Reconsideration PLN-2006-0116.pdf4'11c. is OV CITY OF EDMONI)S 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH ® Edmonds, WA 98020 a (425) 771-0220 d FAX (425) 771.0221 HEARING EXAMINER APPLICAANT: 1 i= I on 13 no I IN 11 Cor Dennis Walcker V-06-116 742 Daley Street GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR 1. On November 29, 2006, Finis Tupper, party of record, submitted a timely request for reconsideration of the Examiner's decision on the subject application (See Reconsideration Exhibit A). 2. Staff forwarded the request for reconsideration, with a cover memo to the Hearing Examiner on December 1, 2006 (Reconsideration Exhibit B). 3. The reconsideration request raises the following issues: a. Typographical Error under Major Issues (see Reconsideration Exhibit A): The staff and hearing examiner reports both _included a typographical _error, which referred to ECDC 20.40, 80 and 90. The correct citation is ECDC 23.40, 80 and 90 (Environmentally Critical Areas General Provisions, Geologically Hazardous Areas, and Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas). He requested that a correction be made. Hearing Examiner Response: The typographical error is acknowledged and ECDC 23.40, 23.80 and 23.90 are the correct citations. The staff and hearing examiner reports both included the correct language, but both cited ECDC 20 instead of ECDC 23. Incorporated A mp ist I I, 1890 Hearing Exaraxaer Reconsideration Decision Case No.: VAR 06-116 Page 2 b. Incomplete Record and Historical Facts (see Reconsideration Exhibits A and B): These two issues are closely related and will be addressed together. Mr. Tupper's email, dated 10/25/06, was not referred to in the hearing examiner's report. His letter included documentation of an 8/16/99 easement Between lot 10 and lot -9 adjacent -to the alley. He alleged the -easement would -create a 19.5' wide access for ingress/egress to the Walcker property. He argued that the current lack of access from the alley, based on width of the existing alley at the property line, is a self- created hardship due to the actions of the current owner. Staff Response (see Reconsideration Exhibit B): Mr. Tupper's letter was emailed to the hearing examiner on October 26, 2006. The -original -easement discussed -by Mr. Tupper -only benefited the adjacent -lot and did not reciprocally provide an easement to the Walcker property. Whether a reciprocal easement exists has not been shown by anyone. Hearing -Examiner Response: The hearing examiner did not receive the 10/25/06 email from Mr. Tupper until 12/4/06 when he requested a copy from staff after reviewing Mr. Tupper's reconsideration request and the staff cover memo. Staff apparently emailed it on 10/26/06, -but the hearing examiner has -no -record of-reeeiving -it -at -that time. After reviewing Mr. Tupper's 10/25/06 email, with the attached easement information, the hearing examiner concurs with the staff response noted above. No information -has-been submitted into the record that shows the -lack of access from the -alley -is due to actions of -the -applicant. c. Critical Areas Com lip ance (see Reconsideration Exhibit A). 1) The intent of the critical areas ordinance is to not -reduce the buffer below -50% of -the required .buffer. Hearing Examiner Response: The hearing examiner is -not sure which section -of -the -code Mr. Tupper is referring to: 2) The driveway from Daley Street creates the need for the greater buffer reduction from -Shell Creek. Hearing Examiner Response That is one of the reasons for the application for a variance. Hearing Examiner Reconsideration Decision Case No.: VAR 06-116 Page 3 3) Accesstothe single-family residence from the alley would minimize encroachment on Shell Creek and preserve critical area habitat. Mr. Walcker's releasing of the alley easement to Eaglewood Homes just prior to application for the variance is a personal action taken to prevent access from the alley. Hearing Examiner Response: This issue has been discussed in other areas of this report. No evidence has been entered into the record to show that the applicant -has given up access to the alley. 4) There are sightings of endangered, threatened and sensitive species on this property. Staff Response (see Reconsideration Exhibit B): Perching trees for bald eagles are not protected. This site does not contain a nesting tree for a bald eagle. -Hearing Examiner Response: The hearing examiner concurs with the staff statement noted above. Furthermore, a technical memorandum submitted by Landau Associates, dated 11/6/06 (Exhibit J of the -Examiner's original report) concluded that wildlife habitat functions are expected -to be improved due -to the -proposed -buffer enhancement, which will increase density, structure, and diversity of vegetation over the existing conditions on the site. No substantive information was submitted to show otherwise. 6) ECDC 23.90.40(C) requires 30% retention of native vegetation on undeveloped property. Staff Response (see Reconsideration Exhibit B). The 30% vegetation retention applies only to lots in the RS -12 -or RS 20 zone, and this lot is in the RS -6 zone. Hearing Examiner Reponse: The hearing examiner_concurs with -the staff response noted -above. 