PLN20170028-Jenkins Lane-Civil-E1-ENGR-STORM-FIRE-STANDARDS.pdfof EDo CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION 43sr. , s9° (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: February 7, 2018 TO: Todd Echelbarger todd@echelbarger.com FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager j eanie.mcconnellgedmondswa. gov RE: Subdivision File 4: ph120170028 Project: Jenkins Lane 5-lot Plat Project Address: 720 13th Way SW During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to an engineering technician. Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. GENERAL 1. Please provide an itemized engineers cost estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of-way) improvements, including all utilities and traffic control. Use the King County Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet and utilize the "write-in" sections where appropriate. • A bond is required to be placed for all erosion control measures and right-of-way improvements. If you intend to post a bond in order to record the subdivision and ahead of constructing the required improvements, the bond amount shall be based on the entire scope of the project. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Please obtain the appropriate subdivision improvement bond forms from the City — available on the City website. Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 3.3% of the 100% City approved estimate for all improvements. 2. Please add a note to plans stating "A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the city right-of-way." Please note, a ROW permit application with contractor's signature shall be provided to the city prior to issuance of civil construction plans. 3. Olympic View Water and Sewer District shall have their own approval block on pages specific to their review and approval. The applicant will be required to obtain signatures of approval from OVWSD on civil plans sheets pertinent to OVWSD utilities and submit copies of signed plan sheets to the City prior to civil plan approval by the City. 4. Where plan corrections affect multiple plan sheets, please update all. 5. Please note, additional comments not included in this review may be produced after reviewing the next submittal. Sheet C1.0 — TITLE SHEET 1. Revise Sheet Index List to include Water civil plan sheet with OVWSD approval block. 2. Add Stormwater Utility Purveyor information: City of Edmonds — 425-771-0235 Sheet C1.1— GENERAL NOTES 1. Note 1 - Revise WSDOT standard reference to 2018. 2. Note 19 — Revise as needed to state where footing drains will be directed. In addition, a detention system will not be installed with this project. Sheet C3.0 — TESC PLAN Revise sheet title to also state "Traffic Control Plan". 2. Will a chain link fence be installed during construction? If so, please show location of fencing on private property. 3. Show job shack location, if any. 4. A rock construction entrance has been shown in the location of the existing driveway. Is it possible to retain a portion of the existing driveway during construction (at least the approach)? If so, please indicate as such on the plans and revise the location of the rock construction entrance as needed. Rock construction entrance shall be provided per City standards. 5. Show stockpile location and indicate requirements to keep it covered. 6. Add note: Install and maintain all ESC measures according to approved plans, City of Edmonds standard details. Contractor is responsible to maintain, revise and/or adjust ESC measures as needed throughout construction and until permanent stabilization is implemented. 7. Add note: All disturbed areas to be compost amended per 2014 SWMMWW BMP T.15.3. 8. Cbannelization marker tubes have been shown. Add note that markers shall be placed as needed throughout construction, but travel lane shall be open at the end of the day. 9. Add note that a minimum 10-foot travel lane shall be maintained in 131h Way SW_ 10. Add haul route to plan sheet. SHEET C4.0 — SITE PLAN 1. Revise sheet title to include "Frontage Improvements". 2. Add note at curb transition between proposed curb/gutter and existing curb/gutter that alignment to be field determined with City Engineering Inspector. 