Request for more information 100708.pdfIn C. 18°1u
October 7, 2008
121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 773-0221
Website: www dedmondsma,us
Planning • Building • Engineering
Marc Creller
Harborgate Condominium Association
611 N 50'h St., Suite 10
Seattle, WA 98103
Subject: Tree removal at Harborgate Condominiums, ADB -08-57
Dear Mr. Creller:
Your application for the removal and replacement of two trees at the Harborgate Condominiums
is under review; however, more information is needed to continue processing your application.
Please provide the following information so review can continue:
I . Revised Landscape Plan. The landscape plan submitted with the application is
essentially the approved landscape plan from the original Architectural Design Board
(ADB) approval for the condominium from 1989, ADB -41-89, with minor modifications
describing the current landscaping around where the sycamore trees are located. The
sycamore trees planned for removal have been identified, but the location of where the
replacement trees will be planted has not been identified. Please revise the landscape
plan and identify the location where the replacement trees will be planted.
2. Replacement trees. The application has proposed replacing the the sycamore trees with
Japanese maples. While conducting site visits of the property, it was noted that the
landscape around the Harborgate Condominiums does not match the landscape plan
approved by the ADB under ADB -41-89. There is generally landscaping in the same
areas as identified on the landscape plan, but not necessarily of the same species on the
approved landscape plan. For instance, the original landscape plan indicated quaking
aspen in the location where the sycamore trees are located.
I have gone back and read the minutes and approval of the landscape plan from the ADB
and there was considerable discussion about the height of trees being planted as part of
the landscape plan. Quaking aspens, as proposed on the original landscape plan, can
grow to reach heights up to 60 feet. The sycamore tree located on the site can reach 30 to
80 feet in height. The application proposes to replace the sycamore trees with Japanese
maples, which depending on the species are generally smaller trees which are slow
• Incorporated August 11, 1890 •
Sister City - Hekinan, Japan
growing to approximately 20 feet in height. Given that the height of the trees were taken
into consideration for approval of the original landscape plan, the replacement trees
should be approximately the same height of those approved on the original landscape
Attached is a table of tree species taken from the City .of Edmonds Streetscape Plan.
Trees in the medium/large categories (either narrow or spreading) would be appropriate
replacement trees as they are approximately the same height as the quaking aspen
approved in the original plan and the sycamore trees that were ultimately planted. Please
either chose a species from this list, or an alternate species of approximately the same
3. Right-of-way. The Engineering Division has noted that some of the uplifted paved areas
may be within the public right-of-way of the alley. Be advised that, if any repairs to the
pavement are needed within the right-of-way, then a separate right-of-way construction
permit would be required.
Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions, 425-771.-0220 x1223.
TSi rely,
e;men Lien
Associate Planner
City of Edmonds
Encl: City of Edmonds Street Tree List
Cc: Application file
Unless otherwise indicated the adjacent property owner is responsible for maintenance of street trees and
any owner/resident installed irrigation system for those trees.
The City may need to explore various sources of funding to supplement the current maintenance budget,
such as formation of a Local Improvement District (L.I.D.), or other supplemental funding source_
Regulatory Linkages
The Street Tree Plan should be coordinated with existing plans and codes and the current design review
Street tree selections shall be taken from this list unless otherwise approved by the City of Edmonds. List
subject to amendment in the future.
Recommended Street Trees
Small, Spreading Trees (<25'ht)
Botanical name/Common name
Height (ft.) Spread (ft.) Flowers/Fruit/Fall
Acer latanoides'Globosum'IGlobe Ma le
20' 18' -yellow Graft at 6' on Acer. 2. understock
Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Johnson'/Leprechaun Ash
18' 16' - yellow Limited availability.
Acer ginnala 'Flame'/Amur Ma le
20' 20' yellow red Select for single stein, flowers fragrant_
Small, Narrow Trees (<25'ht)
Botanical name/Common name
Height (ft.) Spread (ft.) Flowers/Fruit/Fall
Prunus serrulata 'Amanagawa'/Amanagawa Cherry
20'-25' 6-8' light pink bronze Fragrant flowers, Lirnited
availability in adequate size.
