August 10, 2017
Mike Clugston, Associate Planner
Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
Robert Edwards, Stormwater Engineer
PLN20170027 — Design Review — Auto Sales Building
Dougs Mazda — 22130 Highway 99
The comments provided below are based upon review of the application and documents
submitted for the subject application.. Additional information regarding stormwater
management is requested from the applicant at this time. Please ask the applicant to respond
to the following:
This is classified as a Large Project because it involves 1 or more acres of land disturbing activity.
Large Project are subject to Small Site Minimum Requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
Minimum Requirement #1— Preparation of Stormwater Site Plan
1. Provide drainage report for proposed stormwater system.
2. Provide LID infeasibility analysis to support the proposed stormwater vault.
Minimum Requirement #2 — Construction Stormwater Pollution Plan
1. Provide Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
2. Provide erosion control plans.
Minimum Requirement #3 — Source Control of Pollution
1. Provide section in drainage report regarding source control of pollution.
Minimum Requirement #4 — Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems
1. Provide section in drainage report regarding the preservation of natural drainage systems.
Minimum Requirement #5 — Onsite Stormwater Management
1. Provide section in drainage report regarding on -site stormwater management, if any.
City of Edmonds
Minimum Requirement # 6 — Runoff Treatment
1. Provide section in drainage report regarding runoff treatment.
Minimum Requirement #7 — Flow Control
1. Consider a pump station for low flows only and augmented by a gravity high flow and overflow. This
will provide backup in the case of power and/or pump failure.
Minimum Requirement #8 — Wetland Protection
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement #9 — Operation and Maintenance
1. Provide section in drainage report regarding operations and maintenance of the proposed stormwater
Minimum Requirement # 10 — Offsite Analysis and Mitigation
1. Provide section in drainage report regarding offsite analysis.
Minimum Requirement #11— Financial Liability
Comments: None
Thank you.