PRE20100012 OReily auto parts.pdfOV EDP
121 5th Avenue North • Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web:
lne. I S9"
Pre -Application Meeting
Meeting Date:
July 15, 2010 at 3:00 p.m.
Review By:
Kernen Lien, Associate Planner, lien, 425-771-0220 x1223
Project Name:
O'Reilly Auto Parts
Site Address:
23005 Highway 99
General Commercial (CG)
Jessica Iverson, 'iverson, 612-547-1374
New O'Reilly Auto Parts Store
The current zoning of the subject property is General Commercial (CG). Properties within the RS-8 zone are subject
to the requirements of Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 16.60.
Setbacks for CG zoned property is outlined in ECDC 16.60.020 and are as follows:
Minimum Street
Minimum Side
Minimum Rear
4 feet'
60 feet
1: Street setback area shall be fully landscaped.
The subject site is a corner lot, which means it has street setbacks from Highway 99 and 230t'' Street SW.
Proposed Use
The proposed use is for a retail auto parts store, which is a permitted use within the CG zone.
Design Review
The project must meet the design standards for projects in the CG zone detailed in ECDC 16.60.030. Design review
for the project will be reviewed by staff as a Type I decision.
ECDC 16.60.030.A Screening and Buffering:
1. General.
a. Retaining walls facing adjacent property or public rights -of -way shall not exceed seven feet in height. A
minimum of four feet of planted terrace is required between stepped wall segments.
b. Landscape buffers are not required in land use zones with no required building setback.
c. Tree landscaping maybe clustered to block the view of a parking lot, yet allow visibility to signage and
building entry.
d. Landscape buffers shall be integrated into the design and layout of water detention and treatment elements,
to minimize the physical and visual impacts of the water quality elements.
e. All parking lots are required to provide Type V interior landscaping.
k. When no setback is otherwise required, Type III landscaping three feet in width and continuous in length is
required between uses in the same zone.
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Landscaping Types are described within ECDC 20.13. Pursuant to ECDC 16.60.030.A. Lk, Type III landscaping
will be required along the southern and eastern property boundaries. The proposed landscaping on sheet L1 appears
to be consistent with the Type III landscaping requirements.
Pursuant to ECDC 16.60.030.A.1.e, parking lots are required to provide Type V interior landscaping. For parking
lots with no more than 50 parking spaces, ECDC 20.13.030.E.1 requires 17.5 square feet of landscape. The proposal
includes 37 parking spaces, which means 647.5 square feet of interior landscaping is required. Each area of
landscaping must conatin at least 150 square feet of area exclusive of vehicle overhang and have a minimum planter
area of 64 square feet. The landscape plans (Sheet L1) only show approximately 568 square feet of interior
landscaping in the parking area. Approximately 80 square feet of more landscaping is required within the parking
area. Additionally, the landscape areas on the north and south sides of the building do not contain 150 square feet of
2. Parking Lots Abutting Streets.
a. Type IV landscaping, minimum four feet wide, is required along all street frontages.
Type IV landscaping requires deciduous tree by planted 25 feet on center with the trunk free of branches below six
feet according to ECDC 20.13.030.D.I. The landscaping strip along Highway 99 and 2301h Street SW mostly meets
the Type IV landscaping requirement. One more tree could be planted along Highway 99 in order to meet the 25
feet on center requirement, although it appears that a tree was left out for a sign. The City of Edmonds also has a
street plan with specific recommendations for trees along Highway 99 which is as follows:
Planting at sides of Highway 99 should have a strong form and should allow views of business signage. A
medium to large narrow tree is recommended from this list:
Acer rubrum `Armstrong' / Armstrong Maple
Acer platanoides `Clumnare' / Columnar Norway Maple
Nyssa sylvatica / Tupelo
The street tree plan also states that all trees shall be 3 inch caliper minimum unless otherwise approved.
ECDC 16.60.0303 Access and Parking:
1. Not more than 50 percent of total project parking spaces may be located between the building's front facade and
the primary street.
2. Parking lots may not be located on corner locations adjacent to public streets.
ECDC Site Design and Layout:
3. Lighting.
a. All lighting shall be shielded and directed away from adjacent parcels. This may be achieved through lower
poles at the property lines and/or full "cut off" fixtures.
b. Parking lots shall have lighting poles with a maximum of 25 feet in height.
c. Pedestrian ways shall have low height lighting focused on pathway area. Pole height shall be a maximum of 14
feet, although lighting bollards are preferred.
d. Entries shall have lighting for safety and visibility integrated with the building/canopy.
