PLN20140075 recording docs comment 1.pdf th C ITY OF E DMONDS 1215ANE DMONDS,WA98020 P HONE F AX W EB DSD EPARTMENT PEB UILDING DATE:31 TO: FROM:, ST 1MENTSMIONE , – ) ( – –A – – 2– – (8:3 tPM - --0220 11 th C ITY OF E DMONDS•1215A VENUE N ORTH •E DMONDS,WA98020 P HONE: 425.771.0220 • F AX: 425.771.0221 • W EB: www.edmondswa.gov D EVELOPMENT S ERVICES D EPARTMENT: P LANNING •B UILDING P UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT:ENGINEERING DATE:May 31, 2017 TO:Mike Clugston, Associate Planner –Development Services Department FROM:JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician–Public Works Department ST RE: COMMENTS ON 1DRAFT RECORDING DOCUMENTS FOR MIONESHORT PLAT, FILE NO.PLN20140075 The Engineering Division hasreviewed the firstdraftof the recording documents,and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressedbefore review can continue: Sheet 1: 1.Please add a note to the face of the plat map statingthe address of each new lot: Lot A–19011Olympic View Drive, Lot B–19015Olympic View Drive. 2.Legal descriptions for Lots A and B are switched. 3.In the legaldescription for Lot A (actually Lot B), please replace Crawford Dr with the th currentlegal name of the road,190Pl SW. 4.Under the Declaration, there is a signatory line for US Bank. The taxassessorrecords only show Christopher and MerinMioneas the propertyowners. Please remove US Bank, unless the bank has very recently purchased a portion of the lot and the SnoCo assessor’s page hasn’t been updated yet. 5.Please removethe duplicate notaryacknowledgementsectionand move the notary acknowledgementsection under the area to be signed by the property owners. 6.The utility easement includes utilities benefitting both Lot A and Lot B. In the easement provisions, only Lot A is identified as using and maintaining the easement. Please revise to reflect the shared portion of the easement. An option may be to create two easements, one would be from the property frontage to just past the sewer stub out to Lot B and the other from past the sewer stub out to the Lot A/B property line. The shared easement should state something to the effect of no owner shall be responsible for utilities upstream of their connection. 7.For public utilities, cable, phone, gas etc. thereis usuallya separate easement. Usually this easement is located along the exterior 10 ft parallel with the adjoining street frontage of lot. For example: “An easement is hereby reserved for and granted to all utilities servingthe subject short plat and their respective successors and assigns, under and upon the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of Lot B, in which to install, lay, construct, renew, operate, and maintain underground conduits, cable, pipe and wires with necessary facilities andother equipment for the purpose of serving the short subdivision and other property with electricity, telephone, gas, television, cable and other utility service, together with the right to enter upon the lots at all times for the purposes herein stated.” 8.Under “Conditions of Approval”, please correct misspelling of Edmonds. 9.County Treasurer: Please contact the Snohomish County Treasurer for the required wording in order for the Treasurer to be able to sign the recording documents.Revise as needed. 10.Under the “City Approvals” heading on Sheet 1, please revise asfollows: a.Under the signature line provided for the planning division, add Shane Hope, Development Services Director b.Under the signature line provided for the engineering division, add Phil Williams, Public Works Director. 11.Auditors Certificate: Please revise to reflect the full required language per RCW 58.09.080. 12.Theengineering requirements, contained within the Planning Division Findings, Conclusions, and Decision dated May 14, 2015establish the requirement for a storm drainage system on Lot B. Please clarify your intent to construct the storm drainage system on Lot Bin conjunction with the short plat improvements or to defer construction of the storm drainage system to the building permit phase. a.If your intent is to construct the storm drainage systemfor Lot Bwith the subdivision improvements, please add thefollowing language on the face of the short plat: “The storm drainage system designed and constructed forthe future development of Lot B is sized to accommodate 4534square feet of impervious area. Refer to the Drainage Report by Joseph Smeby dated April 2015”. b.If your intent is to defer the storm water managementrequirements forLot B, please add the following language on the face of the short plat: “Construction of a storm water managementsystemhas been deferred to coincide with future development approval of Lot B. The storm drainage system shall be designed in accordance with City of Edmonds Storm Water Management Codes and Regulations effective at the time of development. The storm drainage system shall be reviewed for compliance at the time ofbuilding permit submittal for lot Band constructed in conjunction with the approved building permit.” Sheet 2: 13.The Land Surveyors certificate only needs to be on sheet 1. It can be removed from this sheet. 14.Please use a lighter pen weight for the existing lot 2. The only darker property line should be the new one added to create the new parcel.