Ratchford 11-7-07.pdf
November 7, 2007
James Ratchford
7815 175 St. S.W.
Edmonds, WA 98026
Case: # ZE-07-287 (2007-0099)
Subject Property: 7815 175 St. S.W., Edmonds, WA. 98026
Dear Mr. Ratchford,
The City has received a complaint regarding a deck built into your eastern side setback without a permit.
The City could not locate any permit for the added deck in our records.
The subject property is in the RS-12 Zone which requires a 10 foot side yard setback. An inspection was
made and it appears that the deck does not meet the required 10 foot side yard setback.
Corrective actions required:
Please contact me at your earliest convenience by November, 15 2007 to confirm receipt of this
information and to review the following corrective actions.
If you have any records showing that the deck was approved and permitted as is, please forward
those at your earliest convenience.
Please submit a complete application and fees for a building permit for the deck by December 5,
2007. If a variance is required, and you choose to apply, a complete variance application would
also be required by December 5, 2007.
If you choose to reduce the deck to meet the side yard setback, a building permit is still required.
Please note that Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 16.20.040.C addresses porches and
decks as follows: Porches and Decks. Uncovered and unenclosed porches, steps, patios, and decks may
project into a required setback not more than one-third of the required setback, or four feet, whichever is
provided, that they are no more than 30 inches above ground level at any point.
less; However, the
deck, as currently built, is more than 30 inches above the ground.
The Planning Division can answer questions regarding setbacks and variances. A Permit Coordinator will
accept your application. Please call me if you have any questions regarding this letter. Thank you in
advance for your cooperation and assistance.
Mike Thies
Code Enforcement Inspector
cc.J. Graf, Building Official
Handouts Variance, Site Development Standards, Deck permit submittal requirements