Response - ENG AND STORM.pdfMiller Hayashi Architects LLc
118 N. 35th St.
Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98103
T 206 634 0177
millerhayashi. com
CHC Integrated Services Center
23320 Highway 99
Project #BLD2019-0884
Consolidated Correction Letter— Planning, Engineering/Storm Water
Stormwater Review. Zack Richardson. PE
Correction 1: Report: Update drainage report to focus on the impacts of this project; report generally
explains existing system but doesn't go into explain how this permit fits into the plan.
a. Please provide a table that separately lists the designed/modeled impervious
surfaces for previous phase, actual constructed impervious surfaces from last phase,
and new plus replaced impervious surfaces for this phase.
Response 1: Language has been added to sections 1.2, 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.3.7, and of the TIR;
and Table 1 has been added to the TIR. A similar table has been added to plan Sheet C4.10. These
additions elaborate on the new project, the new project areas, the sizing of the proposed
raingarden, and how the new impervious areas fit into the previously sized stormwater
management system.
Correction 2: Report: Update source control section to address refuse handling for the medical facility;
discuss/address location/cover of trash facilities and any anticipated chemical/bio medical storage (if any).
Response 2: Language has been added to section 2.3.3 of the TIR, further describing the
management of solid waste on the Site.
Correction 3: Report: Updated the MR #5 section to focus on the LID components and address the new
rain garden being proposed with this phase; including a sizing calculation for rain garden based on new
plus replaced impervious for this phase.
Response 3: Language has been added to sections 1.2, 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.3.7, and of the TIR;
and Table 1 has been added to the TIR. A similar table has been added to plan Sheet C4.10. These
additions elaborate on the new project, the new project areas, the sizing of the proposed
raingarden, and how the new impervious areas fit into the previously sized stormwater
management system.
Correction 4: Report: Update the MR #6 section to focus on this phase; state the total pollution
generating impervious surfaces proposed under this phase (which appears exempt from this requirement).
a. Assuming the roof is determined to be non -pollution generating, state the how the engineer
determined the roof to be non -pollution generating (metal surfaces treated for leaching,
mechanical/HVAC equipment including internal spill containment, etc.) and describe the
coordination effort with the project team to ensure this condition is maintained through
Response 4: Language has been added to section 2.3.6 of the TIR, and a letter of confirmation
from the general contractor has been added to Appendix B of the TIR.
Correction 5: Plans: Remove `preliminary" markings on drawings prior to approval.
Response 5: All "Preliminary" stamps have been removed.
Correction 6: C2.00: Update this sheet to show rain garden area and how to protect the rain garden area
a. If protecting the rain garden area from traffic during construction is not feasible, add additional
notes to over excavate and obtain geotechnical approval prior to placing and new material in
the rain garden area (looking for more than current note #9 and its referenced note).
Response 6: Notes 12 and 13 have been added to sheet C2.00 to address the issue of over -
excavating the raingarden and requiring geotechnical engineer approval.
Correction 7: C2.00: Include notes directing contractor that all disturbed pervious areas shall receive
amended soils per BMP T5.13; and include details (SD-642) or specification sufficient enough for
contractor to install soils meeting requirement.
Response 7: Note 11 has been added to sheet C2.00 to include this requirement.
Correction 8: C4.10: Remove the under drain from the rain garden.
Response 8: Removed as requested.
Correction 9: C4.10: It appears YD 21S results in less than 1' of cover; adjust elevations as needed.
Response 9: Yes, the cover is less than 1-foot. As such, the design includes DI pipe for this short
length, and the location should not present a problem because the pipe is beneath a concrete
paved sidewalk.
Correction 10: C4.10: Clean-up contours on west side of building and ensure existing and proposed
contours either connect or run into a wall; it is unclear if the rain garden bottom includes this area or if the
current grading can reasonably interact with the sidewalk as built.
a. Existing contour -labels also lead to some confusion; suggest moving or reformatting existing
contour callouts.
Response 10: The contours have been cleaned up, and spot elevations have been added.
