RESPONSE _COMMENTS_TO_ENG2.pdfWe'stern ,Engineeffr,,!,;,,, Incal, SURVEYORS � PLANNERS - UAGNHW,� .. ............ . Aprit 12,2013 C'ity of Edmonds 121 5"' AVCHU(' N01-141 Ech-norids, WA 98020 13000 n: fighway 99 Soufl—i ' Everett, Was h i ng t(.,) ri 982,04 (425) 356-2700 SubJect: 2ud Engiriecring Permit Plaii-ning corri-nients Dear M,,,. Lambert: [�AX (425) 356,2708 As you requested, this cover letter addresses your comments to Perkins Building Permit. Based on Your COMRIC11.1 letter dated March 20, 2013, we are addressing your comments in order. Plot Plan: 1, Per phoneconversation, Lill existitig , and 1--)roposed s(ort-ri and utilities have been turn back on:[lir the Plot Plan, Grading - ,and TESt,'...Plari: 2. The impervious area olthe new driveway located in the Daley Street right -or -way area has been added to thc impervious area calculations, In order to maintain a total impervious arca under 2,250 sf., a pervious driveway has been proposed for a 50% impervious area reduction. 3, 'riic clearing Iiiiiit line, not the sit[ fence, has been removed from the tree protection fencing area along with a note to grind stumps down for existing trees to be removed but leave the existing root system. Storm: 3, Due to (he new driveway being designed with pervious nialerials, comment no longcr applies. 4. Revised building plat -is (rave been submitted with the revised drawings which show the new patio and dcck areas matching what's shown oil the civils. 5. All looting drains have been. connecting downstream of the existing detention facility. Rockery: t. All fooling drains 1.1,avc been drown cotwccting downstrearti. of the existing d(Jention facility. . . . ........ . . .... . . ........ ...... LAW LJSI�', CONSULTANTS * CIVII, LANO SURVI'NOR�'S* E.INNUINEERING CORPORATION R A I O )��1-71RVFR%2007\0 /36 � CTIN(10"" I NR FS I I( )),N I �, DOC "I �3()Oo 1, hg[-iway 99 Soudi EvemA( WashNgton 98204 'Wepsterwov . . .......... -- ...... ......... . ......... ...... ..... .. ... . (425) 156 2700 FAX (425) 356-2708 .0ingineers Ifyou have, any quoMions about 0-te revised (Jr",Ivvhq�'s please (""all 1-ne" Sincerely, We Engineers, Inn. ibesse Janell, RE. PrQect Manager I, i\ I"I co ff S t -j l.,Tz\ C f V N L EIII (3d 11I -. WD SUR VHYORS R A I I )S I dRV EI,,'QOOAO I S61C�FNGV�'�" EHP i KE"'TONS DOC