Pt Edwards-Bldg 10-preapp.pdfENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST ENGINEERING DIVISION PROPERTY NAME Point Edwards — Building 10 PROJECT ADDRESS 50 Pine Street TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Apartment Building DEVELOPER/APPLICANT Aidan Bird, Edmonds Pine Street LLC PRE-APP DATE 05/28/2015,1:30pm ENGINEERING REPRESENTATIVE Jeanie McConnell The following checklist is a reference to assist in preparing engineering drawings for a more complete building permit application. Additional information or review comments may be precipitated during the review of the application. [®] Complete Civil drawings • City of Edmonds Standard Details and Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) are available online at www.edmondswa.gov under Permits / Development — Codes and Standards. • General civil plan information, including sample approval block, construction sequence and general notes can also found on the City website under the Permit Assistance page, Codes and Standards — Engineering Codes & Design [®] Drainage report • Drainage system shall be designed in accordance with ECDC 18.30 Storm Water Management and Exhibit "A" Stormwater Supplement. See comments under Storm Drainage below. [®] Traffic Impact Analysis or Study • Refer to and follow the requirements outlined in the ECDC 18.82 and handout E82. [®] General Facility Charges ot6 • Water — calculation is based on size of water meter • Sewer — calculation is based on number of living units < • Storm — calculation is based on impervious surface area. CIVIL DRAWINGS [®] TOPGRAPHIC DRAWING • Existing and proposed contours (2' or 5' intervals) • Grading plan and quantities of cut and fill. Include quantities for building foundation and provide bottom of footing elevations. [®] STORM DRAINAGE j4! • Chapter 18.30 ECDC Stormwater Management and Exhibit "A" Stormwater Supplement became effective June 1, 2010. The Code and Supplement are available on the City website as described above. • Consistent with ECDC 18.30 and Exhibit "A" Stormwater Supplement, the proposed site is categorized as a Large Site Project. As such, the proposed development is required to comply S:IENGRIADDRESS_FILES1Alpha\Pine_St-501PRE20150003-Bldg 10.docx Page I of Revised 6/1/10 with 2005 Department of Ecology Regulations for flow control. Should it be determined that the existing stonnwater quality pond and conveyance system is not sufficient to support the proposed development then additional water quality systems will need to be constructed on the site. This could include low impact development features or water quality vaults, etc. Impervious surface calculation chart shall be provided on the drainage plan. A copy of this chart can be found within City handout E72. Catch basins located in underground parking shall have oil water separator and shall connect to the building sewer line. Jerry Shuster is the City's Stormwater Engineer Program Manager. Jerry can be reached by e-mail at ierry.shuster(iOdmondswa.gov or by phone at 425.771.0220 x1323. [®] SITE ACCESS ® Existing/modified • Driveway Approach - Access Width ✓ 30' standard width for commercial ✓ 24' minimum for 2-way traffic • Driveway/Access Slope ✓ 14% max slope, waiver up to 20% per ECDC ✓ 6% landing area for the first 20'. [®] FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS ® Pr6 ro t�/Modified C yam' -Weinove and replace existing sidewalk, curb & gutter currently failing or damaged during the course of construction, per City standards and as required per City inspector • Remove and replace curb ramps along frontage of property to bring into ADA compliance. Truncated domes are required at all street intersections and may be required at driveway approaches, as determined by City Traffic Engineer. • Final pavement lift along Pine Street is required. Several areas have failed and need to be removed and replaced prior to final lift. Includes road pavement and curb/gutter improvements. [®] PARKING LOTS/PARKING GARAGES/OPEN PARKING AREAS • Site distance triangle requirements ✓ Buildings; provide a site window or clear area to insure line -of -sight. ✓ Landscaping near entrances shall be restricted to 3' in mature height to ensure adequate sight distance. ✓ Curb to be painted yellow for a minimum distance of 5' on both sides of the driveway. ® Above ground ✓ Drive aisles for 2-way traffic shall be 24 feet wide. ✓ Drive aisles for 1-way traffic shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide. ✓ 13' 6" vertical clearance required for Fire Department. ✓ Please refer to Fig 18.1, found in Title 18 of the ECDC for additional parking lot layout requirements specific to angled parking. ✓ Must be able to show/demonstrate all required full size (8.5' x 16.5') parking stalls can be obtained within the aggregate parking area. If this can be demonstrated the ECDC will allow for up to 50% of the stalls to be reduced width (8' x 16.5'). S:IENGRIADDRESS_FILES1AlphalPine_St-501PRE20150003-Bldg 10.docx Paget ol'9 Revised 6/1/10 ✓ Parking layout between light post or other structures is measured front the inside and not the center of the structure. Maximum parking lot slopes is 6%. Below ground — Parking garage ✓ Oil/water separator - connect to sanitary sewer. Stone water runoff not to tie into sewer. ✓ Drive aisles for 2-way traffic shall be 24 feet wide. ✓ Drive aisles for 1-way traffic shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide. ✓ Please refer to Fig 18.1, found in Title 18 of the ECDC for additional parking lot layout requirements specific to angled parking. ✓ Must be able to show/demonstrate all required full size (8.5' x 16.5) parking can be obtained within the aggregate parking area. If this can be demonstrated the ECDC will allow for up to 50% of the stalls to be reduced width (8' x 16.5'). ✓ Parking layout between columns can be measured from the center to center of the column but the inside dimension (face to face of column) shall at no time be less than 8' wide. ✓ Changes in column location/size will require a new parking plan layout and approval prior to issuance of the building permit to insure all required full width stalls can be met. ✓ Driveway slope shall be a maximum of 6% for the first 20' and 14% thereafter. ✓ Review structural and mechanical plans to insure columns and mechanical structures do not impact parking numbers and size. ✓ Show sliding gates on civil and architectural plans. Gates shall not impact parking stall widths ✓ Sight windows or other structural clearances at the parking entrance shall be provided to insure proper sight distance clearances [�] DRY UTILITIES • Show location of pad mounted transformer, to be located on private property. • Underground Wiring Requirements • Show location of all dry utilities and required separation [®] RETAINING WALLSIMODULAR BLOCK WALLS/ROCKERIES • Follow Handout B-62 ® Provide drawings and calculations (If sent outfor peer review, cost shall be pass through). • Refer to ECDC t8.40.020 for rockery prohibitions [®] WATER SERVICE City of Edmonds Customer • Water Connection Fee will be required for new services. ® Cross Connection Control, City contact: Linda McMurphy — 425.771.0235 • Domestic ✓ Lines >2" require an RPBA and hot box. ✓ Domestic lines shall not be used for both domestic and fire sprinkler protection unless approved by the Fire Department, Public Works and Engineering. ✓ Backside of water meter to be located at property line. • Irrigation ✓ Show separate irrigation meter. ✓ Show location of backflow assembly on private property immediately after the meter. ✓ Irrigation Sprinkler Permit to be obtained from Public Works. Contact Linda McMurphy at 425-771-0235. S:IENGR4ADDRESS_FILESWpha\Pine_St-50TRE20150003-Bldg 10,docx Page 3 of Revised 611110 M W • Fire Protection — When Required by Building Division and Fire Department. Separate Fire Connection permit required; to be submitted with Building Permit application and/or civils. ® Multi -Family • Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA) required per City standards. ✓ Assembly shall not be placed in City right-of-way but shall be installed on private property at the property line. See Edmonds Standard Detail E7.20 ✓ For properties with zero lot line, assembly shall be placed interior wall immediately adjacent to the property line and on the side where the water main is located. TRPL Remote reader shall be placed on the exterior wall in this situation. See Standard Detail E7.19 ✓ Inside installation of DCDA shall not impede any parking. ✓ Outside installation shall be in a vault per City Standards. • Vault ✓ Lid shall berated H-30 in paved areas and H-10 in landscaped areas. ✓ Lid shall be L.W. Hatch type D with built in storm gutter and drain. ✓ Refer to City standard detail E7.7.1 for 2" DCDA ✓ Refer to City standard details E7.8 and E7.8.1 for 4" or larger DCDA. • Post Indicator Valve (P.I.V.) and Fire Department Connection (F.D.C) ✓ Shall be placed on private property. ✓ If at all possible they shall be free standing. ✓ Minimum clearances shall be 3' radius. ✓ F.D.0 shall be 4" diameter, have a 22.5* bend at the end with a 4"storz adapter.. • Fire Line connection requires installation of valve cluster for service connections to City system, per Edmonds Standard Details E7.18 or E7.18.1. • Fire hydrants ✓ Hydrant will be required if maximum spacing between hydrants exceeds 150' radius or furthest structure is >150' from existing hydrant. ✓ 4" storz adapter required. SANITARY SEWER ® City of Edmonds Customer • Cleanouts: required at property line, at edge of easement and at the end of the run. Locking CI lamphole covers shall be installed at property line and when located in hard surfaces. Cleanouts shall be placed a maximum of 100' apart when the lateral length exceeds 100 feet. • Existing sewer lateral, if any, shall be TV'd by City Public Works Department to determine acceptability for reuse. If lateral is not found to be acceptable it will be the owner's responsibility to install a new lateral from the City sewer main to the property line. v t 1 t, 3- faw n S • Gate shall be full swing, concrete pad required. ��'Q� ��ti� Lu��' I"�G� • Enclosure to be accessible by garbage hauler. l V g � I f t CUf?jl. • NO UTILITIES (I.E. GAS METERS, POWER, ETC) SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN THE ENCLOSURE IVA qu- W011 11 I of . [®] EROSION CONTROL --Ito N AbIf �U, vita -to \ 1 Oid�i(;�'1 J all G1� os _ RECYCLE/TRASH ENCLOSURE • City Contact: Recycling Coordinator Steve Fisher — 425.771.0235 • Refer to Handout E-37. S:IENGRIADDRESS_FILESIAlpha\Pine_St-501PRE20150003-Bldg10.docx �j ds S Page 4of9 Revised 611110 I �1 kX" p AJW Erosion and discharge of sediments and other pollutants into receiving waters during construction shall be prevented. Developer is responsible for implementation and maintenance of erosion control measures. ESC standard details shall be placed on drawing. [®] STAGING/LAYDOWN AREA • Show location of job site fencing, job trailer, materials storage, etc. [M] TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN and HAUL ROUTE PLAN [®] DISRUPTION FEES: • Disruption fees will be assessed when any activity occupies or closes parking spaces/lanes or other paved areas, sidewalks, or alley for more than 72 hours. ✓ Sidewalk ✓ Parking spaces ✓ Alley [®] RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT • A right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the City right-of-way. • Street disruption fees may apply if street has been overlaid within the last 5 years. • Contractor is required to have an active state contractors license as well as City business license. [®] COST ESTIMATE, BONDING and 3.3% Inspection Fee; M Provide an itemized estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off -site improvements. M The 3.3% inspection fee is based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the entire project improvements. [M] OTHER M Easements M Encroachments M- - - q�eelteati�rrs S:IENGRIADDRESS_FILESWIphaTine_St-501PRE20150003-Bldg 10.docx Page 5 of 9 Revised 611110 GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL MATERIALS AND WORK SHOWN ON THESE PLANS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS STANDARD PLANS AND DETAILS, THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS AND CODES, AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL MUNICIPAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS: - CURRENT TERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) - 2010 WSDO APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTI - WASHINGTON TATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY STORMWATERNiNAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SO BASIN (CURRENT EDITION) / 2. STANDARD PLANXND TYPE NUMBERS INDICATED ON THESE,7AWINGS REFER TO CITY OF EDMONDS STANDA DETAILS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB,ffiITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 7 4. DEVIATIONS FROM THEn PLANS MUST BE API LOCAL GOVERNING AUTF TY. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL RECO ALL APPROVED "AS -BUILT" DRAWINGS AND S L SUMMARIZE REPRODUCIBLE DRAWINGS FOR UBMITTAL TO' ACCEPTANCE. A SET OF AS -BURL DRAWINGS S PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF T BUILDING/ ( THE ENGINEER OF RECORD AND THE 'IATIONS FROM THESE PLANS ON A SET OF AS -BUILT CONDITIONS ON ONE SET OF OWNER PRIOR PROJECT COMPLETION AND BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS 'ANCY/FINAL PROJECT APPROVAL. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET.SEE SURVEY FOR BENCHMARK INFORMATION. 7. THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITI AND SITE FEATURES SHOWN HEREON HAVE BEEN FURNISHED BY OTHERS BY/F D SURVEY OR OBTAINED FROM AVAILABLE RECORDS AND SHOULD THERE RE BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY AND NOT NECESSARILY COMPLETE. IT IS THE SOLE RE\DTH, LITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE ACCURACY OFITY LOCATIONS SHOWN AND TO FURTHER DISCOPROTECT ANY OTHER UTILITIES NOT SHOWN HEREON WHICH MAYTED BY THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIH, SIZE, TYPE AND CONDITION OF EXISTING UTILITY LINES AT CONNECTIO ' OR CROSSINBEFORE TRENCHING FOR NEW UTILITIES. ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESP NSIBILITY FOLETENESS OR ACCURACY OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES AND SI FEATURES PRETHESE DRAWINGS. ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY OF CONFLICTS THA 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL L CATE AND PROTECT ALL UTILIT S DURING CONSTRUCTION AND SHt CONTACT THE UNDERGROUND TILITIES LOCATION SERVICE (1-800-424-5555) LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONST UCTION. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AT THE PROJECT SITE BEFORE STARTING WORK AND SHALL NOTIFY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 10. PIPE LENGTHS WHERE SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY CHANGE DUE TO FIELD CONDITIONS. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT S;IENGRIADDRESS_FILESIAlpha\Pine_St-501PRE20150003-Bldg 10.docx Page 6 of 9 Revised 6/1/10 (WHERE APPLICABLE) AND SHALL THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE CONTENTS THEREOF. ALL SITE WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THIS REPORT. 12. STRUCTURAL FILL MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 13. MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, UTILITIES AND PAVEMENT SHALL BEAR ON MEDIUM DENSE TO VERY DENSE NATIVE SOIL OR COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL. IF SOIL IS DISTURBED, SOFT, LOOSE, WET OR IF ORGANIC MATERIAL IS PRESENT AT SUBGRADE ELEVATION, REMOVE AND REPLACE WITH COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FELL PER GEOTECHMCAL REPORT. 14. SEE SURVEY AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF BUILDINGS, LANDSCAPED AREA AND OTHER PROPOSED OR EXISTING SITE FEATURES. 15. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAININ S FOR PERIMETER FOUNDATION D S. FOUNDATION DRAINS SHALL BE IN EPENDENT OF OTHER SITE DRAIN S AND SHALL BE TIGHTLINED TO THE STO M DRAIN SYSTEM WHERE INDIC ED ON THE PLANS. 16. ALL REQUIRED STORMWATER FA ILITIES MUST BE CONSTRUCT D AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO INSTALLATIO OF ANY PAVEMENT UNLESS THERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 17. ALL ROOF DRAINS, PERIMETER FO DATION DRAINS, CAT BASINS AND OTHER EXTERNAL DRAINS SHALL BE C NNECTED TO THE S RM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAN FOR ALL PE TS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF ALL SITE IMPROVEMENXTS INDICATEP ON THESE DRAWINGS. 19. AS A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT, ALL DIS URBED AS ON AND OFF SITE SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE EQUIVALENT OF THEIR PRECONSTR CTIO CONDITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS AND STAND S. 20. ALL DISTURBED SOIL AREAS SHALL BE St METHODS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ON -SITE CONSTRUCTION. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLA REQUIREMENTS. z 21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP OFF -)WTI WASHING OF THESE STREETS WILL NOT BE ED OR STABILIZED BY OTHER ACCEPTABLE )SION AFTER THE COMPLETION OF FOR SPECIFIC GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL 22. THIS PROJECT IS NOT A BALANCyD EARTHWOI AND IMPORT OF SOIL AND ROCK MATERIALS ARE 23. SLOPE OF FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE CONST. ELEVATIONS SHOWN. CLEAN AT ALL TIMES BY SWEEPING. WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. PROJECT. BOTH EXPORT BETWEEN FINISHED CONTOURS OR SPOT 24. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING WALLS AT MINIMUM 5% SLOPE FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 10 FEET. 25. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AND SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN SHORING AND BRACING AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT WORKERS, EXISTING BUILDINGS, STREETS, WALKWAYS, UTILITIES AND OTHER EXISTING AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND EXCAVATIONS AGAINST S:IENGRIADDRESS_f ILES1AlphalPine_St-501PRE20150003-Bldg 10.docx Page 7 of 9 Revised 6/l/10 LOSS OF GROUND OR CAVING EMBANKMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OF SHORING AND BRACING, AS REQUIRED. 26. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY AND FOLLOW CITY PROCEDURES FOR ALL WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS, HYDRANT SHUTOFFS, STREET CLOSURES OR OTHER ACCESS RESTRICTIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT RELOCATE OR ELIMINATE ANY HYDRANTS WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE FIRE MARSHAL. 27. COORDINATE AND Ak%A.NGE FOR ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS, UTILITY RELOCATIONS AND/OR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS WI HE AFFECTED OWNERS AND APPROP E UTILITY COMPANIES. CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTIL S SHALL BE MADE ONLY WITH7'11ANCE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE AUTHORITIES GO NING SAID UTILITIES. 28. EXISTING UTILITY LINES IN SERVICE ARE DAMAGED E TO CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE REPAIRED A ONTRACTOR' XPENSE AND INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED BY CITY OF EDMOND ND O 'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. 29. NEW UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE GENERALLY B IMENSION, WHERE NO DIMENSIONS ARE INDICATED, LOCATIONS MAY BE SCALED F�R=D S. FIELD ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND CITY. 30. WHERE NEW PIPE CLEARS AN EXISTING OR NE UTILITY BY 6" O LESS, PLACE POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC FOAM AS A C ON BETWEEN THE UTILITIES. 31. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS (WHET E, PPLICABLE) FOR CONTINUATION OF SITE UTILITIES WITHIN THE BUILDING. / 32. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS (WHQkE APPLICABLE) FOR EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL WORK. 33. SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS (WHERE APPLICABLE) FOR SITE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. S:IENGRIADDRESS_FILES%AIpha\Pine_St-501PRE20150003-Bldg 10.docx Page 8 of Revised 6/1/10 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTES 1. SCHEDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCITON MEETING WITH CITY ENGINEERING DIVISION AT 425-771-0220, EXT. 1326. 2. REVIEW ESC NOTES. 3. CALL FOR UTILITY LOC TES. 4. INSTALL ESC MEASURE AND MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL. 5. HAVE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES INSPECTED BY CITY OF EDMONDS CITY ENGINEERING INSPE TOR. (ALL TEMPORARY SEDIMEN ATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE IN PLACE AND INSPECTED PRIOR T0,ANY CONSTRUCTION OR SITE CLEARING. EROSION AND SEDIMENTA71VON CONTROL PRACTICES" RACTICES D/OR DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHEI 6. ROUGH GRADE SITE AS 7. DEMOLISH EXISTING 8. CLEAR, GRUB & ROUGH ( DISTURBED AREAS NOT SU IMMEDIATELY AFTER ROU, STABILIZED PER EROSION,( TO INSTAXIL DRAINAGE FEATURES. �EMAINDER OF SITE. REVEGETATE O ADDITIONAL SURFACE DISTURBANCE DING. (OTHER EXPOSED AREAS SHALL BE L NOTES BELOW) 9. INSTALL UTILITIESAAND OTHER SITE IMPROVEMENTS. 13. STABILIZE AND REVEGETATE ENTIRE SITE. 14. ESTAB ASH LANDSCAPING VAND PERMANENT VEGETATION. EROSION CONTROL FEATURES CAN BE REMOVED UPON FINAL SITE STABILIZATION AND APPROVAL BY CITY INSPECTOR. S:IENGRIADDRESS_PILES1AlphalPine_St501PRE20150003-Bldg 10.docx Page 9 oF9 Revised 6/1/10 Ef 0 STAFF NOTICE & PLAN ATTACHMENTS Date: May 13, 2015 To: Building ❑ Eng ❑ Pln ❑ Fire ❑ F+sh4af--❑ Leif ❑ Shane❑ From: Jana MEETING DATE: Thursday March 28, 2015 MEETING TIME: 1:30 p.m. CONTACT: Aidan Bird 206 587-3797 SITE LOCATION: 50 Pine Street PROJECT: Build 10 — Point Edwards Pre-A2015.0003 StUtc� 10 {�1 S � W i_4 -m1:ItA-- A & rvIto j Attached are the plans for the meeting scheduled above. mi-sive4- bunl tfs evi shetref4il City of Edmonds DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT