PLN20150053_LetterCompleteness_MoreInfo.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS
121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web:
-C. 1167
November 13, 2015
Craig Pierce
Select Homes
16531 — 13th Avenue West
Suite A107
Lynnwood, WA 98037
Subject: Letter of Completeness/Request for Additional Information
Maplewood Drive Two -Lot Short Plat
File number PLN20150053
Dear Mr. Pierce,
On behalf of the City of Edmonds Planning Division, I have reviewed the application for a two -
lot short plat of the property located at 20226 Maplewood Drive for completeness pursuant to
Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002 and ECDC 20.75.040 and have
determined the application meets the procedural submission requirements and therefore is
complete. Please accept this letter as the City's notice to the applicant of a determination of
completeness pursuant to ECDC 20.02.003. In accordance with ECDC, the notice
of application will be issued for the subject application within two weeks.
While the application is procedurally complete, additional information and clarifications are
needed for continued review of the application. Please provide the following information:
Planning Division Comments:
Native Vegetation Plan: ECDC requires maintaining or establishing 30% native
vegetation area with subdivisions in the RS-12 and RS-20 zones the specific code language is
provided below.
Retention of Vegetation on Subdividable, Undeveloped Parcels. As a provision of this
title, the director shall require retention of a minimum of 30 percent of native vegetation
on undeveloped (or redeveloped), subdividable lands zoned as RS-12 or RS-20 per
Chapter 16.10 ECDC. This standard for development shall apply to all undeveloped (or
redeveloped), subdividable lands zoned RS-12 or RS-20 regardless of the potential for
designation as a fish and wildlife. habitat conservation area or other critical area. The
goal of 30 percent native vegetation can be met through maintaining existing native
vegetation, establishing native vegetation, or a combination of both. A vegetation
management plan, subject to the approval of the director, is required for approval of the
proposed development. This provision for native vegetation retention will provide
increased protection offish and wildlife habitat throughout the Edmonds jurisdiction.
The 30% native vegetation area does not have to be established through a native growth
protection easement. The native vegetation area may still be used by property owners. The
30% requirement may be spread throughout the proposed development or provided in one
area. Please show what parts of the plat will provide the native growth area on the
preliminary plat maps. Details of the native growth vegetation management plan will be
required during civil review.
2. Please provide the bearings for the eastern lot line of the proposed Lot 2. It appears the
overall length of this property line is 83.5 feet with a curve beginning 12.41 feet before the
northeast corner of Lot 2. What is the bearing for the first 71.09 feet?
3. Please show the 20-foot drainage easement on Lot 2 for the benefit of Lot 1 and the 10-foot
joint utility easement allow the easement along the eastern edge of the development on the
preliminary subdivision map.
Engineering Division Comments:
4. Show existing and proposed driveway approaches. Clearly indicate proposed points of
access for each lot.
5. In accordance with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 18.90,
sidewalks are required as a condition of short plat approval. An asphalt walkway is required
along the property frontage. Please resubmit plans showing the proposed sidewalk.
Please note that the application will be placed on hold until a response is received regarding the
above items. According to ECDC, the above requested information must be
submitted within 90 days (or by February 11, 2016) or the application will expire.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at
kernen.l ien(u),edmondswa.go_v.
Si erely,
ernen Lien
Senior Planner
Cc: Ry McDuffy
JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician