0.2") Vashon Advance Outwash loose to medium dense, damp, brown, fine to medium SAND with gravel (SP) 1 2 becomes medium dense and light brown at 2.5ft 3 4 Total Depth = 4.Oft No seepage observed No caving observed Soil Sample #1 obtained @ 3.5-4.0 ft 5 6 7 The subsurface conditions shown on this field log represent our observations at the time and location of excavation, modified by geologic Interpretation and judgment, and where noted, by engineering analysis and laboratory testing. The conditions shown may not be representative of condltions at other times, South Fork Geosciences will not be responsible for use or Interpretation by others of information presented on these logs. SOUTH FORK GwsciENcEs PO Box 1275 NORTH BEND, WA 98045 Project # 14012 PHONE: (425) 831-2023 I®ne Short Plat Edmonds, WA ®ate: 4-9-2015 Depth ft Number: F$ - o Forest Duff/Topsoil (0-8") Vashon Advance Outwash loose to medium dense, damp, brown, fine 1 SAND with gravel and silt (SP/SM) 2 ium dense, damp, light brown, fine SAND gravel (SP) 3 4 Total Depth = 4.Oft No seepage observed No caving observed Soil Sample #2 obtained @ 3.5-4.0 ft 5 6 MA The subsurface conditions shown on this field log represent our observations at the time and location of excavation, modified by geologic interpretation and Judgment and where noted, by engineering analysis and laboratory testing. The conditions shown may not be representative of conditions at other times. South Fork Geoscfences will not be responsible for use or Interpretation by others of information presented on these logs. SOUTH FORK GEosCIENCES PO Box 1275 NORTH BEND, WA 98045 Project # 14012 PHONE: (425) 831-2023 AM- M171 � �u uw a �° � �� NI IN u �■NA,1■■ Y e TEST RESULTS .Opening Percent Spec,* Pass'? Siae Finer (F!ercent) (x=Fa11) 3/4 100.0 1/8 97.0 #10 0310 96 18A #60 47.0 .i 400 16.0 4200 5.8 #270 10 . Material Description Lt. Brown poorly graded sand With silt ilt Afte&erg Limits (ASTM D 4318) Pf-� NP Wg NV P1= NY USCS(P2487)= SP-.S-M AA$HTO(MI45)= A-;3 Cbefficients- Dgo= 1.2505 D85® 00-73 . 63� f)1650: '47 30 10. D50= 0,2613 D � 4 Guy ce� I , D10=- 011220 u .02 Remarks ]✓qidpmdnt- 53 58-66 141 Date Received: 4/9/2015 Datofesfed-. 4/13./.2015 Tested By., J,Hodver Checked .By' Mike Blackwell, Title: laboratory Manager (no specification provided) So0rce of Sample: Mione.AortPlk DePth, 115'- 4' Date Sarn'016d, 4/9/2015 Sam le Number. HB-4 A.A.R. Client: SQ...ForkG6osci'duC*eiS' Testing Project- Misc. Lab Laboratom Inc. -PrWect No: 15-103 Nil IN III ON 11 OWN 1 11 III I illifignill milli ON IoaiIN 11111 1 1 IN 11 11IIN 111111111 IN 1111111 mill NORIO NEI IN m millillin l�ilitiLimpilloomillilli 11 IDIOM MIN TEST RESULTS Opening Percent Spec.* Pass? -Size Firior (Percent) Z. 100.0 1 1/2 87.0 I * 81,0 3/4 70.0 .1/2 7.1.0 V8 67.0 #4 .60.3 410 59 ' :9 ,#40 41.0 460 25.0 >060- 13.0 -610 4270 4.0 KabflM Description Lt. Brown poorly graded md With -silt and gravel AtterbbrgIf Limits (ASTMI D 43 18) PL= iqP LL.= NV p1l'a NP 1busmification, USCS(D2487)= SP-'SM AASHTO.tM1'45)= A-l-b Coefficients D90= 4117 D,,5 35;5111 Dq:02 1268 NO= . 0.631613 D30:.0,2950Di 0 1 671 NO 0.1217 Cu-* 23.23 Cc .25 -Reenarks Equipment: 53 58 6614.1 Date Rede1ved::4/9'/2015 Date Tested: 4/13/2:015 Tested By: I Hoover Chocked By: Mike Blackwell Title: Laboratory Manager (no specification provided) Source of Sam Ole: Mibne-'Short Plat Depth: :3.51- 4' Date Sampled; led; 4/9/2615 SaIn le NOinber:.H]3-3 A.A.R. Clieft ' So.'Foik Oeoscienceg Tina Project: Nisc. Lab Laboratom Inc. Project No: __3 Figure 15 060 0 H 0 Z O LLIc =o U N Q z J d d Z 6 e p g n Z ca In 0 r ti w �5 0 rl o a � i m13 14 a — _ o�w ' zp I 11 _8tiz� 'o - 3 .Lt,Z0.10 N / m N o r z a m i a m r � z n z W � w T z� m rlK> N o m s as w o o o tt 3 w ¢ rc �- o a¢, z aw 2 ~ ICI m - F w rc 51 O W Z SQ O N cNJi o �4w w <€0 m e - Z h _ i wOz o� U<$ z>Q zO o I �N 0 N �w wNu� a6�`-�'��N �I U (n (n w "_V` i�w< a o 0.Q,- eo ® oa®a z