pln20160012 - Knob Hill SP - E2 prelim.pdfDate: To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM October 3, 2016 Mike Clugston, Associate Planner Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager PLN20160012 — Kob Hill 4 lot short plat 19125 — 94tb Ave W The comments provided below are based upon review of the preliminary plans & documents for the subject short plat. Additional information is requested from the applicant at this time in order to continue review of the application and provide preliminary approval of the short plat. Please ask the applicant to provide a written response to each of the comments below and revise and resubmit plans accordingly. Please also note, after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division, the applicant will be required to submit civil engineering plans to the City for review and approval after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division. Please revise the preliminary site plan as follows: Comments 1 —May 4, 2016 Comments 2 — October 3, 2016 1) ok 2) ok 3) October 3, 2016 — Comment partially addressed. The entire property frontage along 192nd PI SW will need to be widented to meet the required pavement width. The plans currently show only that portion of right-of-way that abuts Lot 3 as being widened. Revise plans accordingly. 5/4/2016 comment - Clearly show width of pavement on 192"d St SW, 94th Ave W and 192°d PI SW. If the travel lane closest to the development is less than 11-feet in width, it will need to be widened to meet City standards. 4) October 3, 2016 — As noted above, additional pavement widening is required. Revise plans and storm calculations accordingly. 5/4/2016 comment - All new impervious surface areas, including road expansion, driveways, rooftops, patios, etc. will need to be included in the impervious surface City of Edmonds calculations. On -site infiltration systems shall account for all impervious surface areas, even if a specific area does not drain to the system. 5) ok Thank you.