Correction 11: C4.10: Identify/call-out/legend the symbol which shows a small square with interior dark
circle (3 around north-east corner; believed to be cleanouts).
Response 11: A callout with "(TYP)" has been added.
Engineering Review, JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician
Correction 1: The lightweight pen on these plans is too light, please adjust so printed plans are easily
Response 1: The grayscale lines have been darkened.
Correction 2: Provide an itemized engineers cost estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of-way)
improvements, including traffic control and all utility installations. Use the King County Bond Quantity
Worksheet (available on the county website) and utilize "write-in" sections where appropriate.
a. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off -site
b. A 3.3% inspection fee is calculated for the project based on 100% of the City approved
estimate for the entire project improvements.
Response 2: Refer to attached cost estimate for on -site and off -site improvements using the King
County Bond Quantity Worksheet.
Correction 3: Please add a note to plans stating A separate right-of-way construction permit is required
for all work within the city right-of-way" Please note, a ROW permit application with contractor's signature
shall be provided to the city prior to issuance of civil construction plans.
Response 3: ROW permit application will be submitted prior to issuance of civil construction
plans. Refer to C0.10 for note.
Correction 4: Please provide a written response from the geotech that the civil plans are consistent with
the geotech report.
Response 4: See attached letter from Geotech, confirming the drawings were reviewed and are
consistent with the original geotech report.
Correction 5: Olympic View Water and Sewer District shall have their own approval block on pages
specific to their review and approval. The applicant will be required to obtain OVWSD project approval
prior to final approval of the civil plans by the City.
Response 5: A note has been added to sheet C4.10, to clarify that water and sewer improvements
information shown on this sheet are informational only, and that the reader (contractor) should
see sheet C6.00 which is currently under review by OVWSD.
Correction 6: Add Olympic View Water and Sewer District as the purveyor of water and sewer on the
cover sheet.
Response 6: Utility Purveyor information has been added to the cover page (sheet C0.00).
Correction 7: A stormwater covenant is required to be recorded against the property based on the
proposed stormwater facilities for the project. Please complete the covenant, including notarization and
any required exhibits and submit to the City. The document must be complete, but will not be recorded
prior to permit issuance. Prior to construction final location of facilities are to be verified (by field inspection
and asbuilt) and then the covenant will be recorded.
Response 7: A covenant will be submitted to the City prior to permit issuance.
Sheet C0.10 Project and Standard Notes
Correction 1: Include construction sequence. Refer to sample on City website.
Response 1: The sequence was and is provided on sheet C0.10 (top portion of the 3rd column of
Correction 2: General Construction notes need to be revised to reflect current AWPA/WSDOT version
and add year of DOE Stormwater Manual as 201212014.
Response 2: The note has been updated per your guidance.
Correction 3: Revise note #19 to reflect the project drainage system.
Response 3: The note has been revised.
Correction 4: Provide Utility Purveyor information. See City of Edmonds E-28 EUC Handout for guidance.
Add City of Edmonds as Stormwater purveyor.
Response 4: Utility Purveyor information has been added to the cover page (sheet C0.00).
Sheet C2.0 Temporary Erosion Sediment Control Plan
Correction 5: Please address tesc along the frontage. Sidewalk along Highway 99 property frontage shall
remain open except as needed to perform specific activities such as sidewalk replacement and utility
connections. Add note to plans that the existing sidewalk frontage improvements shall be maintained as
long as possible during the course of construction.
Response 5: The TESC measures have been expanded along the street frontage. Trees to be
removed have been identified.
Correction 6: Show job shack location, if any.
Response 6: The staging area has been labeled.
Correction 7: Tree protection measures are to be shown on this plan. Where trees are to be maintained
barrier fencing shall be placed at the drip line of the tree in order to protect the root system. If trees are to
be removed, please note on plans.
Response 7: Tree protection fencing has been added around trees to be protected in the vicinities
of work areas.
Correction 8: Add note: Install and maintain all TESC measures according to approved plans, City of
Edmonds standard details, and all other measures that may be required during construction.