Small l Medium, Spreading Trees (25-35' ht)
Botanical name/Common name Height ft) Spread (ft.) Flowers/Fruit/Fall
Tilia cordata 'De Groot'/De Groot Linden 30' 20' yellow Limited availability.
Acer truncatum xAplatanoidesl'Warrens Red' 30' 25' yellow yellow. orange -red Limited availability,
Pacific Sunset
Small / Medium, Narrow Trees (25-35' ht)
Botanical name/Common name
Height (ft.) Spread (ft.)/Flowers/Fruit/Fall
Carpinus betulus 'Columnants'ICol umnar European
30-35' 15-20' - - Narrower than 'Fastigiata', and with
strong central trunk_ Limited availability in adequate size.
Pyrus calleryana'Capitai'/Capital Pear.
35' 12' white/1/2" diam. red. purple
Medium / Large, Spreading Trees (35-50' ht)
Botanical name/Common name Height (ft.) Spread (ft.)/Flowers/Fru"all
Acer rubrum ' ick'/Karpick Maple
35-50' 20' elloworange
Acer rubrum ' Scarsen'/Scarlet Sentinel Maple
40' 20' - yelloworange
Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset'/Red Sunset Maple
45' 35' - red/orangered
Acer rubrum 'October Glory'/October Glory Maple
40' 35' -deep redlred-purple
Acer pseudoplatanus 'Atropurpureum'/Spathii
40' 30' - - Foliage green with purple underside.
Carpinus betulus'Fastigiata'/Pyramidal European
35' 25' - yellow Locate only in SF residential areas and in
medians as approved by City.
Fraxinus oxycarpa ' ood'/Raywood Ash
35' 25' — reddish purple
Fraxinus nnsylvanica 'Surnmit'/Summit. Ash
45' 25' - yellow
Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Marshalls
Seedless'/Marshall Ash
50' 40' -yellow
Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Urbanite'/Urbanite Ash
50' 40' -bronze
Gleditsia triacanthos ' S hne'ISkyline Locust
45' 35' - golden
Tiha cordata 'Greenspire'/GreenspireLinden
40 3Q' -yellow
Medium I Large, Narrow Trees (35-50' ht)
Botanical name/Common name
Height (ft.) Spread (ft.)/Flowers/Fruit/Fall
Acer platanoides 'Columnare'/Columnar Norway
35' 15' -yellow Dense foliage_
Acer rubrum 'Bowhall'Bowhall Maple
40' 15' - orange -red
Acer rubrum 'Armstrong'/Armstrong Maple
45' 10-15' - red yellow Sometimes poor fall color.
Ginkgo bilob a 'Princeton Sentry'/'P-S. Maidenhair
40' 15' -yellow Limited availability.
Pyrus calleryana 'Glens Form'IChanticleer Pear
40' 15' white/112" diarr red -purple Thornless.
Prunus sargentii 'Columnaris'/Columnar Sargent
35' 15' pink/red Limited availability, bronze young foliage.
Quercus robur 'Fastigiata'/Skyrocket Oak
45-50' 15' - / acorns -
Tilia cordata 'Corzam'/Corinthian Linden
45' 15' -yellow Limited availability.
Large, Spreading Trees (<50' ht)
Botanical name/Common name
Height (ft.) Spread (ft.)/Flowers/Fruit/Fall
Quercus rubra/Red Oak
50' 45'+ -/acorns rusty red
Cercidiphyllum japonicumlKatsura Tree
40-100' 40'+ - yellowscarlet Select single stem.
cercuspalustris 'Crownright'/Crownright Pin Oak
80' 40' /acorns ru orange -red
cercus ainelto 'Schmidt'/Forest Green Oak
50'+ 30'+ -/acorns yellowbrown
Ginko biloba 'Autumn Gold'/'A.G.' Maidenhair
45-120' 35'+ -yellow
Large, Narrow Trees (<50' ht)
Botanical name/Common name
Height (ft.) Spread (ft.)IFlowerslFruit/FaII
Liriodendron iulipfera 'Fastigiatum'/Columnar
50-70' 15-25' / pods greenyellow Limited availability;
Tulip Tree
pods are 2-3 "_
Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyckii'/Dawyk Purple Beech
45-70' 15-25' Deep purple foliage. Limited availability in
adequate size.
Nyssa sylvaticaffu to
70-90' 20' - a 'cat -red Select male.