PLN20170033_Fairwinds-Prelim-1.docx.pdfDate: To: From: Subject: 11l 1011I us] 7_1\11ULVA I August 23, 2017 Mike Clugston, Associate Planner JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician PLN20170033, Fairwind 3-Lot Short Plat 921 Pine Street The comments provided below are based upon review of the preliminary civil plans & documents for the subject short plat. Additional information is requested from the applicant at this time in order to continue review of the application and provide preliminary approval of the short plat. Please ask the applicant to provide a written response to each of the outstanding comments below and revise and resubmit plans accordingly. Please also note, after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division, the applicant will be required to submit civil engineering plans to the City for review and approval after receiving preliminary short plat approval from the Planning Division. The purpose of the preliminary review is to show that the proposed lots are accessible and can be serviced by all necessary utilities and are able to mitigate the stormwater runoff for future development for each lot. The preliminary review also will address frontage improvements to be required. For this purpose the preliminary civil plans shall show proposed house outlines, driveways, storm systems, access, and utilities from the main to stubs at the property line for all lots and show any frontage or other improvements required to comply with the Edmonds Community Development Code. General Comments: 1. Please note that this project's stormwater system(s) are to be designed under the 2017 Edmonds Stormcode and the 2012 SWMMWW. Review of the code will determine that this is a Category 2 site. Please remove the "small site" classification from all reporting and plans. There are no small or large site designations in the current code. 2. Preliminary plans should only include roofline of house, garage and outline of driveway for each lot. Note the square footage of each and the proposed bottom of footing for the house for reference purposes. Remove all other information. All other lot construction information (spot topos, contours, etc.) will be address at time of building permit. City of Edmonds 3. All existing conditions and proposed house/drive information referenced above shall be shown in a light line weight to deemphasize those features. A darker line weight is required only for those improvements to be constructed with the short plat. Please revise all plan set sheets. 4. All stormwater mitigation systems to be constructed with the building permit shall be shown on the plans in a manner consistent with the instructions in 42. Keep in mind that the mitigation system that will received runoff from the shared access road will be constructed with the short plat so should be depicted appropriately. 5. All utility mains (gas, water, storm, sewer) and their appurtances should be shown on Pine St and on 9th Ave S. Please revise all sheets. 6. Please use property corner symbols and remove large grade transistion balls for clarity. SHEET C1 of 6: Preliminary Cover and Existing Site Conditions: No Comments SHEET C2 of 6: Preliminary Grading and SWPP Plan: 7. Please revise title "SWPP" to "SWPPP" for consistency with the 2012 SWMMWW. 8. Add square footage of areas to be demolished. (FYI: This plan sheet should accompany the future demolition permit application.) 9. The rockery appears on the subsequent plans as being constructed with the short plat improvements. If so, please be sure the area is included in the clearing limits/area of disturbance. See Sheet C3, comment 7 for more information. 10. Several trees that are not indicated to be removed are very close to the border of the area of disturbance. Please indicate tree protection measures for those trees and provide a tree protection standard detail. SHEET C3 of 6: Preliminary Grading and General Notes: 11. The grading shown on this plan is related to the lot development under the building permit. Show only grading to be done in order to install the short plat improvements. 12. Please revise the grading cut and fill amounts to reflect only short plat improvements grading. 13. The Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 18.40.010 states rockeries are not considered to be retaining walls therefore prohibitions apply to their construction. Please review ECDC Chapter 18.40.020 Prohibited rockeries to comply with the code requirements. It may be necessary to construct a retaining wall for the project design. 14. If a rockery (or retaining wall) will be constructed as part of the short plat improvements, please add top of wall elevations and bottom of wall elevations at each end and at every 1 foot of change. 15. Please label or remove the dark boxes located at the southeast corner of Lot 1. 16. The general notes shall be revised to reflect the current project. At minimum, section 1 should have the current dates of the WDOT/APWA standards (2017), and the date of the stormwater code used to design the stormwater system, 2012 SWMMWW and should include the 2017 Edmonds Stormwater Code. SHEET C4 of 6: Preliminary Roadway and Drainage Plan: 17. Show all utility mains (sewer, gas, water, storm) in the right of way on Pine and on 9th. 18. The sidewalk along Pine St will need to be replaced. The majority of the sidewalk panels are raised up and no longer flush with each other or the curb due to tree roots. The cross slope of the sidewalk is required to be 2% or less. Please revise plans to show 5' sidewalk replacement. 19. Curb ramp shall be installed at the corner of 9th and Pine St. Please show the ramp on the plans and provide a current wsdot standard detail for construction. 20. The sidewalk along 9th appears to be 5ft in width, however, the condition under the east foot or so was not able to be determinec due to vegetation overgrowth. This sidewalk may need to be replaced as well. The options at this time are to fully clear the sidewalk so a determination can be made or show the sidewalk to be replaced on the preliminary plans with a note stating "some portions of the sidewalk may be able to be retained, determination will be made by engineering inspector". 21. The power pole currently located at the northwest corner of the property shall be relocated behind the sidewalk. Sidewalk shall be installed at a width of 5 ft. per City standards. Please contact PUD to determine location pole will be moved. 22. Call out power pole and guy wire location clearly at southeast corner of property. 23. Stormwater Classification Worksheet does not reflect the 2017 Edmonds Stormwater Code and the 2012 DOE Stormwater Manual. The information should be referenced in the stormwater report so it would be ok to remove it from the plans. SHEET C5 of 6: Preliminary Roadway and Drainage Details: No Comments SHEET C6 of 6: Preliminary Water, Sewer and Utility Plan: 24. Sewer is to be shown from the main to a stub out for each lot. An invert at each stub out is required. Sewer should not be shown all the way to the house. 25. Provide invert for property stub out on Lot 3. 26. Provide invert for cleanout at the Lot 2 property line. 27. Sewer to Lot 1 is not connected to the main. 28. Provide invert for stub on Lot 1. 29. FYI: During civil review, the utilities will all be required to meet separation requirements, both COE and regulatory which may change the design considerably. For example, water and power have a 3' separation requirement; water and sewer have a 10' separation requirement. Thank you.