Response 8: Note added as requested.
Correction 9: Add note: All disturbed areas to be compost amended per 2014 SWMMWW BMP T.5.13.
Response 9: Note added as requested.
Sheet C2.11 TESC Details
Correction 1: Add note: All TESC measures shall be installed consistently with City of Edmonds Standard
Response 1: Note added as requested.
Sheet C3.00 Demolition Plan
Correction 1: Note #2 — please determine the trees to remain and those to be removed. Label.
Response 1: Trees to be removed have been identified.
Correction 2: Add notes showing the frontage improvements that will be demolished and removed.
Response 2: Notes added to reflect the final proposed frontage changes.
Correction 3: For road widening, c/g and sidewalk improvements or development of an alley, cross
sections through ROW shall be provided.
Response 3: A roadway profile is provided on sheet C5.00, and right-of-way sections are provided
on sheet C5.11
Correction 4: HWY 99 zone requires 5 ft landscape strip (streetscape strip) and 5-10 ft sidewalks, street
tree grates shall be placed in streetscape at 45 ft on center.
Response 4: The attached drawings have been updated to reflect the approved design review
plans for the frontage along HWY 99. The plans show a 5' streetscape zone, a 10'-4" sidewalk
zone, and a 3'-0" activity zone with street trees located 40' on center.
Correction 5: Add a note to the plans: Existing failing, damaged or non-ADA compliant frontage
improvements shall be removed and replaced as determined by the City Engineering Inspector.
Response 5: Note added as requested.
Correction 6: Add note to plans: Utility patches with less than 20 feet of separation shall be combined and
full width or half width overlay will be required depending on the extent of disturbance. Where utility
patches fall entirely within one travel lane, the overlay shall extend to the centerline of roadway. Where
utility patches extend into both travel lanes then a full width overlay is required.
Response 6: Note added as requested.
Sheet C4.10 Grading and Drainage and Utility Plan
Correction 1: The sewer is only shown right at the new building. Please show where the sewer
connection originates. Provide an invert elevation at that point to show the 2% slope requirement is met.
Response 1: The sewer labeling has been updated and a separate sheet has been prepared for
review by OVWSD.
Sheet C5.11 Street Frontage Improvements Section and Detail
Correction 1: Add City of Edmonds Standard Details for Sidewalk and Curb/Gutter.
Response 1: Per discussions with city staff, the shown WSDOT standard details provided are
understood to be acceptable.
Correction 2: The sidewalk cannot encompass the telephone pole at the south end of the property.
Please reduce the sidewalk to 5 ft in width to pass the pole and connect with the 5 ft sidewalk on the
adjacent property.
Response 2: Sidewalk has been revised to not encompass pole at south end of the property, refer
to attached updated plans.
Sheet X of X — Traffic Control
Correction 1: Please submit a traffic control plan for review and approval. If applicable, individual plans
shall be provided for all stages of work to be completed on Highway 99. Include pedestrian control plan as
well as traffic control plan
Response 1: Refer to attached traffic control plan.
Correction 2: Disruption fees will be charged for closure of sidewalk areas. Clearly specify areas of
closure and indicate timeframe(s) for which you request closure.
Response 2: Refer to attached traffic control plan for the above requested information.
Plannina Division Review — Michael Cluaston. Senior Planner
Correction 1: Design Review: The building permits cannot be issued until staff completes its review of the
project in PLN20190029. All corrections for that permit must be tracked through the associated building
permits and any conditions imposed by the design decision must be tracked through revisions to the
building permit applications.
Response 1: Permit drawings have been updated to reflect the approved plans from the design
review for the project, PLN20190029.
Site Improvements (BLD20190884)
Correction 2: Frontage Improvements: Update the frontage improvements along Highway 99 as shown
on the draft plan reviewed by staff on August 7"h.
Response 2: Frontage improvements have been updated to reflect the approved plans from the
design review for the project PLN20190029.
Thank you,
Ellen Hagen