Precon Agenda & Minutes.pdfProject Name.
Site Address:
Subdivsions, Multi -Family, Commercial
MTC DATE: 7 //
Developer/Owner: /�OH?Ch/o/l�i'�i GLr
err/--T • ,-?�� 5�/g, L /
Project Contact/Rhone #/I+ax Ph
hermit or Tracking h` : ,gL%� ZD/DOlv57
Right-of-way Permit #: N 41
Invited to Attend
TIME: _4e��e
City representatives:
❑ Planning Division ❑ Water Division ❑ Sewer Division ❑ Storm Division
❑ Fire Department jo
Edmonds Utilities Consortitun members-
❑ PUD ❑ PilehucldPSIE ❑ Verizon NW ❑ Comcast ❑ OVW,9D
Individuals present at meetin1j:
4_5110 S, !� r�� C_'�s��, �zs�; /5E<< �r / 1 Gf.Ss _S I-e � �k�, ! `zJ_ Z'��f'/;
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Handouts/Reference materials provided:
❑ Erosion Control standards ❑ Engineering Inspection Information ❑ Side Sewer Info
❑ Water Service Line Spec. Notice: Illegal Discharges to Stormwater System (6/28/04)
❑ Water Outage Policy ❑ Construction Contractors BMP's ❑ Haul Routes
//o of �{✓!X u�iS
❑ Traffic Control Requirements ❑ Street Standards (/ ❑ Retaining Wall
❑ Rockery — Szv to ✓s 105 ❑ Other
INSPECTIONS: Engineering Inspection Line: 425-771-0220, ext. 1326
Pre -Con Meeting, Page 1 of 4
Revised 8/26/04
Requests for final engineering inspectionnnust be ma&-4S 1m advanc her
engineering inspection requests must be Unade prior to lam each workday morning to
receive an inspection that day.
Contractor/Developer must call for inspections. Leave detailed information on the
inspection request line stating the work planned for the day. The inspector will try to time
inspections in conjunction with the construction activity foR- the day whenever possible.
Call the Development Services Deparh(nent at 425-771-0220 and inform the front desk of
inspection cancellations. Do not call the inspection line to cancel an inspection request for
that day.
o Large development projects are required to call the inspection line daily to keep the
inspector informed of the work planned on site for the day, whether an inspection is
required or not.
o City of Edmonds inspectors will provide inspections as requested and may stop by
periodically as deemed necessary.
o Special inspections performed by licensed engineers/engineering firms does not elivninate the
requirement to have an inspection performed by a City inspector, Ali test reports created
by the special inspector must be provided to the City within one week of testing.
o All sections of pipe are to be inspected after installation and prior to backfill or as
determined by inspector on a project specific basis.
o All connections (i.e. Joints, Tees, CB's, MH's, etc.) and flurust blocks must be inspected prior
to backfill.
❑ Mobilization and Erosion Control
City of Edmonds Standard Details: E1.1, E1.1.1, E
Filter fabric fence, quarry spall rock construction
�d e
-e5 Aa 6 /isA cc/
ice, filter socks in CB's, sediment ,
pond, dust control, covering of stockpiles, etc. A& PxI--em4,0'" A e, �/,ray
All erosion and sedimentation control measures a to e im a the start of t e a s se•1.���f
project and shall be maintained for the duration of the project. Erosion control measur hall
remain in place until all exposed soils are vegetated. Exposed soils shall be covered within 2
days during the winter months (Oct. to April) and 7 days during the summer months (April to
Staging of materials, job shack & equipment within the right-of-way (ROW permit required).
No clearing of the site permitted until vegetation plan has been approved by the City of
Storan Main Installation
Pipe shall be inspected prior to backfill
/� �f C o �e r Q,C �e%0 r-
Mudding required inside and outside of catch basins pf o y 11 „�s�e � A a,-)04 uowo(rKp �r/o / 7�
evelopment, Page 2 of 4
Revised 2/13/06
Grates shall be vaned
[J' Drainage Detention System —
Construct per approved plans. Bed in pea gravel or crushed rock to springline.
Verification of control structure orifice's required prior to installation.
Mudding required inside and out at all pipe connections to CB's and MH's as well as each
riser and pick holes.
LJ �a Sewer — main extension / lateral / side sewer /t/v
Core drill, Romac - ee - inspection required at time of core dril n to be verified.
Manhole installation: core-n-seal boo — in • . e on inside of manhole up to
approximately the middle of the pipe (ch eve a inside the entire boot.
Contact Tim Harris at Pubb or s to TV main after installation of inse a• -le 425-771-
,-TV records
❑ Water System — main extension / fire line / domestic service line
Use of water from a hydrant requires a hydrant meter w/ backflow device, to be obtained from
City of Edmonds Public Works Department — 425-771-0235.
Water service line to be installed by Public Works. Contact Kris Kuhnhausen (425-771-0235)
to schedule install.
Backflow prevention: Contact PW Water Quality Control Specialist — 425-771-0235
City crew shall operate all existing valves except in emergency situations.
EITraffic Control
Traffic Control plans must be approved for use prior to implementation. Approved plan and
designated haul route to be followed. Certified flaggers required.
❑ Asbu ltis
Provide City of Edmonds with "electronic drawings" of asbuilts.
❑ Trench Patch/Compaction
CDF to cure 3 days before paving.
CDF will be required at storm and water crossing at the corner of Ocean and Water ST. All
other trenches shall be compacted to 95%
Compaction tests required in City right-of-way. — Submit reports to the city prior to paving.
Subgrade inspection required prior to paving.
Pre -Con Development, Page 3 of 4
Revised 2/13/06
�] Noise Restrictions
Construction hours are M-F, 7am-6pm and Saturdays, 1 Oam-6pm. No work Sundays and
Federal Holidays.
Engineering Comments: ,�oGkt✓ies arc vta l �e/ .fc�fe�� ><� �� �s�oe�r!io�ex���ff r /oc411117
/1 La ✓ ,r2D Gt� s � O�✓ss � .� �r q c.,
Planning Con ifinentis:
Public Wodo Connnients.
IEUC Comments-
Contractor/Developer Connnents:
11"L N v(i 6 y I' G2ta y �c
�, c1 c�rl�G�i 5 1�S �. voc�uc, �i�y� ter./ t�'�i.� /' yc,► `J
Pre -Con Development, Page 4 of 4
Revised 2/13/06