February 19, 2016
Kernen Lien, Senior Planner
Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
PLN20150052 - Variance
Dietz — 742 Daley Street
Engineering has reviewed the design review application for the Dietz variance related to
property at 742 Daley Street. The information provided is consistent with Title 18 Edmonds
Community Development Code & Engineering standards.
Please place the following conditions of approval on the permit:
Compliance with Engineering codes and construction standards will be reviewed with the
building permit application for development of the site. The applicant is encouraged,
wherever feasible, to incorporate pervious pavements, rain gardens and/or other low impact
development techniques into the project design.
The City of Edmonds has an easement across the subject property for "construction,
maintenance and repair of said stream channel". Please refer to recording document
98207160100 and show easement area on any future building permit applications.
Thank you.
City of Edmonds