PLN20160012 Complete, need clarification.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS 121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.edmondswa.gov DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT • PLANNING DIVISION /11C. 199v April 21, 2016 Lee A. Michaelis, AICP 20353 Fremont Ave. N lee.michaelis@pugetsoundpIanning.com Subject: COMPLETE APPLICATION, CLARIFICATION REQUESTED — KNOB HILL 4-LOT SHORT PLAT (PLN20160012) Dear Mr. Michaelis, Thank you for submitting the required documentation and application fees for the above - referenced permit; your application is complete according to ECDC 20.02.003. However, while the application is technically complete, additional information or clarification is required. Please address all comments in a written response and by providing updated plans, as appropriate: 1. Vegetation Management Plan. Because this project involves short platting RS-12 zoned parcels, 30% of the total area of the original lots must be shown as native vegetation area according to ECDC 23.90.040.C. Based on the square footage of the original lots, approximately 21,697 square feet of native vegetation area must be retained or established across the four proposed lots. The 30% requirement can be met through maintaining existing native vegetation, by establishing new native vegetation, or a combination of both. Lawn grass does not count as native and invasive species are encouraged to be removed in accordance with code. Please submit a preliminary vegetation management plan prepared in accordance with ECDC 20.13.010. Call out the native vegetation area(s) to retained/established; the area does not need to be contiguous. Identify all existing trees within the proposed lots and show their drip lines (include any trees on adjacent parcels whose drip lines overlap the proposed lots). A plant schedule (for native planting) is not required at this time but will be during civil plan review. A critical area bond will be required for all trees and vegetation to be installed, if proposed, prior to final short plat approval in accordance with ECDC 23.40.290. 2. Engineering comments. Comments and needed clarifications from the Engineering Division will be forthcoming. The City will proceed with the associated public notice requirements. However, please keep in mind that a complete response to this information request must be received within 90 days or the application will lapse for lack of information (ECDC 20.02.003.D). If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, 6�-4,Gr Mike Clugston, AICP Associate Planner