3. The City of Edmonds has revised standard details and while not yet on the City website, they have been published. Please incorporate the following details (and attached to these plan review comments), instead of the details provided. a. TR-505 Public Street b. TR-520 Concrete Curb and Gutter c. TR-545 Driveway Approach Type V d. GU-410 Typical HMA Patch and Utility Patch Page 2 of 4 4. Update road sections to provide street width/layout, but reference applicable standard details for construction details. 5. Please provided a larger detail for the Interior Road Section so the inverted crown is more obvious. 6. Utility patches shall be combined and full width or half width overlay will be required depending on the extent of disturbance. Where utility patches fall entirely within one travel lane, the overlay shall extend to the centerline of roadway. Where utility patches extend into both travel lanes then a full width overlay is required. Revise plans as needed. 7. Show blue reflector required in the street ROW identifying fire hydrant locations. Refer to City standard detail ET 1. 8. Underground Wiring Requirements of ECDC 18.05 shall be followed. All utility services shall be installed underground. 9. Show location of pad mounted transformer, if proposed; to be located on private property. 10. Show location of dry utilities and required utility separation (5-feet from City utilities within the ROW and 3-feet from water/sewer/storm utilities on private property). SHEET C4.1— GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN 1. Revise Impervious Areas Table as follows: a. The City does not have a max 35% impervious area coverage. Revise column title and state hard surface area allotted for each lot. b. Add column that states stormwater management system (drywell or infiltration gallery). c. Add Road `A' area. d. Add Street Improvements SHEET C4.2 — ROAD PROFILES 1. Stormwater flows in the gutter are shown to flow both east and west on 13th Way SW. Where will the water flow to if directed to the west on 13th. 2. In the 13th Way SW profile, at callout for PVI STA 11+70.00, PVI EL 280.10, a couple of notes have been overlaid during drafting. Please revise. SHEET C6.0 — SEWER PLAN 1. City Public Works Operations and Maintenance review of the proposed project has provided that the existing private sewer main located from C041 to existing sewer manhole in 7th PL S is in poor condition and in need of replacement — it is not acceptable to add additional flows to this line. A TV inspection of the line has identified roots and holes in the main line as well as at least one offset joint. This section of mainline will need to be removed and replaced. a. Private main line replacement shall be with 8" pipe. b. CO#1 shall be replaced with a sewer manhole. c. Update plans to show the location of existing homes on either side of the sewer main/easement running between 7th PI S and the subject development to confirm there will be no conflicts with an open trench main replacement and the proximity of adjacent structures. 2. The proposed sewer is shown to be installed at less than 2% slope. A slope less than 2%, but greater than 1% would be considered with upsizing the sewer main. In other words, if 2% cannot be achieved and the sewer pipe slope is between 1%-2%, then the sewer main will need to be 8". In addition, where 10 or more homes are connected to the sewer main, an 8" line shall be installed. With the installation of 8" main line, manholes shall be installed instead of cleanouts. Page 3 of 4 3. Provide invert elevations at all sewer stub locations and show the requirement for a 6" cleanout at the edge of easement. 4. Callout sewer pipe material. 5. 6" cleanout required at the property line with 12" lamphole cover with '/z" hexbolts. SHEET CX.0 — WATER PLAN (OVWSD) 1. Please provide water plan sheet so utility information can be reviewed against other utilities to identify potential conflicts. 2. Once plan has been approved by OVWSD, please provide a signed copy to the City for incorporation into the civil plan set. 3. Water meters shall be located on the right-of-way side of the property line. 4. Fire hydrant shall be placed with a minimum 5-foot clearance from the driveway approach. 