ECDC Building Design and Massing:
1. Buildings shall convey a visually distinct "base" and "top. "A "base" and "top" can be emphasized in different
ways, such as masonry pattern, more architectural detail, step -backs and overhangs, lighting, recesses, visible
`plinth " above which the wall rises, storefront, canopies, or a combination thereof. They can also be emphasized
by using architectural elements not listed above, as approved, that meet the intent.
2. In buildings with footprints of over 10, 000 square feet, attention needs to be given to scale, massing, and facade
design so as to reduce the effect of large single building masses. Ways to accomplish this can include
articulation, changes of materials, offsets, setbacks, angles or curves of facades, or by the use of distinctive roof
forms. This can also be accomplished by using architectural elements not listed above, as approved, that meet the
intent. Note that facade offsets or step -backs should not be applied to the ground floor of street front facades in
pedestrian -oriented zones or districts.
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3. Alternatives to massing requirements may be achieved by:
a. Creation of a public plaza or other open space which may substitute for a massing requirement if the space is
at least 1, 000 square feet in area. In commercial zones, this public space shall be a public plaza with
amenities such as benches, tables, planters and other elements.
b. Retaining or reusing an historic structure listed on the National Register or the Edmonds register of historic
places. Any addition or new building on the site must be designed to be compatible with the historic structure.
4. To ensure that buildings do not display blank, unattractive walls to the abutting streets or residential properties,
walls or portions of walls abutting streets or visible from residentially zoned properties shall have architectural
treatment applied by incorporating at least /bur of the following elements into the design of the facade:
a. Masonry (except for flat concrete block).
b. Concrete or masonry plinth at the base of the wall.
c. Belt courses of a different texture and color.
d. Projecting cornice.
e. Projecting metal canopy.
f. Decorative tilework.
g. Trellis containing planting.
h. Medallions.
i. Artwork or wall graphics.
j. Vertical differentiation.
k. Lighting fixtures.
1. An architectural element not listed above, as approved, that meets the intent.
Development Standards
Off-street Parking
The proposed O'Reilly Auto Parts store is a retail store that pursuant to ECDC 17.50.020.B.1 requires one parking
space per 300 square feet. Square feet refers to the gross building square footage pursuant to ECDC 17.50.030.A,
which 7500 feet according to plans submitted for the preapplication meeting. 7500 / 300 = 25 parking spaces.
Thirty-seven parking spaces are proposed which exceeds the required off-street parking requirements of
ECDC 17.50.
It appears that two signs are proposed, a pole sign and a wall -mounted sign. Both sign types are permitted signs
within the Highway 99 Corridor. Pursuant to ECDC 20.60.025.A.2, the maximum total permanent sign area for
allowed or permitted uses in the CG zone shall be one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of building
frontage along a public street and/or along a side of the building containing the primary public entrance to a
maximum of 200 square feet. The maximum total permanent sign area may be divided between wall, projecting,
and freestanding signs, in accordance with regulations and maximum sign area and height for each type of sign.
Pursuant to ECDC 20.60.030.A, the maximum area of any wall sign is one square foot per lineal foot of attached
wall. For free standing signs (the pole sign), the total allowable sign area for freestanding signs on general
commercial sites shall be 56 square feet or one-half square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage,
whichever is greater, up to a maximum of 160 square feet of freestanding sign area. The maximum height for the
pole sign is 25 feet.
Environmental Regulations
Critical Area Determination: A critical areas checklist is not required for the subject application because a
determination was conducted for the subject site in 2000 under File No. CRA20000063 and it was determined that
no critical areas are present on or adjacent to the site.
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SEPA Review: State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review is required for the project because the proposed
building exceeds 4,000 square feet and consists of more than twenty parking spaces. A SEPA checklist
(Handout P71) is required to be filled out and submitted with the application.
Required Permits and Approvals from Other Jurisdictions
It should be noted that the applicant is responsible for obtaining all required permits and approvals from any
applicable federal, state, or local jurisdictions.
District Design Review: Administrative Design Review $570 plus $15 City Surcharge
SEPA: $485
Attachments / Enclosures
• Land Use Application
• Handout #P71 SEPA Checklist
• Handout #P6 District -Based Design Review
• ECDC Chapter 16.60
• ECDC Chapter 20.13 Landscaping Requirements
• Street Tree Plan excerpt
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