6) ECDC 23.90.40(D)1 requires critical areas review and stream classification by a qualified biologist. Shannon Moore of Landau Associates, writer of the buffer mitigation plan, is -a Senior Project Scientist. Her qualifications -are not included in the report _and the report. The .report _does _describe the -best -available science used to determine proper stream classification and substantiates the decision. Hearing Examiner Reconsideration Decision Case No.: VAR 06-116 -Page 4 Hearing Examiner Response: Shannon Moore is a Senior Project Scientist with Landau Associates, which is a qualified technical consultant on the city's approved list. City staff reviewed and approved her report and no evidence -was submitted which would question her qualifications. 7). Previous staff reports prior to new code section classified Shell Creek as Category 2 with Salmonids. Hearing Examiner Response: This statement is acknowledged. A Compliance with Requirements for A Reasonable Use (See Reconsideration Exhibit A): The previous owner of the property recorded an easement to provide adequate -ingress/egress from the alley to -the -southwest -corner of -this undeveloped -site. On August 26, 2006, Waleker-and Eaglewaod Homes entered into _an_agreemcnt to release this easement leaving only a 7.5 -foot access to the subject property. Accessing the home from Daley Street causes a considerable loss of native vegetation. Access from the alley would -lessen the -impact on the steep slopes. Staff Response .(see Reconsideration Exhibit B): The original easement discussed by Mr. Tupper only benefited the adjacent lot and did not reciprocally provide an easement -to -the Walcker property. Whether a -reciprocal easement exists -has not been shown by anyone. Hearing Examiner Response: The hearing -examiner concurs -with -the -staff response above, and notes that the request was reviewed by the Fire Department, Public Works Department, Planning Division, Parks and Recreation Department, and Engineering Division before staff recommended approval of the applicant's request on 10/13/06 (see Exhibit A of the Examiner's original decision). 5. Mr. Tupper -made similar arguments in his request for reconsideration and his accompanying letter as he did at the public hearing. The Examiner considered those arguments when the decision was being prepared. 6. Afterconsideringthe request for -reconsideration, and after re=reviewing the -original -file on this application, the Examiner reconfirms his decision on the subject application. Hearing Examiner Reconsideration Decision Case No.: VAR 06-116 -Page 5 RECONSIDERATION DECISION: Based -upon -the foregoing, the November 28, 2006 Hearing Examiner decision on -the subject -case remains unchanged, except the -typographical error on Page 1 of that decision is acknowledged and ECDC 20.40, 80 and 90 cited in the report are changed to read ECDC 23.40, 80 and 90. Entered this 6th day of December 2006 -pursuant to the authority -granted the Hearings Examiner under .Chapter 20.100 -of the Community Development -Code of the .City of Edmonds. Ron McConnell, AICP Hearing Examiner APPEAL: The following is a summary of the deadlines and procedures for filing an appeal. Any person wishing -to file -an appeal -should contact -the Planning Department for further -procedural information. Section 20.105.020.A & B describe how appeals of a Hearing Examiner decision or recommendation shall be made. The appeal shall be made in writing, and shall include the decision -being appealed along with the name of the -project and the date of the decision, -the name of the individual or group appealing the decision, their interest in the matter, and reasons why the appellant believes the decision to be wrong. The appeal must be filed with the Community Development Director within ten (10) working days after the date of the decision being appealed. TIME LIMITS FOR RECONSIDERATION AND APPEAL: The time limits for Reconsideration and Appeals run concurrently. If a request for reconsideration is filed before the time -limit for filing an appeal has expired, -the time clock for filing an appeal -is stopped until a decision -on -the -reconsideration -request is -completed. Once the Hearing Examiner has issued his decision on the reconsideration request, the time clock for filing an appeal continues from the point it was stopped. For example, if a reconsideration request is filed on day 5 of the appeal period, an individual would have 9 more days in which to file an appeal after the Hearing Examiner issues -his decision on the reconsideration request. LAPSE OF APPROVAL: Section states 'Unless the owner obtains a building permit, or if no building is required, substantially commences the use allowed within one year from the date of approval, Hearing Examiner Reconsideration Decision Case No.: VAR 06-116 Page 6 the -conditional -use .permit shall expire and be -null and void, unless the -owner files an application for an extension of the time before the expiration date.' NOTICE TO COUNTY ASSESSOR: The property owner may as a result of the decision rendered by the Hearing Examiner request a change in the valuation of the property by the Snohomish County Assessors Office. The property owner may as a result of the decision rendered by the Hearing Examiner