5. Will a separate irrigation meter be installed? If so, show on plans. An irrigation Sprinkler Permit shall be obtained from Public Works Cross Connection Control Specialist — Jeff Koblyk. Phone: 425-771-0235 or email jeff.koblyk@edmondswa.gov. STORMWATER ENGINEER REVIEW Refer to attached plan review comments by City Stormwater Engineer, Zachary Richardson. Please contact Zack directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at zachary.richardson(aedmondswa.gov with any specific questions you may have regarding his comments. SOUTH SNOHOMISH COUNTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY REVIEW Refer to attached plan review comments by Deputy Fire Marshal, Karl Fitterer. Please contact Karl directly at 425-771-0213 or by email at kFitterer(asouthsnofire.org with any specific questions you may have regarding his comments. Page 4 of 4 y Off' F nM0 "a STO RM WATE R REVIEW COMMENTS '`" City of Edmonds Engineering Division To: Engineering Reviewer Date: January 5, 2018 Project Name: Jenkins Lane (5-lot SP) Permit Number: PLN20170028 Address: 720 13th Way Review Type: Civil (Plat Construction) Submittal Date: 12/22/17 Reviewer: Zack Richardson, PE City of Edmonds, Stormwater Engineer Recommendation: I recommend that PLN20170028 be withheld until the comments below are adequately addressed. Review Comments: 1. Drainage Report: Multiple references to the 2005 SWMMWW are made within the report and CSWPP; update all references and report text to reflect the 2012 SWMMWW (as amended in 2014). 2. Drainage Report: Section 1, Task 3 states that 13th is a crowned road and Task 4 states runoff flows along the south side of 13th; however this is inconsistent with the information shown on the plans and the proposed 13th Way road section, which suggests 13th is super elevated to drain north. Update report (or plans) as needed to be consistent. 3. Drainage Report: CSWPP appears to be generic without any site specific info; update report, specifically section 3.1, to include specific BMPs proposed for the project site. a. Include a reference to the sediment trap sizing calcs when listing the sediment trap BMP b. Expand CSWPP element #13 to describe and specify protection of LID areas and update plans to match; no protection appears to have been called out currently. 4. Drainage Report: Include the summary of the model inputs (screenshot) for the sediment trap sizing calculation. Page 1 of 2 5. Drainage Report: Appendix 2D: The project appears to be under 1 acre in size; update section as needed to ensure it is accurate as to if the project will obtain a general stormwater permit. 6. Drainage Report: Section 5 notes that any drywell overflow will reach 13th Way, but the grading plan suggest that the project lot will be higher than adjacent lots to the east, expand text or add improvements as needed to ensure overflow does not negatively affect adjacent parcels (to east). 7. Drainage Report: It appears that the top of infiltration facility is higher than the invert of the water quality filter and therefore the infiltration facility may occasionally backwater the filter system; add text to section 6 and/or 7 addressing impacts, if any, from this condition and/or update plans to avoid this condition. 8. C3.0: Include the missing detail 1 for the sediment trap; detail shall include top & bottom elevations and slope information as needed to construct the trap in addition to addressing: a. It is unclear how the trap will overflow/outlet; show and provide a spill way or riser as needed and update silt fencing as needed to allow for outlet where intended (avoid directing water out across the construction entrance). b. Current trap crow's feet appear to suggest trap is graded gradually down to a roughly 1'x1' bottom, but trap should achieve maximum volume within the required surface area calculated; update slopes as needed or ensure detail reflects grading to maximum volume (generally 3:1 slops to flat bottom). 9. C4.1: It is not apparently clear that a local low spot will not be created by the project, particularly near and around the curb return at the intersection of 13th & and the existing drive/road to the west; update plans as needed (curb return elevation, spot elevation, etc) as needed to ensure positive drainage is maintained. 10. C4.1: Update drywell profile view to show pipes extending to the correct locations (maintenance portals to the bottom & distribution pipe to the center at a minimum). 