PLN20160012 - Comments on 1st Draft Recording Documents-09.01.2017.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS • 121 5" AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.edmondswa.gov DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING • ENGINEERING • BUILDING DATE: September 1, 2017 TO: Lee A. Michaelis lee.michaelis@pugetsoundplanning.com FROM: Mike Clugston, AICP, Associate Planner Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager RE: COMMENTS ON 1ST DRAFT RECORDING DOCUMENTS FOR KNOB HILL SHORT PLAT, FILE NO. PLN20160012 19125 94TH AVE W AND 9302 192ND PL SW Dear Lee, We have reviewed the final short plat materials submitted August 14, 2017 and found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications need to be addressed before review of the final short plat can continue: • General — All pages of the final recording documents must comply with the Snohomish County Auditor's recording requirements (http://www.snohomishcountywa.gov/278/Recording). • General — Appropriate taxes must paid to the County Treasurer before the City Clerk can record the final short plat at the County Assessor. Please provide a receipt or similar indicating this has been done. • Sheet 1 • Dedication — update file number to PLN20160012 • Surveyor's Certificate — change to "... at the request of WLFB Investments, LLC" • Sheet 2 • Verify that the legal descriptions for Lots 2 and 4 match the lot closure documents. Update Sheets 2 and 3 as appropriate. • Update the legal for Lot 1 to refer to "94TH AVE. W." as opposed to "Knob Hill Pl." • Clearly label private easements vs. public easements. • Revise Easement Provisions to include public water utility easement (for fire hydrant) off 94t" Ave W. • Access easement to the City for storm inspection now or in future should include all lots. Page 1 of 3 • A shared sanitary sewer line will be located within the 20' x 35.82' ingress, egress & utilities easement. Consider revising easement language to clearly state who is responsible for which portions of the sewer line. For example: A PRIVATE LOT ORAINAGE EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED rOR AND GRANTED TO tHE OWNERS OF LOTS 2. 3. 4 AND S. UNDER AND UPON THE EASTERLY 10 FEET OF LOTS 2. 3 AND 4. PARALLEL AND ADJACENT TO 78TI4 PLACE W. FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING. MAINTAINING. AND RECONSTRUCTING STORM WATER FACILITIES, TOGETHER WITH THE RIFT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR SUCH PURPOSES. THE OWNERS OF SAID LOTS SHALL BE EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE. REPAIR, AND/OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THAT PORTION OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES THEY BENEFIT FROM, EXCEPT NO 0AINER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, AND/OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THAT PORTION OF THE COMMONLY USED STORM SEWER LOCATED UPSTREAM FROM THE POINT OF CONNECTION OF ,HAT RESPECTIVE LOT OWNER. • Please add a "Stormwater Provisions" section that states: "Stormwater management facilities are to be constructed on Lots 2 and 3, as approved by the City of Edmonds. The approved plans are on file with the City of Edmonds under file number PLN20160012. Consistent with this approval, Lot 2 has been allotted Xsf of new impervious surface area for future site improvements and Lot 3 has been allotted Xsf of new impervious surface area for future site improvements." During review of the civil construction plans for the subdivision it was determined that the impervious surface area to be created at the time of subdivision development would fall under 2000sf and therefore, stormwater management could be deferred to the construction of the future single family residence on Lots 2 & 3. As a condition of subdivision approval, the stormwater management system was designed to account for all new impervious surface areas. To address the construction deferral, please add the following language on the face of the short plat: "Construction of a storm water management system for the subject development has been deferred to coincide with future development approval of Lots 2 & 3. The storm water management systems for these lots were designed in accordance with City of Edmonds Storm Water Management Codes and Regulations effective at the time of subdivision development. Refer to approved plans on file with the City of Edmonds under filed PLN20160012. The systems designed include X sf of impervious surface area from 192nd PI W and 94t" Ave W. The approved stormwater management systems are to be constructed in conjunction with the approved building permits." • Sheet 3 • Lot 4 — add 'Net' area Page 2 of 3 • Relabel "Knob Hill PI." as "94T" AVE. W." or if you want to include reference to the old designation relabel as "94T" AVE. W. (formerly Knob Hill PI.)" • Revise plans to show public water utility easement off 94t" Ave W, as required for fire hydrant to be re -located onto private property. • Clearly label private easements vs. public easements. Please make the above changes and resubmit the owner -endorsed recording documents together with the $258.00 recording fee ($158.00 Auditor fee + $100 City filing fee). If you'd like to send a final 'draft' pdf of the docs for a quick once over before getting signatures, feel free. The Development Services permit counter is open Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM (8:30 AM to 12:00 PM only on Wednesdays). While the final short plat is being processed and filed, the City will also issue a notice of final decision on the short plat per ECDC 20.06.009. If you have any questions, please let us know at michael.clugston@edmondswa.gov or leanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.gov or 425-771-0220. Page 3 of 3