request a change in the valuation of the property by the Snohomish County Assessors Office. RECONSIDERAT_I-ON EXHIBTI'S: The following reconsideration exhibits were offered and entered into the record. A. Reconsideration Request from Finis Tupper, dated 10/26/06 B. Memo from Meg Gruwell, dated 12/1/06 -C. Email from Finis Tupper, dated 10/25/06, with attached easement -information PARTIES of RECORD: Dennis Walcker Sacha Maxwell and Shannon Moore P. -O. Box -996 Landau Associates Lynnwood, WA 98046 13.0 2nd Ave..S Edmonds, WA 98020 Greg & Cindy Olson Kirsten Hayford 725 Sprague Street 727 -Sprague -Street Edmonds, WA 98020 Edmonds, WA 98020 Roger Hertrich Finis Tupper 1020 Puget Drive 711 Daley Street Edmonds, WA 98020 Edmonds, WA 98020 Sandy Zickuher Dave Arnim 721 Sprague Street 755 Daley Street Edmonds, WA 98020 Edmonds, WA 98020 Planning Division Engineering Division Public Works Director AM Crry OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 ° FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: wwwdedmonds.wams DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning ® Building ® Engineering December 1, 2006 To: Mr, Ron McConnell, FAICP Hearing Examiner Fax: (425) 452-9363 From: Ms. Meg Gruwell, AICP Senior Planner Subject: File V-06-116 Dennis Walcker Variance GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR Transmitting: Request for Reconsideration from Finis Tupper, Dated November 29, 2006 Comment: This is a timely request for reconsideration. Regarding the content: • 1 show that I e-mailed his letter to you on October 26th, Let me know if you don't have it. ® The original easement discussed only benefited the adjacent lot and did not reciprocally provide an easement to the Walcker property. Whether a reciprocal easement exists has not been shown by anyone. ® Perching trees for bald eagles are not protected. This site does not contain a nesting tree, nor is it within 800 feet of a nesting tree for a bald eagle. ® The 30% vegetation retention applies only to lots in the RS -12 or RS -20 zone, and this is in the RS -6 zone. Please provide your written response within 5 working days. If you have any questions please call me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1330. [ncorporcate d flragust 11, 1890 November 29, 2006 Ron McConnell, FAICP Hearing Examiner City of Edmonds 1215"' Ave. N. Edmonds WA 98020 RE: REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION V-06-116 Dennis Walcker, Applicant 742 Daley St., Edmonds WA 98020 Dear Mr. McConnell: Pursuant to ECDC 20.100.010 (G), I present the following specific references to your findings and approval for the Critical Areas Variance and Reasonable Use Exception for your reconsideration. The findings, conclusions and decision are a verbatim copy of the staff report. There is no response to any of the Hearing Comments and Exhibits or any explanation, why the decision complies with the legal requirements of the ECDC. Example Findings, Major Issues: compliance with ECDC 20.40 (Rezones) ECDC 20.80 (Text & Map changes) ECDC 20.90 (Application process). This typographical error is part of the staff report. Clearly, this demonstrates the staff report was copied without reference to the code. This should read ECDC 23.40, ECDC 23.80 and ECDC 23.90. I request the findings be amended and this correction be made. Introduction After reviewing the findings including correspondence and exhibits sections, I find you have either chosen to omit or the staff failed to provide you with my letter of October 25,2006. The record is incomplete. Not all documents and letters are included in the findings. This letter to the Hearing Examiner including documentation of an 8/16/1999 Easement between Lot 10 & Lot 9 adjacent to the alley creating 19.5' wide access for ingress/egress to the Walcker property and a copy of the 8/29/2006 Release of the same Easement by Dennis Walcker to Eaglewood Homes. Nowhere in your findings, facts and conclusions (including Exhibit list) are the letter, testimony and documents noted or referenced. The Applicant in response to my letter provided these same documents to the record (Exhibit I with 3 attachments) His letter is noted in Exhibit list but no description of the legal property documents recording the easements and the release of the easements. Misconstruing the fact of the 12 x 14 -foot easement to the subject property as a turn- around is blatant misrepresentation of the history of the property. Not incorporating this fact under (Ala) Introduction, History, Facts:) with a new conclusion is inappropriate. The code requires the Hearing Examiner's explanation and evidentiary support of the decision. See ECDC 200.100.010 (E). In these findings, conclusions, and decision there is no original work of the Hearing Examiner. HISTORICAL FACTS: The City of Edmonds vacated a portion of the between Daley & Sprague Streets and 7t" and 8"' Ave. N. by Ordinance 2364, effective date May 9, 1983. The Edmonds City Council approval of the street vacation was based on following: "WHEREAS, ...the City Council finds that there will be no significant adverse environmental impacts, and WHEREAS, ...said property dedicated for street purposes should be vacated subject to the grant of certain easements to the City by