Remax Bond Corrections.doc July 30, 2009 Cyber Properties, LLC th 21097 64 Ave W #200 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98048 SUBJECT: Site Improvement Maintenance Bond, Remax Building To Whom It May Concern: The City of Edmonds, Engineering Division, has performed the required two-year maintenance inspection of the site improvements for the Remax Building. In order for the Site Improvement Maintenance Bond to be released the following corrections must be made: th 1. There are three areas of failed concrete. They are all in the area of the intersection at 76 th Ave W and 220 St SW. I have enclosed pictures of each of the areas. The City will be th overlaying 220 St SW beginning the first week in September. The City usually requires a 2ft asphalt sawcut where pouring concrete in the right of way but this requirement will be st waived if the work is completed prior to September 1. If the work is done after the overlay is complete, a2ft sawcut will be requiredAND therewill be5x cut fee charge* for the cut into the newly overlayed street(* for a 2ft x . 5ft cut fees would be close to $700 if in new asphalt). Photo 1 : This is a small square of concrete up against a catch basin. It will need to be removed and replaced from expansion joint to expansion joint. This will include the corresponding small section of curb. Replacement must be a monopour of curb and gutter. Photo 2 : This section is at the upper back edge of the sidewalk. As there is no vehicle travel in this area to further damage this portion, the City is willing to let this one slide and require no repair here. Photo 3 : The crack here in the gutter is in a section that does get a lot of vehicle travel so it will need to be repaired. Though our policy is to have panels replaced as a whole, in this case it would be acceptable to replace the portion directly in front of the yellow tactile warning pad. On photo 3b I have highlighted the area that would need to be replaced. The new panel’s expansion joints would line up with the expansion joints of the existing tactile pad. 2. Cyber Properties will also need to submit the complete notarized paperwork to grant the City of Edmonds an access easement to the sewer clean out. Tim Herdt and Pat Reagen discussed granting this easement in lieu of bringing the clean out from it’s current location, approx. 15 - 20+ ft inside the property line to the required location in the right of way. I am enclosing the last correspondence from our office regarding this easement. We did not receive a response. I have attached the access agreement that was originally sent to us with a couple of changes required by our director and our attorney (corrected numbering, added a sentence to #2, and a new #3 paragraph). To resolve the sewer clean out issue, one of the following must be accomplished: 1) provide cleanout on the right of way side of the property line as required by City of Edmonds Public Works Department. - Or - 2) Sign and notarize the enclosed agreement, provide Exhibit A (legal description) and Exhibit B (side sewer asbuilt). All documents must be “recording ready” (see enclosed instruction sheet for Snohomish County recording documents). The fees for recording are $62 for the first page and $1 for each subsequent page so the cost for this document is $66 assuming exhibits are one page in length. Please include payment of this fee with submittal. Please call the Engineering Inspection line at 425-771-0220, ext. 1326 to request a final inspection once the repairs to the curb and gutter are complete. The City will allow for release of your maintenance bond when; 1) Replacement of the two sections of curb and gutter are replaced and approved by our Engineering Inspector. 2) When signed and notarized easement agreement with appropriate exhibits are received with recording payment and approved as “ready to record”. Please feel free to call me with any questions you may have at 425-771-0220, ext. 1324. Thank you, JoAnne Zulauf Engineering Technician cc: Permit/Bond File enc: photos, easement agreement, recording handout