11. C4.1: A drainage easement to Edmonds for inspection of the infiltration gallery will be required on the final plat map; update plan to show an easement area (limited to drainage facility area) or add note that an easement over the entirety of Road A will be required. 12. C4.2: Identify/caIlout end of curb return, driveway centerline, and curb angle points within the profile view. 13. C4.2: It is not clear that the curb profile maintains positive flow at the minimum 1 % needed for asphalt. The typical section suggests that the curb line will be super elevated at 2%, in which case the curb line profile should be uniformly above the saw cut profile between the end of the curb return and the curb transition angle point; this does not appear to be reflected in the profile. Update profile, grading, and/or typical section as needed to reflect proposed conditions and ensure positive drainage. 14. C.42: It appears that the drainage facilities within the Road A profile are not shown consistent with the stationing listed on previous sheets, update station callouts and/or shift facilities to the correct location as needed. a. Ensure a minimum cover of 2' to the bottom of pavement is maintained within areas subject to traffic loading. Page 2 of 2 t ED -"+ CITY OF EDMONDS f DEPARTMENT OF FIRE PREVENTION RE MEMORANDUM ARTS January 5, 2018 To: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager From: Karl Fitterer, Deputy Fire Marshal Re: Plan Check: PLN20170128 Address: 720 13t" Way, Edmonds Project: 5 Lot Plat After review of the preliminary plans for the above project, it was found that the following will be required- 1 . Deferred Submittal: Residential fire sprinklers will be required in all structures regardless of size. A 13D system is acceptable 2. All vaults under drivable roadway need to be constructed to withstand GVW of 75,000 Ibs and a point load of 44,000 Ibs (24"x24" jack pad) (C4.1) 3. Show Fire lane markings. See attached fire lane standard. 4. Show water detail. A new fire hydrant is on drainage plan (C4.1) in an approved location. IFC 507 and ECDC. 5. Show gated access if applicable. Emergency access gate switch/sensor is required if an automatic gate crosses a private fire access road — IFC 506 and COE/FD1 Emergency Access Standard. Karl Fitterer Deputy Fire Marshal City of Edmonds, Department of Fire Prevention WIDTH VARIES (SEE NOTE 5' (TYP) 18" CURB (TYP) 5- (TYP) :E NOTE 7) WIDTH VARIES (SEE NOTE 6) WIDTH VARIES (SEE NOTE 6) (SEE NOTE nI inn /nI I - I-I�T unJL \..V VI\JL FliviI VL/1JJ I/L PER WSDOT 9-03.9(3) PG 64-22 (SEE NOTES 2 & 3) NOTES: 1. SEE CITY OF EDMONDS MODIFICATIONS TO DIVISION 9 OF THE CURRENT WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKFILLING REQUIREMENTS. 2. ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR HMA DEPTH SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4" THICK. UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, ANY DEPTH GREATER THAN 4" SHALL MATCH EXISTING. 3. LOCAL STREET HMA DEPTH SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3" THICK. UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, ANY DEPTH GREATER THAN 3" SHALL MATCH EXISTING. 4. UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, THE HMA SHALL BE INSTALLED IN MULTIPLE EQUAL THICKNESS LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 2". 5. FINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL BE NEATLY AND UNIFORMILY SEALED WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 5-04.3(5)C APPROVED JOINT SEALANT OR APPROVED EQUAL. 6. REFER TO EDMONDS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE TABLE OF STREET STANDARDS FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AND PAVEMENT WIDTHS. 7. REFER TO EDMONDS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE SIDEWALK STANDARDS FOR SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS. 8. REFER TO CITY STANDARD CURB DETAILS. �St. 18y� REVISION DATE CITY OF EDMONDS PUBLIC STREET DECEMBER 2017 PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD DEPARTMENT DETAIL APPROVED BY: R. ENGLISH T R- 5 0 5 5-1 /2' R=1/2"�� R=1 1" BATTER R=1" cv 0.05 FT/FT 4 co 4 4 4"-5/8" J 18" STANDARD MINUS CSTC SEE NOTE 11 2' MIN SAWCUT SEE NOTE 10 6"-5/8" MINUS CSTC STANDARD TYPE "A" CURB/GUTTER (NOT TO SCALE) NOTES: HMA 4" OR MATCH EXISTING, WHICHEVER IS GREATER SEE NOTE 12 1. CITY INSPECTION REQUIRED ON FORM WORK PRIOR TO POUR. 2. FORMS SHALL BE TRUE TO LINE AND GRADE AND SECURELY STAKED. 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED ADJACENT TO ANY STRUCTURE. 4. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE EVERY 10 FEET. 5. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL HAVE 1/2" TO 5/8" WIDE PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER. 6. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 3000. 7. FINISH SHALL BE LIGHT BROOM. 8. CURB SHALL BE SPRAYED WITH CLEAR CURING COMPOUND OR SHALL BE COVERED AND KEPT MOIST FOR 72 HOURS. 9. REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE CURB SHALL BE FROM EXPANSION TO EXPANSION JOINT, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY CITY ENGINEER. 10. A 2—FT MINIMUM ASPHALT SAWCUT MAY BE REQUIRED AS DETERMINED BY CITY ENGINEER. 11. CURB/GUTTER SHALL BE 18" OR AS DIRECTED BY CITY ENGINEER. 12. ALL VERTICAL EDGES SHALL BE TACKED. �St. 18y� REVISION DATE CITY OF EDMONDS CONCRETE CURB DECEMBER 2017 AND GUTTER PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD DEPARTMENT DETAIL APPROVED BY: R. ENGLISH T R- 5 2 0 AR/��TF Rp� pAFR� / pR/ �cy a P 6 qSp <r DRIVEWAY APPROACH (WITH CONCRETE CURBS 2' MIN SAWCUT SO5 / r,n 4 _VARIES 7/ / T9_ 9 a a 'OR/ r�l•F gppgTF qy M Rp�FOR pp pFR/ F q 6y RRY�S v CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SEE COE STD DTL TR-520 6 CONCRETE O3 COMPACTED SUBGRADE 2" 5/8" MINUS CSTC SECTION A -A NOTES: 1O CITY INSPECTION REQUIRED ON FORM WORK PRIOR TO POUR. O2 CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 3000. O3 SUBGRADE SHALL BE CSTC COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY. O4 FULL DEPTH 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT REQUIRED BETWEEN CURB AND DRIVEWAY APPROACH. O5 MAINTAIN 1/2" LIP AT GUTTER ADJACENT TO DRIVEWAY APPROACH. O6 IF DRIVEWAY APPROACH WIDTH EXCEEDS 15', INSTALL FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT AT CENTER OF DRIVEWAY. O7 2' ASPHALT SAWCUT MAY BE REQUIRED WITH CURB/GUTTER INSTALLATION. REFER TO COE STD DTL TR-520. �Sf. 10,91 REVISION DATE CITY OF EDMONDS DRIVEWAY APPROACH DECEMBER 2017 TYPE V PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD DEPARTMENT DETAIL APPROVED BY: R. ENGLISH T R - 5 45 CRUSHED SURFACE BASE COURSE PER WSDOT STD SPEC 9-03.9(3) (SEE NOTE 3) NOTES: FINAL JOINT SHALL BE A NEAT STRAIGHT HMA CLASS 1/2" LINE. ALL EXPOSED VERTICAL EDGES SHALL PG 64-22 BE TACKED NEATLY PER WSDOT STANDARD (SEE NOTES 4 & 5) SPECIFICATIONS 5-04.3(5)A APPROVED TACK OR APPROVED EQUAL AND SEALED PER 1 WSDOT STD 5-04.3(5)C. SLOPE EXCAVATION TO AVOID UNDERMINING EXISTING PAVEMENT. IMPORT OR NATIVE MATERIAL J BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY (SEE NOTE 2) TRENCH WIDTH 1. SEE CITY OF EDMONDS MODIFICATIONS TO DIVISION 9 OF THE CURRENT WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKFILLING REQUIREMENTS. 2. SUBMIT PROCTOR AND DENSITY TESTS FROM CERTIFIED TESTING COMPANIES DOCUMENTING THAT THE BACKFILL MEETS A MINIMUM OF 95% DENSITY PER ASTM D 1557. 3. CSBC DEPTH SHALL BE A MINIMUM 6" OR MATCH EXISTING WHICHEVER IS GREATER. WHEN MATCHING EXISTING CSBC DEPTH GREATER THEN 6", THEN CSBC SHALL BE INSTALLED IN MULTIPLE EQUAL THICKNESS LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 6". 4. ROADWAY HMA DEPTH SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4" THICK. UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, ANY DEPTH GREATER THAN 4" SHALL MATCH EXISTING. 5. ALLEY HMA DEPTH SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2" THICK. UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, ANY DEPTH GREATER THAN 2" SHALL MATCH EXISTING. 6. UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, THE HMA SHALL BE INSTALLED IN MULTIPLE EQUAL THICKNESS LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 2". 7. FINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL BE NEATLY AND UNIFORMILY SEALED WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 5-04.3(5)C APPROVED JOINT SEALANT OR APPROVED EQUAL. REVISION DATE CITY OF EDMONDS TYPICAL HMA AND DECEMBER 2017 UTILITY PATCH PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD DEPARTMENT DETAIL APPROVED BY: R. ENGLISH G U - 41 0