the abutting property owners, and, WHEREAS, the abutting property owners have tendered the grant of such easements as compensation for the area to be vacated..." Prior to selling the adjacent western portion of the property including Lot 10, Paul & Charlotte Bushue recorded an easement granting ingress and egress over the west 12 feet, of the north 1/2 of the vacated alley abutting Lot 10, Block 84, Plat City of Edmonds Vol. 2, page 39, Records of Snohomish County WA. On August 29, 2006, Walcker declared, conveyed and quit claimed to Eaglewood Homes the above easement creating only 7.5 -ft access to his property. With the easement, alley access to the property is 19.5 foot travel lane within the right-of- way more than the required minimum of 12 -foot travel lane. Conclusion: No access from the alley base on width of the existing alley at the property line is a self-created hardship due to the actions of the current owner and not the City of Edmonds. CRITICAL AREAS COMPLIANCE: A. The intent of the critical areas ordinance is to not reduce the buffer below 50 percent of the required buffer. B. The driveway from Daley Street creates the need for the greater buffer reduction from Shell Creek. C. Access to the single-family residence from the alley would minimize encroachment on Shell Creek and preserve critical area habitat. Mr. Walcker's releasing of the alley easement to Eaglewood Homes just prior to application of the variance is a personal action taken to prevent access from the alley. N D. There are sightings of Endangered, Threatened and Sensitive Species on this property. ECDC 23.90.040 Development standards — Specific Habitats A. Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive Species. 3. Bald eagle habitat shall be protected pursuant to the Washington State bald eagle protection rules (WAC 232-12-292). On many occasions in the summer time I have witness bald eagles using the large Douglas Fir located next to fish ladder and above the stream. These are the same eagles that nest in Hutt Park and travel daily between that location and Unocal Dock at Marina Beach Park. Construction of proposed driveway off Daley St. would require the removal of this tree. - - E. ECDC 23.90.40(C) requires 30 percent retention of native vegetation on undeveloped property. Most of the mature trees on the west of Shell Creek will be logged. This standard is not being met. F. ECDC 23.90.40 (D) 1 requires critical areas review and steam classification by a qualified biologist. Shannon Moore, of Landau Associates, writer of the Buffer mitigation plan, title is Senior Project Scientist. Her credentials and qualifications are not included in the report. The report does describe the best available science used to determine proper stream classification and substantiate the decision. G. Previous staff reports prior to new code section classified Shell Creek as Category 2 with Salmonoids. ECDC 20.15B.060 (A) 4. [repealed by Ord. 3.5271 Conclusion: ECDC 23.90 Site development standards have not been met. COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS FOR A REASONABLE USE. Fact: The applicant is required to prove all criteria in ECDC 23.40.210 (A) 2, (B) & ECDC 20.85 are satisfied. c. The proposed impact to the critical area is the minimum necessary to all for reasonable economic use of the property; d. The inability of the applicant to derive reasonable economic use of the property is not the result of actions by the applicant after the effective date of the ordinance codifed in this title or its predecessor. (4) Not Required as a Result of the Applicant: The applicant is responsible for the release of easement, this was done after the adoption of the critical areas ordinance. ECDC 23.40 [Ord. 3527§ 2, 2004] Conclusion: The previous owner of the property recorded an easement to provide adequate ingress/egress from the alley to the southwest corner of this undeveloped site. On August 26, 2006, Walcker and Eaglewood Homes entered into an agreement to release this easement leaving only 7.5 -ft right-of-way access. Access from the alley would have less impact on the environmentally protected critical areas. The proposal does not minimize the net loss of critical areas. Accessing the home from Daley St. causes a considerable amount of loss native vegetation including older trees. Access from the alley would lessen the impact on the steep slopes by eliminating the need for the rockery and driveway located inside the required buffer zone. The applicant is unable to satisfy all the criteria, the 7.5 -ft access width off the alley is the direct result of his actions. Therefore, the disturbance and encroachment upon Shell Creek shall be minimized by requiring the applicant to access from the alley between Daley & Sprague Sts. and east of 7'h Ave. N. If the staff failed to provide you a copy of my letter, I would suggest you ask them for it. Also I would point out most Hearing Examiner's require the testimony be sworn. I don't remember you requiring an oath of any of the hearing witnesses. The documentation and testimony of the applicant and his representatives in support of this application not including or acknowledging the Release of Easement is perjury. Yours truly, Finis Tupper 711 Daley St. Edmonds WA 98020